What about Qu Ming and Qu Hua? He also felt some doubts, but the problem was that Ding Yu didn't reveal the meaning of this aspect. Wang Jianguo also expressed some small problems in this aspect, but he also had some Zhang Er who could not feel his mind. After all, the separation was like a mountain.

It's not everyone who can touch the door of the industry. However, judging from the situation of the master, it's time to make a decision. Qu Ming didn't have much hesitation. He signed it directly, and then sat outside the operating room. But the time was really so long, and the whole morning passed quickly.

But the problem is that there is no movement, we all know to operate in it! But what is the situation! Should we give a message? The hospital is accompanied by someone outside, after all, the identity of the old man is more special, and at this time, some people have been coming.

Even Wang Jianguo doesn't have any position in it at all. He can only stand in the corridor outside. This is because he is convenient. After all, he has a little relationship with the doctor. Otherwise, he can stay where he is cool!

Until about two o'clock in the afternoon, someone came out of the operating room. Qu Ming and Qu Hua met him at the first time. However, Hopkins did not have a way to communicate with everyone. He was unable to speak. He immediately pulled Ding Yu out. This guy is a very good shield at this time.

"The operation is very successful. The patient will come out later!" Ding Yu is better. After all, he is young, but what about the rest of the team? However, I felt a little tired. The whole operation lasted almost six hours. Fortunately, there was no other situation in the whole process. This is a blessing in disguise.

In fact, the hospital is also very anxious about this, because there is no one in the operating room. Although they said that they knew Ding Yu, the problem is that they had reached a consensus in this respect secretly before. Now, they can go to Ding Yu and they can't make any sense. What's more? That is, the whole Hopkins team is in a state of protection for their own intellectual property rights. If someone is in it, it does not mean that it is completely open to them. It is two different things.

At home? It is impossible for us to recognize this point abroad? The situation is like this, just like in the classroom, you can't break in without permission. The professor's knowledge is a kind of self cognition.

After that, some of the Hopkins team began to walk outside. The room was ready. Now the old man still needs to take care of him for a while. After all, he had just finished the operation, and it was not sure that the old man was completely safe and needed two days of observation.

When he came out, Ding Yu deliberately said hello to Wang Jianguo, which was just a greeting between his friends. Wang Jianguo was also happy in his heart. Ding Yu was still very interesting, but Wang Jianguo also knew what to say at this time. People of Qu family were looking at themselves!

"Is grandfather Qu OK?"

"Good! The old man's body is still healthy, so he can sustain this operation! " After finishing the meeting, he also put his hand on Wang Jianguo's shoulder. "I'm really tired. Help me buy several times the coffee and send it to the professors. If there's something high-energy, it's best to have two pieces of pizza if there's no such thing!"

After that, Ding Yu left. He didn't mean to go back. Wang Jianguo also said something to the people nearby. At this time, Mr. Qu had been pushed out. The operation had just passed, but the old man's mind seemed to have been sober, and the master's Anesthesia Scale was really just right.

Soon the crowd also made way for the road, let the old man's cart on the elevator, as for other people? Do you have the status of elevator, Wang Jianguo? Because of Ding Yu's reason, he was dragged into the elevator, otherwise he would run the stairs.

"Uncle Qu, auntie, Ding Yu mentioned to me just now that grandfather Ou's operation was very successful, but he needs to take good care of him in the follow-up. Although he didn't say it clearly, it was obvious that this operation was quite risky!" Wang Jianguo is also a smart man, and he didn't make this too clear.

Not long after Ding Yu returned to the conference room, Wang Jianguo sent someone to deliver the coffee and food. When people saw the food, they were cheered. After working for such a long time, they were really tired. What they ate was not as important as they thought, but a cup of hot coffee was absolutely enjoyable.

Wang Jianguo has so many guys who can't understand it. They are just a few cups of coffee. What about pizza? The operation is not as many as you think. Although the operation has been completed, but what about the follow-up? It's still a tedious problem, and the whole team still needs to be busy for a while.

