Three small things are not very concerned about things, but the capital side is a thorough frying pan! To be exact, when the family knows this thing, it is already thoroughly boiling!

Su Yuan started to curse at home! What's more, how bad the speech should be! What is the son of man, what selfishness and so on! The people in the family can't hold on at all! Don't dare to stop!

But think about it, they also think that things are really too much! We already know the exact thing! If Ding Yu is to do this thing, it is not a big deal, because Ding Yu used to do this, but how come this time is three small, to be exact, Ding Chang did this thing, there are some can not tolerate!

How old is the child? What do you want to do with this method? Pollute children? You Ding Yu wants to cultivate children, not to say no, but to instill such ideas into them now? How to educate in the future, and what direction will guide them to! This thing can't be tolerated!

Wang Changlin also felt that his eldest son was too much! There is no such education for children! It's OK for you to let your child realize the darkness and danger, but what kind of impact will it have on the child to do these things in person? What will happen in the future?

The boss is really worried! Now such a time to get out of such a thing, the family is now not so simple as verbal criticism! To put it more seriously, I wish I could take him down directly. Why? If the child continues to let his education go on like this, there will definitely be problems, and it is the kind of big problem!

"No, I can't. I have to call the children back. No matter what happens or what they have to do, I have to call them back, and let them stay in the capital. They are not allowed to go to the United States or other places. They go to school here in the capital!"

Su Yuan's voice is very high. Don't care at this time! It's not easy for anyone to say! Su Yuan has never been like this in the past. Today, his temper is coming up! It's really a bit of a surprise!

Wang Changlin made a color to his son and daughter, and asked them to comfort their wife first! At the same time let the doctor to check, now furious? They are so old! How can stand, if the blood pressure comes up, can cause some series of problems!

"Dad, this time, big brother is a little too much!" Wang Yang really does not mean to agree! But I think big brother is too hasty! Let Ding Chang do such a thing? It will have an abnormal impact on children's physical and mental growth, and this influence will even follow Ding Chang's whole life!

"What do you think of it?" Wang Changlin did not criticize his eldest son, at least not now, because he is also so some do not understand! The boss is quite organized in doing things, but why is this time? What on earth does he want to do? No head, no brain, people can not grasp any context!

"I don't know!" Wang Yang laughed bitterly, "as far as I know, big brother has never been like this! For children's education, most of them are guidance and guidance, and they are quite beneficial directions. Although they have suffered quite a lot during the period, they are good for the growth of children. But this time, it is too abnormal! "

"Yes! Some of them are too abnormal Wang Changlin felt a little headache in his head. Now he can't contact his eldest son. He doesn't mean to answer the phone! Too much autonomy! This is already the case! Not good contact, it is easy to have problems, but also the kind of big problems!

But what about the boss? There is no need to listen to the meaning of the home! The so-called can't be connected? It has already explained quite a problem! I don't know what the boss is thinking about at home!

"What are the children doing now?"

"I don't know!" Wang Yang spread out his hands, "I don't know! They do not say, I asked also have no use, and are all big brother's people, even if we are probing, we have not been able to inquire to! This time, it was because of Liu Sheng that we knew what had happened. Otherwise, we would still be covered in the drum. "

"Ah! It's really not easy at all

The boss can't get in touch, and the children can't get in touch with each other! It really doesn't mean that if you drag them back, you can pull them back! What's more, even if it's done at home! Can we really bring the children back? And the boss? He's a smooth ass!

The so-called Shun donkey, that is to say, if you follow him, it may be better. If you really choke him, then you will be the one who can't walk and backward! End is a headache!

"Three bastards, young, why do you want to turn the world after learning from monkey grandson?"

"It's not clear that the sky is turning. But this time, there are some things that are not very decent! What will happen in the future if you do something like this at a young age? " Wang Yang is really worried, after all, his son is also in it! He's younger!It's not that there are other cheap things for my big brother. It's really shocking this time!

"I hear it's about the drug market? It's not like your big brother's style to make such a big fight? And Gong Junchao, what is his situation? " Wang Changlin is thinking! What about the eldest son? Doing things has always been quite organized, with context, but this time? It's really confusing!

