Ding Yun and Ding Chang really didn't mean to go to Feng San! That guy is an old fox! It's not a difficult thing to dig something out of his mouth, but it will cost a lot!

Such a choice, Ding Yun and Ding Chang will still make a considerable judgment!

It doesn't matter what impression is good! It doesn't matter at all. There's no conflict of interest between each other! Can't make it because of such a thing to him, people? They are all exquisite egoists!

So is it necessary to blame Feng San for such a thing? No! That is to say, the impression is not very good! But really there is not too much relationship, a road can not go, then do not go to a black road, take the other way! This is not a difficult thing, such as Mu Ming, he is a better choice!

As long as the wood Ming this line to get through! Then all problems will be solved! It's better than beating around the bush! Will there be any other problems in the process? It's not as important as you think, let alone that they are children themselves?

Children do wrong things, sometimes they will get quite tolerance!

As for Feng San's wishful thinking, let him play slowly!

"Uncle Gong, let's have a meeting with Mu Ming! After coming, I heard a lot of things, but I really haven't seen them. We still have other things. We really don't have much time. If we see them, we may be able to talk about them! Let's talk about it! It's better than anything! Save everyone trouble

Gong Junchao took out his mobile phone. It took half a day for the phone to be connected. However, after it was connected, there was swearing. It was obvious that the matter was suddenly awakened, and his heart was extremely uncomfortable!

For the voice inside the phone, Gong Junchao slightly showed some embarrassment, but not to say what would happen if he scolded himself? There is really no such problem! It's the young master and the young lady. They're right next to them! He pressed but hands-free, in this case, three small will have other ideas?

A peek, Ding Yun is teaching Wang Xiaogang, and Ding Chang is holding a string of hands, do not know what is groping for, it is really like a small adult! But the performance is very calm! From another point of view, it's a little different!

After all, Gong Junchao has settled down! "This wood Ming is also a rude man. Maybe he drank a little too much last night, so he is not so sober now. He may be better after a while."

"Uncle Gong, what is Mu Ming's personal situation? I think it's a good start, isn't it

"I'm a little younger than I am. In the early years, I was engaged in the timber business. It's not clear whether it's rich or not. However, when I entered the medicine business, I didn't get up fast at all! But it's very abrupt! Even everyone has so many feelings not deep! However, it seems that we can get in touch with each other and say quite a lot of things, which is really amazing! "

When they came to the private room, Ding Yun and Ding Chang sat there honestly. However, Wang Xiaogang, who couldn't sit still, leaned over the window and looked at the scenery below, and even dragged Ding Yun to the past! Inside the mouth still can't live murmur, Gong Junchao looks at the big young lady and young master two people, also looked back to see Ding Chang!

Ding Chang is slightly drooping his head. It seems that he is more interested in the string of beads in his hand. Gong Junchao is also very interested in this. He has a string of yellow pears in his hand, which was brought over by his old friends for many years! No matter the size, or the appearance, is a top excellent!

As for the string of beads in Ding Chang? I have seen it! It's very ordinary, and even a little bit of scum, but Gong Junchao really doesn't mean to say it!

Even if Ding Chang doesn't understand, doesn't the husband understand it, or does the husband's family not understand it? People have not said anything about impossible things. Why should they be smart? Right?

"Brother Chang, what are you looking at?"

Gong Junchao waited for half a day, but Mu Ming didn't come over. He was really impatient to sit there, so he also asked about it! Ding Chang raised his head, "it's nothing. I made it myself. My father said I made it too rough! Let me have a closer look, so I'll have a look! "

"Is it because the wood is a little rough?" Gong Junchao said subconsciously, but then he changed his words and said, "brother Chang, I don't have this kind of storage in my house, but it's easier to find two pieces! There is still a considerable market for this product now! "

Ding Chang put the string of beads on the table in front of him, but when he put it up, it was also covered with a handkerchief!

"Dad doesn't have much criticism about this, but I haven't reached the level of my father. My father said that every piece of wood is actually a silent life. The problem is how to express this life! If it can be expressed, then he is not dead, but alive! ""I don't understand!" Gong Junchao shook his head directly. He felt that his head was a little big. He was not on a horizontal line at all. He didn't know how he was educated. Anyway, he was a little flustered!

