The negotiation with many forces really made the performance of orange and apricot extremely excited. Due to Mr. Zhang's reason, the orange apricot didn't make the conditions so harsh. They joined the farm and they were one of their own! Although there is no need for official business in the future, this relationship is of great benefit to the farm!

What's more, I can take advantage of this opportunity to have a good relationship with China's domestic forces!

So tangerine and apricot also put the conditions there. How do you want to fight for it is your own business. Anyway, there are so many shares to be bought back. If you can balance it by yourself, it will be better! If you can't put it right, then set up an auction, and whoever gets it will win it! Everyone in the province is not satisfied!

Don't say, orange apricot play this hand is really let everyone feel that there are so some can not start! Why? Tangerine and apricot set out the conditions to let them bite each other. If so, why did you see us earlier? Good guy, we've got a good idea of us!

So now all the things have been pushed over, so that we really have some numbness feeling! This woman really can't be underestimated, but think about it, she can be valued by director Ding Yuding, and even can take over the position of Li Fuzhen, which is definitely not a vase!

Threatening orange and apricot? Just kidding! Let's not mention the director Ding Yu behind the orange apricot. He is aiming at the location of the orange apricot on the farm. No one dares to move her. If you move the orange apricot, you still want to join the farm and not shave you clean! I'm afraid Ding Yu, director of the University, will not be satisfied! Because that's hitting him in the face!

So we also put out to find the meaning of orange and apricot! First of all, self-study, if you can deal with the word, better, put uneven words, then bid a bar! But the latter is more likely. Why? With so many forces, how can we achieve the so-called balance, especially when no one is in charge!

Don't look at now are mutual approach, but this kind of approach, is not much effect! And now the approach, to a greater extent, is to explore each other's bottom line! This is the most important thing in the current situation!

But what about the forces? Wang's family is not included. We are indifferent to this. What can we do if we ask? Who are the Wangs? Who is Ding Yu? Don't you know? Know can be said to be clear, but know to know, but really no one dare to put this matter on the surface!

This thing can't get above the surface at all, even if it's on the surface, what can we do? Call Ding Yu director biased? They are biased! This is the obvious thing! What's more, if such a time is not biased, when will it be biased? Is it true that director Ding Yuding's heart is made of iron and stone?

Even if Ding Yu's heart is made of iron, and the influence of Wang family's side doesn't hinder director Ding's anything. Even if Ding Yu's director is dissatisfied, everyone will push Ding Yu to that position, because there is no force more suitable than the Wang family! With the Wang family to do this guarantee, other forces will have a sense of peace of mind!

At least there is no need to worry about this matter in other aspects!

"Mom, the general problems on the farm have been solved!"

Wang Yang peeked at his mother and found that the mother's mood was not so good, mainly because the three children ran away? They didn't stay at home for a long time, and even during this period of time at home, there was no time to be honest!

How could a mother, who already had considerable opinions, have no opinion at all? But it's not the fault of three children, is it? I want to target the elder brother, but the problem is that he didn't go back to China. He is still in the United States at this time!

I'm only left at home to fight against thunder. What should I do? Wang Yang also felt that there were so many bitter things in his mouth, but now it can only be hard to resist! Always can't let own mother hold this tone, who let oneself be a son!

"It's basically solved! That is to say, it's still a little bit short? "

Listening to his mother's insipid remarks, Wang Yang also nodded, "it's still a little bit worse. Some people want to enter, but their own power is still a little worse. Moreover, the source of funds is also quite a problem. It can be said that the farm is particularly taboo about this!"

"Well, it's like how clear his money is?"

Of course, Wang Yang understood what his mother meant by saying this, but what about this matter? They are really not very good to deal with! What's more, his mother or deliberately find fault, but after thinking about it, Wang Yang still thinks that he should be passive to bear it, can be better!

"Mom, we didn't know so much about big brother. Who knows what problems and situations are involved in it, but fortunately, brother has always been more cautious! As for this one? Elder brother didn't personally sit in town. I think there are other aspects to consider, but do you have to deal with some things? It still needs to be discussed! "Yeah! Su Yuan also nodded, but Wang Yang was relieved! This matter can not be said in depth, the same can not be shallow, said too deep? In my heart, there are also some unwillingness. After all, my elder brother didn't do anything wrong. However, my mother was not very good!

