Ding Yu and the children sit together, Tai Xi is a companion, but Tai Xi is careful to remember these words! Useful or useless, the most clear in his heart, he is not what is right and wrong people!

And there are three children. What are they thinking about? You're a mother? Sometimes it's really not clear that there are so many things involved! Learning seems unimportant, but from this conversation, you can feel what kind of weight it occupies!

"Uncle, is it true that no one knows the situation of the Jia family? Why doesn't anyone change it? "

"It has never been easy to change. The Jia family seems to be a Jia family, but in fact, the four families and even some forces are connected to each other! It is not so easy to change a person, not to mention to change a family or even the whole force. No one can do it! It's not that everyone dares to do it! "

"No one dares to take this step?" Wang Xiaogang seems to understand the hidden meaning of this discourse!

"It's not a question of whether anyone dares! It's a physical problem. We all enjoy all this. What about the problems? It's not that you can't see it, or even some of them deliberately turn a blind eye to it! listen but not hear! As long as it does not violate my personal interests, what does it matter to me as far as the interests of the family or the interests of the forces are concerned? "

"That is to say, many people pretend to be confused with understanding, right! Dad

"Yes! Many people pretend to be confused with understanding. At the same time, we should pay attention to their limitations. The limitations of the times are unavoidable! It's like home! Some questions? How far can you see? How far can people at home see? Maybe this thing is wrong in your eyes! In my opinion, it is right! But in 20 years? Maybe I am wrong, you are right! All live in the present

"Uncle, that is to say, lead too much, can only be regarded as a madman by others!"

"Being ahead of time is not a bad thing." Ding Yu pointed to himself! "The question is how to do it? Is it to accumulate yourself? Or to be desperate! To know that we live in this world, we still need to say hello to each other! Mutual understanding! If you are unique, whether it is a bad thing or not, it depends on how you do it! "

"Dad, can you give me an example?"

"Apple mobile phone, you all used it, when it was born! It's a pioneer, but what did apple do before that? If it is a proposal, apple mobile phone was not popular at the beginning, at least one generation and two generations, not many people were using it! People who use it are relatively professional people! Apple mobile phone does not occupy the market when it looks at it

"Uncle, that is to say, after considerable exploration, we have released a considerable market and made considerable preparations! We have a lot of information, and then we start to attack! "

"The specific information is certainly not so simple, because what we are talking about is simply a matter of hindsight! But from the overall context, there should not be too much difference! It was born in the sky, but before this, I did a lot of preparation work! This is also one of the necessary conditions for success! Without foundation, everything is just a castle in the air

"Enter slowly! Long term layout! And then in a sudden attack! Break the whole cage! It affects the whole situation together! "

"Yes! What are the benefits? You can see clearly, but there are also failures in such examples! And it's a common one! Why? Because they fall before dawn, the reasons why they can't hold on are various! There are thousands of them, but what about that? At last they all fell down! "

Three small are all pondering for a while! Then Wang Xiaogang took the lead in returning to the previous topic! "Therefore, the situation of the Jia family just doesn't want to change and muddle along. Even if someone wants to change, they will be rejected by everyone! What's the best way? It is to break the surface with a point, someone can break this balance, slowly map it! Then take advantage of the situation

"It's like this, but in the end, who is the most suitable?"

"Jia Baoyu!" Three small voices said!

"Yes! His identity is the most appropriate! If you can show considerable ability, it is possible to turn the world upside down. However, when you were young, you were raised in such an environment. Even if you are a genius, what can you do? All can only be frogs at the bottom of the well. At most, the well head is a little bit big! "

"What a pity! It was a bustling place! But it ended up like this! No one knows whether we don't know how to adapt or pretend not to know, but we can read a lot from it, which is enough! "

Ding Yu made a considerable summary of this!

"Finally, it's really inappropriate for the three of you to study such a heavy historical topic! I really don't agree! Why? It's too much for you to see these things! Not particularly good! So I recommend that you read the food in the red chamber first! Read it! Study the rest! Although this is not a rigid rule! But I hope you will abide by it! ""Dad, can we have a try?"

