"Mr. Gong!" The middle-aged also said hello! Then also stood to one side of the position!

Obviously, there is no intention to disturb, nor to have the cheek to stay! But because of the current situation, it is not good to leave directly! But it is a deep look at the three children standing there, useful or useless, write down first!

The clothes on the body look very ordinary, but the spirit of the three children is very unusual, looking very smart! After all, there is nothing deeper to see!

"It's time to come today. There are good things, and absolutely good things!" Laoliu also pointed to the table, "open your eyes?" Obviously, it's also for the three little ones to see and appreciate!

"Sixth grandfather, we don't know much about this. You and uncle Gong should introduce it to us. Let's open our eyes."

"This is brought by Mr. Hao, and I have just checked it!" Let three small sit down, oneself and Gong Junchao and others are also standing beside the position, looking at the things on the table, things round, but slightly flat, a little gray white feeling! The overall shape is not as good as expected! There was no obvious smell.

Ding Yun and Ding Chang sniffed their noses, but they had some interest in it. As for Wang Xiaogang, he didn't have much expression at all. He really didn't have any interest in it! But the elder brother and elder sister expressed quite interest, oneself also follow coax just!

"It's not a golden cow, but it's very similar!"

Two small murmured, so-called similar? It refers to things with the same object. The two children also made the conclusion after observing for a long time. However, if they can distinguish them immediately, there are still some things that can't be done! At this point, they are quite different from their father!

"Good eyesight!" Six Ye also cried out! Then he nodded to Gong Junchao and Hao Zong! The two children are not very old, but it is really not easy to have such vision! To know that the children now, can say that the ox horn dog treasure, will not be imagination in so many!

"Mr. Gong, do you give me your eyes?"

"Six elder brothers, look like this, like Ma Bao!"

"Great!" Hao Zong, who followed up next to him, also exclaimed! When I got this thing in my hand, I really didn't see it. Later, I knew it only after someone was firm! Although he said that he was also the operator of medicinal materials, he did not know everything! You can't do it yourself!

But Mr. Gong, after a look, said it! fierce! It's really amazing!

After all, things are brought by themselves, and no one else handles them. But Gong Zong recognized it after a glance! It's amazing!

"Someone took this thing and mortgaged it to me. I think it's a rare thing, so I gave it to LiuYe to have a look at it." General manager Hao also said very politely!

Not only Ma Bao, but also some other things. Lao Liu took them to the table, and even gave a very detailed explanation to Sanxiao. The two little ones showed great interest in this and listened carefully. As for Wang Xiaogang? He is holding his chin, obviously a little absent-minded! But that's it. There's no other action!

However, when the crowd spoke, the sixth son also came up to his father's side, and then said in a low voice, "Dad, the third master is coming!"

Third master Feng is here? Of course, Lao Liu has heard of what happened at that time, but he can't get involved in such a thing! So I'm looking at Gong Junchao! After all, people are brought here by brother Gong! People come to see their own pharmacy, this is to give their own face, so the decision-making power of this matter is still in the three small body!

"Brother Gong, Third Master Feng is here!"

Gong Junchao was stunned for a moment, but still bent down his body, "Xiaoyun, Xiaochang, and Xiaogang, Feng San is coming!"

"Feng San?" The little girl and the little guy looked at each other! Then both of them fell into meditation! Time is not very long, two people are shaking their heads, "no way! It's still too far away

Wang Xiaogang some do not understand, but this time the performance is particularly curious!

"It's good to see you! It's not an enemy

After waiting for a short time, I saw two young people walking upstairs with an old man! Lao Liu also met two steps. Gong Junchao stood behind him and nodded his head almost indistinctly as he waited for the third master Feng to come near! If you don't pay close attention to it, you can't even see what Gong Junchao does!

In fact, Feng San has looked for Gong Junchao many times, but Gong Junchao has not let go. There is no way to let go of this matter! But later Feng San's performance can be said to be particularly good, so Gong Junchao also took advantage of the opportunity to mention a sentence, but Gong Junchao really did not think of it, sir did not pay any attention to it!

