"This position is not yet stable?! Not really

Ding Yu feels so funny about this! But want to come to Yang Bo, he is likely to bear a little bit of pressure! After all, like Yang Bo's age, to be able to sit firmly in this position, the pressure to bear comes from all aspects!

"Tell me! I'm just a little doctor. Take one of them out of our hospital and don't crush me? It's all mother-in-law on it! I have too many roots now

"Good! No pressure, no motivation! Isn't it? " Although Ding Yu seems ridiculed, it is also because of the good relationship between the two people. Otherwise, Ding Yu would never have said such a thing!

Two people returned to the office together, looking at the people in the office! Ding Yu also said hello to everyone! My father no longer holds the post of hospital! But the hospital has never meant to let go! It's obvious that there's a lot to do with yourself!

Dad is here to name! Its main purpose or hope to be able to contact themselves!

Chat can have half an hour of time, we just fish out! In the afternoon, in addition to the special operation, basically can't see too many leaders in the hospital! After all, it's a small county, not a big city. Of course, there may be a little exception in the emergency department! They need to be busy all the time!

Ding Yu winked at Liao Hai and asked him to stay! The so-called banquet? Ding Yu really doesn't have much interest! Hospital leaders, large and small, are also very clear about this, there is no sense of coercion at all!

Relatively speaking, Ding Yu is the existence of the ancestors, so it's good to offer! Don't be silly to do something, otherwise it is easy to be disgusted by Ding Yu! In that case, for the hospital, the loss is really not general big!

In recent years, the hospital has been able to develop to the present situation, which is closely related to Ding Yu! If Ding Yu really ignore it, all the achievements will be in vain! Fortunately, Yang Bo and Ding Yu still have a little bit of incense, but this friendship also has a considerable relationship with Dean Ding Linding!

Now the hospital returns to employ Dean Ding! But President Ding lintin basically doesn't come to the hospital. As for the so-called salary? Does Dean Ding need to care? Everyone has been to the villa of Dean Ding!

Good guy! We also really opened our eyes! The surrounding environment is so well arranged! It makes people forget to go back! What's more, it's the interior decoration. Say luxury! I can't see too much, but it's definitely not an ordinary product! Even in big cities, there are not many!

All around, there are two villas, one is Dean Ding's and the other is Ding Yu's! Besides, there are no other houses to see! Why? Does the reason need to be said?

The farm has covered all the surrounding land! And also heard that the farm and Ding Yu have a considerable relationship! Although this is only the news of the trail, but some places can be confirmed!

For example, the production of the farm, like a joke! You can't see it on the dining table in the small county! Even if you have money, you can't buy it! This is the most fucker! Is also the most irritating!

But in Dean Ding's villa, the farm things are endless, OK? It looks like ordinary food, but it tastes delicious! A force to their own nose drill! The heart is really itchy!

After eating Dean Ding's warm pot banquet, and then eating other things, I always feel that there is less flavor!

But we can't always run to Dean Ding's cottage, can we? Right? But most of the time, he is going to the countryside to help poor mountain villages to get medical treatment! People are not poor now, son and daughter, is so excellent, so do something meaningful, better!

Man to man! It's really different! At that time, Dean Ding because of Ding Yu! Can be said to be bullied very miserable! If it wasn't for the superb medical skills and the relationship, I'm afraid it would have been expelled from the hospital!

But what about now? Ma's and song's are already yesterday's flowers! Even the people who made fun of it! It's been cleaned up, very clean! Thirty years of Hedong! Thirty years of Hexi, they! There are so many too much publicity! So it's not enough to have such an end today!

Or the Ding family! It makes everyone feel relaxed! Even happy! It is more than 100 times stronger than the horse family and the Su family! But people are still able to come to this side of the hospital, sit with you and chat, and guide the doctors in the hospital! How did Dean Ding make that decision at that time?

At that time, the couple adopted Ding Yu! At that time, the living conditions of the family were quite general. Under such circumstances, he also adopted Ding Yu! When I was about to take the university entrance examination, I gave Dean Ding such a show again?!

