"Uncle Gong, you don't have to be so troublesome. There are enough things! We can't eat at all Little girl a face of distress, because the food is so delicious! But how can their stomachs have been up! But Xiaogang, or buried in there, like a pig! That chopsticks fly, just like the wings of hummingbirds!

The table is really not small, pure wooden table, even the texture of trees can be seen very clearly, just such a wooden table, the price is absolutely not cheap, not what ordinary people can have!

If in the usual time, Gong Junchao really has so many reluctant, but the son, daughter and nephew all came! This is absolutely too big a face for myself! You need to carry it! Can I have today? Thanks to Mr. Zhang, if you don't have a husband, you can't get up!

And three small have not yet wanted to eat outside! It's at home! What does this represent? Don't you understand it?

Three snacks can not afford, or their own can not afford, are not!

In recent years, the backwardness of Mr. Zhang and the backwardness of the courtyard have not meant to treat themselves badly, nor have they let others take over their own affairs! Add their original relationship in the drug market, can be said to be like fish in water!

However, I encountered some trouble earlier. I was not happy with each other for some things. I was the normal competition. But my opponent was not very particular. I really didn't want to trouble Mr. and siheyuan. But obviously, things are not controlled by myself!

But there is really no Mister there, let the eldest lady and the eldest young master come! Even Wang Xiaogang came along with him! Although they are still children, Gong Junchao is very clear about what kind of identity these three are!

My husband came to the drug market with two children! There was even a considerable conflict, and a considerable amount of time was set for this! One of the inside information is their own know is very clear! Although there is still a long way to go from that time now, the third master has never forgotten this thing in these years. It is the kind that dare not forget!

Even with the two little apprentices, they are now very well educated! At that time, the drug market was a shock to everyone! Did not see the ghost six is still squatting in it! Fraud is very serious, but it touches the eldest young master and the eldest young lady, and the problem is even more serious! It's not bragging!

"They are all home-made dishes. I don't know whether the eldest young master and the eldest young lady, and the young master gang like them or not!"

"Uncle Gong, if you do this again, we will really have no way to stay! What's more, if my father knew about this, it would not be as simple as spanking! " The little girl also hit a shiver, and Xiaogang was also difficult to do. She lifted her head, and then heavily ordered it. Obviously, she had considerable scruples about uncle!

"Uncle Gong, just call me Xiaoyun! As for Ding Chang and Xiao Gang, there is no problem! " The little girl also takes out own elder sister's posture! It's no doubt about it!

Gong Junchao really does not have too many good methods, if he insists on it, I'm afraid it will really make three small very unhappy! What's more, the tutor is really good! Siheyuan has been to Siheyuan many times, and even several times, I have said hello to the third primary school, but every time I go, I feel like a VIP.

A little bit restrained, but there is no sense of strangeness! But what about a little restraint? It's because Gong Junchao feels that the distance between him and his husband is too far, and he doesn't feel strange. This is the attitude of siheyuan!

"Yes! Then I will rely on the old and sell the old! Home is also these things can take hands, but also more fresh! For you, it also has considerable benefits, but it's a pity! Mr. Zhang didn't come back again. Otherwise, we must let him have a good taste! These things, that is to eat a fresh one

"Uncle Gong has a heart! Father often said that uncle Gong sometimes is too hard! I'm so old and I have to work so many things. But my father has been really busy with his work these years. I don't have any chance. If I have time, I think my father would like to have a drink with my old friends! "

Gong Junchao looked at the three primary schools, but also really felt that he was so young. What he said was one set of words, which made people unable to pick out any problems! You should know what your son can do besides play when he is so old?

And even now, I'm afraid even a finger can't catch up! People can say such things at such a young age, but what about their own sons? It's like forcing him to pour poison! If I think about it, I also feel that my education has failed enough. I can't catch up with a finger of my husband!

"Uncle Gong, we still have some things to do in the afternoon. We're going to see uncle Liu shengliu!"

"Secretary Liu?" Gong Junchao Leng for a moment, his own for one of the things really know is not so clear! But look at the meaning of three small, the relationship between each other should be very good! But I really haven't heard of it!"Uncle Gong, you can drive us off!"

"OK, I don't have anything to do anyway. I'll take it as a snack."

For his own things, Gong Junchao really didn't mean how to put it in his heart. Although he said that he was a little embarrassed, he really didn't want to affect the mood of his three children. How they did things, it doesn't matter, is it a child?

When Liu Sheng received the call, he was quite surprised. Not many people knew about his personal phone call. Moreover, this was the local number, but the local staff! Should call directly on their own Secretary mobile phone is ah!

