After dinner, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying took the children out for a walk! Although this is not a community, people are not as many as imagined! But the environment here is very good!

And not far away is the farm! At this time, the farm is off work! But there are a lot of people in the entertainment venues! I won't go home for a while. There are dormitories on this side of the farm! Basketball player! Play table tennis! awfully!

Ding Yu didn't mean to be involved! For sports? It's not that I don't have any interest, but I really don't have much time! This is the most important thing! What's more, I need to deal with more things!


"Gao Jie?" When Ding Yu picked up his mobile phone, he didn't really notice who was calling. When he heard the voice in the phone, he was stunned for a period of time! "What's the matter? Is everything ok? "

"Good! Very good From the talk, you can hear Gao Jie's excitement! "On the whole, things have been fairly settled! Those two suspects played a crucial role! Fortunately, you are on guard, otherwise you can't find the big fish behind! I really owe you this time! "

"I didn't do it! This time, there are still a few stampedes on the line! In the future, less such things, for me, is already a very contented thing! And be careful of yourself! Don't come up with anything else

"It doesn't matter! I remember the terms you promised me, but it still counts

"I'm going! I thought you called to thank me? I didn't think it was the reason for this! " Ding Yu said without being angry, "OK! I got it! I'll let the farm arrange it. It won't take more than a month! That's the end of the line! "

"Good brother, I didn't say that!" Gao Jie is also a little excited! "This time I went to Beijing to compensate you. I have already prepared everything! I'm sure you haven't seen it! And I bought it myself! This time, I spent my money! Don't be mean! It's all handmade! "

"Forget it! If you look at Gao Jie, what does that mean? " Ding Yu was not angry and said, "and I am not in the capital now! Back home! Come back with the baby! The children need to stay in their hometown for a while, but will this take you to Beijing to report? This is it? A little exaggeration

"Well! There may be follow-up reports, but I don't know how far it will be. I won't tell you the details! I wanted to have a drink with you. I want to wait for the next time! " Gao Jie has so many regrets!

This time the thing is really thanks to Ding Yu! Without Ding Yu, the two suspects were very difficult to keep. We should know that there were quite a few problems in the bureau at that time! Some people! I really forget the national emblem on my head! For them, they have already forgotten! What kind of identity are you!

"When you have a chance! I remember it! Don't fool me with the so-called loose white then! "

"Absolutely not Gao Jie laughs, it is obvious that the mood is also very good! "Yes! My subordinates, their family of three also want to say thank you, but can't find your phone, so they called me! Can't get into your house! The operation on the child was very successful! "

"If you succeed! Things are a little bit too many. I have given these matters to the housekeeper. I don't know how far he has handled them! But I think there should be no too many problems! What should be fought for should be fought for! I can only do this! After all, it's not my patient! You can't tell me what to do

"All right! It's not easy to have such a result! It's not easy to be a policeman! You talk about him, such a family, a child's serious illness down, the hole in the home! I don't know when I can fill it in! "

"Ah! I said, if you don't blackmail from me, do you really feel uncomfortable? "

"Anyway, you are a big family and a big business! I don't care a little bit! Can you do what you can? Right? What's more, his performance there is still very good! He is a good policeman who can stick to his principles! "

"Get out of here! You guy! It's really pushing your nose on your face! "

Put down the phone, Ding Yu is also quite a little helpless! But it's not easy to say anything! I made a phone call to the housekeeper. I simply told him about the situation and asked him to make some arrangements!

When the two children came back, it was the father and mother who personally sent them back! Ding Yu does not care too much when dealing with documents and files in his study!

The two children played basketball for quite a long time! It's as dirty as a dog! Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying have been waiting for the two children to wash up! I'm ready to leave! When Ding Yu knew about it, he also had some complaints!

