Take a look at the time on his watch, the eldest son should not sleep at this time! Personal character is too obvious, even if you have not met people, also know his related aspects of the habit!

However, Su Yuan didn't make this call in person, but made a call to Wang Yang and asked him to come over with Xiaobao!

In the process of waiting for Wang Yang and Xiao Bao, Su Yuan is also thinking about why he should agree to Chuner. It is not that there is no reason at all! There is considerable consideration in this!

Why was song Tianren's message delivered? And why? Is it still such a coincidence? There are even so many people can't laugh or cry!

If he wants to hide anything, he can't believe it! What's more, when I was in Boston at the beginning, I would never have entertained him because he was Xiao Bao's friend. How could he not know how hospitable his eldest son was? This is not in line with common sense!

Under such circumstances, I feel that the eldest son still shows some rugged paths. However, his usual conduct makes everyone far away. Ordinary people really dare not get close to them! Therefore, ordinary people dare not make this judgment!

And judging from Su Yuan's judgment, what about the eldest son? Also hold a dispensable attitude, although said to leave a path, but find it? It's your luck. If you don't find it, it seems that there is not too much loss for the eldest son! It doesn't matter!

After all, Su Yuan decided to take over the work. After all, it was very good for the Wang family. Under such circumstances, why not do it? However, the reason why Wang Yang and Xiao Bao come back is not to say that this matter can not be contacted, but that they have some other considerations!

"Chun'er, song Tianren has gone to the farm. We all know about this, but we don't know about the relevant situation. After he went to the farm, although he said that everyone saw all the things in their eyes, they just saw it in their eyes, and Tianren did nothing about it!"

"Elder sister, I know that Tianren's farm related matters are all in our eyes and in our hearts! The performance can be said to be motionless! I don't want to be involved in the farm business, just have a look

In fact, we all know how to deal with it! It's just to make it clear!

Wang Yang and Xiao Bao didn't come at the same time! This actually made Su Yuan a little puzzled. After all, now two people are Meng Bu Jiao, Jiao Bu Meng. How can this be regarded as a thing today? However, she nodded to Lin Qiuyan. She came with Wang Yang. She was quite satisfied with her daughter-in-law!

"Ma, aunt Chun!"

With Lin Qiuyan yelled together, Wang Yang did down, but Lin Qiuyan did not sit down, but to busy! You can sit down when you should, but you should not sit down by yourself. If you sit down, you will be laughed at! It seems that there is no quality and tutoring! When the time comes, it will be the Wangs!

"Where's Xiaobao? Where have you been lazy

"Xiaogang called earlier, let Xiaobao take two people to the past!" For this matter, Wang Yang is quite helpless, "they said, don't want me to be a father! If Xiaobao has time, he can go and have a look! So Xiaobao is ready

Yeah? Su Yuan's heart is not so good, the whole waist is also straight up, "don't let you be a father in the past, but let Xiaobao pass. What does your elder brother want?"

"I called my great nephew and my great niece, and they both said it! Xiao Gang has never experienced it, so this time I arranged 10 days for him to have a good understanding of the pain! Try it! Generally speaking, this is the case. Considering that the two of them have no way to go back now, let Xiaobao take them to have a look

"I..." Su Yuan asked for his back teeth. At this time, he really wanted to scold his mother. What does Dingyu want to do? How old is Xiaogang? How old is he? How cruel and heavy he is! "What does he want? What's the matter? Think he's God, right? What has the final say? "

"Elder sister, please calm down first."

Wang Yang laughed bitterly, "Mom, the situation is not so serious! Big brother is also for the sake of Xiaogang! "

"Good, motherfucker!" Su Yuan felt that he could not control his emotions at all, and even began to scold, "is this guy's heart really cool? Xiao Gang is his nephew. Can he do this? What is he trying to do? I don't object to educating children. I support it, but there is no such way! "

"Mom, you calm down, the specific situation is not so clear, may not be as serious as we imagined!"

"Hum! Not as serious as imagined, even his own son! He can do it. It's his nephew's turn! Do you think he can't do it? You underestimate your brother too muchOn the one hand, Su Yuan was really angry, on the other hand? There are also some posturing! However, when the woman next to her saw this situation, she was also kind enough to comfort Su Yuan! Don't you care? It's also a little sad!

