"Every one of you is worth believing, if not even you! The country is finished! " When talking, Guo Jie looks at Ding Yu! "In fact, I also want to find a better master for my son, but I really can't find it. Even if I find it, I can't afford it!"

Guo Kai's eyes flashed out some doubts, but also quite shocked! I never thought I could hear such words from my father! If they are not worth believing, then no one can be worth believing again! What kind of people are they? Even his father showed his admiration!

Although his father retired from active service, he was always the unique soldier in his mind!

"Xiao northwest should be your brother! He was very good at that time! If you're looking for someone, he's a good choice! " Ding Yu said calmly!

"Yes! I did look for it! " Guo Jie points to Guo Kai! "When he didn't go to junior high school, I took him to find Xiao northwest. Guo Kai lived in his home for a month. Because of my work, I stayed for three days and came back! That's why Guo Kai has today's physique! He can only a little bit! It's impossible for Guo Kai to eat meat! "

Ding Yu is holding his chin, watching Guo Jie for a period of time! Then he rubbed his hand and took out his communication facilities! "Let the first brother come here, and have a detailed understanding of Guo Jie's personal situation, and investigate the situation of his son Guo Kai. I need to get a detailed report!"

There is no taboo, very straightforward! Guo Jie some Leng, and Guo Kai is so some silly!

"The message will be delivered tomorrow at the earliest! Lao Guo, I really didn't expect you to come with me. I don't know whether it's Guo Kai's luck or his bad luck! " Ding Yu's attitude was also suddenly apathetic. "Your son, you should know something about it. Now the investigation has not started yet. Let me ask you a question!"

"You say?"

"You and I came out of the army, and I must be quite clear about some of the problems and situations. If you violate one of them, there will be big problems. Guo Kai's investigation has not started yet, so there are still opportunities. If he really has any problems, it is not only me who can pass through, even if he wants to go to military academy It won't work! "

"Besides, my situation is a little bit special! Can pass the military academy's audit, not to be able to pass my audit, so I will tell things to understand some! I knew you in those days, but it doesn't mean that I also know you now! I need to do a lot of understanding! There will also be other people who will do a good job of understanding it! "

Guo Jie thought about it for a while! "I've never been corrupt! But I have had the problem of catering! I don't deny it! On the issue of party spirit, I can make an absolute guarantee! At the same time, I can guarantee the loyalty of the party! "

"No problem can be solved. This needs investigation." Ding Yu turns his head and looks at Guo Kai who is sitting there! "Stand up!" Look at Guo Kai standing up! Ding Yu provoked his brow, "quite standard!"

"Yes! I've always been strict with myself

"Your father's promise is only for your father himself! It doesn't mean you! Now it's your turn! Do you have any other problems! And I need to remind you! If your answer is not true! So it's not just that you can't get into the military academy! Your father's job! Your family! Wait, some of them will disappear! This is not only me, but also quite a lot of people will do it! "

When he heard the knock on the door, Ding Yu gave a sound, and then he saw a brother coming in from the outside!

When he saw Ding Yu, he hesitated for a moment, but he still took the lead in beating a salute! "Director!"

"Yourself? Or with both of them? "

"Report, I'm with the others! But the two of them watched, and it never came to an end! "

"Guo Jie, old comrades in arms! This is his son, Guo Kai! "

"Report, I've read about him!" No hesitation! "But I don't know about his departure from the army! There is no other judgment now! " In front of the public, the first brother also retell Guo Jie's family and the files after he joined the army!

Guo Kai was very surprised. He never knew that his father had such a side. He really didn't know much about his work in the army! But in front of this uncle's talk! But let oneself know his father again! Don't say, there are still some small pride!

For a brother, although these data are many! But all in mind! Ding Yu's personnel in the army have quite a lot of information on their own, and even on the military side, they have quite archives, which they can read at any time! After all, their own situation is a little special!

