"Uncle Gong, you may have to work harder in the evening."

Gong Junchao had been to Liu Sheng's house before, of course, he didn't stay to eat, but he had already walked around! For Gong Junchao, it is already a very worthwhile thing! Not everyone can enter the community, nor can anyone enter the gate of secretary Liu's house!

"I don't have anything, but Xiaoyun, Xiaochang and Xiaogang, you three stay here, I still have some worries!" Gong Junchao for their own things, is not so concerned about, mainly for three small have so some worry!

No matter what's going on, you can carry it, but if there are any problems in the three small schools, then it will not be able to carry on! Even if you are dead, you are not enough to make amends!

"It's OK, uncle Gong. We'll go back and have a rest now! This day is also a little tired

Three small and no other activities, this day, the general people are really so some can not bear! Even three small is also the same! But even so, Gong Junchao still sent the three small schools to the place where they stayed and gave an account, and then they left slowly!

However, in the evening, Gong Junchao was not as good as he had imagined. He contacted Mu Ming, but he scolded him and even his banquet was almost ruined by him!

Gong Junchao is not really angry about this. Why? What a worthless thing, such a man! Greedy and dissatisfied with the problem is not the problem. The brain is basically a bunch of paste. Has the final say that the drug market is really able to decide what it is? The problem is that there are so many too shallow! Anyway, the drug market is too simple to think about!

You should know that your purchase is basically high-end medicine, even the most top-notch, but even so, you are also strictly abide by the market rules, in this process, you really did not seek any benefits for yourself, the so-called want people do not know, unless you do not! I know this truth!

If you say that you really moved something, don't you know? As for the reason why Mr. Zhang asked the eldest young master and the eldest young lady to come over and support himself, was it not because he did things with all his heart and soul?

Mr. Zhang has done his own work! On this basis, I will help you string the news and contact the drug market. There is no problem with this. In the long run, you will have great trust in yourself. Hello, I'm good. Hello, everyone. Everyone will carry the flowered sedan chair! Right?

But you wood Ming? Just rely on the so-called hard power, directly step in, even the basic rules of the drug market are not noisy understand, how possible? What's more! You step in, there is no big deal, no one can stop you, but take yourself as this note, a little bit too much?

What's the matter? Step on yourself! And then go up? Will the drug market agree? Will the city agree? Will the client agree? Once or twice may not be a problem, but in the long run, there will definitely be problems, and it is the kind of big problems! But I'm afraid I haven't thought about it!

The so-called good words can not persuade the dead! Maybe it's because Mu Ming has been too comfortable during this period of time! He stepped on the side of the drug market, and has seen considerable benefits. Under such circumstances, there are so many people who can't help themselves! It's normal!

He set up a scene and gave Mu Ming considerable face, but Mu Ming ate dry wipe clean, and then swaggered away, as if nothing had happened! What else can Gong Junchao do?

The next morning, three small up very early, in the villa courtyard sitting exercise! The same is true of some security guards who are not on duty. Although they are all trained by Jin, they are all from the same line as the three little ones, all of them are from Ding Yu's mountain!

However, there are some differences in the way of each other, because the three children are still young, so their way is slightly different, but the security is still willing to rely on their side, why? There are quite a few reasons for this!

Whether it is Mr. or supervisor, there is not too much confidentiality in this respect. The question is whether you can reach this level. If you can reach this level, everything will come naturally. If you can not reach this level, even if you try hard, there are not too many ways!

These security people are also very looking forward to, after all, they want to reach the level of the director, is not likely to happen! Not to mention sir! But what about them? It may be lonely now, but in the future? Or do you have children at home? You know, sir and supervisor, there is no such restriction!

Of course, they don't expect their children to follow the same path in the future, but this way may help their children's life. What about this kind of help? Maybe it's endless!

And three small for such things know or do not know? Wang Xiaogang may not have too much feeling, but Ding Yun and Ding Chang brother and sister still know, but they have no so-called concealment, nor do they want to hide anything!They even have a very good relationship with security. They are responsible for protection. Although this is only a job, what about work? One is passive, the other is active! The two attitudes are fundamentally different! If you take the initiative, then the joint effect produced by this also has an essential difference!