Although there is not much to do with Ding Yu, what about that? Anyway, Dean Ding also spent a lot of energy and human feelings at that time! But now look, it was a little bitter at that time! It's really worth it! Now it can be said that all the hardships are sweet! People are now sitting at home enjoying the kind of happiness!From this point of view! Do more good! Do more good! Do more positive energy things! Still good!

"What about the hands?" Ding Yu asked in a long way!

Liao Hai put his hands on the table! "Always knitting! Contact suture, there are some other professional counseling! Now the stability of the hand has no problem! But there is still a considerable gap in skill! "

"It's not about you! It's me Ding Yu explained a little bit! "Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng are in a special situation! What you see is too superficial. There are some guidelines in this respect at home. It happens that I am back in this period of time! Will give you to do certain training, time about three months! But this time? Don't you arrange too much work, open your eyes and increase some knowledge! And you need to protect your hands, okay? "

"Yes! Miss Ding

"I'll be on the operating table these two days. You can help me!"

"And come home in the evening! Before this, take a film of your hand, I need to take a closer look, everyone's hands are different! Your hands are fine tuned! I need to know if there are other problems and symptoms in the follow-up, which has a considerable impact on the future! "

After making some arrangements, Ding Yu left! Straight back home!

"Dad! Can I eat meat at night? A little greedy

Ding Yu curled his mouth! "No problem eating meat! But are you two so busy? Or do you want to show your Kung Fu? " Obviously, Ding Yu still understood their intention!

Hee hee! Ding Yun holds her father! There's so much appeal!

"Dad, neither my grandfather nor my grandmother has tasted it! We always need to do something for grandparents to try it out! Isn't it? You don't grow back! We don't have so much free time! Now it's a chance like this

"All right! But it may be a little later! " Do what you say! Ding Yu really expressed his interest! But if you do it now, I'm afraid you really need to wait until tomorrow morning to eat!

Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying expressed their curiosity! Looking at the two children eager to try, also gave a considerable encouragement! What's the taste of the things made by great grandsons and granddaughters? They will be satisfied! No matter what, it is a kind of encouragement to children!

Do you know that children from other families will only eat and let them do it now? No way! Once compared, the difference comes!

"Your uncle Lao called earlier. Thank you for your meal."

"There is nothing too big, but the patient's age is so old! It feels like Uncle Lao is older than you! Maybe there are some difficulties in life! "

Chatting with my father is nothing! Although Ding Yu is very cold to the outside world, but at home? A little bit relaxed! It's like two people out there!

"Well! There are so many difficulties in life! Two years ago, I just sent my old mother away! Those brothers and sisters are real fuckers! Do not care at all, just take care of their own small home! Your uncle Lao! Is not only responsible for parents' affairs, there are two children below! Life pressure is a little bit big! But fortunately, the mind is still relatively open-minded! "

Dad's meaning is very clear, see this Lao Shu's character is good, so helped a favor! For Dad and himself, it was just a trivial little busy, but for uncle Lao, it was no different from saving their family!

"I went to have a look. After two days of maintenance, the patient still gets considerable care. The body function is very good! Otherwise, it will be very troublesome! Even if it is able to go to the operating room, but it is difficult to say whether it can come down or not! Many families! They have ignored this aspect of the situation! "

"Although Lao Fu and I have a chat when we are exercising, we can feel it and understand other things! His children are also very good. When I went to the hospital, I saw the eldest couple come to take care of them two nights ago. The second one is a little one, and now he is still studying. He should be back in these two days! There is no specific question! "

"I'm not old enough! Did you give birth to a second child

"Special circumstances!" Ding Lin didn't care to say a word!

Ding Yu didn't ask! But the two little ones have to run to the kitchen from time to time! I even mentioned it to my grandmother! We must leave it to them tomorrow! This evening, the time is so late! It's extremely inappropriate to cut beef sauce now! And the taste will be quite bad!

The next morning, after the exercise, after washing, the two small are also in a hurry to run over! Is deliberately come to show! Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying have some worries. After all, they are worried about whether they will cut their own hands!But looking at what was cut out, the two were obviously shocked! This knife worker is really not a common slip! When were they trained! What's more, how do you get it? The boss must have let them play with knives? Is there something about this guy that's not in tune? Such a small child, let them do this!