"Bring me the confidentiality agreement!"Soon also someone sent over the confidentiality agreement, a total of two! Ding Yu handed Guo Jie a copy! "Sign it! Someone will talk to you! I don't know it's your luck! Or you're in bad luck

"Guo Kai! Tell me about yourself! What have you done? Mention some! Save the time to suffer! "

When he saw Ding Yu reach out, Guo Jie didn't mention anything. He just looked down at the confidentiality agreement in his hand! A brother hesitated for a moment, reaching out in his back! Hand out a standard weapon! Under the gaze of Ding Yu's eyes, dismount the cartridge and withdraw the loaded bullet at the same time!

Huang cancan's bullets are so placed on the table. Ding Yu doesn't pay attention to the guns and bullets on the table! It's looking at Guo Kai! "Tell me! I should not be involved in such matters as political review, and I am too lazy to be involved! I want to hear what you say? You still have a chance! Don't waste it

"Is fighting count?" Guo Kai scratched his hair!

"Take the initiative to make trouble! Gang up! Commit a crime! "

"This one is not!" Guo Kai's head shakes like what! "At the beginning of the fight, it was because they bullied our girls, so the students in the school fought together! At that time, I was also very angry, so I moved my hand! But in the follow-up, we cooperated with the investigation! "


"I found a girlfriend! Does this count? " Guo Kai looks uncertain at his father Guo Jie!

Guo Jie also can't help but stupefied for a moment! "Didn't you say she was your ordinary friend?"

The facial features on Guo Kai's face writhed so violently! Ding Yu snorted slightly, "these things are your own business. What I want to ask is whether you have violated the laws of the state and leaked state secrets? Is there a gang? Do you have any contact with external organizations or forces? As for your girlfriend, it's also within this range. You can answer it after you think about it! "

"No! I've always been in school! As for the external contact, in addition to some people, there is not too much contact, but I made a few posts on the network! Use my net name! As for uncle Ding, there is no such thing! And my girlfriend, from my personal point of view, I don't find any problems now! "

"I remember what you said! You're already an adult! Be responsible for what you say After saying that, Ding Yu also stood up, "Lao Guo, explain the confidentiality agreement to your son! I don't care about the file review, but someone will come to you for a specific conversation! You are not so lucky, you fellow

Looking at Ding Yu who left, Guo Jie has not mentioned anything. The first brother cleaned up the guns on the table at the first time! It's a pure standard gun! You should know that homemade weapons may see and touch! But the standard weapons are very difficult for ordinary people to contact! This is two times!

After Ding Yu left, Guo Kai looked at his father! "Dad, who is uncle Ding?"

"I was a soldier, just like me Guo Jie looks at the confidentiality agreement carefully! For myself, the above provisions are very familiar, but there are some strange! "When he was your age, he was already a figure that your father and I couldn't remember! It's not that I underestimate you! You're far from it! It's even worse than that? "

"No?! I feel good about myself! Whether in terms of physical fitness or in other aspects, I am not second to none among my peers, but also among the best

"It's just a toad in the well head! How many talents do you contact! At that time, your uncle Ding was the top of the list! Anyway, your father and I don't have any comparability! "

"Dad, is it special forces?" Guo Kai is so excited!

"I won't tell you about it!" Guo Jie shook his head. "For you, this is an opportunity! I found some old comrades for you earlier! Although I know some, but I don't know much about it! There is a good foundation at home! It doesn't matter, but it's a pity that I didn't find you a good teacher! "

"Dad! I thank you very much already

"There is not so much talk between father and son! If you can be a little smaller, meet your uncle Ding, today's possible results are even better! But I can't find them! And if that department comes out, it will be dead or disabled! "

"Dead or disabled? Dad! Why must this be so! "

"Dedication! I don't know if you can understand now, but it should be very difficult! In the army, there are many unsung heroes! They have been unknown since they came into the army or even walked out of the army. There will never be any contribution from them in the merit book! No one's ever going to report that! "

"Dad! From the above reason, there should be many such people! Why didn't we find one? "

"It's almost impossible to find it! It's impossible for you to find it, because this is two times! However, I didn't expect that this time I didn't deliberately look for it. On the contrary, there would be such a result. There are so many lucky stars"Dad! They use standard guns! Is there something wrong with this? "

"I don't know, but I can feel that it's a soldier! And a soldier of extraordinary origin! Even more exaggerated than your uncle Ding at the beginning! I will gamble today! If you win, you'll have hope in your whole life! If you lose, it doesn't matter. Just go home and plant! You can't die of hunger

"Dad! I don't have any problems! I can assure you! "

"This is not something you can guarantee, nor can I guarantee it! Investigation is more strict than political trial! I don't know exactly who your uncle Ding is! But I can feel it. It's not ordinary! "

In the evening, the three of Guo Jie's family stayed at the farm side, but it was not the homestay they had settled down before, but inside the farm. This specification is really so different!