Gong Junchao came earlier, but the training of the three primary schools was not finished. Gong Junchao also watched from a distance. He really didn't mean to come in. He didn't expect that the three primary schools should have such consciousness!

I'm already a grandson! But is this binding? It's really not better than the three small. If you say that you are here, you can understand and understand, but you are not there at all. They can restrain themselves so much! It's really amazing!

"Good morning, uncle Gong! Just now when I was exercising, I couldn't relax, but I kept you waiting for a long time

Ding Yun has already pulled Wang Xiaogang away! Therefore, Ding Chang also stood up and wiped the sweat with a towel, while doodle said with his small mouth!

"Well, seeing you, I feel like an old man! After I didn't come over, I found that I still got up a little late! " This is not praise, but really from the heart!

"Let uncle Gong laugh While they were talking, they walked inside. Breakfast was on the villa side. Although the amount was not very large, the variety was complete, "Uncle Gong, let's go together! We've been here before, but we've forgotten about the taste. We need you to give us an introduction! "

For this, Gong Junchao is really interested in this, and for himself, it is not a difficult thing, almost every early, can tell his history and heritage, although many may be rumor, but it sounds like a different taste!

After breakfast, Ding Yun picked up the tablet computer and wanted to video with his father. After all, from the time point of view, his father will never rest! But I didn't think that dad didn't give any face at all, and even didn't have time for the meeting. It was still the meeting with them by director Jin!

"Sir, I'm still in the operating room. There's an operation that hasn't been finished yet, so the time may be a little bit late!"

Kim is very doting on the three children, so he also said very carefully, "and, sir, has already said it! Since you have gone to Gong Junchao, all the things need to be discussed with him more, and the rest will be left to you! I hope you and you can handle this time well

"Uncle Jin, is Dad lazy Ding Yun also has some jumping feet!

Jin shook his head. "No, sir's work has been very busy these two days. There is not so much free time at all. Although Mr. Zhang didn't mention anything, he was very satisfied with your performance."

"Dad is partial!" You don't care so many girls? But look at the video above, it seems that it is really in the hospital! After all, his father will not be because of such things to sway himself, there is no need for that!

"Yes! Hello, Mr. Gong Junchao. Mr. Gong doesn't have so many things to do! "

"I see!" Ding Yun called out, "let dad pay more attention, don't work too hard!" Give the mobile phone to their own Ding Chang and Wang Xiaogang, let them also say two words, and finally handed it to Gong Junchao. The same words are not so much! But Gong Junchao is still very moved! After all, not everyone has such treatment!

Put down the mobile phone, Gong Junchao is very respectful to put the mobile phone to Ding Yun's hand position! And then sit on one side!

Ding Yun nodded, "Uncle Gong, what's the situation over there? Originally, we should not intervene in this matter. After all, it involves some business in the drug market, and this is your place. If there is any problem or situation, we can't explain it to everyone! Do you think so? "

"Speaking of it, I'm still a little ashamed. Last night, I went back to dinner with Mu Ming and made a great concession. I'm not so interested in the voice of the drug market. I just give you help. The high-end medicinal materials that walk around from the drug market every year are really very limited! But the conversation last night was not very pleasant, almost all the tables were obviously given! I don't have much to say

"It seems that some people can't stand their own hands and feet! In other words, some people are envious of the drug market business! "

Ding Yun also mentioned this matter with the tone of an adult at this time! After all, she and Ding Chang both have considerable business, and they have different understanding and opinions on some of the problems!

This is the benefits of experiencing and not experiencing, experienced! Then for one of the things will not feel a mess, can not find any clue! But did not experience, is to feel fell into the sea water, simply can not find any drag, finally can only slowly sink down!"The business of the drug market is very big, not only in China, but also in Southeast Asia. Naturally, there are many people interested in the drug market business. I am bold! Naturally, quite a number of people feel that it is not appropriate. Fortunately, I have not hindered your business, so you are willing to give me such a face. However, it still interferes with the interests of some people! "

This is a very common thing! However, these guys didn't want to solve the problem through normal channels. Instead, they wanted to follow the so-called heresy. For such things, Gong Junchao had no way to accept, and he had no interest in the drug market?