Looking at his little son's appearance, Su Yuan nodded, "your elder brother, who is so left-handed and right-handed, not only does not have any problems and conditions, but also takes advantage of this opportunity to make a good profit, and even pulls other forces into the farm side! A good abacus

"Mom, I think it's something! There is another way to say that although these people have been dragged away, what role can they play? This problem is really open to discussion. To a certain extent, there are only supervision rights and dividend rights. As for other aspects? It's almost all under the control of the farm! "

"You big brother! Sometimes it's very cruel. This time, he didn't show up, but let the orange and apricot in front of him. Even Luo Xuan didn't use much. He just asked him to take charge of some leftovers. Does Luo Xuan not have this ability? Or he doesn't look up to Luo Xuan

Wang Yang thought about it for a while, "I didn't think about it, but from the understanding, Luo Xuan is very busy, but since the arrival of orange apricot, almost all the affairs have been handed over to orange apricot, and as far as I know, Luo Xuan is very cooperative with orange and apricot!"

"Luo Xuan is very smart. I'm afraid that's why your elder brother put him on the farm. There may be other arrangements in the future, which are all uncertain! After all, there are a lot of people around you who do things, but people like Luo Xuan are not as many as you imagine! "

"But are oranges and apricots really a good choice?" Wang Yang said his doubts!

"Ju Xingzi now controls the power in Asia. Her predecessor was Li Fuzhen, but Li Fuzhen is there now! No one can say clearly what she is busy with, or even why she left office in Asia. Even many people have doubts about whether Li Fu has offended your elder brother

Wang Yang blinked his eyes. "It seems that I haven't heard of this, but the relationship between Yu Mingyue and Li Fuzhen is very good. We should be able to find out from her."

"No use!" Su Yuan snorted! There must be quite a lot of changes in this, but what are involved, I really have so many can't say clearly, even can't find out, this thing really makes people feel so strange! You know, if Li Fuzhen and her eldest son have a conflict, then she will never be so depressed!

And there is no movement in South Korea, not to mention Li Jianxi!

Strange, is really strange, Li Fu really in the back of what other things? It's not that there is no possibility in this respect. You should know that the boss has too many things hidden behind his back, so he doesn't mean to get to the surface! Even if it is at home for one of the things, also did not know too much!

It's not that the family doesn't want to know, but doesn't know what channel to understand. The boss has closed the whole thing up! What you can see is only what the boss wants to let you see. As for what the boss doesn't want to let you see, no one can see what is hidden behind his back!

Not satisfied? What about dissatisfaction? Is it possible to yell at him? What's more, can shouting solve the problem? Nothing can be solved, because the boss won't frown at all!

"Mom, I'll go to inquire about Li Fu's real affairs again."

"Don't pry! If Li Fu really betrayed your elder brother, it will never be a silent and impossible thing. Even if it is not earth shaking, it is almost the same. But now there is no movement. What does it mean that this matter is acquiesced by your elder brother and Li Fuzhen, and even the upper position of orange and apricot is the same! "

Wang Yang is very clear about the meaning of this discourse. If there is any problem and situation between Li Fu and his elder brother, orange apricot will never be so stable. In other words, the upper position of orange and apricot can only be achieved with the consent of Li Fuzhen! Otherwise, it would have been a mess!

Li Fuzhen has been in charge of Asian power for so many years. How can he not have his own confidants? If there is no hint from Li Fu Zhen, then these people can convince Ding Yu, but can they convince orange apricot? It's impossible!

"I don't know what the elder brother is getting taller. Anyway, I can't say clearly now!"

"When did your brother get it clear?" Su Yuan has so many helplessness, and some exclamations, his eldest son! Even his mother, do not know how to judge, of course, he may not care so much, and he is not so concerned about this as imagined!However, I don't have to worry about other things, but I really don't have any room to discuss about the three children's affairs. I feel that there are so many Su Yuan in the top. I also knead my head with my hand, and my blood pressure seems to come up again!

