"What's the matter? The atmosphere seems a little dull! "

It seems very good to watch my mother play with her two grandchildren! Wang Yang also sighed, and then said in a low voice, "all three children have run away! Can mother not be angry? What's more, when the three of them came back, they didn't go home directly! There is no direct meeting with the capital Glancing at his mother, Wang Yang then said, "there is a lot of trouble on the farm side! It's song Tianren! It seems that it's hard to feel it. In elder brother's words, it's quite a chance

"Chance?" The canthus of Wang Li's eyes beat slightly! "I heard that word recently. It's about Taylor!"

Looking at her younger brother, Wang Li also gave a slight smile, "there is another thing, I don't know if you know that there is a child in the old Peyton family, but it has a good relationship with the eldest brother."

"Children? Not the third generation? I really don't know the news! It seems that it has not been handed down in the world! "

"Of course it's not the third generation. It's called Ge Huai! Don't ask me where the news is Wang Li picked her eyebrows. "But I knew that he had a good relationship with big brother. Although he didn't reach the level of Taylor, he didn't have much news in the past two years, but I think it will not disappear."

Su Yuan didn't really care much about the murmuring siblings, but what about the two great grandchildren? It is to arouse the interest of Su Yuan, watching them grow up day by day, it is really lovely! But at the same time, Su Yuan's heart is also so some murmurs, to know the situation at home is so special!

It's true that I have a lot of dissatisfaction with the boss! Even the way he taught his children? He has a considerable disgust and dislike, but he really has no way to deny, his ability to educate children is absolutely unique! It is also difficult for others to mention!

He can always find the best way to start, but also can find the most suitable way!

This is like he guides the first echelon, the second echelon, and even song Tianren! Don't look now is song Tianren, and the other two have not yet come out, but really wait for the other two to come out, who knows what kind of happiness it will be! Even if it's not a big surprise, it will be quite frightening!

I am very reluctant to give up. Even in front of others, I express my dissatisfaction with the boss, but it doesn't mean that I will intervene. I have never done this before!

"What about Shangnan? He's very busy with his work now? "

"I just went to see it two days ago. I was very busy with my work! I just took a day off! Also accompany two children to play a day time! I'm in a good mood, and I can keep it up to a certain extent! "

Su Yuan seems to be very casual to ask a! But it is also clear in my heart that Shangnan and Wang Li's affairs were arranged by the boss, which resolved the contradiction between the two families for so many years. This is really one thing! Of course, the general sense is like this, but from a different point of view to look at the problem!

If Shangnan didn't get into the boss's eye, would the boss match them up like this? It's obvious that the boss of Shangzhou has moved two people together! This is the most fundamental reason!

For Shangnan, the Wangs really didn't pay attention to too much, because the merchants themselves are a considerable force, and the merchants must have considerable arrangements for Shangnan. At least from the present point of view, the merchants still can't use the Wangs. Of course, if Wang's time is really needed, the Wangs will certainly support Shangnan without too much turbulence!

Do two people say it's marriage? However, there are some other problems in this marriage. However, the merchants really have a good feeling and enthusiasm for the Wang family and Ding Yu! Although Ding Yu is very indifferent and indifferent, but Ding Yu is so young that he can look at and solve problems from a certain height and angle, which can explain the problem!

This time, the businesses have also involved in the farm business, which is a kind of competition. However, there is no expectation that it can be as impossible as the Wang family. OK! Don't dream like this!

Ding Yu can give the Wang family quite preferential treatment, on the one hand, because Ding Yu is the eldest son and grandson of the Wang family, on the other hand, it reveals a signal to the outside world that there is really no relationship between Ding Yu and others!

What's more, the merchants don't want to spend the affection that was built up with difficulty because of such small things. It's a matter of good relationship with Ding Yu, but because of the interests of the farm, it's not worth the expense of human feelings! It's nothing more than spending some money. It's not a big deal!

Ding Yu didn't mean to force him! Right? If you are willing to pay, it is better. If you are not willing to pay, there is no sense of coercion. What businesses value is to join the farm. The relationship constructed may not be as strong as imagined, but at least it is added to it!

