The situation of the two secretaries is particularly concerned in China, but the problem is that they suddenly can't get any news! Two secretaries suddenly disappeared! No one knows where they have gone!

Is this joke a little bit too big? You know, these are two big living people! Even two wooden people, so disappeared! Should there be some trace?

The only time they knew it was when they came back to Boston! But looking at the situation of director Ding Yu, he seems to be indifferent to this. It should not be said that director Ding did it! It's because there are other places to go!

But where is it? Director Ding Yuding can make two people disappear. This is not a problem, but what kind of things will happen to the two secretaries next? This is what we are worried about! What is the attitude of director Ding in the past? Everyone's heart is really bottomless! After all, the money is not small!

They are parents, Ding Yu is a teacher! The two children are students. Although it is said that the students have been handed over to the teacher by their parents, there should not be too much inquiry on some questions, but there is no way to understand the basic situation. Is there something too much about this?

But the relevant things, we are really not good, there are too many inquiries, to be exact, do not dare to have any inquiries, how to ask? Director Ding, where did you get our children? Will they be in danger, and will other things come out? You tell us?

Unless the skull is broken? Otherwise, it would be impossible!

But from another point of view, director Ding has done his utmost to song Tianren! And there is no so-called bias, it is true that a little backward, but this backward really will not kill them, even for their growth is also quite good!

Can it be placed on other people's bodies, or factions, to cultivate their growth without such great benefits? You know, these new generation are all wolf cubs! All of them are crying out. Although there is no absolute fairness, the faction still needs to be relatively fair!

We compete with each other, the so-called resources are basically equal! Under such circumstances, it is a personal matter who goes farther and slower! This is also conducive to the development of everyone!

When Xiaobao got the news on the farm, he also called song Tianren over!

"I just got the news, not to mention that my brother didn't inform you that your two little friends have left New York or even Boston. Big brother has other arrangements for them! However, it is not clear where this arrangement is, and no one knows about it now! "

Song Tianren framed the glasses on his face, which was just a flat lens. He didn't know when to match his glasses. It was just ordinary glasses. There were really no too many problems! Hundreds of dollars may be exaggerated!

"The director treats us equally. Although their reaction is a little bit slow, they should still be able to understand something. In fact, I got quite a bit of information from the market!"

"Above the market?" Xiaobao was stunned, then shook his head, "I really haven't heard of this!"

Song Tianren smiles slightly, takes out his glasses cloth and wipes his glasses, and then slowly brings his eyes to himself, "I have so many underestimates others! At the same time, there are so many too high to see themselves! You should know that success is not so easy, but failure is not the most terrible thing

"You're a little bit of a nag?" Xiao Bao's voice is so impatient. What I hate most is this! Always speak half, then hide half! It's like squeezing toothpaste! If you don't squeeze, you won't get more!

"I have encountered some things, so I think so much about them!"

Song Tianren really has a good understanding of the surroundings of the two secretaries. Although he did not stay in the market, he could still grasp the information on the market. How much did they lose? I also have a considerable estimate in my mind, which will never be less than 30 million US dollars.

This is a huge sum of money! Investment loss! Such things will happen every day, and even happen to any one person. What's terrible is not this. What's terrible is that they can stand up bravely after this incident, which makes song Tianren fall into a considerable thinking!

What can be understood is that this matter is absolutely impossible for the director, and the director must know the relevant things, because what the three of them have done is just a pediatrics thing for the director. Obviously, the failure of the two of them is also the director's test for them!

Relatively speaking, they are successful, they are failure, that's all!

But a success does not mean a lifetime of success, and a failure, also does not represent a lifetime of failure. And at this stage, is success more important or failure more important? For this problem, we really need to look at it from two aspects, not wishful thinking!The success of this time really had a great impact on myself. Not only was the director very satisfied with himself, but also the factions behind him, including other aspects, praised him and made him float up involuntarily. Under the circumstances at that time, he could not be himself!

Even now I want to settle down, there are so many difficulties?