"Yes! Is there anything wrong with Xiaobao? He has been honest and powerful these days. He and song Tianren have lost any movement and sound! "

Wang Yang hesitated for a moment about his mother's question, and then he said in a low voice, "Xiaobao, this time to the farm, is the attention of big brother! As far as I know, elder brother asked Xiao Bao to teach song Tianren a lesson, which was quite effective. Moreover, he was familiar with the problems in the process! Generally speaking, this is the case. From now on, the relationship between Xiao Bao and song Tianren is quite good! "

"Your elder brother is very optimistic about song Tianren! This is quite surprising! "

Wang Yang does not understand the meaning of his mother! So he asked casually, "Mom, this thing seems to be known to all. Big brother is especially good for song Tianren, no matter what aspect it is mentioned!"

"Hum!" Su Yuan snorted slightly! "There are a lot of people you like, whether it's Enron! Chen Feng, or now the housekeeper, or Zhang you, or even Hou Tianliang and so on! But when was your big brother so high-profile? What's revealed in this is very strange. It makes people have a feeling that they can't understand. No one knows what your brother wants to do! No one can guess! I think the power behind song Tianren should have this feeling now! "

Yeah! No way! Wang Yang hasn't recovered for a long time? How do you hear that? Elder brother seems to have other views on Song Tianren? It shouldn't be! If the elder brother really has other views on Song Tianren, what is the previous foreshadowing?

"Mom, do you have a problem with song Tianren? No way

"What do you think?" Su Yuan has a white eye! "Your elder brother doesn't have opinions on Song Tianren, but song Tianren's performance, to a certain extent, should have touched your brother, and your brother's mind! Hum! Song Tianren is now precipitation, but after precipitation? What will happen again? Your elder brother is obviously laying the groundwork for something! "

"I'll go? Is song Tianren a monkey grandson? Do you need to practice in the Bagua stove? Now it's quite amazing! If it is tempered again, it will not be as simple as dazzling eyes! "

"I don't know!" Su Yuan shakes his head. He has met song Tianren, but the time is too long! I really didn't see what potential song Tianren had. At most, I felt that he was a little skinny! It looks good! This is the impression song Tianren left to himself, but what did the boss find from him?

"This is the reason why big brother let Xiaobao too much, but can Xiaobao find it?"

"Impossible!" Su Yuan asserts! "If your brother wants us to see it, we can see it. If you don't want to let everyone see it, we can't see the implication at all. And the so-called guess is based on a certain context. But from now on, the information is too little!"

"My God! This is to play the rhythm of death! Song Tianren has such a big chance? "

"Who knows? But one thing is certain. He was selected by your elder brother. At the beginning, it was really not obvious. He had some impression on him, but the impression was mostly playful and even some disrespectful! But now? Who can judge him? "

I have to admit that my mother's words are quite reasonable. Now, how many people can judge song Tianren! Of course, it doesn't mean that no one really understands some of the situations. I believe there are still some, but the people who can understand the inside information are absolutely few and few!

Song Tianren's chance is really not said! However, there is one point that needs to be explained, that is, although song Tianren said that he had this opportunity, whether he could bear it or not is really open to discussion. Big brother has a little bit of carving for him, but also needs him to have considerable power!

Otherwise, everything is just a mirror in the water!

"Mom, do you think big brother meant it? Anyway, Xiaobao is a member of the family, and he and song Tianren are at the end of each other! The relationship between each other is already a good one! You know, there are so many people now, but the people who can get close to song Tianren are not as many as they think. Apart from two guys in New York, they are Jackson and Zhan Zhao! "

"Neither Jackson nor Zhan Zhao can count! Anyway, Jackson is from the Boston consortium! And Zhan Zhao? His position is too low! And it can be used in the future, but it's too early to say what decisive role it can play

"I don't understand!" Wang Yang shakes his head!

However, she was soon attracted by the sound of high-heeled shoes knocking on the floor. Looking at the second sister who came with her two children, she immediately stood up. However, the two little nephews really didn't mean to run for themselves!Straight into their grandma's arms! It's called intimacy! When Su Yuan saw the two great grandchildren, his eyes were also shining, and soon he took them in his arms! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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