"Good morning Ding Yu came to say hello to Guo Jie! A little bit casual!

"It's late! This is the time! But just had a meal in the canteen, good guy! Now I found out that those things outside are just fooling people! OK or not? The things in the canteen are really good! The original good thing is for you to eat! Some of them are so bad

"No exaggeration!" When Ding Yu sat down, he was a little lazy! "Last night someone went to investigate your relevant information! I had a look in the morning, too! I feel a little exaggerated! Is it worth paying so much for the children? You know, your family condition is very ordinary

"He likes it! I'm happy too. It doesn't matter whether it's worth it or not! " After saying that, he took a deep look at Ding Yu, "but I didn't think of your situation! The feeling is not general exaggeration! And in one night, we can investigate all the situations. Is there a big deal on my side? I can still feel it! "

"There's no big deal, but the investigation continues! What a surprise Ding Yu has a look at Guo Jie! "So some things will be a little more troublesome!"

"It doesn't matter! I still firmly believe in my integrity, but Ding Yu, I just hope that my son can get considerable training! It's a pity to send him to be a soldier! "

"Look at his development! His personal assessment may take some time! In this period of time, will let him see some things! That's all I can do! I'm not afraid to tell you, it's not that I don't want to, but I can't! "

"What can I do?"

Ding Yu took a look at it! "Forget it! You're retired! Just do a good job! Now that it happened! My headquarters was able to disappoint the old comrades in arms, otherwise it would be really difficult to see people in the future! "

"I'll pay for his training! Just smash the pot and sell the iron! "

"You are smart enough Ding Yu is not ambiguous at all! "He's not alone! In the future, it would be nice to go into the army and make some contributions to the country! If he goes to the wrong way! Don't say I'll go to your house and smash the door! I can't afford to lose this man! And my reputation will never be allowed to be destroyed like this

If someone outside hears it! It may feel so funny! But Guo Jie went to hear other smells from it! "Ding Yu! Take the liberty to ask, I feel that you are so different from the original time! But what is different! I can't tell you! "

"They are all the same people. What can be different?" Ding Yu sighed a little! "At most, it's time printing and dyeing, so some traces are a little deeper! You can also see the old way now! This belly is so protruding that if you come back to the army, you will be kicked out by others! "

"Don't worry, not more than two months! Anyway, Guo Jie has gone! My mind is also put down a lot! As a father, I've done what I can! I can't support him all his life! I'm not the crutch in his hand! It's up to him in the future! "

"Ah! I really don't want my son or daughter to embark on this road, there are so many too rough, but who knows? It's hard to tell what will happen to them in the future! I can't make any decisions either

Guo Kai looked at Ding Yu suspiciously, and Ding Yu waved his hand slightly! "But I really don't have much time for you! Originally you came here, I should accompany you to stroll, but some things can't be changed! So the next time I come here, I still need to give you Guo Kai's whole eyes! "

"I'll come with my things! Good stuff at home! You can't forget it after you taste it

Ding Yu is ready to go to the provincial capital. There are a lot of people associated with him. Even Guo Kai is among them! But he is a little bit big at this time! Systems and regulations are really not difficult for him!

But what is squat? Fortunately, the people nearby didn't pay much attention to it! Otherwise, there are so many shameful people! What's more, reciting the rules under such circumstances makes me feel that I can't hold on. This is a strict requirement, OK? A little inhumane!

"You haven't checked yet! Although there is your recent medical report, this medical report can not fully show your problem! " Next to a brother said not salty! "And the muscles on your body, it looks very good, angular, but there is no egg to use!"

