The next morning, the two children seemed to remember something. They called their grandfather Dinglin and grandma Zhao Shuying. They chatted happily! With the other grandfather Wang Changlin and grandmother Su Yuan formed a quite distinct contrast! For two small bought some things mail order back, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying is also full of joy! It's not about grandson and granddaughter!

It's not so important for them to eat or not to eat this food! They didn't feel that they would be at ease if they ate these things. Instead, they saw that the two children could still keep their two old guys in mind! It's really relaxing! This has a lot to do with tutoring!

This is not a relationship of recognition or non recognition. Ding Ding Ding also has two children, but on this issue, there are obvious differences between Ding Yun and Ding Chang, which has nothing to do with age!

"You two! Play is OK. After all, you are still in your childhood. During this period, playing is your main business, and you can leave a childhood without any regrets. But the same thing is not to say that playing can represent everything, understand? "

Zhao Shuying is a teacher, but also a perennial head teacher, for children's education has always been more valued, and Ding Lin in this respect? It's also more caring. Grandsons and granddaughters are more intelligent than Ding Yu and Ding Ding Ding! In the future, it will be better than blue!

As for his eldest son? His investment in education can be said to be very large, on this point, whether Ding Lin or Zhao Shuying, have no objection, children? Sometimes you need to reason with them, but sometimes the belt needs to be ready!

At least let the two little guys have fear and awe. They can't get used to lawlessness! If that is the case, it will be troublesome in the future! There must be no so-called dandies in the house!

Apart from other things, Ma family and Song family are the best examples! At that time, how powerful, how arrogant!

But what happened in the end! Thirty years of Hedong, thirty years of Hexi, even if there is no Xiaoyu this child, Ma family and Song family! When the time comes, there will be no good end, there are several things! After all, what they have accumulated has already made the majority of the people in the city express their most serious dissatisfaction. It is only sooner or later that they will fall down!

After the video with his grandfather and grandmother, Ding Yun and Ding Chang looked at each other to see who called them. As for the grandparents this time, they naturally meant Wang Changlin and Su Yuan!

"Come on! This is what you did, right? "

Ding Yun looks at Ding Chang curiously. Of course, the beat between her eyebrows also shows that she has some schadenfreude about this matter! This thing is definitely not as easy to handle as imagined!

"I did it, but how could it be that Dad told me that at least 80% of the responsibility should be borne by him! I just listen to it, even in the period did not have a good play to their own

"Eighty percent, I think you have at least 30 percent of your own attention! Don't cheat the ghost

Two people quarrel endlessly, as for Wang Xiaogang is chewing, it is obvious that he is more interested in breakfast! Now this time to cut in, absolutely not flattery, this point I can see clearly, my father earlier also called, grandfather and grandmother for this matter very angry!

Don't worry about other aspects, but don't involve yourself! Facing my grandmother, I really have some headache!

After half a day, Ding Chang took the initiative to pick up the phone. After the call was connected, he also said, "good morning, grandfather. How are you resting?"

"Ah Wang Changlin also sighed, "do you think the rest is good? You little naughty

"Hee hee!" Ding Chang also echoed with a smile, "grandfather, are there some worries at home? it will be OK! We are all very good, Xiaogang here is also very good, we are also discussing today to go out to see small animals together! "

"Come on! Look at this thing that you're making a mess of, right! Did you call your grandmother? "

"No!" Ding Chang also spat out his tongue, "I want to call my grandfather first, feel the bottom, and see what the situation is. I heard that grandma is very angry about this matter! We also have some fears

"Your grandmother wants to take you back, and she will let your aunt go and take you back. It's not so simple as you think! So! Take care of yourself! I don't know what you think in your heart this time. You don't worry and fear at all? "

"How are you?" There are some things that Ding Chang doesn't want to say. After all, dad has made quite a confession, and if he really reveals too much, he will never let them go. Compared with his means? Think about it or forget it! Can't carry it!"Well, call your grandmother! Her mood is not so good, pay more attention to it! "

The result of calling grandma was very bad. Ding Chang got a good reprimand. Although he didn't scold her, it wasn't too good either! Ding Yun and Wang Xiaogang were laughing and gloating!

