The two secretaries were so kicked out by Ding Yu. Jin didn't follow them in person, but let two cars follow them. One of them was from Boston! This can ensure their safety to the maximum extent!

Night has its order, even in Boston! But what about Ding Yu? It really is to maintain a considerable distance! This one? But it's not just a giant in the sky!

At the beginning of the bloody battle here in Boston, all the people who have a good ear and eyes basically know some news. Do you want to know whether such news spreads on the black market or is it very broadcast? But fortunately, this person has no interest in Boston at all. Even if he shows up occasionally, he will not scan them at this level!

But Ding Yu does not scan, does not mean that we can really be unscrupulous! It's better to be a little far away from this gentleman! What's more, the top management of the Boston consortium has warned us that if you don't want the whole family to see God or Satan, even if the gun is aimed at his head, there is no movement!

Is it a little overbearing? Even a little bit scary?

Of course! However, there is really no bad impression on Ding Yu, because he never means to find trouble or cause trouble, even the people under his hand are the same!

Ding Yu and the people below have never intended to interfere with Boston. Moreover, they have a good relationship with the entire Boston consortium. Naturally, the top management of Boston also needs to reciprocate. The bottom of Boston has no so-called resistance to Ding Yu. It is a matter of whether people are willing to contact you or not, but there is nothing else to look at differently!

For the bottom, this is already a respect! It's very normal for giants like others not to deal with you. If you really deal with them, I'm afraid the bottom of Boston will be afraid. Who knows what's your opinion? Or are you interested in them?

Don't think that they are at the bottom, which means they don't have brains and can't look at problems like this!

The two secretaries walked in the streets of Boston. They were really cool. They took out their pockets and had enough change. After buying two cups of coffee, they walked on the street like this!

And the following vehicles did not pay any attention to the meaning! Don't say they are very normal, even if they are naked now! Running naked in the street, will not do any attention! We are only responsible for their safety, other things will not do any intervention and interference!

"Well, don't you think we're a bit stupid?"

Tighten your clothes. Although I've worn a lot of clothes, the temperature in Boston is definitely colder than expected, and it's already at night. The coffee in your hand will never be as big as you think!

"It's not just stupid. It's just like a gambler. When you lose one dollar, you want to get back the money. When you lose two dollars, you want to get back a dollar! Slowly fall into it, relative to those guys in the capital market, we are just beggars holding a golden rice bowl! They can eat what they want? "

"Although I am very unconvinced to song Tianren, I know that I lost my pants this time! And I really didn't expect that I would lose so much, 20 million dollars! " When he finished speaking, his expression was quite depressed! Two people are sitting on the bench, the action is a little bit casual!

"It's a lot of compensation, but it's nothing! However, it is obviously a mistake to fall into it, and it is still a considerable mistake. The director said that there is no mistake. Now we still have a chance to do it once again. But if we go to the post and there is such a situation, what should we do? "

In a word, both of them have fallen into silence. What kind of mentality do they need to deal with things if they handle more funds in the future? What's more, is it necessary to be hands-on? Can they look at the problem from a certain height and deal with and solve the problem at the same time?

If we say that in the future, when they are in power, it will not only involve money and power, but also people's livelihood. In case of crisis, it will involve countless lives. Will they have such reaction time?

It's impossible because they need to make a decision immediately! They need to keep a clear and clear state all the time, and can not be disturbed by the outside world! Otherwise, it will lead to irreparable mistakes!

And this time? They were greatly influenced by song Tianren, who was only one step ahead of them! And their subsequent performance can be said to be quite unbearable, because song Tianren was one step faster, they felt that they could not bear the pressure from all aspects, so they wanted to be able to touch it! Success at one stroke!

But how could such a thing be possible? The more like this, the easier it is to make mistakes! Even wrong step by step, even to the present situation, and even almost can not go back!If it wasn't for the chief executive of gold to wake them up and wait for them to react, I'm afraid it would not only be as simple as losing everything, but also have a considerable amount of upside down. As for the hole that will be poked down, I really don't know!

