There is no drink for dinner! Wang Yang feels that there are so few tasteless, but for children, is very happy, eat the stomach is so some drum! Together with Tai Xi and Lin Qiuyan two people are also the same!

After dinner, the three children clean the table, there is no need for Taixi and Lin Qiuyan!

Wang Yang and Lin Qiuyan are very happy about this. When they come and go here, they are the same. After dinner, Wang Xiaogang cleans the table. He is very young, but he cleans up very well. He doesn't even need the help of the nanny at home!

From the perspective of Wang Yang and Lin Qiuyan, this is a very small thing! Not even how to put it on the heart! If it was their own, would they ask for children like this? I haven't seen it! There are even some unlikely things!

In other words, the family has never considered this aspect! Now, this is a child's independent ability performance, the details see the real chapter! The thing that the son displays, absolutely must surpass own imagination!

If you say in your own mother, or in your own home, how can such a thing happen? There is no need for Xiaogang to do it by himself! Even if he thought it was impossible!

The rest time is not long, a group of people are also out for a walk! Do not need to run and jump, is a little activity, otherwise the whole person will appear very lazy! Although there are so many people on the farm outside, it will be a lot of fun! It's a good thing!

"Brother! Qiuyan and I have come here with Xiaogang, especially the paradise of the farm. We feel different! Other aspects of the environment and sanitation, is absolutely second to none, whether domestic or foreign! Say it! Absolutely Wang Yang also stood up his thumb, and expressed quite exclamation!

"After the environment is good, we can attract a lot of people. To be exact, the price here is not as expensive as we imagined. Many people have quite different opinions on this point!"

"I think it's very good! It's just that big brother earned a little less! "

"Well! I think so too Ding Yu's rare smile! "Whether to earn more or less is not a big problem for me personally. Compared with the whole farm, the paradise of the farm is an add-on. Although this additional product has considerable value, it is not worth mentioning the left farm!"

"Big brother, I'm afraid there's a lot of unwillingness on the farm! After all, this is also a considerable income! "

"They're ok here! Although they are paradise and an additional product of the farm, relatively speaking, they do not need farm subsidies. At most, they have considerable investment at the beginning, but from the perspective of balance of income and expenditure, there are not too many problems, that is, the wages of employees in the park are a little different from that of the farm! "

"All right! Don't look at what kind of labor is between each other! "

Wang Yang said with scorn, "I've seen the farm work! Good guy, it's really not everyone can do it! I used to think that the wages of migrant workers are a little too high! Now I found that there are still some low! I don't mean to belittle migrant workers! Some of them are too hard! "

"Yes! There are so many too hard! Compared with the office workers, they should get the so-called high salary, but too many people are quite cheap for them! But forget what to eat without them? What are you wearing? What do you live in? " Ding Yu shook his head when he finished speaking!

"These people on the farm are not migrant workers anymore! Their wages are even higher than that of white-collar workers in big cities! I feel a little bit exaggerated! It's really a mountain apart! Not at all

"They can be regarded as technical work now! In fact, there are quite a number of reasons. It's been planting for decades! As far as experience is concerned, they are definitely the most abundant. However, they are short of adequate theories. They know that the effect of farming is the best, but they don't know the reason why? On the farm side, there is quite a wealth of theoretical experience, but the actual operation is far from satisfactory

"The combination of theory and practice seems very good, but it can really achieve this! Absolutely not easy! Even quite difficult! That is to say, only when the farm family has a big business, can they afford to support it. Other aspects? There are so many difficulties! "

Ding Yu and Wang Yang are walking and chatting together. As for the third primary school? Follow their mother! Comparatively speaking, they are a little bit lively! I don't know what will happen if the security doesn't follow!

"Brother, I suddenly found that you don't seem to be interested in anything, but when you think about it carefully, you have a certain goal for things, and I don't know whether I am right or not!"

Ding Yu, who was walking beside him, snorted, "are you human? After all, there are so many messy problems and ideas! But my main duty should still be a doctor. At least I can't die of hunger. Only when I'm full will I want to do some other things! If you don't have enough to eat, you can't bring up any spirit when you do anything! ""Brother, is this requirement a little lower?"