"There are a hundred kinds of people and a thousand kinds of things, all of which are in different forms." Ding Chang seems to have done quite a lot of research on this, so at this time he also talked with a lot of words, "I learned this from some Japanese masters. There are some articles and ornaments sent from home, and even Sabina, but they are not dead branches and rotten leaves, but alive!"

"Alive? Is that thing worthless when it's alive? "

"No!" Ding Chang said with a smile, "in fact, I don't understand it very well. It's all hearsay. Uncle Gong, you can just listen to it as if you are talking about it. Do we have Yabai? They are all sitting root carving, or ornaments. What's more, they are made into beads, but in Japan? There is a more desolate way of expression, which is root art! "

"Why haven't you heard so much? Tell me about it

"In fact, it's Japanese, but the roots are created by our ancestors. But oranges grow in North and south, so the ways and methods are different! Our country! We don't pay much attention to this aspect. In addition, in modern times, faults are relatively serious. But in Japan? They're very stubborn

Yeah? Gong Junchao blinked his eyes, how to listen to this, Chang elder brother son does not seem to have too many good feelings for Japan, but this word Gong Junchao is put in the heart, really did not say the meaning!

From your own point of view? Little Japan? There are really not many good varieties. For example, people of my generation, or my husband's generation, have considerable opinions on small Japan, which is understandable. But for people as old as changge'er, with such performance, I feel it is not normal!

"In China, there has been evolution in this aspect in recent years, but it is more reflected in the creation. Let root art express its own ideas. What about Japan? It is to let root art express its own artistic conception. Specifically, one is external expression, one is internal expression! In short, this is the explanation! But I can't understand it completely now. Almost all of it is hearsay! "

Ding Chang has nothing to be ashamed of! Just tell me the truth!

"But sometimes I still need to admire little Japan. These guys are so stubborn! You say you don't know how to change it! It's really not like this, but you say flexible! It's very different from China's flexible way. Anyway, it's out of place for me! But there's no denying that their way is more likable

When two people talk, there is a noise at the door, and then someone pushes the door open! The sound is really not general big, a bang, also thanks to the door a little stronger, if not strong, maybe directly rotten! Gong Junchao is also a big shock!

As for the three small is to pay attention to all ignore the meaning! Is it still what to do or what to do? It's no different!

"I'll go?" Wood Ming big stab into the time, is also Leng for a moment, the private room is not small, but there is really no one inside? It's impossible to hide anyone! In addition to Gong Junchao, there are still three children who went to the drug market yesterday? What's the matter? Gong Junchao wants to talk about three children?

"Old Gong? What do you mean

Throw the bag to the table, it's really not the general momentum, take out the cigarette, but someone took the initiative to light the lighter! "Didn't you understand last night? From that circus again? "

"Young master!" Gong Junchao stood up and yelled in a low voice!

Ding Chang waved his hand! "This is uncle Mu! Uncle Gong helped my father deal with some things earlier, but my father's work was relatively busy, and he didn't have much time. So let's three have a look. I don't know what's the requirement of Uncle mu? What's the matter? You can sit down and talk about it and open it up

"I wiped it!" Mu Ming looked at Ding Chang and said something funny! "Is the hair full?"

"I'm still a little young. I may not understand the rules of the river and lake. Uncle mu, you are the elder and I am the younger. If there is anything wrong, please forgive me! Today is a feast for uncle mu. Uncle Mu has come to appreciate you! We are all very happy, some words? It's said on the table, saving everyone trouble

Wood Ming slightly frowned his brow, in front of the child for himself, is a little bit just, but really did not think, this talk is also a set of! Really is not the general polite, is really to let oneself have so some impressive! I really have some doubts about it for a while!

"I don't know if you are?" Mu Ming sat up straight, at least straightened his body, looking at Ding Chang said!

"My father is a doctor, and I don't know many people. I ran into uncle Gong in those years, so I asked Uncle Gong to buy for him. I didn't know that uncle Mu would have other ideas! Father doesn't have so much time and leisure, so let's three drop in and have a look. What does uncle Mu think? "What's the meaning? Just draw a way out! As for whether Mu Ming can be understood or not, this matter remains to be discussed. At least to the present position, Ding Chang's everything is very warm and moist. But to say that Ding Chang's bone also thinks so, it's really not. To know that he is a role of a badminton fan!

