"Sir, the domestic disturbance has gradually calmed down, but the matter is not over! And quite a follow-up! However, the problem should not be as big as you think, but for the farm, the tear is still a little big! "

"Almost all the benefits have been distributed!" Ding Yu is very calm to say a word, immediately raised his head, let his waist more stretch some! Both hands are on the armrest! "There are still not too many movements over there, which should not be. They should be very passive at this time! So it should be a little more proactive? "

Jin stood up on his shoulder. "Sir, it seems that we all underestimated their determination. They have set up a new farm. The mode is not so clear now, but the specific structure has come out! I heard that we are going to call it Tiansheng

Eh? Ding Yu slightly Leng for a moment, "this name is really a bit interesting! It's too straightforward! "

Yeah! Kim nodded, "as far as I know, it seems that the name was given by a China hand in the United States. It has no implicit meaning! I think this name has already expressed quite a problem. Judging from the current situation, there are quite a few people who have joined it! But the scale is not so big

"What do you mean?" Ding Yu asked casually!

"Sir, if we suppress them, we can do it! But from my personal point of view, can suppressing them really achieve the best results? I don't think it's a very good way and method! "

"There are not too many problems in suppressing them. At most, they are a little troublesome! But it's not going to be as big as you think it will be! " Ding Yu didn't have much hesitation. "It's better to put them directly on the surface, so that we can see more clearly."

"But Sir, it's hard to say whether they will make trouble, because for them, this new farm is dispensable. They just need to destroy our system, and they have already achieved their goal."

We should know that the farm system has been established for a long time. This is true, but from now on, it is still quite solid. But now a new farm suddenly appears, and it is the kind of unscrupulous. Will there be other problems? In fact, they are just aimed at the farm, and they can't use any means at all no need!

Isn't that too wasteful?

What's more, for them, the quality of their own farm is not so important as imagined. If Ding Yu's farm can be overturned to the ground, it would be great! As for Ding Yu's farm, what other joint effects will there be? This is a problem that they have never considered!

What's more, if Ding Yu's farm is overturned, China's economic problems will be affected. That would be great!

What common development! Common progress, such things to deceive the ghost! Anyway, we haven't thought about how to make bad food!

Of course, the heart is to think like this, but how to do, this problem is really open to discussion, can not do anything is unscrupulous, after all, to face the person is Ding Yu, if you say that his side is really unscrupulous, really if you provoke Ding Yu, this guy crazy, it is also unbearable!

Don't think that Ding Yu dare not do so, to know that Ding Yu is absolutely more crazy than what he imagined! So now for this Tiansheng farm? Or to take a little seriously! It's a good thing to damage Ding Yu's farm, but we need to pay attention to ways and methods. Don't look for death!

As for funding? It's really not the lack of imagination, why? There are a lot of cohesive forces, and they all have considerable funds. However, there are also some pitiful places. That is, their proportion in them is not as large as imagined, so the decision-making power is much less!

Chinese people are definitely not idiots. They are more flexible than they think!

What's more, the farm is within the scope of China, even under Ding Yu's eyes! On this issue? It really makes people feel so scared! You should know that in the face of Ding Yu, people are always lack of confidence! This is a result of years of pressure!

However, I didn't know that I didn't have any experience. After I really experienced it, I found that the farm was really not burning money in general! This NIMA! Money is like sesame seeds, there is no sense of any not to say! Even in the end, I don't know where the money is used!

You know, it's just a city! How much did Ding Yu's farm spend? As far as I know, during the construction of the farm, Ding Yu did not choose to borrow money or take other funds. He was totally autonomous! There's no loan!This is not really terrible in general. How much money does Ding Yu have? What is the matter? No one can say an accurate number, but look at his farm! What about the cash cow? It's really not what people can cultivate! It's even made of gold!

And now, for Tiansheng farm, although the framework has come up with a considerable scale, it is just a considerable scale. The farm is just an empty shell! There are also considerable investments, such as land acquisition and integration, investment in scientific research, and recruitment of mature workers!

Other problems are better solved, such as the recruitment of workers, investment in scientific research and machinery. The only problem is the pregnancy of land. It doesn't mean that you can start planting after you buy the land? How could it be?

We should know that the farms have absolute experience in this respect. They can say that they don't care about the cost of land breeding! This is what makes the farm famous today. Of course, it is also the reason why the farm produces something extraordinary!

So in three or five years, Tiansheng wants something that is impossible like Ding Yu's farm. Even in three or five years, they need a lot of capital investment! This can be on the right track!

Now the only thing that can be better is that although the investment is relatively large, it can be regarded as a considerable improvement. At least a new farm will be built under Ding Yu's eyes, even if it is impossible to give Ding Yu? It will also make people feel so hard to swallow! People who can do such things are definitely not as many as you can imagine!

For a long time, Ding Yu's farm has been quite peeped at, but there are not too many people interfering in it. Why? This is absolutely not the reason why Ding Yu blocked the front! What about its essence? It will also be because the investment needed in this is too huge, even the banks are not willing to take risks!

It's not that you can get loans if you have contacts or land. The investment is too big! Of course, if Ding Yu's farm had such a plan, how much money would the bank dare to lend? Why? Because the farm already has the output, and is completely cash cow, this has the essential difference!

However, the farm has never had the meaning of this aspect, and the bank is quite helpless about it. Even now some accounts have begun to fade from the bank. Why is this?

It's not because there are some problems in the bank this time. In other words, it's the kind that is involved! Some people! It's greedy, so it's a problem like this!