Eat is very happy, but look at Ding Yu, there are so some look bad! Ding Yu really does not have too many feelings, when it is time to eat, eat, don't dawdle! As for the knife like eyes of my parents, ha ha!

"Mother! How about grandma? How is her health? "

"Not bad!" Zhao Shuying didn't sigh too much! "Well, it's two days since you came back! You should take the baby to see grandma! Your grandmother still likes two children very much! Lao Ding, do you have anything, if not, go back to have a look together! What else is missing at home

For going to grandma's home, Ding Yu really didn't expect too much! And the result did not surprise Ding Yu! Grandma always had a kind of attitude towards Ding Yu! As for the two children, they are very popular with her!

Taking advantage of his spare time, Ding Yu made a color for his second uncle! "How about it? Did Grandma see the next generation? "

"How can you not see it! The army had brought it back before! If you want to go there in person, madam! Be sure to see what the child looks like! As for what you see on the phone! Not at all! Not easy to use

Ding Yu also feels funny about this! "Yes! Is that all right? "

"It's not, when I don't see it, my God! Just sit there, no matter what you say! I don't listen to it. After seeing it, I can eat it again! Sleep again! People still lie with the children and talk about it! I don't know what they said! No one can understand the murmur! "

"How about the two of them? Is it OK to take care of the children? "

"Not bad! This thing! No one is born! " The second uncle said rudely, "when he was born, I and your aunt were not the same? They know more than us now! Why do we have to play around? As long as they are happy! Everything else is nothing

"It doesn't look like a fake!" Ding Yu nodded slightly! "Now the high-speed rail is coming! If you want to go to the capital in the future, it will be much more convenient! It's not like the original time, by car! Or reverse, please! "

"Well! Previously, three of them came back by motor train! It's really convenient! It's nothing to make them suffer! What's more, the conditions are so good now! What kind of pain is it? I see that their standard of living is already so high! "

"Hey, hey Ding Yu shook his head at his second uncle! It shows that our country has made progress! With the development, it is not like in the past, but want to eat, but what to eat? I went through that time anyway! When I think of it now, it's still fresh in my memory! "

When Ding Yu chatted with his second uncle, the two children also began to show what they had learned. At noon, they both started to cut the sauce beef! Noodles are made by themselves! It's not a normal slip! Seeing Zhao Shuying is also happy! The performance of great grandson and granddaughter, no need to say! There is no white pain, they will be a while!

The old lady is happy too! The wrinkles on my face are all open! Everyone knows that this is the credit of Ding Yu, because the two children are brought out by him! But the old lady didn't give Ding Yu any good face! I don't care who you are?

The family is used to this too! So my second uncle and aunt comforted me! But Ding Yu really didn't take this as a thing! The little old lady is the one who likes and dislikes clearly! I like you, just like you! But I don't like you, just don't like you!

After lunch, the little old lady went to play with those old sisters! Or the leaf card! This also became her only hobby! At such an age, it's really not easy to have such a hobby!

"Oh! You don't know. The old lady is clean now! Especially when the army came back with the children, all the things inside and outside were replaced with new ones. Even if they were not new, she would stare at them and have to be cleaned up! Otherwise, I will take the stick and pout to one side! That's a good one

"I see! It's very clean! But can't give her a bath every day, after all, the age is old, there is a bath when pay attention to windbreak! If you blow dry her hair, you can't feel that there is no problem just because it's really in the room! "

"Pay attention! The old lady takes a bath almost once every three days to a week. More in summer, but less in winter. Although the house is very warm, there are still some things that are not suitable for the old lady! You know, we can all wear short sleeves! Where's the old lady? Or underwear and coat! "

"It's down! There is no way to do it. When people are old, they are basically like this! " Ding Yu sighed with emotion! "But it's a good thing to see her live so happily now! If my grandfather is alive, I don't know how much he will enjoy! ""There's really no place to argue about this thing!"

It's almost evening before a large family leaves! She didn't stay for dinner, and the old lady didn't force her to stay. The distance between them was not as far as I thought! Even I have been to the villa, but I don't like that place so much! Better at home!

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