"If it's not director Ding's personal preference for you this time, it means that director Ding is very satisfied with your work in Boston! I want to know something about it It is not only Gao Bo who is interested in this matter, but also the whole faction!

Song Tianren just frowned, "Uncle Gao, I can say something, but I don't know if I will offend the director! There are quite a few things involved in this. Naturally, I don't have many problems. It mainly involves those two guys. The director has a little bias towards me, but for them, they are actually more attentive! "

Out of consideration of his own and reality, song Tianren naturally is also truthful, and has nothing to hide!

Gao Bo's hand holding the teacup was slightly stiff, so he also moved twice! Try to ease yourself a little bit! "That means it's going to upset the balance, right?"

"Absolutely! Uncle Gao, I have already revealed quite a clue! What's the point? It's no big deal! " However, song Tianren has not been said to speak, Gao Bo is directly lifting another hand!

"You wait, I'll think about it first!"

"It seems that I'm a little bit abrupt here!" After thinking about it, Gao Bo said it truthfully!

"It's nothing, actually!" Song Tianren was comforted and said, "all along, the director has not let us back. I think it should be the reason for this, but now he is back! It means that the thread has been removed! Uncle Gao, this matter is actually very simple! " Another hint!

Looking at Song Tianren's action, Gao Bo suddenly had an idea, "you brought Jackson and Zhan Zhao back! Is it suitable? "

Song Tianren did not speak, but raised his thumb at Gao Bo! "The two of them? Jackson is from the Boston consortium, which is really beyond my control. As for brother cat, he was originally found by me! And some things are more convenient for him! "

"Now that I'm back! Then be modest and don't be too proud! You boy! The future is still very bright, so cherish the time around director Ding Yuding! Such an opportunity has been missed! You won't have it again! "

At the beginning, although song Tianren was sent in, we all know that it was the kind of reading with the prince. But who could have thought that he could still have such an opportunity! Now everyone is envious of this!

This is not to say how much capital you have, or how smart you can get! It's just a kind of chance. Director Ding is in love with it! That's not to say, if director Ding didn't value it, ha ha!

"Uncle Gao, I'll treat you in the evening! But the dining room may be the dining room! There are so many people out there, but I don't know if the things in the canteen are in line with your taste, uncle Gao! "

"No more food! You can eat it any time! The ingredients on this side of the farm are now on sale! Although the quantity is still not so much, it can still be purchased! "

"Uncle Gao, you just came here!"

"Just before, Lao Huang came to check on his work. I'll say hello to him! As for you! It's better to stay here, but if you want to, send me a car! "

"No! Uncle Gao, I don't know how ungrateful I am? I don't want to carry this pot

"It doesn't have anything to do with it. I'm just passing by to see you this time. There's quite a lot of work to deal with there. You! It's just a by-pass! " Gao Bo also said a word of comfort!

"Well, then! Anyway, I don't have anything to do here. I'll go with Uncle Gao! No mouth, but eyes and ears. It's good to see and listen more. Uncle Gao, don't you think? "

"It's not impossible! let's go! You don't have to waste time! You have more things to do, and so do I! "

Gao Bo's arrival has caused a little bit of noise, but the news is not as big as you can imagine. It can only be said that it is very general! Even if song Tianren cooperated with Gao Bo later, it was the same!

However, Gao Bo returned to the capital the next day!

"I talked to Tianren for a few words. Tianren didn't explain the reason. After all, director Ding Yuding is still there! But from the conversation with Tianren, I have some guesses! Although Tianren didn't disclose the relevant things, there are still some hints about it! "

"Lao Gao, you are bad at learning! Everyone's eyes are about to fall off now! You're still cheating

Perhaps also saw the discontent of the public, Gao Bo gently laughed, "this time back, Tianren is back! Even with Jackson and Zhan Zhao are back! But Jackson is a member of the Boston consortium, and his identity can be said to be particularly special! He came back with Tianren. There should be director Ding's meaning. But what about the others? Director Ding is not so concerned! " Speaking of this, Gao Bo also tapped the table with his hand!"Zhan Zhao also came back with him!" Someone has raised a considerable objection to this!