Why? Originally, I was floating up, but now? My foundation is too shallow! There is also the contrast of the public, a strong force to lift themselves up, they are simply unable to cope with that kind of! The way these guys play is really vicious!

If you really can't control yourself, or if you really sink down, you must be able to burst your balloon and let yourself explode in an instant. Don't doubt these guys, they can definitely do such things! For them, they are too weak!

Fortunately, he has been on the farm all the time. Although some forces say that they are pushing some things behind their backs, they absolutely can't affect the farm. Of course, if song Tianren really left the farm, what kind of situation would it be? It's really hard to say! No one dares to make any guarantee!

Song Tianren is Ding Yu's man, which is true. But what if song Tianren killed himself? Can't blame other people for this? Right? Even when Ding Yu comes to visit, there is a certain saying!

But song Tianren is too careful! He has been living in the farm all the time. It's hard for him to leave the gate or sell the second gate. It's one thing to move song Tianren. It's another thing to rush into the farm to move song Tianren! What's more, it's been a little too long!

Don't think Ding Yu is a good guy. He has no action? It doesn't mean that he doesn't really have any opinions and ideas. People with sense of interest have begun to get away from him at this time! As for the uninteresting? What will be the end of waiting for them, ha ha!

What's more, song Tianren is not only backed by Ding Yu, but also has considerable influence behind him. If there is no response in such a time, then song Tianren doesn't need to stay in the faction!

You can't take care of such a good seedling. It's useless to stay in your field! So it's better to dig it out directly! Right? So the faction behind song Tianren is also very concerned about this matter! Absolutely not enough to let song Tianren have any problems. On the one hand, it is to reassure him, but also to reassure director Ding Yuding!

Song Tianren, who was thinking a lot in his head, suddenly sighed, "brother Bao, I suddenly found that I seem to be so smart! The director said I was a ghost, but in fact? Is too willing to play the so-called smart! There is still a huge gap from being really smart

Yeah? This is how a thing, Xiao Bao Wang Yang Yang, and together with the chair under his body, up and down looking at Song Tianren, "no fever? Why did you start talking nonsense all of a sudden? Are you all right? "

He helped his glasses again. Song Tianren sighed, "suddenly, I jumped out of the pit a little bit early! And some of them are too bold! If we can delay this time, the situation may be different! "

But when Xiaobao heard this, he could not help but brighten his eyes and snorted, "you! Think a little bit more. If you delay for a while, can you catch up with the farm? It's impossible to catch up. If we can't catch up, then some opportunities will be lost! "

"Is this the so-called gain and loss? Is it? "

"Look at your point of view!" Xiaobao didn't think so. He pulled the chair under him and leaned forward. "Big brother said that you are a bit smart. From my personal understanding, you can still sit still. This is not easy!"

"If it's not on the farm side? How can I sit still? "

Song Tianren denies this because he can still see the so-called situation clearly. If there is no director forcibly detaining himself on the farm side, who knows what kind of things he will make?

Even the director also brought Baoge over, is it to increase experience? To a certain extent, it is also to be able to suppress themselves! At least in the current situation, the farm side will not be involved in this matter. Luo Xuan has some weight, but he has no such identity!

So the direct to the treasure brother to get over, kill with one stone! Think about their previous smart, now it seems, it is really not general ridiculous! It's going to make people laugh!

You think you're right, you're hiding your ears! Countless idioms have emerged in Song Tianren's mind! It's like a storm to hit your face!"What's the matter?" Luo Xuan came over, but also made a color for Xiaobao! Even this is a kind of words that can't be heard. For Xiaobao and song Tianren, the farm is basically indifferent to them. Let them play!

"I've learned something, and at the same time, I've come to realize it! It's not too early or too late, but I see the three of them! Also in love and kill each other, there is no absolute loss and win, at most I am ahead of you, but then I catch up! And then I'm one step ahead of you, and that's about it! "

"No wonder!" Luo Xuan for such things, although a little bit curious, but really did not want to ask more meaning! After all, it doesn't have much to do with the farm, and I don't want to get involved too deeply!