"Liu Sheng mentioned some specific situations to me. Gong Junchao is specialized in purchasing medicinal materials for elder brother. Basically, they are pure medicinal materials, and there are also quite high-end medicinal materials. He has performed very well in recent years. He is very reassured about him. If not for something quite happened this time, he would not let the three children pass by!"

"Buy medicinal materials?" Wang Changlin was stunned for a moment. There was a small pharmacy in siheyuan. He was at home. Even in the capital, there was quite a lot of news about it. The contents of the small pharmacy were very complete, and even people would turn to the small pharmacy sometimes. But according to Wang Yang, can the small pharmacy store so many herbs?

"Wang Yang, this is a little unreasonable! Gong Junchao buys medicinal materials for your elder brother. Things can be understood, but how many requirements does he purchase? If it is a little bit sporadic, even if it is some precious medicinal materials, will your elder brother be so aggressive? If there is a considerable amount, is there such a large demand in the small pharmacy? "

Yeah? Wang Yang is also slightly absent-minded, blinked his eyes, he really did not consider this aspect of the problem! So there are so many stopgap words at the moment! "I really don't know, but if it's rare medicinal materials, how many rare and precious herbs are there in China? But if the amount is large, the courtyard is not small, but it seems that there is not so much space! "

"Is there something wrong with it? And Liu Sheng's cooperation? This is absolutely not what he can do alone

"The provincial departments over there have quite a lot of cooperation, and the provincial Party committee has also made quite a number of instructions. It is said that quite a number of leaders have been involved in it! What a great gain! It's said that fake drugs and pickled drugs that have been verified have been piled up in several warehouses. If these things are spread on the market, they will cause great harm! "

Wang Yang explained the problem in detail! Wang Changlin did not speak, but thinking, the drug market is a good thing! Will let the people buy at ease, with ease! But this is definitely not the main purpose of the boss! What's more, the boss doesn't mean to control the drug market!

If the boss controls the drug market, then it won't be a gong Junchao, because it's very difficult for one person to control the drug market! What's more, Gong Junchao is not a talented person in this field!

So in a comprehensive way! Boss, there are other purposes in this, but this purpose is covered up! It doesn't even show much! It really has some meaning! But this kind of thing oneself remembers in the heart good! When you have a chance, you can talk about it with the boss!

"What's the mood of the three children? Have you received any impact? " Things have happened, now to investigate the past, there are so some unnecessary, still need to focus on the future! This is the most important point!

"A package of fun, it seems that I didn't pay attention to this matter at all!" Peeping at his mother, the second elder sister and Qiu Yan are there comforting! "Xiaogang didn't get involved in this matter, and Xiaoyun didn't get involved in it. Generally speaking, it was Ding Chang who finished it!"

"Hehe, it's not easy! I thought it would be Ding Yun? "

"No, but Xiaochang has a lot of complaints about it! He doesn't like to pay attention to this aspect. In the words of big brother, he is! Has always been a role of a badminton fan, not to say can not end, but rarely willing to end in person, if this time is not big brother, he ah! I haven't seen such a thing

Wang Changlin listened to his little son's attitude, but also a dissatisfied stare! Why is he so happy? What's coke about such a thing! I don't know how old I am! Or this kind of disposition? It's not very decent!

"Xiao Chang's own fate, such things are not very common!" Wang Changlin took a look at his wife, "this matter is really not very easy to deal with. If not, let your second sister go. You can't leave the capital now. If you always leave, it will be a drag!"

"Dad, how about the second sister?" Wang Yang also has some worries! After all, it's not a trivial matter!

"No problem!" Wang Changlin's arrangement is mainly because there are other arrangements for Wang Li's affairs at home, such as her and Shangnan's two children's affairs. Wang Li needs to tell the boss in person about this matter. This time, even if it is a hint of the boss, I believe the old meeting will understand it!