Of course, the Qu family also saw the problem. What's Ding Yu's attitude towards them? It's too ordinary, but what about Jianguo? Although Wang Jianguo said he was going to buy coffee, he didn't come in alone, but he came in with Qu Ziping. This is human relationship.What about Qu Ming and Qu Hua about Ding Yu? There is no good feeling, but there is no bad feeling, but my father's operation was successful, which is a very happy thing, all for some things? He was not so interested, and then he patted Wang Jianguo on the shoulder.

Ding Yu has nothing to do here, so it is his own courtyard. Ding Yu is also a person. The purpose of going back is very simple, that is, to have a rest together. By the way, I have a lot of feelings in the operating room today. I need to record and sort out. This work even needs priority and rest. Who knows how much will be forgotten after the rest ?

Wang Jianguo didn't see Ding Yu until the next day. Wang Jianguo also felt helpless about Ding Yu's sudden disappearance. Ding Yu should not have deliberately hidden himself. There must be something wrong with Ding Yu. Moreover, Ding Yu's nest in the capital city is quite large. Even if he is not in the nest, he can't find a place at will!

When he was in the hospital, Ding Yu said hello to Wang Jianguo. He also went to report to Professor Hopkins at random and asked some questions by the way. He had sorted out these things last night and struck while the iron was hot.

For Ding Yu's attitude to study, Hopkins is satisfied. This guy has a very good attitude, and his attitude in this respect is also very correct. He disappeared last night. He thought he was going out to spend a lot of money. After all, this is his old nest, and there are many friends.

But now, it's not like this at all. He must have sorted out the operation after he went back. Otherwise, he would not have asked these questions in such detail today. What about the rest of the team? It is also a detailed answer to Ding Yu's questions. The conference room has become a classroom.

At noon, Ding Yu came out of the meeting room and looked at Wang Jianguo outside. Ding Yu also gave an apologetic smile to Wang Jianguo and Qu Ziping over there. "Go change your clothes and meet the old man with me!" Ding Yu is also very serious.

When ouziping heard this, he was overjoyed. However, Wang Jianguo knew that there was no problem for ouziping to go in. However, if he wanted to go in, he might easily have problems, so let's forget it! "Ding Yu! I think uncle Qu ou and aunt Qu will go in! Ziping and I are not in such a hurry! "

For Wang Jianguo's suggestion, Ding Yu also laughed, "Ziping, go find someone! There shouldn't be too many problems with bringing two or three people in. Now the family members can basically visit them! " Qu Ziping also held Ding Yu's hand tightly to express his gratitude, and then went to find someone else. However, Wang Jianguo gave Ding Yu a blow on the chest.

The old man of the Qu family has been in the intensive care unit all the time, and outsiders are not allowed to enter. But where is the privilege? Ding Yu is in the whole team? It's true that they have special rights. In any case, the whole team has no rejection of such a situation. If there is a word to say, just be happy.

Qu Ming and Qu Hua both came, and Qu Zihua. Ding Yu didn't say much about the thanks of the Qu family. He just took the money to do things. To put it bluntly, it was so simple. After finishing the work, Ding Yu also led people into the room. The old man's consciousness was clear. When he saw his son and daughter, he blinked his own slightly eye.

Ding Yu also took the test report next to him and looked at the excited appearance of the family. He also said quickly, "the old man's physical condition is recovering. Now it's not easy to get too excited. Please restrain yourself!" There is no face at all for this saying, and Qu Ziping, who is standing behind, is also a bit tongue tied.

Ding Yu really makes himself feel speechless. What identity are the two people in front of him? But what is Ding Yu's speech? There is no meaning of any compliment, even completely impolite, very cold, this is still because of Wang Jianguo's reason, otherwise it would be too difficult to say what kind of situation it would be.

In more than ten minutes, Ding Yu took people away, and he has already given a lot of face. Judging from the current observation, the old man of the Qu family should not have too many problems. Hopkins, the medical team, will transfer patients to the hospital. All we should do has been done, and there is not much left to do with us Relationship.

"Brother feather, thanks to your help this time, I won't say much if I thank you. I've reserved a seat in the evening!"

Ding Yu helped his glasses. The glasses were used to protect his eyes, not to say that Ding Yu was short-sighted. Ding Yu also took a look at Wang Jianguo next to him, and then nodded. To some extent, this is to give Wang Jianguo the face. Otherwise, he knew who Qu Ziping was? It has something to do with yourself!