"Dad! Mom, you don't have to worry about that. They're not small anymore! How old are you now that you've got a lot of autonomy? It's good to be with them! As for the others? There's no need for it! ""Go away!" Zhao Shuying scolded! "I see you as a father! Yes, it's fifty-eight. If not, it's forty! How old are the children? I said that you usually cultivate them like this? It's just stocking, OK? "

"It can also be regarded as stocking, but there is no problem in this way. At least from the current situation, they have a very good self-consciousness! Take a bath when you go home? Just fine! Need to be watched? As for washing clothes, this is what they should do by themselves

"When you were in high school, you still needed me to wash your clothes!"

Eh? Ding Yu scratched his hair! ok I'm really speechless. At least I feel defeated! After all, it was like this at the beginning! Can't tell!

As for Ding Yun and Ding Chang's two small skilful heads, they hang their small faces with their small hands beside them. It's obvious that they have such a shy taste! Ding Yu turned his eyes and wanted to express himself, but he was really hit by a soft rib!

"Well! I admit, at that time, we didn't consider this problem at all! Also did not have this aspect understanding, but I already realized this aspect question now! I think we should get quite a correction in children's body and cultivate their good habits! "

In the face of his eldest son, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying plan to let Ding Yu go! But there are also other problems. For example, in front of the grandson and granddaughter, if you don't give the boss face, it's really not appropriate!

So I turned my head and looked at Ding Yun and Ding Chang. Although they were crazy, they didn't ask them to help and wash clothes by themselves after they came back! Of course, it's not the manual one! The one for the washing machine is called slip in! As for bathing? When they were young, they were able to deal with it on their own!

As a matter of fact, the two old guys just don't feel at ease, so they came to have a look, and they really didn't help!

When Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying left, they were looking at their father with a smile. Ding Yu didn't have too much embarrassment. He said hello to the two children and asked them to sit beside them!

"I was really like that when I was your age, don't talk about the world! Don't talk about the whole country! Even in the province, there are not so many people walking around! The most familiar environment is here, a small town! No Internet! The understanding of the world is basically based on books and dictation! "


"Yes! It's a way of bragging to each other! We haven't seen too much! Very interesting and curious thing! It's all a talk! It's the same as your children who have bigger home and more fun toys when they chat with each other! Know more, feel more show off! That's about it! "

"Dad! At that time, were some of them too naive? "

"From your point of view, before graduating from high school, they were quite naive. This not only refers to me, but also many people, many of my classmates are like this! From the national comprehensive point of view, there are so few people who can look at the world with extraordinary vision! Because there is so little contact between us! "

"Why? Dad

"There are many reasons! Under the circumstances? The country has not developed to that extent! There is no so-called network, there is no such flexible traffic! Don't talk about communication with the outside world, even with other cities in the exchange is just out of a beginning stage! It's not like you! Of course, there are still a lot of things that you haven't seen now, but compared with the children of the same age and even many elderly children, the world you know is very broad already! "

"But I still feel that children of the same age are so naive! Even some of them are not happy

"Education and care are slightly different!" Ding Yu holding two little guys is very patient explanation! "The education funds spent on you can make the children in a school receive good education at the same time, even enough to support them to go to university! There should be a considerable surplus! "

"There seems to be some exaggeration!" Ding Yun drew her hand!

"I'll give you some examples! Like cell phones? Now a lot of children have mobile phones, and there are many kinds of them. But after we got the mobile phones, what did they do? Basically, it's all about playing games! Chat! shopping! Not as a carrier to understand the world! In fact, there is something sad about this

"Dad, we play games too!"

"Different! You now have self control, although this kind of control, is not so strong! But already have quite independent ability! And a lot of children, even go to university are still lack of this ability! This will make a considerable difference! When embarked on the society, thought again to plan to make up! There won't be so much time and energy! "Ding Chang turned his eyes and thought for a while, then slowly said, "because they have too many things to face! The pressure of life has made it difficult for them to move! Is that the case? Dad

"Very insightful analysis! Quite a few? They didn't realize the importance of learning and accumulation! For many students, are exam oriented education of that kind! The training of ability is a little weak, which is why many children in big cities sometimes perform very well! "

"Dad! Where are the children in the small place? "

"They also have their own advantages, not all of them are disadvantages. When they enter a big city, they will realize their own shortcomings, their own position, and have another understanding of the whole world, and this kind of understanding will prompt them to make considerable changes."

