" _mom_and_dad_ !_ Big brother's phone

Wang Yang covered his mobile phone with his hand. His expression was a little tangled. The elder brother just came out of the hospital. It seemed that the operation was just over. He also knew that it was not a good time to call his mother at this time. However, his parents were sitting together, and he couldn't call out one, could he?

"Give me the phone!" Su Yuan used a commanding tone, and his attitude could not be refused!

Wang Yang secretly looked at his father, saw that he did not have too much reaction, but also handed the mobile phone in his hand to his mother. If he did not hand it over, would his mother reach out and grab it? Hard to say!

"Boss, what do you want to do? I tell you! Children are born without false, but education about children must not be enough to let you so reckless! Don't even think about it! "

For his mother's loud voice, Wang Yang also has some worries! Mother has a little bit of strength, just don't know what kind of reaction the elder brother will have! From your own point of view, is the elder brother's temperament? Although it is not a one-off, but the heart of their own free ideas and ideas, and no one can shake!

A few words of mother want to change the elder brother's attention and view, which is a little unrealistic!

But if the elder brother and mother are really choking together, then it will be really too troublesome! Even quite tricky! It is true that this has nothing to do with the struggle between factions, but it is more difficult to deal with than that one. After all, faction involves the issue of interests, but what about the fight between mother and elder brother? It's a problem between children. Think about it, Wang Yang feels that there are some big heads!

"I know about it!"

Dingyu's tone is not salty, nor does it mean too much to be angry, nor does it mean too much debate. But Su Yuan will put it down so much, especially after hearing the old son say so, the fire will come up in a hurry! Even the whole person has so many can't sit still to stand up!

"What do you mean! You know what? When you know this, you still let the three children deal with it. What do you think about it? How old are they, so do you? What's the matter? Three kids in your eye? Or if you can't hold three children, there's plenty of room in the house! Don't worry, I can take good care of three children, I don't believe it! "

Sitting there, Ding Yu scratched his eyelid with his hand, a little itchy. He just said it calmly, but he never thought that his mother's reaction would be so fierce! It seems that this time is really a big fire!

But Ding Yu didn't mean to arch the fire again! It's wrong to say anything now, so don't say anything!

But like this? On the contrary, it made Su Yuan feel more and more angry? What do you mean? you_give_me_this_set_ , _have_you_put_me_in_the_eye_ ?_ Did you turn around when you left home?

"Speak! Don't you speak very well in your usual time? What happened today? Dumb? "

"I know! I will pay some attention to the three of them! "

"What do you care about? How do you care! You let them go through this kind of inner shock at their present age, and let them touch such a dark side at a young age. What's the matter? Think you're amazing? Right? I said how the three children offended you! You just let them jump in the fire? Say, what do you think! " originally_ , _su_yuan_ '_s_voice_was_very_loud_ , _but_now_it_ '_s_almost_roaring_ !_

"Mother! Mom! You're not breathing! " After Wang Li came in, she also snatched her mother's cell phone from her hand. "You can bring it to me. You can tell me that I'm not finished with him!"

Wang Changlin answered the phone, sighed heavily, and then walked to the side of the position, "boss! You are a little noisy, but your mother's mood is a little bit agitated. This is understandable. Don't take it too seriously! "

What else can you say? What are you thinking about? Blame your eldest son for doing wrong! It seems that there are so many too far fetched! The elder's two children have not had much relationship with the family, and have never expected what will happen at home?

As for Wang Xiaogang, that is the boss who looks on Wang Yang's face and pulls a hand at the Wang family. If it is really back now, who knows what it will be like, of course, the boss may not do such things, but it can not really make him have this knot!

"It doesn't matter. It's understandable!" Ding Yu doesn't need to be angry about this matter, so he doesn't mean to complain! "It doesn't matter whether it's true or not! now_the_situation_is_still_stabilizing_ , _so_there_is_not_much_to_worry_about_ . _the_three_of_them_are_not_bad_ ! "_

Wang Changlin thought carefully about his eldest son's words! If you can't talk about it, it's really inappropriate! "What I know about the three of them is not so clear. But from my personal point of view, is it not appropriate to give them so much pressure now? After all, they are still young and still children. In my opinion, they need to be so urgent! ""Well! I got it! I'll think about it! "

Father did not mean to stand on his side, Ding Yu did not have too much disappointment, it can be understood that if the father stood on his side, there were really so many troubles!