Now to do this, to a certain extent, is to give Mu Ming a set. I don't know if Mu Ming will accept this way? If that's how it's pushed back! It's also a good thing. If you really don't know what's good or bad, there will be more ways to go!

Mu Ming has been floating in the commercial sea for so many years, and I can't say that he has no eyesight at all. He didn't expect to encounter this little guy, but he really made himself feel so tricky!

What about this? It's flattery! But can ordinary children say such things? Maybe their eyes stare, children may cry! But this kid in front of you? Very calm sitting on the chair, looking at themselves, did not let themselves feel any provocation, did not let themselves feel any pressure.

But I really do not know how to deal with this matter? Should we accept it or not?

In fact, Gong Junchao's purchase of this matter, he is aware of, his vision is very high, this matter is also known, and basically not how to intervene in other business! But what? His presence has affected the interests of others! So I need to give him to go!

"Children, things are a little troublesome." Mu Ming really does not have the meaning of loud reprimand, and his attitude towards Ding Chang is quite different from Gong Junchao's!

"Uncle Mu is here. Some things are clear and open! There's no need for fuss, is it? There is nothing to say for everyone, so we can talk about it peacefully! It's good for everyone, isn't it? "

"Good! A hero makes a young man Wood Ming heavily patted the table, "what about me? No nonsense! I gave three million yuan, brother Gong quit the drug market, all the things in the children's home, I'll pay for it! "

"Three million?" Ding Chang looked at Gong Junchao standing on his side. "Uncle mu, three million is not a small number! What about the money? It's not too many problems, so uncle Mu has covered all his business! How can you trust uncle mu in your family? This is a problem! "

"What? I'm not worth believing? " With that, he also took a look at Gong Junchao!

"Yes! At least it's not worth trusting now. If you say a word, let the family believe that there are so many too many daughters-in-law, so-called empty mouth. I think uncle Gong is not short of your three million. What's your requirement? A little too harsh! This doesn't seem to be a way of negotiation, uncle mu, what do you think? "

"What do you say, little friend?" Mu Ming narrowed his eyes and looked at Ding Chang fiercely. Everyone knew that Mu Ming was the rhythm to turn his face over!

"Uncle Gong is only responsible for purchasing some medicinal materials. The cooperation with his family is very good! Just taking uncle Gong away, there are really some difficulties in the family. This has nothing to do with money. Uncle Mu wants to enter the market, but this has nothing to do with his family. If the market is there, anyone can enter the market and no one will stop him, right? "

"So you don't want to give Mu such a face? Is there no more to talk about? "

"So?" Ding Chang said with a smile, "Uncle mu, I don't think it's necessary to talk about things. I don't think it's better to talk about it like this! You think it's a lot of waste. Uncle Gong takes five million yuan as a drink of tea for you! Do you think this is feasible? "

"Children, since the hair has not grown up? They didn't come out to prick! " Mu Ming directly pressed the cigarette on the table, "do you believe it, I let you not go out of this room today?"

"Uncle mu, this is not good! Today is to invite you to have a seat. There is really no need to make this situation? The so-called business is not in love? "

"I'll go and you..." Not only wood Ming, but also the people who followed him swearing and even waving their fists. What's more, some people don't know where to pull out the guy style!

Ding Chang looked at Ding Yun not far away, "I said! Don't sit down. You have to let me sit down. What should I do! You are the one to blame for all the fuss that has not been settled yet

"What blame me?" Ding Yun also said in a choking voice, "it's all your fault. If you don't make a fuss, how can you be like this?"

The two little guys were accusing each other. Gong Junchao wanted to say everything, but Xiao Gang next to him pulled it and sat down alone, looking like a play!

But soon the noise in the room stopped!

"I didn't bother you." Feng San came in with a glass in his hand and pushed the door outside. Seeing the situation in the room, he was stunned. The young master and the young lady were amusing each other. Wang Xiaogang was sitting next to the theatre, while Gong Junchao was standing there in a daze!"Well? Oh Mu Ming looked back and then blinked his own eyes. "Third Master Feng, come here for tea?"

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