There are some frivolous and disdainful words, and there is no meaning to stand up at all!

Sure, I know that this old guy and old fox have some power, but what about that? I don't mean to put it in my eyes! After saying hello, I also look back! Feng San's eyes narrowed when he saw the action of wood Ming! But there is not too much expression on the face, even with the smile!

"It's a little abrupt!"

"Grandfather Feng!" Ding Chang did not sit there, but stood up and said hello with his little fist! "I didn't expect that you would always be free!" He made an invitation gesture and said, "talk to Uncle Mu about something. If Grandpa Feng doesn't dislike it, sit down and have a cup of tea together?"

Feng San Duan set his hands on the wine glass inside, and he really sat down. However, he sat a little closer to Ding Chang and a little far away from the wood Ming! Wood Ming is also a hum, obviously is also in the expression of their dissatisfaction! Is the old man a little contemptuous of himself? Or do you want to put up a scene for this little bunny?

"What? Third master Feng, do you want to intervene? Old age, legs are not easy to use! Don't fall

As for the strange voice of wood Ming, Feng took a breath. "My legs are not very sharp. I heard it was a little noisy here, so I came to have a look! I don't know where Chang Ge'er got Mr. mu? If you don't dislike it, would you like to sit down and have a good talk? Isn't it better? "

Huh? Mu Ming snorted impolitely, and didn't pay attention to Feng San Ye's meaning at all! Give you face to call you third master Feng? If you don't give you face, you're a cat? Turn to gaze at Ding Chang, "little rabbit, find someone to support you? But can this old waist still work? Don't you worry about breaking your leg and breaking your arm? I want to say, you've got the wrong idea! "

Feng San's face was so embarrassed that he had other plans in his heart. He thought the Ding family would find him. After all, he was a local villain! For the wood Ming situation or have a considerable understanding, but did not think the Ding family's three children simply did not want to find their own meaning! Let their own heart beat water drift!

This is really not a good thing?! At least not in their own plans! Feng San doesn't know whether the Ding family has seen through himself or that there are so many dull headed youths. If Mr. Ding Yuding came here, he must have seen through himself in Feng San. But are the three children? Can it be the reason for being casual?

So he knew that when Gong Junchao entertained wood Ming, he also deliberately rushed over, and the Hengsheng interposed in, but Ding Chang there? They can't see through at all. Ding Yun and Wang Xiaogang are now over their quarrel. They are whispering something with Wang Xiaogang. The distance is a little far, and their voice is very low, so they can't hear clearly!

"Uncle mu, you have put forward some opinions, but I can't agree with them. I have put forward some opinions, and you have also expressed your disagreement. This is a little bit troublesome! It's just that Grandpa Feng is here! Do you want him to be a middleman

"And! Dried vegetables Mu Ming stood up directly!

"When the children come here, I will give you three days as a guest! Three days later, give me where to go, I said! Do you understand? "

Feng San was also stunned, but before he could speak, Ding Chang knocked on the table with his hand, "so to speak, there is no need to talk about it! What a pity! I thought I could talk about it? Since we don't talk about it! Then change the way! "

A finger ring! He didn't pay attention to the pushed door. Ding Chang looked at Feng San Yeh, and the expression on his face seemed so strange! "Since grandfather Feng is here! It's like watching the Opera! It's not surprising that there's such a disturbance on this land, isn't it? "

"No, no!" Feng San is also embarrassed to smile! What else can you say? Who can think of Ding Changren Xiaogui big, what he thinks in his heart, he must have insight! What's more, it's very clear and clear to see that the reason why you want to stay is to warn yourself? Are the kids so good now?

If I had known this, I would have gone to find three little guys earlier. In that case, although it was a little passive, at least it was still the one who sold the favor. But now? Even if it is their own pole, people are willing or unwilling, is another thing to say!

The security guard pressed the wood Ming on the table! As for the others? He was taken out and didn't mean to stay at all! Wood ming down really did not show too much panic, at most for the security skills have so some curiosity!

