Ding Yu doesn't know that he has attracted the attention of people who are interested in it. But what about collecting Ding Yu's hair? It was simpler than expected. Then Shenghai also went to do the comparison in this aspect. The old lady got the result at the first time.

"Elder sister, you can be sure! There won't be any difference. "

When the old lady put down the phone, she also let out a long breath. At the beginning, she took a casual look on the car. At that time, she doubted. But the problem is that after so many years of searching at home, the capital city has been searched, and there has been no news. Even later, she has been in despair.

It seems that God still takes care of himself. At the beginning, when the child was lost, it was a worry for all the people in the family. However, although the relationship has been confirmed, it seems that there are many problems in the design. It does not mean that any person can recognize the people coming from the house. We need to consider all aspects of the influence. This problem is related to the old man Let's talk about it!

"Old man, do you still remember the little two's children?"

The old man, who was watering the flowers and plants there, shook his hand slightly, "how can I think of it! Have they two brothers and sisters been fooling around again? I didn't listen to the second boy! I just called me yesterday

The old lady also laughed. She said that she had lost the child at the beginning, rather than the two children of the second grade. Her old man pretended to be confused with her. This guy is really like, "do you remember the news I told you two years ago? I saw a figure in the car! A child who is very much like a sophomore. "

"Did you find out about him? Is it? " Looking at the old lady nodding, the kettle in the old man's hand fell to the ground, which was obviously not as calm as expected. "What about people? Where are the people? "

"Two days ago, Lao Qu didn't have an operation. I went to the hospital to have a look, and I happened to meet him. At that time, I was also a fool's eye. I looked so much like it was carved out of the mold. He was a member of the medical group where Lao Qu had the operation, and now he is a doctor! I heard that the level of medical skills is very high. "

Then the old lady also took out two pieces of paper and handed it to him. There was a sample of sergeant's card on it. Looking at the sergeant on the photo, the old man's hand was a little trembling. Originally, her old lady mentioned it to herself, but she really didn't do it once. After all, there are too many similar people in the world.

But after looking at the photos today, I found that the original image was just like the one depicted. The old man sat on the chair for a long time without reflecting on it. "Is this a sergeant's certificate? How did he show up in the hospital? And became a member of the medical team? "

"Retired for special reasons!" Speaking of this, the old lady sighed, "if you don't retire, at least it's a major officer, or even higher. We can definitely produce a general in our family! It's a pity. "

After hearing this, the old man's face was also a little dark. He was born as a soldier. Later, he had to make contributions to the local government. This was a helpless thing. Unfortunately, none of the children in the family went to serve as soldiers. They were not the same material with guns. As a result, one came out, and he retired for special reasons.

"How can things happen?" The old man's voice is so deep, but very powerful.

"When it comes to some emotional matters, he just had some hazy feelings, while girls have already been taken in by others. The influence behind the men's side is relatively large. My uncle is a senior official in the army. For special reasons, I didn't ask for the specific reason. There was no record on the file. The reason for giving is to retire! ”

"cowards!" The old man seems to hate it and not to argue, "what's wrong with senior officials? Is this still not a Communist led army? "

The old lady also sighed, "there is no way, special troops, special circumstances, special treatment!" Three special, but also let the old man a Leng, "how old is he to be a soldier? How can I feel a little wrong! "

"When he was in high school, he was forced by some bureaucrats, so he couldn't get into the University. At that time, his family had already let him apply for the Military Medical University, and he was quite sure. After something happened, his family was also very expensive, so he went to be a soldier for six years! A very special soldier "

after listening to this, the old man was also a little lost in his mind, and immediately snatched over the information in the old lady's hand, and looked at it in detail. Although it was not very detailed, it was enough to illustrate some problems and conditions of Ding Yu.

"Good luck, a little bit of ability, but self-improvement, which is very good!" After that, he sighed, "when will you come back? What do you think?"

"I have asked Shenghai to do the DNA verification in this aspect, and all three institutions have done the verification, and the results given are the same. There is no problem with this point!" But now he is abroad, the situation seems to be a little complicated, and what's the situation in our family? You know that, too"How do you give me the feeling that the boy is a little agitated?"