"Zhan Zhao is because there are no acquaintances around Tianren, and Zhan Zhao has quite rich social experience. It is not necessary to leave Zhan Zhao alone in the United States. But in addition, other people stay in the United States, even stay in New York, and never go to Boston! It is quite clear! "

"I'll go, 30 million dollars! Tianren gave up like this? Or have you got a pretty good deal? "

"Give up? It is impossible. This is the test of director Ding for them, saying give up and give up! There are so many too many children's plays! But do I feel personally? It should be that Tianren has jumped out of this shackle! " Gao Bo is very firm.

The public also silence a little time, heard Gao Bo continue to say.

"Did Tianren really jump out of this shackle? You know that's not a small number. There are not many people who can resist it! "

"I think this is why director Ding Yuding asked Tianren to come back! Because no one can resist, it is 30 million, and still the United States dollars, no matter how much or less, director Ding has no intention to care about. In such a case, how many people can wake up? "

"That is to say, Tianren is not only not addicted to it, but it is a step closer. Instead of being a slave to that money, he is in charge of the money. So it can be said!"

"I think it can be mentioned like this! What about Tianren? He did not indulge in it, but he was able to stand at a considerable height to deal with the problem! For director Ding, his request never cost much money, and how much money he earned, just need to know the way! "

"Like the style of director Ding, it is difficult to cultivate Tianren and become director Ding. We are willing to do it! But the question is how much is the possibility? I think it's better to forget! "

The crowd also helplessly laughed up, the possibility of becoming talented still has so some, but if said to become Dingyu that way, still forget! This is really not a question of talent! It's impossible!

It is just that Dingyu has a fierce flame, and it can not be borne by a force. If it is the faction behind Ding Yu, I am afraid it has become dust at this time! But it's also great like song Tianren! The future is up to now!

You know that is 30 million of the real gold and silver! Song Tianren so quickly free from the slave of money! People also feel very shocked, who can think of director Ding Yuding this guy unexpectedly to find a new way, with such a hand?

But think about it. If you really wake up the other two people, is it really appropriate? We should know that Ding Yu has put considerable efforts on them, even enough strength. In such a case, if someone has destroyed it! Dingyu is not so simple as rage then!

"Let's talk to both of them! They are in a hurry now. If we really hinder director Ding, we will not talk very well! " The person sitting in the middle, also speak in a deep voice! "As for how they will arrange, this matter has not much to do with us!"

"How can I arrange it? This is the matter! It is really not good to arrange, arranged, then wake up the two of them! But wake up and self-awareness are two levels! And wake up them two, is to intervene in director Ding Yuding's arrangement, so they now! It's just a rush! "

Soon this side also passed the message to the past, after the transmission, did not smell it! What else do you want? We are all benevolent! OK or not? This situation has revealed to you the past! Can say is mutual help!

The other two forces behind the news in the know, there are so many calm, more is the gas has so some liver pain! Why? Song Tianren jumped out of this shackle, but what about the two of their family? It's still in the pit now!

Now is the notice? Improper, really inappropriate, informed that is to dingyuding director's arrangement to interfere, then Dingyu directly abandon the son, who to reason? But not to inform? Look at it with a babble eye. Is it more inappropriate?

After all, it is different from foreign countries! Songtianren went to the farm, and the relevant news was sent as if it were running water. Although it was on the farm, songtianren seemed to have not stopped too much.

But to say, this guy is going to make a fuss, but there is no other action. Everything is in his eyes, so far! Neither to Ding Yu where to report, nor to their behind the force of the meaning, this guy is completely to give himself as a visitor!

Look at the performance of songtianren, and then look at two disgraceful things in his own family. The depressed spirit in my heart can be said to be nowhere to distribute. If songtianren is elsewhere, it can be better, but it is under the eyes of everyone!This is really disturbing! Are the same batch, why you song Tianren so excellent?

I really want to close my eyes and ignore anything, but what about the farm? It's really that we can't let go of this heart. Why? We all look at the changes of the farm. Your personal experience is totally different from your observation afterwards! It can't be compared at all!