"Lao Guo, how can things happen? What's this for? " When Liu Xin came back, he felt that his head was about to become paste! I really don't understand. What do you want?

"Your eldest son! It may soar into the sky, or it may fall into dust forever! " Guo Jie did not say anything vaguely, "we have trained him a lot these years! But these training still failed to lay a good foundation for him. As a father, I have done my best! Just don't know what's going to happen next? "

"His uncle is so powerful? I haven't heard of you before! "

They're old wives and husbands! So there is no concealment in this speech! Very direct! At the same time, it also shows some worries! After all, his own son! Why don't you worry about your own meat falling off?

"His situation is not quite the same! I've always wanted to find them, but I couldn't find them. They were like water drops falling into the sea, completely integrated into it! It's not you and I can tell! "

When he spoke, Guo Jie had some exclamations, but he also had some delights. The so-called "hundred demands but can't", but now the joy comes from heaven, and there is really no place for reasoning!

"It feels like we live in a very different place! You can even see the guards outside! "

"Nothing! Just go to bed early Guo Jie closed his eyes, but it is impossible to go to sleep immediately! When he heard the wake-up call in the morning, Guo Jie couldn't help but be stunned, and then a carp stood up and sat down from the bed! "What's the matter? What's the matter? "

Guo Kai in the suite got up for the first time, and soon came out with his father. The distance was not so far. He saw several neat rows of people running there. The slogan was not so loud! But it's very neat, which makes people feel different!

"Dad Guo Kai looked back at his father!

Obviously, I have been in contact with soldiers! It can be clearly seen that although these people are not wearing military uniform, their posture and performance are all explained! They have military marks on them!

Take a look at your wrist watch! Guo Jie is also looking at the distance! Not so clear! Only a large number of people can be seen! Very neat! There is no other impression besides this! "Dad! Is this still a farm? How do you feel there are other changes? "

"You want to say this is a base? No Guo Jie shakes his head! "The base will not be built in such a place! There is something wrong with it! If you join the army in the future, you will know! "

When father and son were talking, a brother came from a distance! When he came to Guo Jie, he handed a document inside to Guo Jie! "Your investigation is over! About Guo Kai's investigation, still need a day time! From the current survey, there are not too many problems! Next, he will follow me

"I'll give you a phone number? Feel free to contact me! But if there are no special circumstances, please don't make a phone call, and strictly divulge my phone number! "

Not far away, I saw a major and a captain coming from a distance! Although it is summer clothes, but the name plate on the body is still very clear, Guo Jie took a look! Slightly nodded his head! "I want to explain it to him!"

"An hour's time!"

The first brother took the lead! And Guo Jie is with his son back to the room! "I don't need you to worry about me and your uncle Ding, nor do you need to worry about anything! If you can succeed in your studies, you will be able to account for me! Of course, it's a reward for so many years

"Dad! Mom! I'll do well! " Guo Kai stood up straight and said seriously!

In fact, the exchange between each other is not a lot, because this is not Guo Kai's first time! Guo Kai cleaned up his clothes and certificates, but he really didn't have much. In the past, it was the same! No difference!"Report! Guo Kai came to report! "

First brother, look at Guo Kai! He took a close look, then looked at the major and captain next to him, "tell him the basic rules! At the same time, take him familiar with some common feelings! His health looks good! But even the recruits can't get in! Just let him see it! "

"Report! To what extent? "

A brother blinked his eyes! "He should be regarded as the old friend of the director! There may be some special identity, but it does not mean that he is also special here. The question is whether we can teach, but what he can learn! This depends on his own performance! The rest has nothing to do with you


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