The report of laboratory test and examination was sent to the conference room at the first time. Professor Hopkins was discussing with the team on this issue. Ding Yu was also standing on the side of the room to listen. However, Ding Yu also noticed that there were other people here besides Professor Hopkins's whole team.

The meeting lasted about two hours, and Ding Yu always sat on one side. What about his illness? Ding Yu has basically mastered it, but it is because of this that Ding Yu feels a little strange. What about such an operation? It's not like the team that invited Professor Hopkins?

Ding Yu knows something about the situation in China. From his own point of view, the domestic medical standard can solve the problem in this respect, but the risk is slightly higher. Is it because of this aspect that Professor Hopkins is invited to come here? something the matter!

Although he felt that something was wrong, Ding Yu did not have anything. He just needed to observe quietly. He did not have much to do with himself. He was just one of the assistants. Now is not the time to show his curiosity.

After the meeting was over, Ding Yu just walked out of the meeting room and saw Wang Jianguo at the corner. Ding Yu nodded his head slightly and showed a little smile on his face. Then he communicated with Professor Hopkins around him. After the communication, Ding Yu stopped his own pace and watched the professor go away.

"Why are you everywhere? Is it your business here? I haven't heard of it. " Ding Yu's tone of ridicule is quite good. The relationship between this meaning and Wang Jianguo is really good. Otherwise, it is hard to see Ding Yu like this.

"Bullshit!" Wang Jianguo also said without good breath, "I should have said this, how can there be you everywhere? I said, brother, isn't it too interesting for you to say hello when you come back. I'd better listen to the news from the sea before I know you're back. Let alone, you owe me a meal, and I'll let you know when I want to eat. "

After that, he seemed to remember something, "by the way, I'd like to introduce you to Aunt Qu Hua. This is aunt Qu Hua. We don't need to introduce this one! I saw it at the party in the beginning

"Hello, aunt Qu, I'm Ding Yu!" Then he nodded to the youth next to him, "Hello Ziyu!" Ding Yu's expression is very formulaic, but for Qu Ziyu, it's really very happy. It's really hard for Ding Yu to remember himself. It's really a surprise!

"Hello, Xiaoding. I didn't expect you were a friend of Jianguo and Ziyu!" Although experts are invited from the United States, the problem is that they do not have any confidence in their hearts. There are no people they are familiar with. It is not like the hospital here. In the end, they can trust their acquaintances. I really didn't expect that an acquaintance would come out of the expert group in the United States.

Acquaintances are easy to handle affairs, which is a common understanding of Chinese people. Qu Hua seems to have some anxieties. Ding Yu thought for a while, "I read the report earlier. There are certain risks in the operation. The specific problems may need further observation." What Ding Yu said was polite and did not mean to support the bottom.

However, Wang Jianguo was stunned when he saw Ding Yu's appearance. This is too polite. This guy really talks about people and ghosts. He knows something about Ding Yu, so he can clearly hear the hidden meaning of the words. But what about Aunt Qu? She obviously didn't recognize it.

"Xiaoding, where's your aunt? I don't know much about this. You are a doctor. What do you need to say? " When he spoke, Qu Hua also felt that someone had pulled him in the back. He was definitely not his nephew. The direction was wrong. It should be Jianguo. Ouhua realized that there might be something wrong with his speech.

Then Wang Jianguo also said aloud, "aunt Qu, Ziyu, take a look at granddad ou. Do you have me here?" The meaning of this word is very clear. Some words are not very convenient. Ding Yu looked at his watch and said, "Ding Yu, all the people in his family, help to serve snacks!"

Ding Yu laughed and then walked quickly to the professor, because he had already seen him waving his hand to himself. Until noon, Ding Yu showed up again. Wang Jianguo was waiting very hard outside, but there was no way. Ding Yu didn't really ignore himself, but he had other things to do.

"Let's have lunch together! I have a reservation

Ding Yu slightly waved his hand, "find a place nearby to have a cup of coffee." At noon, Ding Yu didn't have a lot of hobbies in this area. Once the problem has developed, it is really difficult to change it. If you want to change it, unless you leave school, but from now on, it seems that it will take a long time.