This is better than the simple friendship Ding Yu, to touch the radio some more! What about the farm? What is involved is not only money, but also a rather appropriate context! Can let everybody better communication and understanding! This is the most important thing!There is also a point, this does not involve any so-called power and money transactions, from Ding Yu began to appear until now, Ding Yu has never been involved in this aspect of things, at least in China! Is it because Ding Yu has no such power and capital? It's not like this, but Ding Yu is so smart!

He knows what can be touched and what can't be touched, because once it is contaminated, it can't be thrown away! So from the beginning, Ding Yu did not have any contamination. Otherwise, the cleaning of the farm would not be so easy and fast!

To be able to have such tolerance, Ding Yu can be said to be quite extraordinary! If Ding Yu is really willing to do something, the development of the farm must be faster and bigger than it is now. Even if we can't say anything, why, because the farm brings us too much benefit!

But Ding Yu didn't do this. Maybe the development was a little bit slow, and even there was a considerable cost in the process. But because of Ding Yu, the farm has laid a very good foundation! With a solid foundation, other problems are really easy to handle!

For the business, Wang Li naturally also knows, but know return to know, Wang Li really did not mix in too much meaning! To a certain extent, if they speak, who knows how the merchants will think about it? Shangnan is not in the capital anymore! So there's no need to get in the limelight!

This is not Wang Li's character. More often than not, Wang Li takes her children to greet her father-in-law and her mother-in-law, and then goes to the Palace Museum! Under such circumstances, no one can find any fault!

For businesses, Wang Li, the daughter-in-law, really has nothing to pick on! She didn't say much, she didn't speak much, and she didn't have any family reasons, so she swaggered and swaggered. You know, she didn't mean that she didn't have the confidence to give birth to two eldest sons, and she was also the sister of Ding Yu's director! The relationship with Ding Yu is very good!

However, Wang Li has never said much about the business, even in private. At most, she runs a little more to Shangnan, and often takes her children with her! This sometimes seems to be quite criticized, but in fact, more people are jealous!

It can be said that Wang Li is the best mentor in Shangnan and the best link between merchants and Wangs! It's not easy to do this! Although Wang Li seems careless, it's just a representation!

And the Wangs are also satisfied with their daughter! But what about being satisfied? So Su Yuan also has considerable consideration! The so-called consideration is in the body of the two children, but Su Yuan is very clear that he can not mention this matter, if he really mentioned this matter with the boss, who knows what will happen?

The eldest brother took Xiaogang to his side because he wanted to cultivate a pillar of the future for the Wang family, no matter what will happen to the Wang family in the future? As long as there is Xiaogang, we can guarantee the future of Wang family! But what about these two grandchildren? To a certain extent, they should be regarded as businessmen!

So what about this thing? He is not able to show up, there is no way to show up! But what kind of reaction will the boss have if the merchants come forward? Shangnan in the boss there is some face, but this face can play how much role, is really a matter for discussion!

Considering quite a lot, Su Yuan also put his eyes on Wang Li's body, this matter! Other people's appearance is not as appropriate as imagined, unless Wang Li comes out to find the boss himself! But even so, can the boss sell such things to Wang Li? In this regard, Su Yuan is really a little bit less than the bottom!

Wang Li is the elder brother's younger sister, Ding Ding is also the elder brother's younger sister, even the eldest brother is better for Ding Ding Ding than Wang Li! But what about Ding Ding Ding's two children? The boss didn't mean to take it with him! From this point of view, there is still a considerable gap, and not a little gap!

"The two of them are getting older now. What can Shangnan say?"

After listening to Wang Li, what she couldn't help but move! Looking at her mother, she found that her mother's eyes were still on her two children's bodies. She didn't mean to look at herself. She didn't know whether the words were intentional or unintentional. But from Wang Li's point of view, there was something in her words!

"Shangnan doesn't have so much time. The two children are in the capital now. I also stay here. The education level in Beijing is better! As for the future, it is more difficult to say for the time being! "

What Wang Li said was very vague. There was no way. She had mentioned this matter with her elder brother, who had certain views on this matter, but what about this matter? Mother is not able to come forward, if the mother comes forward, things will lead to another direction, or even an uncertain direction!