"Mr. mu, since we can't agree with each other, let's change the way you expect! So I hate looking for parents, but there is no way! I need to be with you, don't I? "

Let the security guard take out his mobile phone and put it in front of Mu Ming, "Mr. mu, the mobile phone is here! enjoy yourself! Call anyone, call the police! We can't threaten your personal safety, can we? It's my problem that you can go out today. I'll take uncle Gong to apologize to you, and then turn around and leave the city. You can do whatever you like about the medicine market! What do you think of the proposal? ""Well?" Wooden Ming looks at the mobile phone placed in front of him, and looks back at the security standing at the door. What does it mean? Then also looked at Ding Chang, then looked at Feng San, eyes between the two people around! Feng San is looking at his glass at this time, and he also holds two walnuts in his hand, and he can't help rubbing it!

"OK, I admit it today!" So called good man does not eat the loss! I didn't think the young rabbit brought such a strong person, so under such circumstances, how can I do?

"It doesn't matter. You can call. I can't answer it. It's my problem! No matter what to recognize or not to plant, I can not take down, I am good away! You can't take it down. I don't know what it will be. I gave you the chance, so I hope you can cherish it! "

Wooden Ming is a double eye look at Ding Chang, and then also looked at Feng San, "Feng Sanyo, is this some non-compliance? Mr. Gong, I have negotiated with you, but I have never been like this! "

I don't know why, wooden Ming feels that there are so many bad things in my heart. Although I have so strong, but in this matter, I really haven't moved my feet. At most, I pushed it twice. There is no too many problems. But today, this little guy, I don't know if I can't prepare for it!

"Mr. mu, you choose to come hard, then I will play Ming chess with you! I gave you a chance, you didn't cherish it! So now, there are all kinds of means! I'll let you come first! " Ding Chang even extended his hand!

"You come here, my little friend, really?" The eyes of wood Ming are uncertain! I really can't think about it. Where is the child in front of me? See the palace Junchao, and see feng Sanyo! Are they both of them so angry?

Miyazau has not too many forces, has been bullied by himself for such a long time, but still has not too many reactions, can see that one or two, Mr. Feng, he is a little bit of power, but the problem is to hold down on himself, is also impossible things, after all, the power of the family is quite different!

Is it really a river dragon? You have to force yourself, the serpent?

"Is it true? Can I have a try? At least now, wood is still very active, I am young, do things may have so some casual and frank, wood, please! If you do, it's another thing, isn't it? "

To put it out is to threaten you. What can you do?

At this time, Ding Chang finally began to show his own light. Although he said that Dingyu had a considerable shadow, there were still so many careful machines compared with Dingyu. At least in the previous time, a rather small trap was set, so that the wood could not help stepping in!

If this thing is changed into Ding Yun, it will never be so cumbersome to perform. Why come so many polite, direct solution to the problem is good! Delay time, also waste their energy, even have so some of the disappointments!

But now? Ding Yun has a considerable time to educate Wang Xiaogang! Let him know some of the problems and conditions, although he is still young, but to clear the context of it, for Ding Yun, there are not too many problems!

The hand of wooden Ming is beside the mobile phone, but the look is a scanning back and forth. I really have some doubts. What does the little guy mean in front of me? Really let yourself take up the mobile phone? He's so sure?

When wooden Ming hands hold the mobile phone, they don't immediately take it up, but watch Ding Chang, even if they can use the extra light of the corner of the eye, see the security standing at the door is not meant to go up! Just indulge yourself to take your mobile phone! They were so bold and arrogant

"Children?" Wood sound tentative again a sentence!

But at this time Ding Chang looked at Mr. Feng! "Mr. Feng, how was the rest last night? There's nothing wrong with the arm! We had so many too reckless yesterday! I ignored the feeling of Mr. Feng! "

Feng San's body is shaking suddenly, this word spread to his ears, it is not so harsh, but the meaning of this word, really let oneself have so some shivers!

My careful thinking is pierced! And now people in their own face to point out, if sitting in front of him is Mr, a little better, after all, they were scared back at the beginning! Even my cane is broken! But now sitting in front of yourself is a child!

But I don't know why, I feel this little guy sitting here, behind the shadow of Mr. Ding Yu Ding is more obvious, do you want such a monster? Mr. Ding is terrible enough, but now your son is really blue and blue! At least for Feng sanlai, there are so many can not carry!