"It's a bit cold, but fortunately, it's a little bit quieter."

Two people raised the coffee cup in their hands and touched each other in the empty position! Obviously, I have a good understanding of such a thing! Although it is said that the time of understanding comes a little bit late!

In the morning, Ding Yu got up very early, which was no different from usual. He exercised his body. When he was waiting for breakfast, he saw two secretaries standing in front of the table with dark circles of eyes, which should have been washed. Even if they didn't pay attention, the security would remind them! Mr. A has a little cleanliness in this area!

"Eat!" Ding Yu really didn't mean to talk nonsense with them! And the first to take up chopsticks!

There are knives and forks, but there is not much practical significance for Ding Yu. At most, it is a decoration placed there!

The speed of the meal was a little bit faster, and there was no word in the process. However, the steward carefully propped up a bowl of soup for the two secretaries. It was just a bowl the size of a cup. There was not even any floating object in it. It was clear soup!

However, when they drink the soup, two people obviously feel that the soup is obviously different! The whole person seems to be ignited suddenly! But there is no sense of tolerance!

"After dinner, take a little rest and take a bath!"

Ding Yu did not have much time to pay attention to them, but gave them to a brother! Anyway, this guy is idle. He drank a lot and knew how to deal with it!

One elder brother looked at two secretaries, also narrowed one's own eyes, is it a waste? This is really not what you should say! But still made a considerable arrangement, took two people to a massage shop! When they had a bath, someone came to massage them! Relax your body!

But by the time they woke up, it was already ten o'clock! I don't know how to sleep down, but after I wake up, I'm really energetic. I can fight tigers when I go up the mountain! You can catch a dragon in the sea!

"All right?" First brother's voice is not as hoarse as it was at the beginning, but for the two secretaries, there is really not much good face! "Find a place to let you spread the medicine. For you, if you take this medicine, if it doesn't spread out, it will be too wasteful!"

"Brother! What was the drug before? Is it

"Don't ask what you shouldn't have asked!" I can explain it to both of them, but what can it do? And they know what they don't see! To know the so-called half understanding of the most harmful! What about the more certain situation? Is a brother for which the situation is not so deep understanding!

The training place with two people is a little bit ordinary. The first brother didn't explain too much. He asked two people to do the action according to their own way, but they didn't have 20 minutes. They were sweating profusely. The sweat on their bodies seemed to be pouring out without money!

But two people did not have too much tired feeling, even the whole person more and more spirit! The first brother looked at their two people's appearance, also slightly hummed, although said that the two people's state is very good, but the two people still can't play the medicine to the greatest extent, even more than seven or eight floors will be wasted!

But this is not a strange thing, even if it is their own, can now play a six layer effect? I haven't seen it! Sometimes it is quite good to be able to play the effect of five layers! They did not bear considerable training before, and their physical quality was not up to standard. If they were forced to go down, they could exert their effects, but the damage to their bodies was too great!

He is also the same situation, his physical quality is director Ding Yuding! Even if you are the director of gold, you can't compare yourself! Because each other's exercise way is different! So the result is different! However, from the current situation, his injury has been very repaired!

This, of course, is the purpose of my coming here! But also another purpose, I have not forgotten the same! Fighting with those security guards also benefits me a lot! Because it's also the place where all the people are good at!

The first brother's harvest here can be said to be huge, because everyone has no intention of hiding him. The question is whether you can accept it. This is the most important thing! If you can't accept it, you can only blame yourself and have nothing to do with other people!

If there was no director's care, I'm afraid the first brother would have been abandoned! There will be such spirit! You should know that a person's spirit is not endless, and it does not mean that it can be supplemented simply by food and medicine. If that is the case, the world will be in chaos for a long time!