"Dad, I'll get in touch with big brother again! Let's see if we can communicate with each other. Besides, we need to let our sister-in-law know if we can communicate with each other. After all, this matter is very important. The family knows the news, but the sister-in-law doesn't know it! ""How to communicate? Are you going to communicate, or am I going to communicate? Talk to Kim! Let them solve their own problems, how to do too much interference, interference! Not much effect

When Wang Li and Wang Yang left the room, Wang Changlin also looked at his wife, "calm down! When something like this happens, there is a bit of anger, but anger can't solve any problems. We still need to consider how to deal with the immediate problems next! "

"I'll deal with the fuckin 'eggs, such a black heart maggot, should be thrown aside for him!"

Wang Changlin slightly frowned his brow, "what did the boss do? It's too much, but we don't know the whole story, so there's no point in cursing like this now! I'm going to let the second boy have a look! Go to see the three children and save them from mental problems! "

"No, Lily has to get all the children back! If Wang Li can't, I'll go myself! "

"You can do it?! How old are you! Still say such angry words, again! You went. Do you know where the children are now? What's the point of going there? Are you dragging and pulling, will the children agree? Even if it's back! I'm afraid it's also full of resentment, everyone is! "

"I don't care!" Su Yuan widened his eyes, the intention is very obvious, if Wang Changlin does not support himself, he will turn his face, there is no face to say!

Wang Changlin looks at his wife, now it is an eruption of the volcano! Really not a few words can comfort!

"Let Wang Li have a look first! I always feel that there are other ways to deal with things like this. It's just a drug market, and it's not the boss. He's so aggressive that he even let the three primary and secondary schools in the family get involved. Using such means, it's definitely not his style! We still need to be more comprehensive! "

"And what this bastard can't do? Hum Su Yuan is very disdainful!

"It's not a matter of whether we can do it or not. Of course, the boss will do it. This time, he has attracted a lot of people, from the provincial department, from the Municipal Bureau, and even from the municipal Party committee, just for a drug market? Is the drug market really more important than you think? "

"Don't tell me about this mess, just say yes or no! Give me a happy word

"Let Wang Li have a look. Do you have three more children? I don't think they should go abroad for the time being! Stay at home for a while. There is no room for discussion about this matter! " Wang Changlin can not support his wife, but also can not support his eldest son! So choose a compromise!

"Sir, there's a fire in the backyard!"

When Jin saw Ding Yu, he followed Ding Yu's side tightly and said in a low voice!

Ding Yu didn't react too much. Er, he didn't stop his steps. His attitude was obvious. He knew the matter already! It's on fire! It's on fire! It's not a big deal! After explaining the three of them, I had expected that this would happen!

When he got on the car, Ding Yu took off the glasses on his nose and pinched them in his own hands. "Is the family very dissatisfied with this matter?"

"Yes, the old lady expressed the strongest dissatisfaction with this matter. The phone calls came one after another! I want to find you, sir, and question a statement! There is the placement of the three small, hope to pull the three small to go back now! Stay in Beijing temporarily! Obviously, there are other concerns! "

Ding Yu nodded. The expression on his face didn't change. It was not cold-blooded in general!

"How about the three of them?"

"Very good, there is no problem in mental state, but most of you have some complaints about you. Obviously, you are not satisfied with your initiative to push him out!" Kim is also very funny to say!

"Ha ha, I think his butt is so itchy!" Ding Yu's eyes also brightened for a while, "but this thing seems to be a little too much! Let them bear this at this age? I am a father, are there some who are too cold-blooded and heartless? "

"Sir, I can understand this, but..."

With a sigh, Ding Yu also had a hard time smiling. "It doesn't need everyone to understand. If it's really like that, it's too tired! As long as the three of them can understand! As for the capital? It's really a troublesome thing. It's obvious that this scolding can't be avoided! "

Ding Yu's heart still has a considerable estimate, his father and mother will never let him feel better, but the good thing is that he is now in the United States! So you don't need to worry too much, and you don't point to your nose. It's no big deal! Still can carry!

Ding Yu really will not have too much disclosure to his parents, there is no need! It's not to say that Ding Yu has any opinions and ideas about his biological parents, and there is no such problem! Just don't want to say, that's all! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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