But what does it mean? I want to kill them all and get rid of the drug market. I don't know if this guy will choke to death? Are there so many people who are too hateful?

Of course, Gong Junchao also knows that the main reason is that his influence is a little bit big. Therefore, if Mu Ming wants to control the drug market, they have to kill chickens and macaques. What about themselves? It seems that there is no so-called influence, at least there are so many too unreal backers!

"Uncle Gong? Who is behind the wood Ming! Do you want to show off in the drug market? This should not only need people in the drug market, right? What's more, it needs the cooperation of many other forces? You can't do this alone! This has nothing to do with money! "

Obviously, Ding Yun is also quite angry. What about the herbs in the house? Basically, they are supplied to small pharmacies, and there are grandfathers and grandmothers, including their bodies, even their body nourishment, and even some drug applications for their fathers and security!

If there is a problem in the drug market, it will be a big problem!

"There are still a small group of people in the drug market! At that time, the affairs of Guizi six had a considerable impact. Later, all sides worked together to eliminate them. However, only the people in the drug market were eliminated. The people behind them still retracted their tentacles. The benefits behind this are too great! So some people are so obsessed with their interests! "

"I see!"

Ding Yun and Ding Chang two people can not help but hum, grandfather Ding Lin is a doctor, father Ding Yu is also a doctor, their future may not become a doctor, but does not mean that they have no interest and interest in this industry? Right?

But now there are quite a number of people who are harming this business! Grandfather is not fake western medicine, but his father is a combination of Chinese and Western medicine, and now the drug market? Basically, they are Chinese herbal medicines, which can't be controlled by other places. But what about some things? Really can't light Rao! So Ding Yun is also a little cruel!

"Uncle Gong, in addition to them, there should be considerable power, right? Mu Ming should be jointly recommended by them! "

"Other forces? I just know that there are other speculators involved, as for other aspects, I really don't know much! " Gong Junchao is just a buyer. The specific information is transmitted through other channels. The information he can know is really limited!

Ding Yun is looking at Ding Chang and Wang Xiaogang, "say something! What should I do? "

Wang Xiaogang took the stick in his hand. It was obvious that some of them were eager to try. In his angle, the work was over! What else? Ding Chang is holding his chin with his hand! "It seems that there are a little more people involved in this matter! Whether it's those who sell fake drugs or speculators, it's better to solve the problem. However, it's very difficult for the two sides to support wood Ming! "

Worthy of being the role of the badminton fan, although the age is not small, but this cruel still has! At this point, it seems to have inherited Ding Yu! Or do not start, since the choice of hands, then it is a one-off solution to all problems! Don't leave any disaster for yourself!

"Don't dawdle, say something practical!"

"We don't know about this matter, and uncle Gong doesn't understand it either. But I think someone will understand it, but someone has no words. Even when he knows that we are going to visit uncle Liu shengliu, he still doesn't have any words. In fact, this is quite an illustration, isn't it?"

I'm going? Gong Junchao really did not think about this aspect of the problem, really do not know, there is such a calculation? This NIMA! Since Feng San knew everything about it, he didn't mean to take it out. What's the situation? What does he want to do?

"Young master! Miss, young master, what does the old fox Feng San want? Did he eat leopard gall

Gong Junchao is also so angry about this. He has done a lot of things for him over the years. Is he so showy? A little intolerable! It doesn't matter if you hit yourself in the face, but you and I are here! What do you want to do?

"Uncle Gong, it doesn't matter! Don't be so angry, this is common sense, the so-called human relationship is human! Business is business, it can't be confused! There are some problems between us and Mr. Feng, but this one is not so important! It's OK to blackmail himself, but it doesn't mean much! "Ding Yun and Ding Chang have a look at each other. In fact, it's easy to understand such a thing. If Feng San is called over at this time, it's a human relationship. Such a relationship will be very troublesome!

In other words, this is a typical bully! However, it is not a big deal. It was originally used by the two of them to practice. They encountered such a thing. Although some of them did not think of it, it was really a very interesting thing! It seems that the grindstone arranged by my father is still quite useful!

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