"Instructor! Some people have also mentioned this problem, I have found some coaches, they have also said this aspect of the problem, I also found a lot of information on this aspect from the Internet! But I don't know how to start! And one of my former teachers warned me not to try if I couldn't find the most secure way, because once I tried, it would not be easy to change it! ""I have considerable insight! You're not a sports student, you don't need to try those sports, and good trainers, standing in your family, are really hard to invite! Do you play basketball? "

In the face of a brother's question, Guo Kai is a little puzzled! But still nodded, "I don't have too much interest in football, basketball is not too much of a hobby, but I played some in high school! The school team may not be in line, but I am one of the main players in the class competition

"So you should have seen the NBA? I've been in contact with some NBA trainers. I'm talking about physical trainers, not skills. Skills have no effect on me personally! Relatively speaking, the physical training teacher, still has quite a few brushes! They have their own unique ways and methods for core muscle training, including physical therapy and recovery of core muscle! "

"Not much! My understanding of this aspect is very limited! "

"The world is still very big. We should learn to understand it. It's not bad to know more about it! We don't go with you this time. We're going to the military area! Handle the procedures at the same time, but also let you do a place in the contact! Moreover, the conditions in the military region are even better! "

At the railway station, Ding Yu broke up with his brother! Wang Xiaogang personally to pick up, saw Ding Yu, is also a strange cry up, jump disorderly! It's almost to Ding Yu's arms! This period of time, he is used to a lot of, but even so, or let Wang Xiaogang feel quite pressure!

Not everyone can bear this! Wang Xiaogang is just a child!

Fortunately, there are more children on the farm here. We can achieve a group when there are many times! Can let Wang Xiaogang get quite ease! Otherwise, what kind of situation will it be? It's really hard to say!

"Good! Excellent performance! There are so many people who are very impressive

Wang Xiaogang is to touch his head, it is obvious that uncle's praise, or let him have so some embarrassment! Because how do you behave! I'm still very clear. My nanny has recorded it, and I've also looked at it!

The nanny at home is basically not going to do too much interference, just some of their own problems to record, at the same time with their own records to do a mutual comparison! This can better find their own problems! And through these, also can let oneself do better correction!

So now when Uncle praises himself, Wang Xiaogang will feel so embarrassed!

"You should be praised. After all, this is your own achievement. No one else matches you. You are alone! Now, I think your parents and all the people who look forward to it will feel proud

"Uncle, I will perform well!" Wang Xiaogang a positive said!

As for Tai Xi, he is also holding Wang Xiaogang. The father of the child is still so cruel! Let Xiaogang stay in the provincial capital alone, he even has some unimaginable, after all, he and Ding Yun and Ding Chang two people are still so some different! Ding Yun and Ding Chang are two people, and Wang Xiaogang is a lonely one!

And Guo Kai over there, looking at the truck in front of him, was so distracted that he gave a cheetah! How can a truck like this happen? However, when carrying up some things again, Guo Kai felt that he was so speechless. Was he cheated?

However, when he came to the military area command, Guo Kai obviously felt a different place! Basically, you can't even see the officers at the rank of captain. They are all officers at the school level! It's too much to exaggerate?

"Is this a rookie?" Taking a look at Guo Kai, a lieutenant colonel with both hands holding his chest beside him also asked in a low voice! "Is it really a rabbit? But let you do it yourself? Some are not simple? You're a guy who rarely trains such a rookie! This is not your style either

"There may not be too many academic problems in the military academy that I just applied for this year. When I was a child, I had a lot of feelings in the army, but the air force was a little bit worse."

"Those birdmen?" The commander snorted! Look so unhappy!

"You can't stand those birdmen, and I can't stand them either. But their physical requirements are quite harsh, even to the point of metamorphosis. Moreover, the State supports them. Although the selection of special forces is similar to those of birdies, they are still quite different in nature, so they are quite different Difference

"Where's the rookie?"

"He applied for the naval academy! It's hard to say what kind of road we will take in the future! However, there are still some relationships at home, so now I'm training here for a period of time, so that he can get in touch with a certain period of time in advance! "

"I'll go! With you, this guy, you're elbowing out

"The physical quality is relatively good! The early stage also did not take any crooked road! But what happened to me! Some of the directors have already taken a fancy to it! So you! Don't think about it! In the future, I'm afraid it can only be cheap ducks! A little helpless! ""Well, it seems that you don't like to hear you! But the body looks good! "

A brother hummed! "Just arrange a simple training for him! I have quite a plan here! Let someone supervise them to finish. I have two guys here. They are extraordinary! However, there is a saying that no matter what happens, they will not be able to end up in person. If something goes wrong, I can't handle it! "

"Can't you? And you can't hold it! I don't believe it! "

"Do you believe it or not? It's your business. Let him have some contact with the army!" A brother is very severe warning! "What's more, this Guo Kai is a chicken, but his mind is still very good! The significance of being valued by the director is quite different, but this matter is confidential! "

"What do you mean?"