"Not low! It's not easy to talk about such a thing as satiety! "

"Yes, big brother, if you want to eat enough, it's really not a simple thing. At least half of the families can't afford it. I suddenly found that Ding Yun, Ding Chang, or Xiao Gang can eat more than me, and they eat a variety of things!"

"That's what you say! It's like what a wonderful thing they eat

"My fault! Mainly because of the amount of food they eat, there are so many frightening people! Fortunately, I was born in such a family, otherwise what would happen? It's hard to say! Even if you drink milk powder, I'm afraid it can scare people to death! "

It's really not Wang Yang's deliberate words, but the actual situation is like this! Even the youngest Wang Xiaogang, let go of his appetite, but also enough to eat for two days! What's more, they are all beef and mutton. I really doubt that, where have all these things been eaten? At least his stomach didn't get up!

If you were like them, I would have been a ball by now?

"Brother, I've seen other children! If it's really like three children! Now it's light to be Michelin. I've seen all of their sports. It's nothing great! But is able to maintain such a state, it is really amazing! I don't understand

"According to their physical condition, make the best diet plan! At the same time for their intestines and stomach, do quite a lot of adjustment, you eat a lot of things, are wasted! But for them, eat a lot of things, is to ensure that the body absorption! And is the most healthy one, as for metabolism, let alone! It's not a simple thing! "

"Yes! With me, I'm the one in the bucket Wang Yang laughed at himself!

But the heart is quite relaxed about this, why? Does the reason need to be explained? Big brother is an expert in this field, even the so-called Xiaobai is not counted in this aspect! Some aspects are yes but not! I can't tell you why! So why not pretend to understand?

At this point, I especially admire big brother! Is that hard for him? So much for children! Let oneself understand these things, really have so some too difficult! What kind of balanced diet! Nutrition absorption! Basically did not consider! What's the use of thinking about what?

For oneself, what's wrong with the child, go to the hospital! At most, it is about education. I may serve snacks, but it will stop here! But my concern for children's education? But there are so many who can't start! Even if it is Qiu Yan, it is the same, regardless of her being a teacher!

Let her educate other children, no problem, but let her educate Xiaogang, but there are so many difficulties!

"Yes! Brother, I mentioned two words with my father earlier! The two children in my brother-in-law's family are old enough! And then there are the two people that my uncle made! There's so much confusion about it! "

"My brother-in-law has sent two people away! Their situation is so special, not how special their identity is, but their condition is so special! So my brother-in-law sent it here! I am also very headache now, it is very difficult to solve this problem in a short time! You know, song Tianren and they have not left yet! Ah

"I've met song Tianren and them! I've been honest these days! Nest in the Museum over there, I heard that is research! It's like taking a university entrance examination! I worked very hard, and I didn't hear anything messy. At most, I came out for a little get-together! There are not too many problems with this! At this point, they are absolutely old-fashioned! "

"Seems to be a good relationship with each other?"

"Very good! Anyway, they are all big brother your students! But on our side? It's about friendship! There's no such thing as seniority. We're all together and frolic! But anyway? Now there are so many can not make trouble! When you get older, this pursuit is different! "

"How do you feel that you have said a lot of good things to them? Now that's how they compliment you

"Not really. They have a good relationship with me! If you really don't have any meaning in other aspects, this is also a little unrealistic! However, getting their approval is also a very interesting thing. They are really proud of themselves! Not everyone can enter this circle! "

"Not everyone can enter this circle? You and Xiaobao are very confident! This is not a bad thing! After all, you and Xiaobao are still young, even from the first echelon, they are quite young! This is the advantage! "

Although the family said they couldn't win over these people, they had a good relationship with them. There was no problem with this!

Ding Yu talks to Wang Yang here. They walk a little slower!

Not fast enough, Wang Yang stood up his ears, as if to hear something! But it's not so real!"Why do I seem to hear Xiao Gang's cry?" Wang Yang is very suspicious! Then I don't believe it and look at my big brother!