"Whether they will destroy a certain system is really not as important as imagined, but the purpose of this clean-up has been achieved! This is not much different from our expectation! It's a good thing! "

In this regard, Jin also gave a wry smile, "Sir, there are good places, naturally it is bad places, and even made quite a lot of problems and conditions, which need to be solved. However, the performance of orange apricot this time is excellent, and the evaluation of the farm for her is still relatively high!"

"The farm is very cooperative?" Ding Yu said with great interest!

"Yes! In terms of the farm, it can be said that the cooperation with orange and apricot is particularly good, especially Luo Xuan. With his support, the work of orange and apricot has been carried out very well. As for the negotiation with other forces, and the auction of shares, it is a matter of course! " Jin has no biased statement about this!

"Luo Xuan is a smart man. He knows what he should do!"

Sighing, Ding Yu also touched his chin, "how about Xiao Bao and song Tianren? They've been on the farm all the time! What do you think of the two of them on the farm? "

"No, they are just like invisible people. Although they stay at the farm, they don't make any sound at all. Of course, they are not puppets, but they have different concerns! After receiving considerable education, song Tianren is now able to calm down his mind

"This fellow! We still need to knock well, otherwise a piece of good material will be wasted! "

"You want to knock, sir? Can he hold on? I don't deny that he is a good material, but I can't bear such a beating? " Kim is really worried about this!

It's not that Jin is optimistic about song Tianren, but worried that song Tianren can't bear such pressure. If song Tianren is really abandoned, it's still unknown whether the forces behind song Tianren will have other ideas about it.

Will this have any so-called impact on Mr. Zhang? We should know that song Tianren has already made considerable achievements. Even if he is handed over to the forces behind him, the forces behind him will not have any opinions, and he will even express his gratitude to him! Because Sir has done quite well!"He still has considerable potential, but it is one thing to have potential, and how to play it out is another thing! By the way, those two idiots, how are they doing now? Not yet awake? "

Listening to the voice of Mr. Zhang, Jin looked at him puzzled. He didn't seem to be very angry. Although his speech seemed to be inappropriate, he still had his own understanding and understanding of his temper and disposition after so many years around him!

"Sir, I didn't understand it before, but if I don't understand it now, it's intentional! They must have a lot of ideas now, but they are worried that they will not be able to draw tiger like dogs. This is my personal guess, and I don't know if it is accurate? " Kim's words are vague!

Ding Yu slightly hummed, "they should be quite suffering now, but they really can't let them go on like this. In the long run, they will wear their spirit too much. This is really because there are many problems. It's OK to temper them, but if they miss, there will be trouble."

"Let them come back now, sir?"

After seeing Ding Yu nodding, Jin put some documents on the desktop, and then turned to leave.

In the evening, Ding Yu met two secretaries in his apartment, some of them were listless! It is obvious that song Tianren's affairs still have a considerable blow to them. You should know that they came together, but song Tianren's performance is too prominent, which makes them two people look embarrassed!

Although the director came to the apartment in advance, both of them didn't mean to sit down. They were always standing there. They also realized their own problems and conditions, because they were very clear that the director had no so-called bias towards the three of them, and basically treated them equally. However, the talent of those people was really different!

Ding Yu looked at them and snorted a little, and then went to wash. This has become a routine. Whether Ding Yu is a Virgo is not so clear, but obsessive-compulsive disorder is really more and more serious!

Ding Yu, who came back again, looked at the two secretaries who were still standing there. He also watched them for a period of time, and then sat down in front of them! "Sit down! I don't know. I thought I was going to punish you two There is something strange about the voice of speaking! Obviously, there are some other ideas in my heart!

"Thank you, director! We let you down! " Two people said with one voice!

"It doesn't matter what a disappointment!" With two hands crossed, Ding Yu looked into their eyes for a period of time. "But seeing what you are like now, I think it's not strange that song Tianren can stand out. Your courage can be said to dissipate. I really doubt how you were selected!"

Looking at the two silent people, Ding Yu hummed, "talk about it! How much did you lose? "

"I've been with nearly 20 million!"

"I lost about 17 million!"

The voice of his voice was too small to be heard. As far as the information they learned, song Tianren made about six million dollars. What about them? In total, I lost nearly 40 million yuan. This gap is really so big!

Although the director mentioned that the money was for them to buy a lesson, but was the lesson too big! It's not that they don't want to do better. From their point of view, they really hope to be able to get decent results to prove that they are no worse than song Tianren!

However, the more you want to prove yourself, the more you will lose. You should know that they are already fighting in person! But there is still no effect, so that two people are about to be unable to themselves, and even want to take the money directly to their chin, so that a shot, a hundred to solve all the problems!

The pressure on them is so great! Big makes people feel that some can not bear, originally came to learn, but who can think of it, this is not naked buttocks grinding, turn around such a shame so simple!

"Thirty seven million? ha-ha! Song Tianren doesn't earn enough money for you. Are you calm down now? "

"Director, our heads are a bit out of order!"

"It's a little messy!" Ding Yu laughed at this time, and then called Jin, "Jin, their heads are a little disordered now. What kind of way do you think can make them wake up?"? What I want is the quickest way to calm them down! Not slow! "

"Give them a night, sir! After all, it's really difficult for them to get rid of them if they want to get rid of them immediately. They haven't experienced any test. It's normal for such things to happen! "

Although they didn't look at Jin, they still had a good feeling for Jin's words. But just after Jin's words were finished, Ding Yu snorted coldly! "No! That's such a cheap thing! If this happened during the war, would the enemy give you such time? If it happens at an important moment, are they still in it? After reaction, I'm afraid the home has been fried empty! What are you thinking of? Let them go out shopping, calm down"It's a little cold in Boston at night, sir!"

Looking at the gentleman without any action, Jin also took a breath to ensure the safety of the two secretaries. But for them tonight, I'm afraid it's not so simple to be sad!

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