"What do you mean, brother? Are you dissatisfied with Xiaogang? "

Lin Qiuyan is very worried about this! Previously, Xiao Gang in the family was carried by elder brother, or by Ding Yun and Ding Chang, no matter what? They are all taken care of, but no one is looking after them now! The situation may be different!

I am a mother! My son is alone over there. How can I not worry! After all, it's the meat from your body! The first time I went to see him, I could not help looking at his small face! Tears on the spot!

Looking at the nervous wife, Wang Yang is shaking his head, there are so some comfort said!

"You! There are so many people who think too much! Even some of them are wrong

"What do you mean?" Lin Qiuyan at this time is also regardless of, although said to care about chaos, but some things really can't help! I have such a son now! And the son is still so excellent! Maybe it can't catch up with Ding Yun and Ding Chang, but it's one of the best!

There is a saying, the capital side of the children, they have seen a lot, but there are few better than their own son!

"You still don't know much about big brother! What does big brother do? "

"What do you say?" Hesitated for a moment! Lin Qiuyan just tentatively said! "Doctor?"

"Yes! The other identities are not to mention. The identity that elder brother cares about most is actually the doctor! What does a doctor look like? I don't know if you understand it. If you go to the hospital to check the condition, what I said is that in our country, there are basically two situations, cold words! Despise, another kind? It's good advice! Very enthusiastic

"So?" Lin Qiuyan asked thoughtfully!

"The so-called cold words mean that there is nothing wrong with them! Take the prescription and get out of here. Don't waste time here! A doctor? How many patients do you contact in a day! You don't have any problems and problems. It's strange that he can give you a good look! For doctors, you just get out of here

Lin Qiuyan Leng for a moment, blinked his eyes, along with her husband Wang Yang's ideas continue to say! "If doctors are more concerned about good words, it means that you have a big problem! Yes

"Yes! That's the truth! " Wang Yang's smile!

"There is no estrangement between us and big brother! Big brother, no matter who you treat! Always! The parents of the Ding family and the relatives of the Ding family are different! But you think carefully, big brother, for you and me! For the home, has always been such an attitude! No changes! In other words, to give you two copies of the smile, that is the big brother's mood is good! If I really give you a three point smile, I'm afraid something big has happened

"If so, I'll be at ease." Patting her chest, Lin Qiuyan how much settle down a little mind!

"Xiaogang is a child! Not bad! " Wang Yang is also a little complacent, after all, his own son, brilliant! How can you be unhappy when you are a father? "Big brother, you have a good eye for people! And Xiaogang? Also live up to expectations, otherwise the elder brother will never go in person! He has always been that kind of soy sauce bottle has been inverted, have not been able to be attached to the body! That's what I mean. There's no other interpretation! "

"Wang Yang, I always don't quite understand one of the problems. What does the eldest brother teach the three children? Really, it seems that I haven't seen too much! There is no problem with Xiao Gang's grades! I've seen and verified this! But what about the rest? "

"You don't understand! You are still a teacher Zizi twice!

I never thought that Lin Qiuyan was not a vegetarian! For Wang Yang's waist twisted two small, harm Wang Yang almost jumped up! There is so much pain! This girl is a little tough!

After rubbing for a long time, Wang Yang hummed! "There are too many things for Professor big brother! You may not have seen it! I have at least seen, and even accompanied, but those things are really wordy. I sound like a Book of heaven. There are so many puzzles! But my son is very interested! What four books and five classics is nothing to him! "

"I know it's quite beneficial to learn these things. I'm also a teacher! Can help him to have a considerable understanding of ancient culture and history! Enrich his connotation! But I... "

"Big brother, Professor Xiao Gang has a lot of things! It can even be described in various ways. Why? Not for the present, but for the future! At that time, the family was educating children like this! It's just like this over there, but the scope is very narrow, and the requirements are not so strict! "

"I haven't heard that much about it!"

"At that time, everyone didn't pay attention to it, so they didn't pay attention to it! I talked to my father two times before I mentioned it! Dad! The four books and five classics can't be seen, but at least there are no problems mentioned. Unlike me, it's just a fog at the beginning. I really doubt what I did in the first place? ""Virtue!" Lin Qiuyan gave Wang Yang a white eye! He! It's true that you don't know the happiness in your life, but if you think about it carefully, how many people are like their own sons? Don't say do not do, even think about it all feel so impossible!