"Coffee, I said, is your temper more and more eccentric?" Ding Yu just took a look, and there was no meaning to explain at all. Looking at Ding Yu's appearance, Wang Jianguo nodded helplessly, "well, you are the master, I can't provoke you yet?" After that, he also led the way ahead.Ding Yu took off his white coat, then took his coat and went out. When people in the hospital saw this situation, his face also changed a little. He didn't expect that there were Chinese people among the foreign experts contacted by Qu family. All of a sudden, the matter was a bit troublesome.

After ordering two cups of coffee, Ding Yu tasted the taste. It was very ordinary. The style was very good-looking, but it was just like the goods. However, there was no egg use. Although it was used to supplement energy, the taste was really poor. It may be related to the relationship between life and, more practically, the style was improved.

"What's not to say in the hospital?"

Wang Jianguo also did not have a good look, "do you still ask me? I didn't ask you what happened? What is the situation of grandfather Qu? We are all acquaintances, give it to the bottom! I also have an account with the Qu family. "

Ding Yu blinked his eyes. He didn't mean to speak. He just looked at it. Wang Jianguo also had some strange feelings. What does Ding Yu mean? What do you mean? You can say it directly! Who knows what you are thinking about in your heart?

"What do you mean?" Wang Jianguo also has some impatient meaning.

Ding Yu also subconsciously turned his mouth, "I still want to make a living in this business. What about all these things? It's just like this. I'll treat you as if you didn't ask me, and you'll think I didn't say it! " After that, Ding Yu also stopped for a moment, "I have already seen the situation of Mr Qu and discussed with Professor Hopkins. The operation is a bit risky!"

"A little risky? What does that mean? " Wang Jianguo obviously felt that there was something in this remark.

"Any surgery? There are risks. This is within the normal range. There is no big deal! " Ding Yu felt that he had explained clearly enough, but he could not understand the third brother in front of him! What can I do?

It's hard to tell him that the reason why the domestic side doesn't do it is very simple. The identity of this big man must be quite special. Wang Jianguo just ran over like a dog. It can be seen that it is general. The risk of surgery is very high. If something happens, who is responsible?

What about domestic treatment? I can't say that there are too many problems. I don't have a grasp of this aspect. The risk is really too big. In this case, we should transfer the risk, which is beneficial to each other.

If there are any problems and problems with Mr. Qu, it is the problem of the expert group of the United States. Even the United States has no way to solve the problem. Of course, it is unlikely that the domestic side will solve it. If there is no problem with the operation of Mr. Qu, the hospital will recommend meritorious service! Anyway, it's not a loss.

Ding Yu has a deep understanding of all these things. After all, he is a member of the medical system. As for not explaining to Wang Jianguo, there is no need in this respect. If there is a disturbance, it will not do any good to anyone. Ding Yu still needs to continue to mix in this business, even if it is selling a human relationship!

"I think there's something wrong with it, and it's quite a big problem. You're such a devil!"

Ding Yu is just smiling. "I've drunk my coffee too!" As he spoke, the driver who had been sent to buy coffee had come back with Starbucks coffee in his hand. Ding Yu also stood up at this time, "there is nothing wrong with the hospital. I will call you if there is anything wrong! You are definitely the first person to know the news except for your family members. "

When returning to the hospital, Ding Yu also brought coffee to all the people in the team. Seeing the Starbucks in Ding Yu's hand, everyone gathered around. They were really not used to the coffee in China. As for the tea, they didn't have much love. Although boiled water was said to be the favorite, it didn't have any energy!

It's true love. Even Hopkins snatched two cups of coffee into his hand, and then he sat down on the chair to read the report. However, the liaison staff in the room looked at the coffee with such silly eyes. Starbucks is not very strange to itself, but the question is why these Americans like it so much?

"Dr. Ding, I don't know if it's convenient for you!"

Ding Yu took a look at the doctor in the white coat outside the door and nodded. Soon, the two men came to an office together and said, "tea? Smoking? " Ding Yu slightly waved his hand and said he refused!

Looking at Ding Yu, he didn't mean to do this. The doctor sitting there also gave a wry smile. "Mr. Qu's condition was checked by the hospital earlier, but there were some technical conditions that were not up to standard. I heard that Professor Hopkins was famous, so he deliberately invited him to operate the knife!"