But how should this matter be mentioned with Ding Yu? If you really want to mention it, will director Ding directly put two people back? It's hard to guarantee! After all, other people can't do such a thing, but for director Ding, it's simply a pediatric problem, OK?

In other words, there is nothing that director Ding Yuding dare not do! What about the past? He just gives everyone a so-called face, but it doesn't mean that he really cares about it. If he doesn't give you this face, what can you do? Nothing can be done! Can only be helplessly watching!

What's more, if Ding Yu is really biased towards the two secretaries, it's better. However, there is a saying that Ding Yu has no bias in dealing with the two secretaries. At least, we can't say a word!

It can be said that there is no difference between Song Tianren and song Tianren. It is not the result of Ding Yu's deliberate effort to get rid of song Tianren. Therefore, if you use such a statement to find Ding Yu, I'm afraid it will not be as simple as touching a snuff of ashes at that time!

But you can't do nothing, just in a hurry, right? What should I do?

In fact, there are two ways, or what? Take Ding Yu's road, or what? Is to inform the other two guys in private, so that they wake up as soon as possible, there is no other way! Now, it is quite unrealistic for us to think that they can wake up! At least for the time being, they can't do it!

It's hard to do, and it's not so hard to do!

However, director Ding Yuding can let song Tianren come back, or even get involved in the affairs of the farm. Let's just say that! He should have considerable consideration. This guy seems to be ruthless, but it doesn't mean that this guy is really inhumane!

"Sister Su!" Although I haven't figured out what kind of way and method to use for the time being, it's not wrong to pay a visit to Su Yuan! It's good to walk around Madame's route! "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing? I had a chat with my grandson and granddaughter for a long time

"Elder sister, I've heard that the children at home are lovely, but it's always hard to see them. Elder sister, we have to see them, right? You can't always hide at home as a baby

"Come back recently! But Xiaogang went to the farm, and didn't know what to do. The two of the eldest went back to see the two old people! I'm afraid I won't be able to come back for a while and a half! " Su Yuan said without salt or salt!

The visitor immediately understood what it meant! It's no wonder that elder sister Su was in a bad mood. After the child came back, she didn't come to the capital immediately. Instead, she went to Ding Yu's adoptive father and adoptive mother. Therefore, the elder sister's spirit is quite poor. It can be seen that director Ding Yu's feelings for his adoptive father and adoptive mother are not ordinary!

But think about it, it seems reasonable. Director Ding Yu is really young, but he is definitely a long-term lover! The grace of procreation and nurture is also very clear.

However, from the heart, it is really not the general envy, why do not have such a child? Don't say to lose one, even if you lose ten or eight, you will have half of the result of director Ding Yuding in the future. The family is also willing!

But director Ding Yuding has not come up with one for many years!

People really can be on the horse for the general, off the horse can enter the phase, this is not praise, but really!

Only director Ding's development direction is different! But even so, what can it do? How many people still need to see director Ding's face to act, just like this time! Why did you come? Is the reason not clear enough?

"Chun'er, it's very difficult to do it!" Su Yuan, who knew his intention, was also difficult to do!

"Elder sister, we really have no way! That's why I came to see you, and see if there are other ways? No one knows what kind of attitude director Ding is! The heart is very flustered

"What about this? To arrange for two children, it must not work! It's not appropriate! However, I think it's OK to communicate with the boss and see what his opinions are! What do you say? "

"Elder sister, we are all very anxious, but no one can disturb director Ding!"

Su Yuan thought about it for a while, but he really didn't mean to speak because he knew what kind of problems were involved in it. However, if the matter could be communicated well, it would definitely be beneficial to the whole Wang family! What's more, it's the one that benefits a lot!But will the eldest son agree with this? To a certain extent, this is an infringement on the interests of the eldest son! Who knows what the eldest son thinks? Hard to say!

But for this matter, Su Yuan really wanted to have a try! If you don't try, how can you know what will happen next? At least try, there is a considerable possibility!

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