Why are you so concerned about these two secretaries? Can you not care? You know, they represent the future of the faction! It's true that they are not the biggest expectation of the whole faction, and there are still alternatives among them. But now the hope of the two of them can be said to be the greatest!

We still believe in Ding Yu, and Ding Yu's actions also prove this point, but the problem is the following two secretaries! Their performance is really so bad, this problem has always troubled everyone!

Of course, if there is no song Tianren, everything is OK! Because their performance is similar, but song Tianren's performance directly highlights them both! Now their every move has touched everyone's heart! No matter how strong the heart can bear such stimulation!

"The two of them are back in New York, and we are worried here, and the effect is not great!"

Some people also feel that it is too early to talk about these things at this time, just like the previous song Tianren! Is something really wrong with him? Not only did not have any matter, on the contrary or sit firmly in their present position!

Ding Yu threw song Tianren to the farm. It can be said that he took great pains! Let him be able to have a relatively stable environment to calm himself, and at the same time did not let him spend himself, such an arrangement can be said to be watertight!

Even Ding Yu, who is not at ease, has arranged Xiaobao in the past. Why?

The reason is simply not enough! Xiaobao has a lot of experience. It's true that he and Wang Yang are not famous, but the main reason is that Ding Yu's reputation is too conspicuous, and Wang Yang and Xiaobao are very happy and sincere about Ding Yu, so we can feel that Wang Yang and Xiao Bao are so ordinary!

But the old people in the capital really don't treat Wang Yang and Xiao Bao like this. They are well hidden by Ding Yu, and Ding Yu is also very fond of them. Other people can't see it. Can't these old guys see it? For their two people's training, but also spent considerable effort!

However, Wang Yang and Xiao Bao are also quite competitive, did not let Ding Yu lose the chain! On the other hand, is Su's side? It's a little bit backward! Su Yu is definitely not that material. His daughter-in-law is pretty good, but what will happen in the future? It's hard to say, at least not yet. It's su Chen's performance! I little interesting!

But some of them can see clearly. If they really say it, they will cause great trouble! Of course, the people who can see the way they know are exaggerating!

It needs to be comprehensive. Ding Yu will never be too biased. It can be seen from this point that Ding Yu has no special preference for any of the three families. Even if Wang Yang is his brother, he will treat him the same way! Have a considerable view of the overall situation! This is really a lot of people do not have!

Xiaobao is now sitting there, which is decisive for song Tianren's role! Because Xiao Bao has experienced a lot of things and has a lot of experience. In addition, he is on the 49th City side, and his relationship is also broadcast. Therefore, song Tianren will not have any problems whether it is above or below, whether it is the 49th city or the farm!

This is Ding Yu's love for song Tianren! Since Song Tianren can do this, what about the other two secretaries? Although their performance is not so good, but from the current situation, Ding Yu will never drive them back. People in Ding Yu's hands, want to come to him such a harsh person, absolutely will not allow his body to appear such a stain!

People simply said two words, on their respective leave!

However, the two secretaries there, the first thing back is to clear up their own problems, should let go, resolutely let go, now this time continue to tangle this aspect of the matter is not necessary! Admit gambling and admit defeat, before their performance is not calm, too impulsive, so led to the result now!

This is their own reason. Under such circumstances, if they can't wake up to it, there are really some that can't be cured! Fortunately, the director has no intention to investigate this matter!

The two of them returned to Boston at the first time. The professional affairs should be handled by professionals! They just need to make a fair judgment! What is the result of my own end? I have seen it! At this point, they really have a considerable gap with song Tianren!

It is absolutely impossible not to admit this! And if you lose, you lose! It's not a matter of destroying heaven and earth! Lost this time! The next time you win back, you can win well! Still care about the so-called jars and jars, what can be done in the future?

Back in Boston, Ding Yu has a look at their mental state!