"Hello, Hello!"

"Hello, uncle Liu!"

Yeah? The voice of a child, Liu Sheng blinked his eyes, listen to this voice is really very strange! At least I don't have the impression of this voice in my mind, but it is obviously the voice of a little girl. I can call myself uncle Liu. Obviously, I should be familiar with him. But who is it?

When Liu Sheng was still hesitating, she heard the little girl continue to say, "Hello uncle Liu, I'm Ding Yun!"

"Ding Yun?" Liu Sheng hesitated for a moment, the name to his feeling is so strange! It's not Liu Sheng who is vague. It's mainly because we all know that Ding Yu's two children are lovely and attractive. However, they seldom mention the names of these two children. Moreover, they don't stay in the capital very much!

As far as the outside world knows their names? Even less and less!

What's more, Liu Sheng? Because of my work, I didn't go back to Beijing? So it is even more confused!

"Uncle Liu, Ding Chang and my younger brother Wang Xiaogang came here together. Gong Junchao, uncle Gong picked us up! When I came here, I added a lot of trouble to uncle Liu! "

Half of the time, Liu Sheng felt his head buzzing. He suddenly knew who Ding Yun was! Ding Chang's name is the same strange, but Wang Xiaogang's name is a real one!

Wang Yang took him to his home. What his mother liked was called a tight one, and according to the news he knew, Wang Xiaogang had been following his uncle, Ding Yu! This big brother doesn't have two children!

And at that time, big brother with two children came to the drug market side, but also made a thing out! Of course, to be exact, this matter has nothing to do with big brother. The main reason is that there are some problems in the drug market!

But after that time of things, the drug market is really a lot of rules!

"Xiaoyun, when are you coming?" Liu Sheng also laughs, tone is also relaxed a lot! "You! Still so polite? What's up? Do you think uncle Liu is an outsider? I want to tell big brother and Wang Yang, let them teach you a good lesson

"Dad doesn't have so much time. There are other jobs for uncle. The three of us are here! Hee hee The relationship was soon paved! "We want to visit uncle Liu if we have time in the evening. We don't know if we will disturb uncle Liu's work."

"Little girl, you are polite to me! Nothing happened in the afternoon! I'll have you taken around! "

"Uncle Liu, Gong Junchao, uncle Gong is accompanying us? If you let people come here, if granddad and grandma know, it's time to teach us a lesson! " The little girl is not afraid at all, and seems to be very good at dealing with such things, "but Xiao Gang said, I want to see my aunt and little brother!"

"Yes! When you're tired, go home and I'll ask your aunt to prepare now! "

After Liu Sheng hung up the phone, he also found out his wife's phone number, "wife, are you busy now?"

When Gong Ni received the phone call, she was very puzzled. Her husband had never talked to her like this. Listening to his tone, she seemed to be very anxious! "I don't have anything here. In the morning, I took my child to the hospital and got vaccinated. It was a little noisy. I just had dinner and Xiaohai fell asleep! What's the matter? "

"There are guests at home! Do you ask your aunt to clean up and prepare some snacks and fruits? "

Ah? Gong Ni has so many words. Come to the guest? It's understandable to prepare fruit, but what's the ghost of preparing snacks? With the kids? It shouldn't be! What's more, the husband never meets guests at home. As we all know, the husband is very strict in this respect!

"You will call your mother later and say that Ding Yun, Ding Chang and Wang Xiaogang are here! Mom will arrange it! " Liu Sheng still thinks that this matter should give his mother a Hello! "Even big brother Dingyu and Wang Yang's children don't know when they will pass. Just pay attention to it!"

When Hong yuanxiu received the phone call from his daughter-in-law, he was also slightly distracted for a little time. However, Gong Ni felt that there was some uneasiness in her heart. Her mother-in-law didn't say anything, so she could only hold her breath because she didn't know what would happen! Can let husband and mother-in-law, are so valued, by no means general!"I know! You don't know much about brother Yu. Liu Sheng should know something about it! But also very limited! Wang Yang is the son of Wang Changlin, Minister Wang and elder sister Su, and Wang Lao's close grandson! Wang Yang, who was a jerk boy, used to run to the house to make a living. He also took his son with him before! Xiao Gang came to the house together! "

Gong Ni listen to the heart is not from a tight! It's not a general relationship to take the children to eat at home, and look at this meaning, it should be the mother-in-law cooking, my God! Their own home in the province has a considerable relationship, but when it comes to the capital, it is really far away from the emperor!