After getting Ding Yu's assurance, Qu Ziping also left quickly, and Wang Jianguo also gave a long breath, "this time, it's a bit of a show!" After that? He also looked at Ding Yu with a little deep meaning, "Ding Yu, are we brothers? What do you say? "

Ding Yu also said with a smile, "I know what you want to say, but things have passed. The old man is very healthy now. This is enough. Knowing too much is not good for you. Do you really want to dig out the things inside? There are too many people to offend, and they are hard to please, so let's forget it! ""What do you mean?" Wang Jianguo blinked his eyes.

"Don't ask, what about this? Although there are not many involved things, there will be no benefit for you personally, which is some problems and conditions within the industry! It's not about anything else, you know it. " After finishing, Dingyu also knocked at the table with her hand, "just stop it! Don't be this curious baby. I don't take responsibility for something wrong! "

"How can I hear as if I were in the dark?"

"It doesn't have much impact on me personally, what about you? If you really find out this, the people involved are not only you so simple, you can't afford the trouble, and your royal family can't afford it! " After finishing, Dingyu also sneered, should say that they have said, the rest of the things with their own nothing to do.

"So serious?" Wang Jianguo's face also changed, he did not expect it to be.

Just when he spoke, someone suddenly knocked at the door, and then he saw someone rushing in hurriedly. He whispered two words in Wang Jianguo's ear. Wang Jianguo also stood up and said, "really?" Then I was going to run out of my legs, but I thought about it again. "Dingyu, you are with me, Grandma Wang is here!"

But what about Ding Yu? There is no intention of paying attention to it at all, sorting out the contents in his hand. The patient will be transferred to the hospital tomorrow. The medical team needs to make sure that there will be no other problems and conditions. This is not only responsible for the old Qu, but also for the whole medical group.

As for what Wang Jianguo did, Dingyu is not very concerned, but Wang Jianguo calls Dingyu, which does not mean that other people can not be called immovable. The situation in China is relatively special, and the hospital has administrative pressure, but what about Ding Yu? Now it belongs to the medical group, there is no trouble in this area.

But Professor Hopkins has been found in the hospital. I hope he can briefly introduce the patient. Hopkins has so much impatience about such a thing. What about the medical group? It seems that I am not willing to take over such trouble. It is important that there is still a cross translation in the middle.

I don't want to deal with this, so let Ding Yu come out! Originally, the medical group also has its own foreign liaison officer, but the problem is that the Chinese expression is really not very standard, even in the dialogue between Lian Gen Ding Yu and many English, let alone talk to other people, completely incomprehensible.

Dingyu has so many grudged to see Hopkins, looking at Dingyu, Hopkins also stood up his shoulder, "OK! I know you are interested in pathology comparison. I think the medical group will give you this key! " After that, I also looked at the medical group.

Other people have no opinions on this. Ding Yu has begun to show his medical qualifications. Maybe it will take a long time to stand on the same line with them. As for the future? It's really impossible to estimate.

What is the medical team doing at this time? Is selling Dingyu's human feelings, sooner or later he will reach that height, is the length of time only, since this case why not push the waves? It is not bad to bring such a talent together, which is good for each other, so we are also happy to have such things happen.

So taking advantage of this opportunity to mention this aspect to Dingyu, it depends on whether you Dingyu is willing or unwilling. If you don't want to, then you will waste this opportunity. But if you want to, there is nothing to say. The situation is so simple, isn't it?

Looking at the appearance of the medical group, Ding Yu blinked his eyes, come on! All of them have opened such conditions, and they have no bargaining point. Then they find out the data of the old man, and then sort out their clothes, and go to the room over the old man with hard scalp.

I am not willing to deal with this aspect, but the medical group has no interest in this aspect, so they can only be out of the horse personally, there is no way.

The old man still did not come out of the guardianship room. Everyone could only look through the room. However, after hearing that the grandmother Wang came, Qu Ming and Qu Hua also rushed to meet him. Yielding also helped the old lady.

"Aunt Wang, how did you come in person?"

"Your uncle's body is not as good as he thought, and he is old, so I'll come and see!" This is not just to look at such a simple! At this time, the old lady's personal visit is undoubtedly a powerful agent for Qu family. It is known from the state of quming and Qu Hua.

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