When Wang Changlin heard the tone of his eldest son's speech, he also sighed in his heart. His son's voice was very insipid, and there was no so-called emotion. His statement obviously did not get his approval! It is said that it is difficult for honest and upright officials to cut off domestic affairs and their own affairs! It is really not a sentence two words can say clearly!

"All right! You should pay more attention to it. I'll have a good discussion with your mother. "

"Well! Take care of yourself and my mother Since there is nothing to say! Ding Yu is also a small consolation, and then also hang up the phone, but hang up the phone, Ding Yu's expression is also so some of the loss!

This is basically a collision between the two ideas. I am a more alternative way of education for children. From the perspective of parents? Some of these education methods are too cruel and even some dark. From Ding Yu's point of view, is the parents' education method? Some are not suitable for the growth of children!

It's not that Ding Yu must let his children inherit the consortium. In the future, they are willing to take any kind of road. Ding Yu will basically support them. But if they want to go their own way, they need to have a certain premise, not that they can go if they want to! How could it be?

Without a good foundation and foundation, you want to do whatever you want, even unscrupulous. What can you do?

But some things about the consortium, Ding Yu can't explain too clearly to his parents, which is also a main reason for the contradiction between them! We all do not understand each other, there are so many lack of communication! It's really a headache! Even Ding Yu, there are some helpless!

At the same time, Wang Changlin sitting on the sofa, is also thinking about the relevant aspects of the matter!

Has the relationship between the boss and the family all the time? It is quite good to keep it! But who ever thought, because of the children's affairs, the contradiction suddenly intensified! The eldest brother is born, this is not fake, but also need to consider that he was not growing up in the Wang family, but was trained by the Ding family!

And about the boss's matter, Ding's parents have never had any complaints, and have always been standing in a supportive angle! On this point, the Wang family formed a quite distinct contrast! From the perspective of the boss, what kind of psychology will he be? These really can't be ignored!

"Dad, are you finished talking to big brother?"

Take over his mobile phone, Wang Yang subconsciously asked a, look at his father's expression, as if not in the imagination of so happy! Big brother can't comfort a few words? Do you have to be like this?

"How's your mother?" Wang Changlin did not mention the eldest son, can not mention any interest!

"It's OK. I've just let out a little bit. My mood has been calmed down. The doctor has just checked it! There are not too many problems, whether it is blood pressure, or other aspects, are very good! " Wang Yang is also a curious thing! "Originally, the doctor still had some worries, but he didn't expect such a result now. The situation will turn out to be better."

Scold the eldest son, that's good! Wang Changlin is also feeling that some smile, but think about it, seems to be quite reasonable thing! His wife, there are so some temper, the previous time anger can not be revealed, and always can not find a vent object!

But after her eldest son answered the phone, she also found the most suitable vent object, this temper out, naturally there are not many problems! But Wang Changlin considered more problems! After all, some of her previous remarks were too much! Who knows what the boss thinks in his heart?

"What is your brother's idea! Most people can't figure it out. What about your mother? It's also for the sake of children. Both of them are so serious! " Wang Changlin tried to ease the relationship in the home, as for your second sister there? Although she was allowed to pass at home, it is still unknown whether she can find three children!

Eh? Wang Yang scratched his own hair, this matter also said not to calculate! There is his own little bunny. He is not very old, but I don't know whether he was influenced by his uncle. He has great ideas. If he wants to hold him, he really feels that he has some difficulty!

"Dad! I'll get in touch with big brother! I think the problem is not so big! "

Some things Wang Changlin did not show too strong, home has his own wife is enough! If both are tough, what about the boss? Positive connection between each other? Is it necessary to make a fuss at home? What's more, it's the boss's temperament! Hi!