"Yes! But special funds, I think you don't have to consider! Impossible

However, the eyebrow angle of Tai Xi couldn't help beating for a while! Pinch your daughter's hand! Some things do not say, but want to come to their own daughter will understand! The so-called no special funds, such a thing, is nothing at all!

Not only himself, but even the father of the child, did not see it in his heart! Therefore, even if they support in the future, they also need to set certain conditions. As for how to set the conditions, is this problem? ha-ha!

In fact, fighting wits and bravery with children is a very interesting thing, but I have not found it before, so I let the father of the child have this fun alone, but now it is not the same! I have a lot of motivation!

"Dad, bad!"

But Ding Yun, alone, has no support from Ding Chang and Wang Xiaogang. Besides, Ding Yun is the only one in the family who dares to really speak. What's more, he still speaks in front of Ding Yu. Instead, is it someone else who tries? Don't talk about the problem of daring, even if it is in the heart, there will not be any idea in this respect!

"Ha ha!" Ding Yu smiles at her daughter. "Speaking of it, the time of conversation is a little long! In the afternoon, you should relax your head, not too much effort! How about something fun? "

"Dad! How tired! I'm sleepy! Too much at noon! Look at mom! She followed you back and forth! The expression on the face is so tired, Dad, I'm going to criticize you! Can't because you are happy, with mother also together! This is not right! "

"So?" Ding Yu took a look at Tai Xi, and she couldn't help crying or laughing at this time!

"So Dad, you should accompany your mother well, so that she can have a good mood, so that she will not be tired in the heart, the same can also make mother young forever!" When I speak, I'm sincere, and I really care!

Ding Yu is to look at Tai Xi, "your daughter, you say it!"

A little activity of their own body, Ding Yu did not have any forced meaning! The environment here is OK, there is no need to go out for a walk! But it's OK to sit down and have a rest!

Tai Xi looked at his daughter and shook his head helplessly. As for his son, he was with Wang Xiaogang at this time. He didn't know what they were whispering about, but his daughter! There are so many too bold!

But it's not a bad thing! Because I know that Ding Yu dotes on her daughter!

"Tell me! What are you going to do? Your father is not so easy to fool with! "

"Cut!" Ding Yun snorted and then took her mother's arm. "Mom, you can see how hard it is for you to come here. You will visit grandma in a few days! We haven't prepared anything yet! I haven't seen them for such a long time! I'm really sorry, but we still need to do some preparation! "

"You! A clever one Not much to blame! Since the father of the child has not been treated as a thing, his side will not be as a thing, but his heart is the same clear, the child's father will always find back! It's just a matter of time!

"Mother! Hee hee

The little girl laughs. She has money in her pocket, and the money is completely controlled by herself. However, there are so many places to spend. It's really not my own deliberate evasion! It is true that there are so many not enough!

Now Wang Xiao has just made a start. What should we do? Dad, there must be no way! I can only find other ways! Fortunately, it's better for me to talk! Ding Chang, the bastard, refused to show up. He could only do what he could!

Ding Chang's stomach inside the small 99, he can be said to be clear, with his father is the same! There are so many ideas in my heart, but they never show up! As for Wang Xiaogang, this younger brother has no way to speak, so it can only be his own! There is no way!

Ding Yu got idle here, but there was a little headache in Taixi! It was good before! The father of the child pressed down. The three of them were honest, but Ding Yu left! All three children have some sheep!

Even before long, Ding Yu's side was pulled up, and the three children went out to play on the farm together! For the three children, now the amusement park has not much interest, may occasionally go to play a circle, but it is just to find some so-called thoughts! There's no other fun!

But the farm side for their three children, there is a lot of interest, although it may be a little far away from the city! But the environment is good there! And there are mountains and water, free some fun!

Ding Yu here with three children to fish in the river! Go up the mountain to catch birds! Tai hee didn't follow, couldn't move! It's true that you can't follow it, but it's not a kind of shirking! The three children never know how tired is a thing! I'm absolutely not. How old are you!So I also go to buy some things! But when I came back, looking at one big three small, Tai Xi didn't know what to say! As for it? Just go out and play! But what's the matter with you!