However, there is no need to worry too much about this aspect. The director's power is absolutely beyond imagination. When there is no contact, you can't feel it! At this point, I am really convinced of the director!This is one of the reasons why I am willing to bring these two secretaries here. Taking care of them is one of the aspects. The main reason is that the director ordered this matter. Otherwise, I would not have so much time!

At noon, two people simply added food and water, basically no much rest, but the amount of exercise has stopped, not as big as in the morning, after coming out from here, again went to the massage place, washed and massaged, and then took a nap for half an hour!

"Wake up? Ready to go back! Wake up! "

A brother ordered a sentence, there is no more words, this for two secretaries, is really a common thing, although the first brother with their contact is not long, but does not mean that we do not know him at all, he is such a situation!

"Brother! We don't feel too much tired! The muscles don't even have too much pain! "

"Your training is not in place. Today is just light feathered, which is not counted at all. Don't imagine that it is too beautiful. Such things are not good for you. Even if you eat too much, it is also harmful to your health. We are not directors and supervisors!"

This is quite straightforward! Looking at the appearance of the two secretaries, one brother thought for a while and then continued to say, "you can't, song Tianren can't, Hou Tianliang can, but he still has a considerable gap. I'm better than Hou Tianliang at most! Because my physical fitness is better than Hou Tianliang! As for you, don't think about it! "

"First brother, is it physical?"

"Each other's development direction is different! So you don't need to think about it at all! " In the first brother's opinion, he has explained very clearly and clearly! If they have any opinions and ideas, it's not their own problem!

The two secretaries looked at each other. Although they said they were quite interested in this, they didn't really think that the first brother would cheat them. There was no need for this, OK? And the director? Although sometimes the director doesn't like to explain, there must be some deep meaning in it!

Ding Yu came back a little late, the operation in the hospital is a bit more troublesome!

"You two have calmed down for one night and relaxed for another day. You should be in good mental state now. Go and deal with your own affairs! Two days for you

The two secretaries were taken out directly. As for how to deal with their own affairs, it is not very difficult for them. What's more, two days' time is enough to solve some problems! Obviously, the director has other arrangements for them!

And when the two returned to Boston, they were sent back to China at the first time! About the two people's situation, is also the first time was placed on the table, for what happened, we also have a considerable sigh and emotion!

How to judge? The two of them lost nearly 40 million dollars, and song Tianren earned nearly six million dollars during the period when he left. Is this gap too obvious!

What's more, director Ding didn't stop at the first time. Instead, he let the two secretaries fall into a long period of time before he stopped. Obviously, director Ding did it on purpose! For director Ding, it's not a big deal to lose some money!

But for the two factions behind them, they are really a little disappointed. Why? There are so many gaps in comparison, too big! The same is to Ding Yuding director there to study, why there is such a difference between heaven and earth performance? Even if it's impulsive again! Shouldn't it be like this?

"Say it all! In any case, as far as we know, everything is in front of us! "

"The two have left Boston and started to deal with some of their own affairs, which should not take long?"

"Will director Ding send them back?" Some people also expressed considerable concern about this! You know, that's nearly 40 million US dollars. It's not a small amount. It's a bit exaggerated to change it into RMB!

"I don't think the possibility of being sent back is so great." The person sitting on the side also expressed his opinion, "at the beginning, director Ding said that all the money belonged to them, and it was not a problem in other aspects, it was just that they didn't understand the business field, so this kind of problem just appeared! What's more, if you really want to drive them back, why did you stop them before? Let them keep the money? "

It can be said that people are talking about this. Although there are not many people in the room, they all have considerable weight. When they sent the two people to director Ding Yuding, we could say that they had considerable expectations. But who would have thought that such a problem would arise today! There are so many people who really want to curse their mother!

This is not reasonable, OK? The people selected by director Ding are so excellent, and the people we recommend are so mediocre? Even so bad? What happened?No harm without this! But this harm for the public, a little bit so some can not bear! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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