"It's good to stay here in the capital! But children should be allowed to broaden their horizons! "

Sitting on one side, Wang Yang looked at his mother and sister, and then he also looked at his two nephews. Now they don't know the sound of the sky behind their ears. They seem to be so stupid and cute! But it's good. Now? Or their own, as for the future? I really don't know about this!How much can I feel some mother and second sister's meaning! But this is the thing! It is not really as good as you can imagine! Big brother! All the children in the family have this intention, but this matter can not be solved with intention!

In other words, Su Yuan and Wang Li never mentioned this aspect again, but the mother and daughter both people know how to do it again! Now that it is clear! There's no need to talk about it again!

"Things on the farm are still more turbulent now! There are also many problems involved. I heard that some school leaders have found this side of the capital city! "

"I heard!" Wang Li holds her big son! Pinching his face, it is really fun, although the eldest son is reluctant, but what? Can he turn the sky if it is difficult?

"Although many people have been said, they are pressed down, and the noise seems to be not small, but there is no water flower! But still unremitting efforts! Obviously, I still expressed quite dissatisfaction with some things, but it only represents some people, and it doesn't work much! "

"Understand that there are some people, but the same also have quite a short-sighted generation! And such people are not in a small number, can be said that someone tempted them, but such things should still see their own problems, is there so many too too take for granted, or they have problems? "

"There are problems in itself, and there are quite a number of reasons outside. Plus brother? There are also some indulgent ones in this, so there will be quite a problem! For the elder brother, it also took advantage of such an opportunity to remove the unstable forces and deepen his control over the farm! "

This remark is a little bit stiff! But no matter Su Yuan or Wang Yang, they can't say anything! It is true that such words are not convenient to say, but this is the most practical situation!

"Brother made good relations in all aspects, and at the same time, he made the farm quite stable. Even in his own respect, he not only had no loss, but also made use of such an opportunity to earn a considerable amount of funds. As for the saved funds, it can be applied to other aspects, and it is a good chess at the end!"

Su Yuan smiled slightly, and Wang Li had no feeling, such things were the common sense of things!

"Your brother! The matter is handled comprehensively, so that all aspects can not say one so come! There are really some feeling of cutting tofu with a knife! " Su Yuan does not have too much fear, even if said and how can I? In his own home, and Dingyu is his son!

Wang Yang smiled bitterly, he really dare not be so casual! There is no way, big brother to give their own pressure is really so big! And after a look at this matter, if I am in such a position, can I handle the matter so mellow? Something impossible at all!

Push the boat! Then, we use the strength to fight, we are not only unwilling to have nothing, even willing!

If you can, I really want to change with Xiaobao, but it is good to think about such a thing! Impossible things at all, if you are on the farm, then it will not be just a simple statement! Even many things will become a difficult task!

"Mom, when will brother come back! There was no news of him, and I didn't know what was going on? "

"What's the matter? Who knows what your brother is doing? Just get some kids back! Then a few children ran for him, the adult! There is no time to sit at home! "

Listen to mother to big brother's dissatisfaction, Wang Li and Wang Yang looked at one eye! But Su Yuan's words are obviously not finished! Looking at his son, Su Yuan looked up and down a few eyes, Wang Yang also has so many sit up and down difficult to be safe, what is mother this is the eye, how to put things on their head? Because the eyes are so weird!

"Mom, is there anything else?" Wang Yang has so little tension!

"Nothing, I feel like you and Qiuyan are so monotonous! And the family is just such a child, is there so few! In the future, I have no company with you. You should know about your elder brother, even your second sister! "

What? How to count on your head again! Wang Yang looked at her sister, Wang Li has a considerable interest in this matter, even now also stood on the side of her mother, this is a good moment! Wang Yang is a state that can not be retreated!

"Mom, I will hold on to this matter, but I need to discuss with Qiuyan. Xiaogang is really lonely!" Wang Yang really doesn't want to hold her mother's meaning, but also in his heart, but this thing is not really one can do, OK? Need two people to cooperate with each other!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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