Gong Junchao has not forgotten the scene at that time. As Mr. Gong said, it is a matter for two children. If they are willing to pay attention to this matter in the future, they will pay attention to it. If they are not willing to pay attention to it, they will understand it!Gong Junchao really didn't expect that his husband would have such an idea. However, after careful consideration, it seems to be a matter of common sense. Now he doesn't care so much about Third Master Feng, and he doesn't mean to put it in his heart at all!

If you really care about it, don't mention a third master Feng. Even if it's the ox and dog treasure behind it, you'll get them a clean one. There won't be any omission! Don't doubt the ability of your husband. For him, this is absolutely not a difficult thing, even a sentence!

What about power broadcasting? What about the sound of the door all over the world? If you want to hit the ground, it's easy, OK? However, looking at the opinions of the two children, they seem to be quite interested in this matter, but they don't know what their views are!

Children! Sometimes it's very grudge! Their own children are like this, young, but especially careful!

I don't know what these two little ancestors looked like. After seeing Feng San, they also stood up. Wang Xiaogang knew that his brother and sister were upset. Otherwise, according to the rules of the family, I'm afraid they would have stood up long ago. It's impossible to wait until the grandfather comes to his feet.

So Wang Xiaogang standing in the back also tilts his head to look at Feng San! Eyes blink and blink, but look at his small face, really can not see anything, the face with a smile, not the general lovely!

"I've met the young master and the young lady!"

Two small is also holding their own small fist, it is really like that a thing! Third master Feng looked at the two fists and couldn't pick out any problems! Also let oneself have nothing to say! "I've met granddad Feng. You're very well!"

Immediately let his body, "Feng grandfather, please sit down!" Really did not regard oneself as an outsider!

Old six's son is also in a hurry to move a chair out, to put to the side of the position! No matter it is three small, or Feng San ye, it is the kind that can't be provoked! What's more, this is still in our own shop! Relatively speaking? I'm more partial to the three smalls. Do you think it's right for him? In the end, there is a little resistance!

"Ah Feng San sighed heavily, leaning on crutches, he sat down in the chair beside him! After waiting for Feng San to sit down, they also looked at Gong Junchao in the back. "Uncle Gong, let's talk to granddad Feng for a while!"

Gong Junchao did not immediately reply, but looked at three small, looked for a while, also nodded, "just right, I have something to say with Lao Liu! It's downstairs! " With the old six make a wink, but also gaze at Feng San for a period of time, finally leave!

"Young and old, young lady, how is Mr. Ding?"

Although I got some news through Gong Junchao, I just got some news. I've been to the capital, and I've seen Ding Yu's courtyard. I've even learned quite a lot from other channels. After all, dragon has dragon road, mouse has mouse road! But the more I know, the more I feel in my heart!

From the truth above, my age is not too young! But why did you go there in person instead of borrowing? Because I also have some worries and fears! If you go to investigate by yourself, at most, you will have to work hard! But it can ensure that there won't be too many problems!

But if someone else started, who knows if he will sell himself? After so many years of experience in the world, I am still very clear about this! Fortunately, he went there in person. If an outsider was to deal with this, Feng San could guarantee that he didn't know how he died when he died!

The quadrangle is not only as simple as Longtan tiger's den, but also the security and security guards at the door are of the guy style, which makes them even more afraid. There are not many people going into the courtyard, but there are really many knocking on the door. What about the people who knock on the door? No matter which one says a word, it's enough to crush yourself!

But Ding Yu told himself that in 15 years, when the three children grow up! Talk about it!

I really don't know if I can live for 15 years, but this thing is wrong in my body. I need to stand up at that time. If I don't, it's not as simple as robbing and killing the family. If people dare to say this, it's natural to be able to do it!

In other words, at that time, I didn't kill myself directly! It's mainly because people don't want to smash the drug market! At the same time, give the children at home a certain experience, do you dare to give up? Not at all!

Today, I brought two disciples to come here. I really didn't think about it. In fact, I had thought about it. If the two kids could lose a little temper, it might be good for me! What's more, I haven't brought anyone else!

But I didn't think about it. No matter what the rules of the river and the world, people don't want to let their two little disciples do such things. Can they achieve the level of two children in front of them? It's awful!"Big and small! Miss! " Feng three inside the crutches placed on one side of the position, there is no need to hold in the hand! Although Feng San is very clear, he is seeking mercy, but he understands more, so that can play a role is not very big! There are also children nearby. How does he feel so bad when he looks at his eyes?