"No, his identity seems strange. He has special immunity from the British side, which is more convenient than entering his own home. What about the domestic side? It seems that he also has some value. Maybe it is the right in his hand! Other aspects are quite normal. He is a student now

"Is he sure to go abroad in the future?"

"This situation is not very clear, but his adoptive parents are in China, and his sister is also in the capital. The family is very integrated and the feelings are very good." When the old lady said this, she was hesitant. "At the beginning, they raised the children and put in a lot of hard work."

"I'll see you first." The old man also squeezed his fist.

After learning that Ding Yu has returned to England, Charlie immediately went to Ding Yu's apartment. What about the negotiation? It's almost done. It's time to have a meeting. That is to say, we need to make a final decision and then sign the contract. This is basically a process.

"I just parted from Professor Hopkins, but I didn't hear that the process over there has been completed?" Ding Yu for this aspect of the news is really not imagined so sure, "there is also as for so anxious? You seem to have that kind of uneasy feeling. Is that ok? "

"My God! You are definitely a man who can be very anxious When Charlie looked at Ding Yu, he also had some doubts. Did God let the goddess of luck touch him when he created human beings? Otherwise, how could this guy be so lucky? OK, even if you have some jealousy.

"It can be said that it has been successful. What about the rest of the work? Basically, it's about public relations. We should know that the clinical problems have been solved for a long time. We have picked up a big bargain! " After all, the success of a drug can not be completed in an hour and a half. Judging from the current situation, Ding Yu and his colleagues really took advantage of it.

It's not that no other company has no interest in it. It's mainly because Hopkins had some high conditions before. What about other companies? For this drug, there are still some conservative, in this respect, the estimation is also seriously inadequate, so Ding Yu took advantage of it, Charlie's words are not in vain.

"I will visit your father!"

Ding Yu also went straight to the theme. Fortunately, Charlie was not surprised at this. What about his coming this time? It also means that we need to meet each other and reach some agreements. Although there is no father and son in business, what are the specific things? The lawyers have been well coordinated, but there are some things that need to be interviewed.

What about Ding Yu's visit? It's private, so there won't be too many people. What about Charlie's father's reception of Ding Yu? It's also private. Charlie needs to accompany him all the way. It may be a little awkward, but there is no way. After all, Ding Yu's identity is different and needs to be respected.

The visit is very solemn and the reception is very grand. In fact, it is just the appearance of goods. But what about the reception of Ding Yu? It also places Ding Yu in a special position, and it is also a recognition of Ding Yu's identity. But relatively speaking, what about the whole process? They are all slightly traditional, and more directly, they are archaic.

However, the whole process of the meeting was very smooth. We talked about the friendship between each other and put forward certain prospects for the future. As for such vulgar business affairs, how can they be exposed? This is also contrary to the present situation.

On the way back, Ding Yu also loosened his bow tie. Now he doesn't need to be so restrained. In fact, it's not only his own discomfort, but also that of the Charlie family? After all, I'm on a par with Charlie, but now? Ding Yu suddenly jumped up a level.

In fact, we have recognized this problem a long time ago. However, we have not wanted to admit this problem all the time. However, judging from the current situation, it is impossible to admit it. Ding Yu seems to be walking fast, but it is very solid.

Moreover, from the understanding of Ding Yu, he has greatly slowed down his own pace. This is in line with some British characteristics and low-key. Of course, this is imposed by the British side, which does not mean that Ding Yu is really a British person. This still needs to be distinguished. The nature is completely different.

Ding Yu has met with Charlie's family, but he can't spare time. He needs to go to the United States to sign a specific contract. The lawyer has already discussed this aspect and has seen all aspects. We are still satisfied with this. Sun Yingnan has also discussed with Ding Yu, which is quite good.

This time when I went to the United States, signing the contract was just a small thing for Ding Yu. I went to the United States mainly to see Taixi and his children. What else? Just go to Professor Hopkins to get some information. This is the main purpose of my visit to the United States. Otherwise, Ding Yu will have to come forward in person to sign the contract.Ding Yu went to visit Professor Hopkins, but Charlie and his father didn't mean to go. Charlie wanted to go, but the problem is that his father was a little stubborn in this respect, and Ding Yu didn't have many ways to deal with it. After all, it involves some private affairs, so I'd better not ask about it.