"You won't understand, and you won't understand it!" A brother thought about it and looked around! Then I lowered my voice! "Say so! The people who can be liked by the director are not as many as they think. They will never sell such a big favor because of an old comrade in arms! But this is my personal guess

"I understand! You're joking? Right? Although I'm only 22 cents now, I really want to go out! Not to mention two thirds, even two fourths, it is quite possible. Even if we hang a Venus in the future, it doesn't mean that there is no possibility at all! "

"Come on! Now I don't know how many Venus are watching! Don't even think about it! It's impossible! I let people have a look at his grades. It's not that I can't get into the Army school, but I'm not so interested in the army academy! The air force went to the Navy because he was not fit! "

"Why not go to Nanjing or Wuhan? Must go to the naval academy? "

"Different thoughts! What else can we do? From my personal understanding of the situation, when I was young, I like to think about these, so when I applied for the University, I identified this goal! But this has nothing to do with your brother! "

Two people exchanged for a while, also threw Guo Kai to the training ground above! The first training is shooting! Those with guns and live ammunition are standing next to them. However, they are more likely to give some guidance. They don't mean to start in person at all!

Guo Kai felt so stupid! Why? Because I really did not touch guns! Although some of the truth, I understand, but understand is a thing, personal contact is another thing!

"Your first goal today is 200 bullets! Click! "

"Report, I haven't been trained in this area!"

The lieutenant next to him told him the main point again! Then I told him about the position, and then let him shoot there, which is very standard lying posture. Now let him shoot with other positions, not to help him, but to kill him! But three hundred bullets, at the beginning, Guo Kai can be said to be unlimited enthusiasm!

But it didn't take long for me to feel that I had suffered so much! The sound of gunfire is deafening! There is also this recoil force, there are so many too big! I feel my shoulders are almost numb! How many shots have you fired now? I really don't count! But it won't be as much as you can imagine!

"Recruit egg!" The training Lieutenant scolded! Because from the movement of his gun, we can clearly see that one or two of them are not standard, and then they are squatting down their own bodies! "Keep your body relaxed! Stop the gun in your hand

Explanation is still explanation. If you want to solve the problem perfectly, it's not as simple as you imagine! Guo Kai also needs to experience himself! And slowly to understand!

Until lunch time, Guo kaicai stood up with a confused look and felt that half of his body was no longer his own! It's all dead! What's more, there's a buzz in your head! This is totally two things with my imagination! There is no good memory left at all!

One elder brother looks at Guo Kai's appearance, has so some funny! You should know that he has been given considerable protection before! But even so, it's enough for 200 bullets to pile up like this!

"How about it?"

"It's not beautiful!" Guo Kai said it sincerely! "I've read some reports and made some speculations and imagination, but in actual operation, I think it's too much out of my imagination! It's not what I expected

"The imagination is beautiful, but the reality is so cruel! This is the situation we have to face! You are the same! When all you have suffered, all of which have undergone earth shaking changes, can you still hold on? This problem is really open to discussion! Today's event is just the beginning

It's really not intended to scare Guo Kai, but the actual situation is like this!

"Calm down a little this afternoon! You can go to the training ground to have a look, but strictly observe the disciplineTemporarily let Guo Kai relax! It is true that he had a lot of contact in the original time, but the contact is just contact!

It's like you have practiced countless times, but after you really go to the battlefield, the situation you encounter will make you confused in the past in an instant! All the drills are forgotten! This is the cruelty of the real battlefield! And this kind of cruelty, with the cruelty of ordinary training, is completely different!

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