After a discussion, they went to their mother first! After all, mother's side is also waiting for more anxious!

When he arrived at home, Su Yuan asked about Wang Xiaogang's situation before he could sit on his feet!

"Mom, I called my big brother earlier!" The detailed situation, Wang Yang also said is very clear!

"Well! Not bad Su Yuan for his eldest son also has a considerable understanding, he is such a temperament, Wang Yang's analysis is very good! Even quite reasonable!

The eldest son is such a disposition, you want to say he really suddenly become warm! On the contrary, there are so many people are not used to, and even make people feel uncomfortable! It's like this now! It's still acceptable!

Don't say it's yourself! Even the old man and the old lady, how many smiling faces are there for the eldest son? Almost no! At least I didn't encounter too much! Although said that he has so many habits! But habit is a thing! The problem is another thing, isn't it?

"You and Qiu Yan are going to go there?" Su Yuan is also concerned about a question!

"Let's go and have a look. It's just that big brother is here. I don't have many opportunities to communicate with him! Big brother's business is also quite busy! In addition, the elder brother seems to have some calming down recently. I don't know how it happened! "

For this matter, let alone Wang Yang! Even Su Yuan himself is not clear!

The eldest son never meant anything to explain! And even if it is an explanation, it will not give them any explanation! This bastard! It has always been like this, there will be no change! At least I can't see too much hope!

"It's just that Ding Yun and Ding Chang are both there. Bring them more things! The two kids are back! I don't know what the situation is! " Su Yuan was particularly dissatisfied with this! But now that it's done, what can I say!

What's more, the Ding family's parents don't comfort them? Do you want to know that in that small county is totally different from that in Beijing? They shouldn't be right without this insight! But why do you want to keep them?

As for whether it was the eldest son who moved it? This problem was completely out of the scope of Su Yuan's consideration and was automatically eliminated! In any case, the black pot has to be carried on the back, or not. No objection is allowed! Are there some too overbearing?! ha-ha! Who knows?

When Wang Changlin came back, he nodded when he saw his little son and daughter-in-law, which was a greeting. He had no objection to going to see Wang Xiaogang, but what happened to the eldest son? How much do you know!

Some people give themselves through gas! Although it is very obscure!

But the source of the news? I guess, except for the third brother above, there will be no one else! No wonder his boss didn't mention anything and ran back to the small county! This is not to say that there is no reason!

But this word really can't say, now that people who know this situation, the first-hand index may have some exaggeration, but the number of two hands is absolutely so many!

And the eldest son? He's been plotting too long! The Great Wall has mentioned it to me, and I've been to my heart, but I didn't think about it. Is it because of this? Now I think of it, my boss! This is not the same as the real mind!

For such a long time, it's rare that he was so tolerant. If it wasn't for the great wall that he knew a little bit of clues, plus the above ventilation for himself! I really don't know there are so many things in it!

Looking at his silent father, Wang Yang was a little strange, but Su Yuan seemed to feel something. He looked at her husband suspiciously and asked him a question when he was about to go to bed at night! "What's up with the boss?"

"Why do you say that?"

"I don't know you yet! If other people's affairs, although you can't say anything, but definitely not such expression! You'll only be like this if there's something wrong with the boss! "

"Don't ask! Let's talk about it when we have news in the future! Too much involved, and who are you and me? There are so many special! You don't know the boss's temperament Speaking of this, Wang Changlin also sighed!

Su Yuan was stunned by her husband's words! "There's a reason for that! No wonder this guy has to stay in that small town all the time, but how long can he stay? And in this way, will there be so many false alarms? Is it open to discussion? "

"Who can say the things clearly? But from what I know personally, it has nothing to do with the three children! His starting point in the matter of three children is entirely good! ""I don't know that yet?" Su Yuan replied unsatisfied! "But there are still some problems in this matter! You and I all know the problem, but no one can convince me

"It's not necessarily a bad thing to stay outside for two years. I don't know about Ding Yun and Ding Chang, but I know something about Xiaogang. I'm afraid you and I didn't expect to live an independent life for Xiaogang."

"Hum!" Su Yuan is quite dissatisfied! "I heard xiao gang had a fight! How old is he? How old is he now? What will happen in the future? Who knows? "

"Yes or no? This question? Another way! Kids fighting? It's not a bad thing Wang Changlin can be said to know his wife's "different eyes", but it is precisely because of this that Wang Changlin tries his best to remain neutral, because once he loses his neutrality, he will certainly be biased!