Think about it, but also pull two people to their own study! At the same time, he dropped two documents in front of them and said, "this is what you two have done in this period of time! A mess

The two people quickly picked up the document and opened the contents. The marks on it were very clear, and there were even some instructions. Looking at the handwriting on the document, we can see that it was written by the director. Obviously, the director is still very interested in them. If he doesn't, he will not be so attentive! This can't be done in a moment and a half!"I've finished reading it?" Ding Yu asked with the voice, "after reading it, destroy it! It's no use staying! "

Although not specified, but the next shredder is still very abrupt placed there! The two secretaries have not been quite likely to be such a development, but they have no hesitation, standing next to the shredder, one by one destroyed the documents! But in the process, it was revisited again!

They didn't expect the director to deal with things like this. The contents of the document are not important, but the comments above still have a considerable impact on them. Unfortunately, these things will be destroyed! You know there is an incinerator next to the shredder, and nothing will be left!

So they are also racking their brains, try to write down all the comments on it! Finally, I feel that there are so many pain in the brain! It's a little over brained!

When the two people sat down again, Dingyu rubbed his hand. "I think you both should know about songtianren. He is now in China and is on the farm! He needs a lot of time to settle, after all, he jumps out of the mud and he's a little bit of a big float! "

"But whether it floats or sinks, he has at least left! The problem is on both of you. If you don't pull you out, you will not be sure if you two will drown! "

Feel the director some sharp eyes, the two secretaries also can not help hanging down their heads! Now, apology is useless at this time, and the director will never eat this set, so we need to use other ways!

"Director! We will reflect on our mistakes and mistakes! "

"Good!" Dingyu slightly said, "so how long do you think it will take? A week, a month, or a year! I need to remind you that you don't have so much time, and I don't have that much time! "

"Two weeks!" The two secretaries looked at each other and said that one is not long, but it is not very short time. This is a decision made only after they have considered it fairly. It is absolutely not what is, not!

"Two weeks?" Dingyu actually looked at two people unexpectedly, and then he snorted, and suddenly laughed, "this time choice is so interesting! Two weeks is not long, but it is not as short as you can imagine, OK! Give you two weeks to calm down! "

After knocking on the table, Kim also came out of the dark. Even standing beside the two secretaries, he scared them a lot. The gold supervisor really can scare the dead! How to walk without a sound? What do you want?

"Arrange them to go to Russia, the environment over there is a little bit cold, which is helpful for their thinking! And there is not too much power over there, more stop! Save them! "

"Yes! Sir! " King had no hesitation, "Sir, and

"Is a brother going? Is it? " Ding Yu seems to remember something, "this guy! Never be upset, since he wants to pass, let him pass well! But if anything, let him solve it by himself, and say hello to Russia. Don't let him fall out of the sky! "

Looking at the leaving Kim, Dingyu put his eyes on the two secretaries again. "There are farms on the side of Russia, which is quite different from domestic farms, but this time, let you go and see! The forces behind you are always whispering, I really eccentric eyes! And, brother I have nothing to do with you, understand? "

"Yes, director!" It doesn't matter, that is, they are absolutely not allowed to have any blending, this reason two secretaries can still understand! There must be other aspects behind it!

Think about it. It is also a common sense. Why do you say that elder brother and they are not on the same road. Their direction is different from each other. They are forced to mix up. Who knows what will happen? And the director also says that if they are really confused, then there will be some of them on the director's side It's embarrassing!

After leaving Dingyu's apartment, they were soon sent to the plane. When the brother on the plane saw the two secretaries, they nodded their heads, which was a greeting, but it was obviously the kind of thing that had a heart!

The two secretaries looked at each other and did not mean to ask, and the director had warned them! If you don't know what it is now, what will be faced with them then, it is really hard to say! So-called not to play fast, not lazy, special play not long eyes!

With the director's side for such a long time, there is still a certain understanding of the director. In the so-called words, within the permitted scope, there is no problem in two disturbances, but if it is stated that the former offender, then the director will never spare them! Never doubt the director's decision!

"From the United States to Russia, the environment is a little faster!" There is not too much on the plane. They have seen the limited information! Take advantage of this time, also good communication!"It seems that some turnover is very fast, but it also depends on the situation. Our future is different from that of my brother!"