For Luo Xuan, it's more important to deal with the affairs of the farm than anything else. As for song Tianren, is it between them? It's really not a common problem, and what about this? Behind there are other aspects of the involvement, not as simple as imagined!

The director can deal with the things, does not mean that he can also deal with the problems and conditions!

So I'd better deal with my own affairs honestly! What's more, I don't have the time and energy now. I can't land my heel on the farm!

"Rogo, you come here in person! Is there something wrong? Just me and Tianren, you just call me! You've been a little busy recently. We haven't been able to help you. I'm so sorry! "

"It's OK. I can still find some free time. I have a chance tomorrow night. If I have time, I can come and have a look." Obviously, Luo Xuan is also a kind of meaning!

"Let's go to the party. The sun is out in the west?"

When song Tianren reacts, Luo Xuan has left! It's not that Luo Xuan is intentional, but there are so many things around Luo Xuan that there is not so much leisure at all. It would be nice if the invitation was sent!

Looking at the two invitation cards on the table, Xiao Bao also laughed, "OK! Don't complain! I'm afraid this matter has nothing to do with Rogge. It should be an invitation from orange apricot? "

"She invited? This time? It's a bit of a joke! Isn't our identity a little bad? "

"She knows we're here! But there has been no action, but what about private ones? Is not suitable for her identity, let us go, she does not have this time! So this party is a very good opportunity. It's better if she goes. If she doesn't, she invited "

" what medicine is sold in the gourd? " Song Tianren feels that there are so many airplanes. He really can't understand!

"What kind of medicine do you sell? You! It's just a mallet Xiaobao also looks like he hates iron but doesn't make steel! "You guy, who do you think you are? At least in the eyes of orange and apricot, what are you? What am I in the eyes of oranges and apricots? Did you get an invitation? It's just a face for big brother! You! I feel so good about myself! "

"No, at this time?"

"What's the matter now? Where is the party? On the farm! forget it! You are a complete demon! I'm afraid it will be very difficult to get out for a while and a half! I don't care about you

Hello to the cat not far away! "Brother cat, take care of him. This guy is really a demon! It seems that the news has a little bit of a blow to him! If I can, let him have a good rest. I don't mind giving him some so-called means and things that don't matter. As long as you wake up, it's OK! "

Cat brother looked at this treasure little, and then looked at his own this, as if it was true! After thinking about it, I didn't know where to take out a thing and hit Tian Ren's body directly! Xiaobao was also stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help laughing!

"Where did you come from? It's not something you can get anywhere! I said you just slap him! How easy it is

"On this side of the farm, there are strict controls! I'm afraid other movements will cause considerable harm. I'm afraid he took this thing as little as possible. He used to be a forensic doctor and did some research on it! "

"Damn it, this guy is just making himself suffer! Ha ha

Xiao Bao is also full of schadenfreude!

Zhan Zhao doesn't know what to say! What about this anesthetic? It should be said that it is the fate of freedom in the dark! You know, this thing is strictly regulated by law, not that you want to get it.

Not enough. Today is good! For Ren Shao to use! But I just checked, there is no problem! However, their own inspection weight certainly will not be too enough, wait for a while or to see a doctor, a good look! Make sure you're safe!

Xiao Bao didn't feel too surprised about song Tianren's affairs. This guy is still very competitive. This is a good thing, but he still has too few experiences and lacks considerable experience. Of course! Given a certain amount of time, he can still reflect it! Xiaobao is sure of this!But big brother's attitude is very obvious, fast and effective solution to the problem, since this is the case, then he is not good, there are too many hesitations, a hundred to solve the problem! No suffering, no other troubles, just a sleep!

As for Xiao Bao? He is a little bit idle, but he has the leisure to chat with Jackson. They are just hanging around the farm. As for going out of the farm at this time, there is really no need! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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