"How is Feng Lao's body?" The little girl is dissatisfied with the performance of Ding Chang next to her, why must let oneself appear? But think about Ding Chang, a jerk, has always been a role of a badminton fan. Instead, he doesn't think he can fight for the front, but thinks it's more interesting to sit in town! The same as my father!

"OK! I didn't expect to meet the big master and the lady today. This is? "

"Wang Xiaogang! Brother of the uncle's house! " Ding Chang shouted, "Xiao Gang! It's a call! "

"Grandpa Feng!" Wang Xiaogang jumped down from the chair, and bowed slightly to salute, and then shouted a word and licked his face and smiled. But there were so many false smiles, but in addition, it can be said that it is impeccable! Then I went back to my seat and made it!

"Good young master! Old man Feng San! "

But Wang Xiaogang is to sip his mouth and smile, there is no more meaning! See Feng San's eye wrinkles also can not beat up, to know that the big master and the big lady do not have too much action, but this little young master? This smile does not know why to give their own feeling, there are so many pumping in the heart!

"The big master and the lady come far away. I wonder if I can use the place where I am old. I will never refuse to refuse to die!"

"I will visit uncle Liu shengliu later. When he was a child, he would go to the house with uncle Liu for mixed meals. Now, Xiao Gang is still eating in grandma Hong's house from time to time. I'm sorry! It's just the chance! "

Feng San's face on the expression slightly showed that some embarrassment! I have a few names, but what about this one? Need to see where to use, others may not know, but Secretary Liu shengliu, how can they not know! But that's what you know! Really want to say what has to do with, still forget! It's a little bit too high!

What identity is the family, everyone knows that the root of secretary Liu is in the provincial city! But from now on, the root of others! It's not in the provincial capital at all, but in the capital! Although it is a word! But the difference is still heaven and earth! I don't understand why secretary Liu will do this, but it doesn't matter!

Each other is not a road above, others can knock open secretary Liu's door, but what about themselves? Don't say the gate! Even the property door can be knocked open, this is between the two things!

"I am ashamed of my old age!"

The little girl thought, and did not know where to touch a coin! Although his hand is not very big, it is not difficult to turn coins with one hand. Even Xiao Gang can play it very well now!

Two scrolls! The little girl is facing the sky, and the coin is in the position of the hand, but I think, I still let the coin lie down! "Grandpa Feng, I don't know if I can open my eyes!" Then I put my hand forward!

Feng San hesitated for a moment, the little girl ha ha ha a smile, the two people standing behind want to move forward, but Feng Sanwei hum, two apprentices a little bit awkwardly, did not see clearly! But I see it very clearly!

The little girl's fingers are too flexible! From the surface, it is as if the fresh green is very tender, and there is no cocoon or dead skin at all. But she obviously noticed that when she turned the coin, it was not only so simple as proficiency! Even there is a considerable amount of flower life!

It's not hard to know that turning coins! There is no special skill in this, but it takes a long time to practice, otherwise, it will never be so skilled! And the little girl is very familiar, this is really strange! So pure, but there is no trace and cocoon on the hand, isn't it strange?

Feng San stopped his apprentice. Feng San leaned forward and moved his hand. However, her eyes were watching the girl rather than the coins in her hand. The little girl had no feeling. She was watching Feng San. The two looked at each other for a while, and felt a light in her hand when Ding Yun blinked his eyes!

"Xiaochang, try!"

Ding Yun has no any reluctance, let his body position, let Ding Chang sit there, he is standing on one side of the position carefully watching, hope to find what! But basically not too much use, Ding Chang still has not too much feeling, and Wang Xiaogang is more white goods!

"Good Kung Fu, good means!"

Three small to sit down again! "My father once said that no matter what Kung Fu practice has reached a certain extent, it can disturb the level of skill, but this needs a considerable amount to change! "It's great!"

"Laugh! It's a little bit of a trick! Once or twice, if more, my old man's arm is about to break! " Feng San is not joking, even if he has a feeling, two small fingers have to touch their hands!"Fierce is fierce. My father always said that he would not be guilty if he met an expert." After a look, Ding Chang said, "how about three years' remission? At least it's worth the price

Two people nodded, also given this matter down! It's smart!

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