Wait until the basketball game is over!

The winner accepted the joy of victory, but the loser didn't seem particularly depressed! But there are crying children, it is obvious that their psychological capacity, or so some poor!

However, such a thing, it seems very appropriate, after all, is a child, for the concept of victory and defeat may be more important! Crying out, on behalf of their vent out, is also a good thing!

There are many farms in the north. Although there are quite a lot of sports activities, there are not so many sports activities involving these children! To be exact, there are not so many popular large-scale activities involving children! So the farm side is also unique.

Ding Yu is aware of this matter, but really said that he is very concerned, there are so some bullshit! It's also impossible! It's not that you have no interest in it, but if you worry about everything, do you still live? Even if he is not crushed to death by these things, then he is also languishing!

"Big brother! I found out that the basketball game was sponsored by the farm! "

"I know about it, but if you want to know the details, you are asking the wrong person! The original plan is to maintain the attention of the farm side, and at the same time let everyone have a considerable recognition of the farm! That's why we held some sports events! But now the situation, or good! Better than you think

"Not only good! I think it is still very promising! These children can come out one or two, and I'm afraid there will be no limit to them in the future! For the whole farm, the benefits are really great! "

"I didn't think as much as you said! At most, I want to be able to attract considerable attention! Children and women's money is the best to earn! In this matter, the farm really did not make money, even lost a lot! It's been subsidized by the farm all the time! Back and forth car to car, accommodation! And food and so on! They all cost a lot of money

"The so-called reluctant children can not catch the wolf! There are several things! They won't be moved if you don't see the power of it! " Wang Yang is quite aware of this!

"What? Are you interested in this elephant boy? "

"No!" Wang Yang slightly waved his hand, "I think I don't have much research on this aspect, and I don't have this insight at the same time. Brother, you'd better forgive me! If you want to help, there is no problem, but when it comes to training, this is not what I can do! I'm afraid it will backfire! "

"Elephant, this way!" When the celebration ceremony was over, Wang Xiaogang raised his hand and yelled loudly!

"I said I came to cheer you on!" Looking at the trophy in the elephant's hand, there is also some envy! The elephant handed over his trophy with both hands! Touch your head and smile! A little naive!

"Elephant, let me introduce you. This is my uncle and aunt, this is my father and mother! This is my elder sister Ding Yun and elder brother Ding Chang! " Wang Xiaogang introduced a little more people! But it's not messy at all!

"Hello! I'm Li Xiang. Everyone calls me elephant

Ding Yu looks at Li Xiang's eyes, which is very clear. There are not too many impurities in it! After watching for a period of time, Ding Yu slightly nodded his head! "Home is local? Other teams seem to be led by coaches

"Well! We are local! " Li Xiang looks at Ding Yu. The uncle in front of him feels so serious that he is even more frightening than his own coach! Although the face can not be seen, but from his eyes, he does not know why, always feel so dignified!

"If it's on this side of the farm, we can move freely! But it's absolutely not allowed to leave the farm. The same is true for other teams. No exceptions are allowed! " Li Xiang thought for a while, but also made a considerable explanation!

"It's very clear! Who taught you that? "

"My mother! My mother is a teacher! My uncle is my coach

Ding Yu nodded his head with a smile, "the ball is playing well, today we have won! Something to be happy about! " Take a picture of Wang Xiaogang! After all, Li Xiang is a friend of Wang Xiaogang, so there's no need for them to interfere! Just make them happy!

Simply said two words, Ding Yu and Wang Yang they left! It doesn't mean to stay! Staying will make them a little uncomfortable!

"Big brother, are you interested in this child?" Wang Yang seems to have found something! After all, as far as I know, big brother will never be aimless! But what is involved, I have so many guesses!

"Take a look! Who knows what will happen? No one knows that well! "

Ding Yu did not say anything absolute, just let people to investigate, some things to understand a little more, after all, is not a bad thing! Right? And the more you know, the more detailed you may know!"Xiao Gang, how terrible your uncle is While not paying attention, Li Xiang also said in a low voice! "More terrible than my uncle! How frightening! When my uncle's eyes are staring, I have to be honest

"I've seen your uncle and grandfather. It's a little ordinary!" Xiaogang said with disapproval!