"So it's hard to tell the good from the bad, isn't it?"

"That's it! But relatively speaking, stay in big cities? The opportunity is bigger, because the horizon is more open, the understanding of the world is also broader! But stay in a small city? If you have a certain goal, you can silence yourself! Let own mind more pure! This is incomparable to big cities! Because there are too many temptations in big cities! "

Ding Yu is very patient with the two children, has been waiting for them to sleep, just put them to bed!

The next morning, the two children didn't have any lazy bed behavior, they still followed Ding Yu to exercise together, and there were also security guards following the exercise together. They didn't mean to disturb each other! Because Ding Yu is in a good mood this morning! So it is also deliberately to point out the security of these people!

As a result, this kind of behavior really makes these security personnel have some hot blood! In general, we all take the initiative to consult! It's very rare for a gentleman to take the initiative to teach such a thing!

It is obvious that Mr. Zhang is in a good mood! This is a good thing! Did not expect to come back here, sir will appear such a change, this is really let everyone have so some overjoyed!

As for Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying, the time to get up is really not as early as the eldest son, nor is it as early as the great grandson and granddaughter! I didn't mean to disturb you! It's self exercise! Although they have quite free time, it doesn't mean they have nothing to do!

After breakfast, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying took the lead in leaving, and Ding Yu went to the hospital there! Yang Bo has already said hello to himself before! And they really have nothing to do, as a distraction! Relatively speaking, staying in the operating room, for oneself, is really a very good place to mediate mentality!

As for the two children, Ding Yu has some deliberately indulgent meaning! Not too much attention, it's really not that Ding Yu deliberately won't pay attention to them, but let them have independent space! After all, they will live here for a while!

"So early?" Looking at Ding Yu sitting in the office, Yang Bo also changed his white coat!

"Come and see! I have promised you before, but can't break the appointment? That's not very appropriate! "

"Come on! What else can I say if you come to the town in person? Just a moment. I'll check it out! These guys! It's all the mother-in-law on my head. I can't afford to offend any of them! "

Ding Yu naturally did not mean to stay here! "Yes! Give me a call then, and I'll go and have a look at it! "

This time point, the hospital is the most busy time! The nurse began to dispense the medicine, and began to prepare the injection medicine for the patients in each ward! The doctor began to prepare for the ward round! Ding Yu went to Uncle Lao!

"Dr. Ding! Good morning Uncle Lao standing by the bed saw Ding Yu and said hello eagerly! You can see other people around! When Ding Yu is curious, he looks at his face! Although I have heard some of this man's deeds! But it's just hearing! I didn't expect to see a real person today!

"Good morning, everyone." Ding Yu looked at the medical record! "Not bad! Well maintained! If this situation continues to develop, there is considerable hope for surgery! The old man is still in good health! "

"Dr. Ding, is there anything else we need to prepare?"

"No need! Take care of the old people's mood! It's just an operation! Take the stone out of it! It's not a big deal. Relax! When I was eating beans, I accidentally picked up a stone to cut my teeth! Spit it out and it's OK! Eat beans the same next time

Ha ha! Everyone also laughed, things are not so simple, but in Ding Yu's preaching, people are really at ease a lot! "Only these two days! After the operation, you need to do some recuperation. These need to be taken care of by the family members. You can't take things out and it will be OK! Even if it's a bite! Sometimes you have to gargle, don't you? ""Don't worry, doctor, we will take care of you."

Ding Yu appeased for a while and left. His mobile phone rang, and Yang Bo's communication was over! Ding Yu also need to go to see the medical records in person! Check to prevent any other accidents during the operation! Nobody dares to do this aspect guarantee, everybody can only be as far as possible to guard against! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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