Ding Yu is looking at the distant position, it is a basketball court, people seem to have a little so many! Although we have already had dinner now! But it's a good time! However, playing basketball under such weather is really a test for the body, at least ordinary people are so some can not carry it!

Tai Xi and Lin Qiuyan are not so interested in this, but Ding Yun and Wang Xiaogang two people do not live in the side of cheering! Even the one that can't be pulled, while Ding Chang is leaning against the pillar beside. All the children on the field are little farts! Out of a big man, other people themselves are not so interested!

Give yourself a feeling! That big guy is a little bit over the top! Is he really a child? I saw it just now! Ten to twelve years old! But what about this one? stand head and shoulders above others? The one that dominates!

This guy is standing on the basketball court. He's 12 years old! Feeling seventeen or eighteen years old, maybe more suitable for him!

"Elephant, elephant!" Wang Xiaogang pulled his own voice and kept shouting!

Seeing his uncle and father, Wang Xiaogang was very excited and said, "uncle! Dad! That's the elephant I said, my good friend. I always played basketball with me before

Ding Yu looks at the children on the ground! And Wang Yang is to skim his mouth! My son mentioned it to himself! But who could have thought that his son's friend was so exaggerated! You, your mother!

"Son, are you sure he's only twelve years old?"

"No! He's a little over ten years old! " Wang Xiaogang is very serious about it! "We are good friends. He always came to play with me before! The two of us are united and invincible in the world

Ding Yu didn't speak, but looked at the big boy on the field! This size is so exaggerated! If he really reaches out his hand, the other kids don't have to shoot!

Even if they jump up, there is no one standing tall! What's more, the hand stretched out again, completely covered the sky and the sun, and could not see the slightest light! Ding Yu stares at it for a while! "Wang Yang, what do you think of this little classmate?"

"A little too much? Bullying other people like children! It's not too bad! "

"Well!" Ding Yu can't buy a nod! Can see, if the big man is really cruel, the field of these children, there is a calculate a! None of them will be rivals! But the big man didn't do this. At most, he was standing under his own basket to make a fulcrum for other children, or outside the other party's three divisions!

"I heard Xiao Gang mention it earlier! There are two basketball friends, one is called elephant, the other is called fawn, which is the child he fights with! But this elephant is really big enough! The name is right! "

"Just have fun Ding Yu said without salt or salt!

"This elephant is very good at mastering this discretion, so as not to let the children in the opposite side too much fear! Even inspired their fighting spirit, but at the same time did not let their children too proud! Because the gap is not so big! "

Wang Yang still has a little sigh about this, "but big brother, are children so evil now? Is there something out of place for such a big child to be so sophisticated? "

"You can tell by looking at his shoes!"

Yeah? Wang Yang Leng for a moment, he just really did not pay attention to! Because the children on the court are all wearing uniform basketball shirts! I really didn't pay attention to the shoes! But take a closer look, it really found a different place! Compared with other children, the elephant's shoes are a little too ordinary!

Although I don't have much research on this aspect, I can clearly see that other children are exclusive basketball shoes, but the elephant is so different! A pair of very old-fashioned shoes!

This kind of old shoes, I used to wear them in those days, but they were quite different then! In those days, wearing this was definitely a fashionable choice. It was the same grade as Jordan today, but now? I'm afraid not many people can call out this name!

"There are so many different things! It's a little bitter, too

After thinking about it, Wang Yang looked at his son next to him, "Xiao Gang, your friend heard you mention your name!"

"Well!" Wang Xiao just returned a sentence, but the mind is not in his father's body at all! "When I was playing on the basketball court, no one played with me. Later, he came to play with me! Each other will become friends! People are very nice, but sometimes they are a little timid? "

Timid? I haven't seen it! But Wang Gang didn't say that!

Take a look at the big brother next to him. His eyes are always on the ground, as if he didn't hear his own words at all! Wang Yang also did not mention other!Ding Yu is looking at the elephant on the scene. As for the other children, he is looking at it. It doesn't have much meaning, but this elephant is really interesting! Young, but the mood is very good, is also quite calm! It's really hard to imagine that this is a child less than ten years old! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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