Ding Yun and Ding Chang were more curious than before, but after a while, they were stable! This guy is very tall, but he is really a child. He is almost the same age as them. He is more sensible than he is. He doesn't have many other ideas!

Four children also went to the side of the field, this time is the youth group! Relatively speaking, there are so many fierce!

"My uncle is so strict!" The elephant muttered! "But looking at your uncle, I feel like we can't really compare with each other!"

Ding Yun looks at Li Xiang and sits beside him. He absolutely covers himself! This body shape is really so big! "Elephant, have you played basketball since you were a child?"

"Well!" The elephant touched his head and said with a smile, "I've played basketball since I was a child. I feel very interesting! Later, my mother sent me to my uncle and grandfather, and asked for a long time to let me play basketball. However, some of the other children were too short! They can't take me

On this general grid, if someone can steal you, this is the real hell! Standing on the basketball court, it's a big Mac! Looking at his present appearance, it should not be a problem if he grows to two meters in the future!

There was also a moment ago, we compared each other, that hand is the same as the Pu fan! One slap down! Boy, the whole head is covered! It's not bragging! It's like Ding Chang beside him. He has some doubts at this time. He takes Li Xiang's hand and continues to draw! How did it grow?

All normal people, OK? Are you so good? Ding Chang feels that his head has so much pain!

"Brother Chang, do you like playing basketball, too?"

"Just call me Ding Chang! Call me brother Chang, I have a lot of pressure Ding Chang has some exaggeration to say! "I've played basketball, but I don't have the talent. I like baseball and hockey a little bit more!"

"Hockey? What is hockey Li Xiang asked a puzzled question!

Ding Chang is patient to explain to him, but Li Xiang still has some ignorant! I've been in touch with basketball. As for ice hockey, don't mention watching it! Never heard of it! And basketball training is also so tired, they do not have so much time to focus on other things!

"Now this kind of court is harmful for you to play basketball! Your coach didn't say that? "

"No!" Li Xiang did not feel that there were any problems and conditions in it, "I think it's very good! Our conditions there are not comparable to here, at least the floor here, we have the cement floor! I've never played basketball on the floor before! "

Li Xiang didn't cover up anything and said what he had. This is not a disgraceful thing!

"You are in a good mood." Ding Yun said approvingly, "elephant, have you ever met an opponent?"

"Yes, of course! But the same age of these children, never! They're all too short! But the senior students, I really can't beat, they are more powerful than me, even the height above me is much higher than me! There are even better techniques than mine! They're really great! "

"Did you compete with seniors?" Ding Chang casually said, "yes, children of the same age, for you, are really not any threat, they have so many talents that are not worthy of you!"

There are so many too young adults to talk about! Want to know Ding Chang sometimes also has this aspect distress, why? It is because we can't find playmates of the same age. For myself, these playmates of the same age are so naive! They are not worth mentioning for themselves!

With them, there are so many can not mention the end, so to a certain extent, only to find some older friends to play, this may be better, Li Xiang to a certain extent, and they also have quite similar place!

Among the children of the same age, we can not find too much competitiveness, so we can only think of other ways, such as the older children to compete together! Only in this way can we make progress a little faster!

The competition in the youth group is a little bit fierce, but the referee on the field controls everything and can compete. There is no problem with this, but it is absolutely forbidden to use the so-called insidious means in the process of competition! It is also forbidden to take any so-called small means!

Relatively speaking, they are still children now. In this process, the most important thing to pay attention to is the problem of injury. As for how to avoid these problems off the field, this is another matter, but now on the field, it is absolutely forbidden!

"Elephant, do you train every day?""Not all of them!" Li Xiang paid attention to the situation on the field, "usually still need to learn, learning is not a big problem, mainly training above the problem, sometimes there will be quite a problem!"

As for what is the problem, Li Xiang did not mention! Some things can be said, but some things are unnecessary! Although we say that we are friends, but the intersection between each other is really not as much as imagined! At least now we are just friends on the basketball court!

When they came back, Wang Yang and Lin Qiuyan accompanied Ding Yun and Ding Chang. As for Wang Xiaogang, they accompanied their uncle and aunt. To be exact, they accompanied their uncle. After the aunt delivered tea, they left!