"This can be put on a little bit! You don't need to be in such a hurry, by the way! What's going on with Xiaobao? "

"The farm has been very quiet for a long time. I really haven't heard anything about it. However, the exposure of the farm to be Tiansheng is very high, and quite a number of people and forces have been involved in it! But similarly, although the investigation on the farm side is said to be completed, there are some external problems? It has also been exposed one after another. It's a big thing to make a lot of noise. It seems that many people participated in it at the beginning! ""What's wrong with Tian Sheng? It doesn't need too much involvement. The noise they make seems not small, but it will take a few years to develop. It can't be achieved overnight. If it is true, it will lose its original intention, and it will be under the pressure of the farm at that time! "

Wang Yang blinked his eyes. "Xiaobao sent me some news. Because of the equity replacement, the farm has a lot of funds. The investment in scientific research, land and other aspects is relatively large! Oranges and apricots are still sitting on the farm! The farm is also actively cooperating! "

"Oranges and apricots take control of the farm so quickly? It's not easy! "

"Luo Xuan is in charge of communication, and the disposal of orange and apricot this time still makes the farm very convinced, so this control is also a matter of course. Moreover, Li Fu Zhen should be very supportive of orange apricot, otherwise orange apricot would not be able to control these forces in Asia so soon!"

"What about Li Fu Zhen? I haven't heard from her all the time! "

"I asked Yu Mingyue. Yu Mingyue was very vague, but Li Fu really seemed to be very moist. However, what was involved, she didn't show much. She is now fighting with Sasha, and she is basically not in China! So there are a few words mentioned on the phone! "

This is my best effort! Other people want to inquire about this aspect of the news, is even more impossible!

"What are the opinions of provincial and municipal leaders on the farm? What do they think? "

"It's really not. I'm quite satisfied with the active cooperation and investigation of the farm! The farm has not covered up its own problems, and even we can communicate with each other. In addition, these years, the farm has created a very good foundation and impression in these cities in the north. Everything is developing in a good way! "

"There's no problem with the farm when there's so much noise coming out? The following farmers and employees, as well as middle and high-level leaders and so on! They are the skeleton of the farm

"Don't mention it! The employees and farmers at the bottom did not take this as a thing at all. How can we say that? I heard that some people cleaned up those corrupt officials, except for two words of abuse, basically did not have too many reactions! We should know that Tiansheng has opened up quite high conditions and deliberately recruited skilled farm workers. I heard that there are no recruitment now! They still have a good understanding in their hearts. After all, this kind of life is brought by the farm! "

"It's not easy." Wang Changlin is also very satisfied with this! As long as there is no problem with the framework of the farm, eliminating some scum and borers will make the farm get better development! This is the most important thing! "At this point, you still need to admire your elder brother. What he has done is still a good thing."

"It's not only a good thing, but also a big thing. After all, if the car overturns, the noise will be too big! These cities in the north will not be easy to build up the painstaking efforts, all in vain! To tell you the truth, many people are sweating! "

Wang Yang still has some lingering fear! Now I think of it, I have a lot of fear. If the employees below do not support it, if the local people express their opposition, if the leaders of these cities in the North do not support it, there will be a considerable reversal. Even if the eldest brother has the ability again, he will be knocked down!

It's hard to see what's on the surface, but when you understand the essence, you will find out what kind of danger it has experienced. In this short period of time, the eldest brother didn't sit on the farm, just let orange and apricot sit on the farm. Luo Xuan took care of the inside and outside. Under such conditions, the matter was accomplished!

Looking at his father's mental state, Wang Yang also said in a low voice, "Dad, although the big brother did this thing, it's absolutely not pushing the child into the well. After all, it's the eldest brother's own, don't you think? This is the way! It's a little unacceptable! "

"You are two faced! That's it! You don't have too many ways, and I don't have many ways. Let's see what kind of response and arrangement your big brother will do next! "

Looking at Wang Yang who still wanted to talk, Wang Changlin also waved his hand, "what you want to say, I know, your mother's temper! Not one sentence two words can say clearly, moreover she to the child, the sentiment is also specially special! It can't be turned around for a moment and a half! "

"Dad! This problem still needs to be solved. If it is not solved, it will be more troublesome in the future! This time we got the news. What about the next time? What happens next time you don't get news? "

Wang Yang expressed a lot of worry about this, even some fear!

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