"Brother Chang'er, I see a laugh! The line is gone! So this thought is a little slow! Let the big lady, the big master and the little master laugh! " All have called themselves Feng Sanyo! what do you mean? Can't I hear it?Ding Chang Er, also did not mention what, then took his hand string patiently looked up, as if in front of this string can see a flower! Feng San also paid attention to the string of hands in Ding Chang's hand, but after looking at it for half a day, he didn't see one of them! Too ordinary!

While not paying attention, Feng San looks at Gong Junchao next to him. Maybe he feels something. Gong Junchao shakes his head slightly at Feng San. Some words are not what he can say, at least not what he can say now, but Gong Junchao still holds his right wrist with his left hand!

I want to be able to see clearly that there are beads on his hands, and they are very precious! I just don't know if the third master Feng can understand this truth. If he doesn't understand it, he can't help it. He has already made a considerable hint, hasn't he?

Mu Ming dials two phone numbers? Of course, there are some tentative meanings! But the people in the room seem not to care about their own existence, even if it is what they do, there is no one to care about it!

Are they so confident in themselves? After hesitating for a moment, Mu Ming also sent several SMS and wechat!

Looking up at Ding Chang, there is still no response? Is this a bit too calm? You're so sure you'll get yourself? If there is such a force? When Gong Junchao was bullied before, why didn't he see someone stand up? What kind of trick is this?

Mu Ming is an old man! But really did not experience this aspect of things, to be exact, has not experienced such a thing! So now it's a bit confusing!

"What? Mr. mu, have you finished the call Ding Chang didn't look up. He was still looking at the strings in his hand and studying the wood grain on it. If he followed the grain, what kind of change would be better? Is it going with the tide? Or?

Ha ha, Mu Ming is also smiling, but he doesn't mean to speak. The atmosphere in the whole room is slightly embarrassed. Except Ding Yun and Xiao Gang, other people really don't have any meaning to speak!

The waiting time is a little bit longer. Mu Ming feels that his butt can't sit still! Look at the time on the mobile phone. It has been more than half an hour? How could there be no reaction at all? Even if people don't come over, can't you send a message to yourself?

What's more, it seems that it's not such a thing! "Third Master Feng? A pot of tea

Third master Feng is looking at Ding Chang, he really dare not speak! It's not my turn to speak now! After all, their own careful thinking was pierced by others! Not as inside and outside, but Chang elder brother son certainly has other view to oneself! Now I can't distinguish the primary and secondary, then I will have my own good!

"A pot of tea! Give Mr. Mu a pot of good tea, uncle Gong. You can sit down, too! Don't stand all the time. There are no outsiders here! What would you like to drink Ding Chang asked back!

"I'll just have tea! Not so much attention! "

"Yes, just give us some juice! Don't add sugar, it doesn't taste any more if you add sugar! "

"I'll do it, I'll do it!" Feng San also stood up, such a thing there is no need to borrow people! Come on, you old man! Although that is to say, I would like to have some juice, but how can it be done if we just send the juice up so dry? At least a little snack, a little dessert, right? Kids love these things!

Ding Chang didn't say too much about Feng San's going out. Soon a waiter pushed the door and walked in. When he came in, he also looked back and forth, and then put the small plate on the top of the cart on the table! Dry Fruits! Snacks, even some dishes and so on!

One person is not enough, there are other people coming in, anyway, the things are full of a table! Feng San came back a little bit slow, but also a trot, in order to arrange these things, he also tried his best! How about the others? Don't say, at least get some so-called human relationship!

But whether it is Ding Yun, Ding Chang or Wang Xiaogang, they are weak in interest in the things on the table! At most, it's just two sips of juice! The taste of juice is OK! It can be seen that the third master Feng has a heart!

"Young master! Miss, young master, these are our local specialty snacks, just eat a fresh one, and many of them are made of medicine, which is good for our health! Time to go! There are enough materials, that is to say, you can only try it locally. If you leave here, there will be no taste! "

"Third Master Feng, have tea!" Ding Chang nodded his head, that's all!

He knocked on the table with his hand, and his voice was a little dull, "Mr. mu, your phone call is not in arrears, is it? This time is a little bit longer, although you have a lunch, it's no big deal! But it seems that such a waste of time seems to be quite inappropriate, or do you go out and look for someone? "What do you mean by that? Is wooden sound sitting straight oneself body? Let yourself go out and find someone? Is it too confident? Or what? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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