Ding Yu's children are of course very excellent, which is obvious to all of 49 cities! But what about Ding Yu's education? We really don't know much, we can only make it clear! Like the baby sitter! Another example is the farm side and so on!

Where's the baby sitter? This question? It is really not the average family can bear, every year's funds are an astronomical number, and play a guiding role, as for the value of how to measure, this problem needs to see their own understanding!

As for education on the farm side? To a certain extent, it is really not criticized by everyone, but inside? It's really painful to put it at home? Are obedient good baby, we are holding in the palm of the hand, but to Ding Yu there, good guy, directly to kick into the soil inside! Even need to roll two rolls!

However, due to Ding Yu's reasons, we can only turn around. Of course, we can't see anything. Otherwise, what should we do? To fight with Ding Yu? Just like joking, don't think about such a thing! It's impossible! You know, in order to be able to enter the summer camp and winter camp on the farm, you have already broken your head!

Under such circumstances, to offend Ding Yu, do not joke, OK?

And from today's situation, not only to the children on the farm like this, even in the treatment of their own children, Ding Yu is merciless that kind! Even elder sister Su Yuan is angry about this! Although there may be some affectation, it can still explain quite a problem!

"Elder sister, children exercise, in fact, it's very good!"

"Good?" Su Yuan also suddenly turned to look at his sister, and chun'er was shocked. "Wang Yang, go and take that atlas to me. It's in the U disk at the head of my bed. Let Chuner have a look at it. It's all a situation."

When the U-disk came over, Su Yuan also took up the tablet computer and read it, "chun'er, have a look! Take a look at how he is a father to educate his children. Now it's Xiaogang's turn! I! ...。”

Looking at the above pictures and some video materials, Cai Chun can't help shaking his head. Director Ding! It's really not the general ruthlessness! Want to know that is his own child, he can go under such heavy hand, how cruel and heartless this heart, for the sake of the child? We all know, but it shouldn't be!


Although there are some opinions in my heart, it doesn't mean that I can judge at will. After all, he is the son of others, although he is angry! But what about that? He was born, but he was just an outsider!

"It's pathetic and simple, I say! His brain is broken! What's more, the bottom is broken! "

When Su Yuan expressed his indignation, Xiaobao came in and saw the atmosphere in the room. He could not help but stop his own pace. What's the situation? Look at this meaning, the aunt seems to have some fury! Is it because I came a little late? Shouldn't it?

"Is Xiaobao here?" Su Yuan said hello, but the voice is not as angry as imagined!

While sitting down, Xiaobao also took a look at Wang Yang. What's the situation? Looking at Wang Yang's mouth shape, Xiaobao immediately understood. He just went to arrange the staff for the elder brother and the children! Xiao Gang's business, of course, I need to pay attention to it! More importantly, go to the farm by yourself!

What about Xiao Gang? To a certain extent, it's just an excuse. Everyone knows how it happened! What's important? Or Xiaobao went to the farm, and still pointed out to take two people there. If there is no situation in this, I'm afraid even ghosts will not believe it!

"How are you doing there?"

"I don't know? I want to call Xiao Gang, but I can't get in touch with him! There is no contact on the farm side, saying that I will talk about the specific situation after I arrive. Obviously, the shackles have been put on! I don't know what kind of performance Xiaogang will look like. I have already reserved the ticket! "

"Now the time is almost the same. You two will call your elder brother and ask about the child. I'll find him and other things." After that, Su Yuan nodded! Wang Yang and Xiaobao immediately understood how things happened, so they didn't have any meaning to ask more!

Contact Ding Yu is not a very difficult thing, at least at this time!

"Big brother, Xiao Gang's business has brought you trouble! Xiao Bao went to arrange the staff earlier! The tickets are all reserved! Where are you going tonight! However, he really doesn't have too many regulations, and there are some misunderstandings about it from Mom, but she has other things to do with you! ""I see! I was going to let you go with Xiaobao about the farm, but Xiaogang is there! It's not suitable for you to be a father! "

Although the elder brother said is very light, but for Wang Yang, the heart is really a little sour taste, it is not to say that he has any opinions on the elder brother, and really did not, because he has so many distressed sons! As for the farm side, you and Xiaobao can go over one at random!