Ding Yu slightly nodded his head. It seems that Wang Jianguo found himself earlier and let the hospital have some warnings. After all, what about such a thing? If you really say it, who knows if the Qu family will get into trouble? It's really hard to say!The hospital also has its own difficulties, anyway, what about foreign monks? Good at reciting scriptures. If you succeed, you will have your own contribution. If you fail, you will have nothing to do with yourself. If you don't have a person who is familiar with the internal situation, this time things are really unknown.

We don't have a direct understanding of the hospital's medical skills. These are all internal affairs and conditions of the hospital. But who would have thought that a so-called "own person" appeared in the expert group of the United States. All of a sudden, there were some revelations about the situation. This is not a good situation.

If you can't stand the inside of the hospital, if you can't stand it, you can't stand it! Let's talk to Ding Yu! At least there's a chance to save it, isn't it?

Ding Yu nodded his head. At this time, he didn't need to pretend to be such a fool. There was no need for him in this respect. However, at this time, Ding Yu had to take the identity of the former one. "I'm an assistant, and I don't know the situation of the team as expected."

The middle-aged man sitting on the sofa opposite Ding Yu was slightly stunned. It was obvious that he had not realized what Ding Yu meant by this remark. Ding Yu took a look at it, but also laughed, and then he left. Who is this! It won't be too high. I have already said it thoroughly.

After waiting for no more than half an hour, an old man with glasses came to find Ding Yu, followed by another one. After seeing it, Ding Yu also laughed, "Hello, president Zhang!" If this is the case, then the identity is enough, and Zhang duo looks at Ding Yu's appearance, the heart is also secretly scolding, this little bastard.

There is no so-called agreement between each other. Hello, Hello, everyone. No one will point out this topic. For Ding Yu's performance, this president Zhang is also in the eye. Sometimes he serves the chief executive, but he is quite helpless. If there is no problem, it is better. If there is a problem, you can wait for the back pot!

But people will grow old. This problem is unavoidable and quite realistic. But the problem is that the family members of the patients do not understand, so they have made this decision? It is also a helpless choice for the hospital. Fortunately, Ding Yu is more reasonable, at least helping to round the matter this time.

In fact, there is no so-called trust between each other, nor can it be said that Ding Yu really controls the initiative of this time. Even if Ding Yu pokes this matter out, the hospital will not admit that his medical level is not in place. Who can do what? On the contrary, it will push the responsibility of this aspect to Ding Yu.

What about Ding Yu? Anyway, I have given Wang Jianguo this aspect hint, understood or did not understand, this has nothing to do with me, I do not need to explain everything clearly. Anyway, I've done my duty. What about it? I have to say, what about Ding Yu? Or a little bit of indifference, even ruthless.

It's none of your own business. What's the reason for that? It may also have something to do with the position in the team at the beginning. Standing in that position at the beginning, you can't affect your own judgment and decision-making because if you make a wrong judgment and decision, it may bring about the destruction of the whole team.

Ding Yu has been dealing with things in this way all the time. In fact, Ding Yu also wants to change. But the problem is that the habits formed are not so good to change, at least not in a short time, because such a way has penetrated into his own bones, and even firmly imprinted there, change? It's not that easy.

For Ding Yu and the Hopkins team behind him, what are we asked to do? Since the operators have paid for the operation, we don't have to worry about the extra things. We are only responsible for doing the operation well. It is enough. Sometimes things are so simple. Don't think too much.

To be more precise, we all understand that people are all living in this system. No one will take the initiative to expose this problem, because they are all in this profession, so what about each other? Generally speaking, there are some understandings above, but what about this understanding? It also determines many internal affairs.

After two days of testing and observation, Hopkins's whole team has made a decision in this respect, and then made the final communication with the family. After all, the patient's condition is already in a crisis, or in that case, surgery? There is a certain danger. I hope the family members can make preparations in this respect.

For Hopkins, there is no pressure in this respect. It is not like the hospital. If there is a problem, the reason will be blamed on the head of the hospital. This operating room has a considerable risk, either waiting for death or performing surgery. There is a certain possibility, so make a choice!

It is not to say that I come from the United States, and there is no risk at all. This is impossible. We are also human beings, not gods. We can ensure that there are no mistakes in the operation. But what about the patient's condition? Time is changing, we can only do our best, this is our , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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