It is not to say that they have any opinions and ideas, there is no such problem!


Ding Yu pointed to the information next to him, "all the information about Li Xiang has been placed here!" "I don't have any opinions and ideas about making friends with you, but I think he is a good player, at least in basketball! It has nothing to do with other aspects. As for how you make friends, it's your own business. As an elder, I don't have too many opinions and ideas about it! I hope you can understand! "

"Uncle, I think the elephant is still good! There are not many children of the same age like him! The elephant is much bigger than me, but I come into contact with a lot of children, but like him, can be very considerate of others! There is not too much heart, can be sincere to treat people, this is very good! Even rare? "

"You want to say he has no heart?" Ding Yu's face shows a little smile!

"No, I think he still has a good heart. Although he is sincere, it doesn't mean he is stupid!"

"This judgment can be said in the past." Ding Yu put his hand down, "his family condition can be said to be particularly general! Father died young! His mother took him and his sister to live together! His mother is a teacher, the wind is very good! However, it is still difficult to support two children alone! "

"No wonder he never mentioned his father? However, he did not mention the situation in his home! I didn't ask! " Xiao Gang opened his eyes!

"Incurable disease, together with the family is also dragged down! But Li Xiang didn't feel sorry for himself! However, he still caused considerable pressure on his family when he played basketball. However, he never complained about it. He even solved a lot of troubles for his family because of playing basketball! "

"Uncle, is there any contradiction in this

"What about him? It's a little tall, even a little big. I think you all know that! But what is the price? That's not a big meal! If you don't eat, you'll be hungry! But if you eat, you will grow up again. What do you say? His mother is alone at home! And a sister

Xiao gang did not experience much for such things! After thinking for a long time, he slowly said, "uncle, is it the same as senior brother Wang An? Elder martial brother's family is also quite difficult! "

"Almost, it's better than your senior brother's, but it's not as strong as that. Li Xiang's mother still has a relatively stable job! However, his mother is very good at teaching by example! This is very convincing! "

"I don't know, but I can see that Li Xiang treats people very well."

"The best teachers for children are their parents. They teach by example. Such words are definitely not simple. They are imitating. They may accomplish a transformation without any notice. There is no difference between good and bad, nor between right and wrong. It is just imitation."

"Uncle, is it possible to understand the character of parents by observing the children's words and deeds?"

"It can only be said that it is a huge majority, but this is not the truth. You should also know that there are some unruly sons. Although it is improper to talk about other people's rights and wrongs behind their backs, I still want to say this. Fortunately, your elder martial brother grew up with his grandfather since childhood, so there is no need to worry about this problem! ”Both Ding Yun and Ding Chang are far away from each other! And Li Xiang's friend was Wang Xiaogang's own! The deer, I haven't seen it! But can be seen in the eye by Wang Xiaogang! There should be two brushes!

Long term follow Ding Yu's side, plus Ding Yun and Ding Chang such brother and sister! In this case, no eye is higher than the top! It's pretty good already! Who can be seen by him! It will never be as much as you can imagine!

"He's your friend. You can decide for yourself! I don't have a lot of opinions and thoughts about it! "

"Uncle, I think his basketball is good!"

"What about this? It's not up to you, it's up to him! The so-called Sheng Mi en, Dou Mi Qiu, after all, not everyone can be like your senior brother Wang An, can maintain their own mentality! Once they can't keep their own mentality, then for them, it is not an opportunity, but a kind of destruction! You are small, but I think you should understand that! ""Because there are not many people who can withstand the temptation!"

"What a normal thing! You haven't seen it! Take a look at those American talent shows! In particular, the sports draft, can be said to be a step of heaven, a step of hell! You should know that they are facing not only the competition of occupation, but also the temptation of vanity fair! Especially the latter, too terrible

Looking at his uncle's palpitations! Wang Xiaogang also blinked his eyes, "uncle, because they have not experienced it? So it's hard to resist in my heart! "

"There are many reasons, but the temptation is definitely one of the biggest reasons, and the test is so cruel for everyone! Test human nature? It's the most painful thing in the world! Not many people can stand it

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