Wang Changlin, Minister Wang and elder sister Su, listen to her mother-in-law's voice, they are very respectful. There is also old Wang, who can be called by her mother-in-law, Gong Ni feels that her back heart has begun to cool! Cold sweat has come out!

"Mom, do they have anything to avoid, or something more taboo! I also have a preparation here

"There's really no taboo. Just arrange something seasonal! Do not need to deliberately prepare what, Ding Yun and Ding Chang I do not know much, but Xiaogang this child, is very good! You can play with Xiao Hai

Gongni recognized the hint in her mother's words, "OK, mom, I know!"

After a meal and a short rest, Gong Junchao also took the three primary schools to the drug market. As for other places, he didn't have much interest. However, after entering the drug market, he also went straight to a store. The store was really not small, and the decoration was also antique, and there were a little more people!

"Uncle Gong, are you free today?"

When the young man standing at the door saw Gong Junchao, he could not help but brighten his eyes. He squinted at the three children standing in front of him. He hesitated for a moment, but then he remembered something. What the whole person couldn't help but was a spiritual shock.

"Is brother Liu there?" Gong Jun supernatural saw the young man's eyes and movements, but did not say anything! I think they are all smart people. Their family made 20 million yuan by their husband's Long Yan Xiang! Otherwise, how could there be such a large family business? How can you not remember such a thing clearly?

Although the young master and the young lady have grown up! But the appearance is still there!

"My father is on the building! A batch of goods have arrived. My father is handing over the goods, young master! Young lady, is this the young master? Uncle Gong, please come here The young man with eyes was also very polite. He reached out and made an invitation gesture!

Ding Yun and Ding Chang bowed down slightly to express their thanks. Politeness is one thing, and how to behave is another. This is the reason given to them by their father. It is the same with Wang Xiaogang!

When I went into the hall, I also looked at the little guy beside me, "Xiaoxuan, thank you today! There is a noble man at home

Ding Yun takes a look at Ding Chang and Wang Xiaogang. These two bastards don't pay any attention to it. They don't mean to show up. Ding Yun is very dissatisfied with this, but she still takes the lead. "Uncle Gong, we're here to have a look. If we let the store close the door and thank customers, it's our fault! How dare you come here in the future

Gong Junchao was stunned for a moment, and also nodded his head. "The eldest lady is also kind-hearted. I can't live up to her kindness. Today, I'm here to have a look and let the building be a little more clean."

The guy next to him is also leaving quickly, and at the same time, let the other guys be more careful! There is also a hurry to prepare, although there is tea here, but fruit and other things, there is really not too much, visitors are adults or old people, basically no children! This is really can not blame the pharmacy side!

When the old man sitting on the floor saw Gong Junchao, he also stood up and said hello! But then his eyes narrowed a little, because he noticed that Gong Junchao was not in the front of the line, and his son also bowed down. The conditions in the family in the past two years have been much better. There are not many people who can make him such a jerk!

Fixed eyes, the old man's eyes are also a bright, whoosh of a sudden stand up, but the next to the guests to frighten a good big one, the master this is what?

"Mr. Hao, let's put our business on the back burner. We've come to visit our house!" I made a sorry gesture to the guests nearby. When I came out, I even managed to tidy up my clothes!

"More or less..."

After saying that, Gong Junchao also stood up and said, "six elder brothers, I didn't expect that you had guests. Those who came up were so abrupt! There's so much noise down there! Yun elder sister, Chang elder brother son and just elder brother son come up and sit down! "

"Good morning, sixth grandfather." The three children cried with one voice! Very neat, but also appears to have the accomplishment!

"Here you are! But give me this old man a face

"Sixth grandfather, you are busy first. Uncle Gong and we are here to have a look!"The middle-aged man who has been following him has stood up at this time. The three children don't know each other, but they can make Liuge as a VIP guest and let Gong Junchao accompany him. This identity will never be too simple! Didn't you see that Gong Junchao was careful?

Gong Junchao's status in the pharmaceutical market can be said to be so detached, but those who have some business are basically aware of it, and they are also engaged in medicine business! For the relationship is particularly clear!

They don't make black money or pick pocketing money. They just look down on these things. They only ask for good things. It's good to send them to Gong Junchao! It is not only beyond the market price so simple, even if he can pass the eye of Gong Junchao, even if he doesn't accept it, then some people will rush for it!

Such a position can not be bought with money, but over the years, Gong Junchao has always been in such a position, and there are quite a lot of people supporting him both inside and outside! This is absolutely not something that can be done by some means and abilities!

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