The last sentence, concise and comprehensive, what about their last? The aim is not just a place. Everyone has great ambition in their hearts. No one will admit defeat. Otherwise, they will not be out of balance because of song Tianren's affairs!

But that kind of thing had once also good! Never think of a second time! It's embarrassing enough. The family must have known something about it, and I don't know what kind of views and opinions the two of them are. If you are at home now, ha ha!

Of course, there should be no such possibility for a beating, but it will definitely make them feel ashamed. In addition, the future of faction is not only the two of them, but also many other people. We all want to be able to go to the top and have a bright future! But this future needs more than their own ability so simple!

If there is no director behind this thing, think about it all feel so terrible!

The director gave them the black pot, and took all the affairs in his own words. In this way, even if the colleagues in the faction have any dissatisfaction, they can only complain at most, because the loss of two people has no impact on the faction!

Don't underestimate this. The resources of factions are not endless. How can it be! Even factions need to be careful and careful. For the two of them, there is no need to spend any resources on the faction side here. The faction side is naturally happy to see it!

"I don't know much about the situation in Russia, but I know that your father graduated here!"

"Well! I heard that he said something, but he didn't take it as a thing at all. Even a lot of times, I thought it was the old man's boasting. But now I think, there are too many things in the plain story. The problem is that we don't realize it. It's a pity that we don't understand it! "

There are too many things that I have experienced in my whole life. These experiences are not clear in one sentence or two sentences. Similarly, there are not many people who can understand these so-called experiences, because the amount of information contained in them is slightly so large that ordinary people can't understand them at all. But when they really understand, it's too late!

It's like the two of them! After a considerable amount of things, they have begun to gradually understand some things, understand the context, but also understand their own situation, people need to stand in a certain height and angle to look at the problem, also need to stand in a certain height and angle to solve the problem!

But if there is no foundation and experience, how can you stand on a certain height, climb also need to start from the foot of the mountain! It's not like you can fly to the top of the mountain all at once!

"The weather in Russia seems a little bit cold!"

It's a very abrupt sentence. Looking at the elder brother coming, the two secretaries are stunned. How can they be the same as director Jin? Walking is like a cat, there is no sound and movement, to know that people are frightening, frightening to death!

"First brother?"

"It's so pleasant to hear you talk. I'm really a little lonely on my own!" One is sitting next to him with a bottle of mineral water in his hand. However, the way of drinking mineral water is quite different from that of others. Taking a sip and then sipping it gives people the feeling that it is so strange and strange!

"First brother, I haven't seen you for a while! I don't know how you are? But I heard that the director takes good care of you! We are all quite envious of it! "

"Don't envy me! I've been recuperating for a long time. I've been pinched in my hand by the director like a doll! "

Obviously, this is not a pleasant memory! However, although the process has some embarrassment, but the effect is really extraordinary good, for this point, I still admire!

However, there is no universality in this way. This is the only regret. If it can be used universally, then the impact on the whole army will be huge! But how could it be?

To know that he came to the director's side, but also spent quite a lot of twists and turns, and to the current position, that is their own person! The director is not a bad person, originally he had so many not quite clear, but now he more or less understood the reason! Time consuming and labor-consuming, and to a certain extent, there are still some unsatisfying!

"First brother, let's go to the farm. How about you? Go and see the scenery, too

"I have other things. Don't do it this time. I don't know when I can meet again next time! After all, there are some small regrets. When song Tianren left, we met. This guy is a ghost. The future is still on you. I hope you will not fail to live up to the expectations of the country

Yeah? Two people can't help but look at each other, the first brother's words obviously have other meanings, but when the two people just react, the first brother has left! Back to his position, and sit there with your eyes closed!The reason for such nonsense is not to say that we really want to beat them. Even if we beat them, we can't turn ourselves. It's just that the performance of two people is good. The military is optimistic about them, so we ambush them in advance!

As for the final result, it depends on the future!

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