However, when his aunt came over, Ding Chang did not say yes, nor did he say no. anyway, it was ambiguous! Far away from the location of the home, even if the second aunt to, also did not see what role!

Su Yuan is not as angry as yesterday! For the children's opinion is really not as big as imagined, because she is also clear, mainly because of the boss of the family! If there was no boss's pressure, we would never make such a thing!

So the children's performance is very vague, this is also should be! Behind the back! It must be the boss of the family who put a lot of pressure on him! Want to bypass their father, this thing is really not to think about that simple!

But still need to let Wang Li go, if Wang Li does not follow, it is really not at ease! Who knows what kind of things the boss will arrange? But although Wang Li was arranged, Su Yuan's heart was full of murmurs!

Why? I was angry yesterday! The heart is also happy! But some things are really bad! When the contradiction is not placed on the surface, everything is easy to say, but if the contradiction has been placed on the surface, it will be a little tricky!

And before his own impulse, led to the contradiction between himself and the eldest son was placed on the surface!

This is not a sentence two words can explain clearly, also is not to say the boss bow down, can solve!

Now think of it, this should be the difference between the two ideas! And over time! This contradiction can only be more profound! It's not so easy to relax! Unless you let go completely! But let Su Yuan let go, really can't accept! At least the present Su Yuan is not acceptable!

But what about Wang Li? All the time, I couldn't get through to the three children's phone, but I didn't answer the phone. Of course, I gave Wang Li a short message with three tickets on it, which was the ticket for Wang Li to go to the amusement park with her two children!

Wang Li is also so sad about this. Can't she still miss these two tickets? It's not bad at all, OK?

Obviously, the three children have their own ideas, and they can also check the position of the three children by other means. However, if you do this, you can't hide the eyes of the elder brother. The elder brother can't be unaware of it!

What's more, the relevant departments investigate such things? After the event, they also need to carry the black pot, to investigate the three small, angry their big brother! For all sides of the forces, there are so some not very cost-effective!

So three small now gave three tickets, also be regarded as give oneself an account! When you're done with yourself! Their three primary schools should have handled quite a lot of things! This is a very obvious thing!

These three stinks! There must be quite a few things, but what is involved in this matter? I really can't guess! It's obvious that there are so many small three to hide their own meaning! Of course, it means to keep it from the outside world!

Wang Li didn't really mean to inquire. It's really unnecessary to inquire at this time!

However, the three small really is not as convenient as imagined, and they go quietly!

Come to this side of the cemetery, Ding Yun! Ding Chang and Wang Xiaogang are very solemn! My father told them about it, but there was no indication of anything about the cemetery!

No one can be seen in the whole cemetery, but they are tidied up. When you enter the cemetery, you can see a stone tablet. The handwriting on it is very clear, and the three primary schools all know it! Bow and salute, three small is also meticulous! Solemn expression!

There are not so many cemeteries in the distance, but apart from the tombstones, there is nothing on them. There are no handwriting or inscriptions on them, which makes people very puzzled!

However, the three primary schools did not have any words. First, they cleaned the tombstone, did some simple cleaning, looked at at at least neat, and then placed flowers and sacrifices, and of course, drinks were indispensable! All the work is done by three small schools, and there is no artificial loan at all.

This let the person who observes secretly, also have so some surprise!

"Monitor, who are these three children? We have reported the situation, but there is no sound from the above. Is there something abnormal about this? If it's internal, we should at least be informed, right? And I've never heard of children coming! Monitor, have you heard of it? "

Standing in the dark, the two people observed the three small schools, even when they entered the cemetery, they had already started to observe! Three small with a lot of things, but all of them are completed by themselves! I really don't mean to be helped by others. Are they still three children? Not really!"Just watch! The physical strength of the three children is very good, even the smallest one, although there are some faltering, but do is very careful, very conditioning, and methodical, and did not casually fool

Monitor looked very carefully, three children a tombstone followed by a tombstone cleaning! Worship, although the gravestones in the cemetery are not as many as imagined, but the three children did not have any slack, nor any perfunctory!