There is the father of the child, the fish is not good to carry in the hands, or to other people on the line! It's still on my back! That smell is really choking. You can smell it from afar!

"Are you rolling in the fish pond?"

"Clean up the river today. We are just in time to go! So I went down to help. In fact, I went to catch fish! It's fun to be free Three small is very wanton! Don't care at all! For them, catching fish, catching big fish is the best, as for others? Don't care!

All the dirt on the body is mud, and even there is a lot of fishy smell on my body. It doesn't matter!

In fact, when I came back, the fish on my body had been thrown almost! There are chickens, ducks and geese. As for the two brought back, I'm afraid it won't take long for them to be cleaned up!

"Go and wash it quickly, or you won't want to enter the house! And Yun Yun, you are also from the big girl family! Ah

Exclaimed, pinching his nose, they were all thrown into the bathroom, as for the clothes off the outside, I even wanted to throw them away! The taste of staying at home is really too heavy, smoked people headache! But pick up, think about it, and put it away again!

Come on your own! It's not that you can't wash them, or that you are short of these clothes at home!

When the three primary schools came out, looking at the busy Taixi, they all surrounded the past. The help they should help was quite insightful! With the previous body smell is quite different, are fragrant!

"It was like that before, but it was a bit too late."

"Dad is happy today, and we have been fooling around for a while! Hee hee, mom, we eat here in the evening? OK or not? It's said that the barbecue here is still outstanding! "

"You! There is no one else in this little mind

Children rarely have this interest, whether it is Ding Yu or Tai Xi, two people will not have what to refuse, just try it! There won't be any problems! Barbecue is not rice steamed bread, eat every day!

As long as it is to eat, Ding Yu will not be so concerned! But for the three small, there are really so some different! So it was the first time to jump with joy! Even they all want to end up in person, barbecue they often do, but barbecue, really not!

"Big brother!"

Wang Yang personally called, big brother went to the provincial capital of this matter, he is just know! Why go to the provincial capital there, absolutely not to eat, drink and have fun! And eat, drink and have fun, do not need to deliberately go to the provincial capital there, it is obviously for Wang Xiaogang! Besides, there will be no other reason!

"What's the matter?" Ding Yu is still as usual, his tone is a little cold!

Fortunately, Wang Yang has long been used to this! If big brother is not like this, he is not his elder brother! "I heard you went to the provincial capital. Xiaogang didn't give you any trouble! He's a little bit active at his age, and there are also some small situations in this period of time. I'm worried about that! "

"Good! In the afternoon, Taixi and I had a talk with the three of them for a while, and then we went out to catch fish and shrimp, and even took a stroll on the mountain for some time. We were ready to have a barbecue in the evening

It's very straightforward, and even has the feeling of some running accounts! Sitting next to Wang Yang, Lin Qiuyan also felt that she was a bit silly and gave her own feeling. Big brother really didn't put this matter in his heart!

"Big brother, Xiao Gang's business has brought you trouble! I still want to go with Qiuyan tomorrow! "

"Come and come! You are his parents, and I don't mean to restrain Xiao Gang. Although I let him be here alone, it can't make him appear too lonely. This is what you should do when you are parents

Yeah? Can we have a good conversation? It's a bit killing! Wang Yang really don't know what he should say at this time! Big brother's temperament! There is really no one!

"Big brother, I have some worries. I went there twice. Xiaogang has relieved a lot, but there are some things? There are also some people who don't know the bottom line, so I want to ask them! "

"Xiaogang has a lot of autonomy, which is nothing to worry about! At the same time, we don't need to look at him with the heart of a child. There are many things that he can understand! It's just that I've been with Ding Chang for a long time! So it seems that there are some small dull, no big problems! "

"Big brother, I'll be there tomorrow. I'll bring you something."

Yeah? Hesitated for a moment, Ding Yu hummed, "no! After two days, they go back together. Anyway, I'm not so particular about what I use or what I eat! That's itAfter that, he hung up the phone and didn't let Wang Yang mention anything again!

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