To be sure, the elder brother really didn't say to his nephew, that is, his own son. He even couldn't find out any problems with his father! What about Xiao Gang? Is also very well educated, but after all is his son, see his small face, he really can not bear!

So big brother did not let himself go, but also out of considerable consideration!

"Brother, don't worry. I understand. But my mother didn't understand this matter very well. Originally, I didn't agree with your way of educating your children. Now Xiaogang comes out again. You can imagine it!"

"Xiaobao, just listen to Luo Xuan's arrangement after you go! What about other things? Do it yourself

"No! Big brother Xiao Bao also called out, "you are still..."

"No time!" Ding Yu was very dissatisfied and said, "give the phone to mom! I'll say something to her

Su Yuan received the phone, but also went to the window position, not sitting on the sofa!

"There are so many people in my family recently. The event of Tianren's return has caused quite a stir. We all have different opinions and views on this matter! No one knows what you think? "

Ding Yu said, "I arranged this thing. To be exact, I arranged song Tianren's going back. But I didn't arrange his coming back from New York. It can only be said that this guy is still monkey spirit's! Have your own chance

"Can you say it?" Su Yuan asked tentatively!

"There is nothing that cannot be said!" Ding Yu's answer is also very casual! "The three of them came to my side, and I gave them considerable resources to cultivate them, but what was the ultimate purpose of their coming to me? It is not to say that it is to learn, but to use these resources to find the so-called self! In other words, control these resources, not be controlled by them! "

Hiss! ... Su Yuan really took a breath. His eldest son's words were really exaggerated! Although they have this aspect of speculation, but guess is a thing, the eldest son said it is another thing!

"How dare you make such a big bet?"

"It doesn't matter what the stakes are. Song Tianren, a rabbit, has considerable ambition and is also a ghost spirit. He can jump out in such a short time. Whether it is himself or other reasons, he always jumps out. This is not easy. So he was sent to the farm, on the one hand, to let him settle down. After all, his mood is not so good Stable, what's more? It's also a kind of reward! This is roughly the case! "

"Tianren has come back! I believe that everyone has a considerable speculation about him, and even the power behind him should be out of a clear situation about this matter! But what about the two of them? Let's just let them just hang around in New York? Does this seem biased? "

"Hehe, I can't bear it! It seems that some of them look too high on them

"What are you talking about?" Su Yuan was also discontented and muttered, "don't say anything sarcastic there. You are also a father. You don't care about the children in the family at all. There is Xiaogang. He was a little older. When you were with two children, I didn't say anything, but now

"Mom, what about this? I have considerable consideration! " Ding Yu did not have any hesitation, directly blocked the road! "It's not appropriate to let Wang Yang come here, and it's easy to be gossiped about. It's very easy to get away from it. Xiaobao's side is different! And there won't be too much involvement! "

Words are like this, but the feelings can not understand, this is another thing! So Su Yuan felt that there was some air blockage! This eldest son really did not leave any affection, is this really good? I'm still a mom? From this, we can imagine what it is like for the eldest son to talk to an outsider!

"I can't tell you! Xiao Gang's business can be placed a little bit, but what about the other two? They are ants on the hot pot now! Just watching

"So what do they want?" Ding Yu is still that pair of disapproval attitude, "or let them come back? Anyway, I personally don't matter! They can be anywhere they are! "

"Speak up!" Su Yuan's business is so big that even Cai Chun, who is not far away, hears it! But just to support their own ears, really did not see! Because this matter oneself even if is anxious also does not have too many methods!"It's not a matter of whether or not to speak, but the actual situation is like this."

"I know what you think, but what about this? For the forces behind the two of them, there are some who can't sit still! You are also a father and elder, you should know the feelings! People put a lot of expectation into them, don't they? "

"So what?" Ding Yu's attitude is not to enter the oil and salt industry! "They don't want to, I don't want to! Of course, if they want to, let them write me a check! "

Get it! Ding Yu is really a word to be connected to the south wall!

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