"It's not a bad thing! Did Wang Yang fight since childhood? "

"Why didn't Wang Yang fight?" Wang Changlin also felt a little funny, "it's just that you don't know it! What's more! Why don't you say something about the fight Wang Li had? She was also a Leng girl at that time, no one was her opponent, at least among her peers, swept a piece! How exaggerated are you

"What were they like at that time and how can they be compared with what they are now?"

Su Yuan's voice is very low! However, I really don't know that Wang Yang had a fight. Didn't he tear himself down on purpose? Make oneself also have nothing to say now, how to say? Some of them were beaten in the face!

"Time has changed a lot, but from a practical point of view! It's almost the same! Xiao Gang is like a child now! Instead of a so-called old scholar, I used to worry about whether the elder brother would let them become too young for the cultivation of Xiaogang! It seems that my worries can be put down! "

On the one hand, we hope that children can grow up rapidly, but on the other hand, we hope that children can keep childlike innocence, but this is a contradiction at all! It is also quite unrealistic! No way!

Wang Xiaogang is following his uncle! Not even when you are sensible! Is completely in the muddle when began to follow Ding Yu! It's a well-known thing that some young people become mature, but now I hear that he has begun to fight! This thing is really let Wang Changlin have some feelings! There was even some relief!

"Sleep first! We are just worrying about these things. The boss must be quite prepared! If only we knew! If you really interfere! On the contrary, it is to let other things happen! And the boss? He! Sometimes I don't like talking at all

The so-called does not like to talk, that is to say, Ding Yu does not care to explain anything at all! How do you think, this is your business, has nothing to do with me, how I do, is also my business, has nothing to do with you! We'd better not interfere with each other!

Wang Yang and Lin Qiuyan left very early, and the things they brought were a little bit too much. Only the two of them really couldn't take it! It's really a package trip, don't you know? I thought it was a move!

But when Wang Yang and Lin Qiuyan came, they didn't see Wang Xiaogang! At least I didn't see Wang Xiaogang at home! Ding Yu and Tai Xi took them to the farm to fish!

"Dad! Mother Seeing Wang Yang and Lin Qiuyan, Wang Xiaogang also called out loud! And then it was like a little tiger running over, throwing himself in the arms of his father and mother!

Wang Yang raised his son, Wang Xiaogang, a little heavy! I don't see how much meat there is on the body! Or are you short of exercise recently? Not really!

Holding my son, I met my elder brother and sister-in-law! Ding Yu just glanced at it. He didn't do anything else. Instead, he was more enthusiastic and said hello to Wang Yang and Lin Qiuyan!

Wang Yang is looking for a small Mazar, sitting beside Ding Yu. As for Ding Yun and Ding Chang, after greeting their brother-in-law, they are wandering around their aunt! As for your father? There's no need! Just throw it away!

"Brother, I haven't heard of it. Do you still like fishing?"

"Mainly with three children! Anyway, they don't have too many things. Instead of making them too noisy, it's better to stop for a period of time. Are you so leisurely? The work over there is handled very well? "

"Now I can barely get started! Xiaobao also wanted to come here, but there are some things to do temporarily, so it's not good to try to be hard! I'll come with Qiuyan! "

"There's nothing wrong with Xiaogang! everything goes well! But you and Qiu Yan came a little bit more frequently! Put it on! Although I understand that you care about Xiaogang, I can't go too far! Too much is more than enough

"I have the feeling of this aspect. I was worried about Xiaogang before, but now I feel that Xiaogang's performance is really good! Qiu Yan and I didn't think it would be like this! All the previous worries are in vain"So?"

Wang Yang looks at his elder brother with a bitter smile. What is good for you to say? There are so many too rigid, OK? I don't even know how to answer this!

"Big brother, I don't know what to say when you ask like this!"

In the face of Wang Yang's plea for mercy, Ding Yu said!

"Xiao Gang's situation is different from others! I can understand you when you are a parent, but there are some things I can't tell you, let him know too much, on the contrary, it will harm you, the same will harm Xiaogang! So it's temporary! There won't be too many problems and situations in all aspects! "

"I'll listen to you, big brother!"

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