What a thrilling sight! It is impossible for ordinary people to come to this cemetery, because the cemetery is confidential both internally and externally! Even a considerable number of internal staff do not know that there is a cemetery here! But the three children came in with their baskets on their back and things in their hands!

But! Looking at the things they took out from the basket, the number was slightly so many! If we say that they have been walking in, this physical strength is too exaggerated! They still carry a lot of things in their hands! Mad! Didn't you see the monster? It's so unreal!

While the monitor was thinking, his head suddenly turned. Although the footstep was very slight, he still heard it! Immediately saw the company commander with two people from behind Rao up!

Company commander! The two people who have been observing made a salute! There is no expression on the company commander's face. After giving a return gift, he also looks at the three small children not far away! There are so many gaze!

"They did it themselves?"

"Yes The monitor also looked at the three children, "they all deal with the three children together, two big, with a small, but no one is lazy and slippery! Very attentive

The company commander's eyes were very sharp, but Ding Yun and Ding Chang obviously felt something. Their eyes also glanced at the past, but that was to say, they did not pay too much attention to it!

"What a sharp eye The monitor also has some exclamations! You should know that there is a distance between each other, and the trees and weeds are more dense between the mountains and forests. In addition, their clothes make it easy to cover up their own! But in such a case, it can still be found, and there are so many wonderful! "All this can be found?"

"I'm afraid it's been discovered for a long time." The company commander sipped his mouth and said a word in a low voice. However, when he spoke, the corner of his mouth slightly cocked up. He was very satisfied with the three small schools! But the above for three small is obviously have a considerable account, this is not their own envy, can have income!

"Monitor, they are just children, and look at their clothes, it seems very ordinary, but it is not ordinary! Especially the shoes on their feet are better than our combat boots! And it's definitely not the so-called military products outside! But in my impression, no army will deliberately make such shoes! "

"Well, the observation is quite careful."

Three small did not pay attention to the outside people, the time of worship is a little longer, but when the end of the worship, three small is also packing things, not patting the buttocks to leave! The habit is very good!

"Company commander, just let them go It's a pity for the monitor at the back. It's hard to see such a child. It's really gratifying. There are no children in the army. Occasionally I see such children and such sensible guests. It's good to let them stay and communicate with each other!

Of course, they will not be invited to the barracks! It's impossible at all, but there are not too many problems on the peripheral side! Since they can walk into the cemetery! I think there must be quite a relationship behind it!

Because it's your turn to renovate here during this period, you also have a certain understanding of the cemetery. Not everyone can know about the cemetery, but the people who can enter the cemetery! Although there is no name or logo on the tombstone, it is a symbol of the highest honor! It's not that you can move in if you want to! How is that possible?

The three children come to visit the tomb, which represents the people buried here. Even if they are not their elders, they must have a considerable relationship with their elders! I really want to talk about it!

Three small basket inside is very empty, because there is nothing, so it is very relaxed! However, the speed of the three is not so fast, Wang Xiaogang also asked the East and West, Ding Yun and Ding Chang two people are also to Wang Xiaogang do a considerable explanation! Three people together, it is very love!

"I can't feel it!"

I felt it when I entered the cemetery before! But now left so long time, just did not have this feeling, is really formidable! Dad's words are very correct! There is a heaven outside the sky, there are people outside!

Don't look up at yourself, and don't underestimate others! The world is so big that there are many hidden dragons and crouching tigers!

After coming out, three small really felt a little tired! This is not a sentence two words can describe! Take down the basket and put it in the car! All borrowed! Still need to return! It's not that if they don't lack the money, they can throw it away wantonly or destroy it!There is no need for such a thing! Sitting in the car above the three small, basically lying down that kind! The nanny checked the three children separately. After all, they were out of sight for a long time. No one knows whether other things happened in the process. The security didn't follow. It was their three children. They were a little worried!

However, no matter the security or the nanny, there will be no other aspects of this matter, just like a joke! This matter is absolutely explained by the gentleman! Under such circumstances! They are gossiping, don't they want to do it? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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