The signing of the contract was very fast. A reception was held in the evening. Ding Yu noticed that when Hopkins and Charlie's father met, they were gnashing their teeth. Ding Yu also felt very funny and even touched Charlie next to him with his arm. This kind of excitement was not very common.

At the same time of signing the contract, Ding Yu transferred 2% of the shares to Charlie. The speed was completely beyond Charlie's imagination. He didn't expect that Ding Yu would deal with this matter so happily. Originally, he thought it would be delayed for a period of time. However, Ding Yu seemed very sensitive on such matters.

Ding Yu dealt with the matter cleanly, without any muddle and drab. Even Charlie's father was very strange about this, because his son had been with him all the time, and had no connection with Ding Yu at all. No matter from the reason or always understand the above, Ding Yu should give Charlie certain benefits.

Would he be so ignorant? Unlikely, but the party is over, is this the best time to deepen the relationship between each other? How did this happen? "You didn't have an appointment with Ding Yu?"

Charlie was stunned for a moment, directly shook his head, but then understood why his father said this, "after the signing ceremony, we have already talked about it! It's short. " This is to tell his father that Ding Yu didn't have an appointment with him because he didn't need it at all, because the interests had been put into practice.

"Did you talk to him about it a long time ago?" If we had not talked about it in advance, it would not be in line with the actual situation to give Charlie some benefits on the spot. After all, human relations are human relations and business is business.

Looking at his father's slightly surprised look, Charlie also nodded. "When I came to look for him, we had reached an agreement with each other. He offered conditions that I didn't think of. It was like a huge pie falling down. I was struck by the stars, even now I still haven't recovered!"

Charlie's father also laughed, "you are good friends. I don't want any problems and situations in your friendship. Sometimes you can give some benefits to the friendship. At least it is applicable to Ding Yu. From what I know about this child, he is very cautious and self-discipline. When you are an opponent, you are not as good as a friend, you are Is a good choice! I think it's better to be a friend. "

"Father, I am your son, will you? Do you want to say that? " Charlie is a little bit depressed. Is this still his father? Even in front of his own to comment on Ding Yu, let himself also really have so some speechless, but Ding Yu this guy also really did which step, let oneself have nothing to say.

When Ding Yu came, the two little guys didn't wake up. Ding Yu was holding Taixi. Although he said that he could meet by video every day, the feeling was different. Now they are embracing each other, which is more emotional. Moreover, from Jin Taixi's face, we can feel the great changes and more maternal brilliance.

While talking, the two little guys woke up, and then began to be dishonest. Ding Yu and Jin Taixi held one of them. Ding Yu placed the child in front of him. The little guy was not afraid at all. He bit his little hand and stared at Ding Yu with his big eyes. At this time, if anyone is a human, his heart will melt 。

"Will it be too hard for you to be here alone?"

Ding Yu's words are also old-fashioned. Looking at Jin Taixi's appearance, Ding Yu sighed and didn't continue to speak. Then he played with two children. The two little guys can't talk now. They are babbling and don't know what they are talking about. They are not so coordinated with each other. It's very interesting.

The two little guys are full of spirit now. Although Kim Tae hee is the only one, they are really at ease in terms of taking care of them. After all, there are nannies and others. What about a lot of things? We don't need Kim Tae hee to do it himself.

In the evening, Ding Yu did not leave. For Kim Tae hee, he had already passed the adjustment period. Moreover, he did not spend such a long time with Ding Yu, which was also an abnormal miss. As for the two children? They've already gone to bed. Is there any time left? It's not suitable for children.

Although he said that he had a good rest, and even the exercise after childbirth has not given up, but in the face of Ding Yu, still quite powerless, Jin Taixi finally even did not move his little finger, even when he finally lay in the bathtub, he did not say a word.

As for how he finally went to bed, he couldn't remember. His consciousness was completely confused. Fortunately, Ding Yu gave him enough care. In the morning, when he heard the baby crying, Jin Taixi opened his eyes. Unlike usual, he was full of spirit.Although I was exhausted last night, after a lot of moistening, I was full of vitality. What was the cause? I was ashamed to say it. But I could feel that Ding Yu was careful and grateful for his care.

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