What about Ding Yu's internship? It can be said that the progress was very smooth. Even Wilson didn't expect that his friends would be so generous that they even disclosed the information of their medical team to Ding Yu, and even made it completely public. There were not only written information, but also video information, which was somewhat incredible.

Wilson did not expect that these Americans should be so reckless, such behavior? It may even destroy Ding Yu. You should know that Ding Yu is still very young now. If his mentality really appears, then all his achievements in medicine may be destroyed.

It's not that you don't have the information on this aspect. How can it be? You should know that you are on the same level as Hopkins, but your research direction is slightly different. However, we are all at the top of the pyramid, so basically there are not too many differences.

What is the cause of this, Wilson also quickly figured out, for such a thing? He is also helpless, the power of capital? It's really infinite. If you want to crush him, you can't do it by yourself. What's more, you won't do it like this. It depends on how your students think about it.

During this period? He also slowed down the pressure on Ding Yu, because he was not sure. What kind of mentality is Ding Yu now? Is it arrogant? Or as modest as ever? I don't agree with this kind of growth, because what about the whole growth? There are some deformities and even devastation.

What if someone else? In this process, it may have been inflated for a long time, but the problem is that this person is Ding Yu, whose nerves are definitely stronger than that of a bucket. Therefore, Professor Hopkins has no effect on Ding Yu's mentality about opening up his medical team.

There is a sentence how to say, there are always some talents in the world. This may not describe yourself, but it is definitely the best interpretation of Ding Yu. When others still haven't learned how to walk, Ding Yu has not only started to run, but also consciously began to read some obstacles. This is the gap!

From the point of view of the truth, Ding Yu should be inflated now. He can lead an upper class life and be addicted to money. But the problem is that Ding Yu doesn't seem to have a hobby in this respect. His way of relieving pressure seems to be different from that of ordinary people. This guy is a freak, or his previous life has been too miserable, so he is especially Attention.

Ding Yu knows very well what kind of result indulgence will be. It is definitely a lesson of blood. When he is in the army or even in the battlefield, if he indulges a little, he will lose his own life. Countless people have proved this, and even many people are more talented than themselves.

What is Wilson's attitude towards Ding Yu at this time? It seems that there are so many laissez faire, it is obvious that their own way of education and way? It's not suitable for Ding Yu. This guy is not the same as the student in his imagination, so he needs to treat Ding Yu in other ways. Maybe this can help him better.

What about Ding Yu's progress in medicine? It can be described as flying in suddenly, but what about these? It's not the foundation of my dream. When I was in my dream, my hospital was just a county-level city hospital. What I had was just experience. Now I am fully using such experience to help me gain more knowledge.

Holidays in Britain are quite different from those in China. During this period, Ding Yu is a little busy and has undertaken a lot of operations. For Ding Yu, this is a practical opportunity. What about Ding Yu? He also conquered all the people with his own technology. We should know that there are few other contemporaries who can take the stage now, and Ding Yu can operate the knife independently.

Just before the Spring Festival, Ding Yu also deliberately asked for leave. For Ding Yu, it's really rare. However, it's quite normal to think about it. At least it's a more human thing. How do you feel about it? Ding Yu is still a man, not a machine and a monster.

Before this, Ding Yu also deliberately went to the United States. In Ding Yu's meaning, he wanted to take Kim Tae hee home with him. But it's a pity that Jin Taixi refused directly. Now is not the best time. She doesn't even mean to go home. After all, children are not suitable now.

The child has not been weaned, can not be separated from the mother's existence, Ding Yu can only give up some unrealistic ideas, if really take the child back? It will bring confusion and trouble to both adults and children, which is obviously not the situation and situation Ding Yu is willing to face, so forget it!

Ding Yu can only go back to China alone, but this time it is not the same as usual. Ding Yu still needs to go through some procedures. To know that Ding Yu's license is issued by the British side, which has little influence in China. If you want to practice medicine in China, you need to sign some documents.

Although there is no such manufacturing, there are not many people who will come to Ding Yu's trouble. Obviously, Ding Yu doesn't want to leave any problems for himself because of this. In the future, there will always be unexpected troubles. Since it can be solved now, why not solve them directly and stay behind instead?Ding Yu has been dealing with this issue in the past two days. Fortunately, at the beginning, the relationship introduced by Wang Jianguo was still there. Ding Yu didn't have the idea of taking refuge in that big hospital. At least now, there is no such idea. To a certain extent, this is to facilitate his own actions. It is so simple.

When something goes wrong, Ding Yu will go back to the quadrangle to read books. His life is very plain, and even there is not much taste. This makes the old man and the old lady who are observing him feel so boring. Why is the child not active at all? That's not very good!

It's not that the child doesn't have any social activities. There are social activities. There are all kinds of social activities. However, he is too disciplined and makes a lot of friends. But what about this life? Some of them are so boring that they can make the two old people feel bored. What kind of life did Ding Yu live!

In the morning, I get up regularly to exercise and eat. In the morning, I basically read books. At noon, I may get together with my friends for a little time. In the afternoon, I still read books. In the evening, I exercise and read books. It's basically such a process. I really wonder if there is something wrong with this child. It's also a young man. Why is he so calm?

All hope that the children at home can calm down a little, but like Ding Yu, he becomes a nerd. It seems that it's not good! Anyway, did the old man and the old lady see Ding Yu's situation? There are some of those worries.

"Has he always been like this? Is there nothing else? "

Sheng Hai also nodded, "I've learned about Ding Yu from many aspects, especially Ding Yu's sister Ding. Ding Yu's lifestyle is almost like this, not only here, but also in Britain. He is not so interested in other things! It's because it's not clear what. "

"No other form of entertainment?" The old man is also a man of understanding. At least, what about modern young people? Life is more or less indulgent. This is a normal thing. There is nothing that can not be understood, such as luxury cars, such as light, wine and so on. You can know what the situation will be like if you know it.

"No, it can be said that there is no hobby in this area. At the beginning, Wang Jianguo once gave a luxury car to Ding Yu, but Ding Ding Ding snatched it away. As for the light and wine, he didn't drink much and smoked occasionally. If he had to have any hobbies, he might have been exercising!"

The old lady looked at her old man, "see you? It was not easy to catch up with such an opportunity. After the new year, who knows where he will go? You and I are old enough! It's better to solve this problem before you close your eyes! At least it won't leave any regrets, don't you think? "

The old man thought for a while and nodded his head slightly. Sheng Hai didn't show up. The two old people went to the courtyard in person. When Ding Yu heard the knock on the door, he was stunned. Where is the place where he lives? It's very quiet. There won't be anyone coming. Who's looking for the wrong place?

Then Ding Yu also came to the position of the door. After opening the door, he looked at the two people outside the door. He was stunned. The old lady in front of her had some impression, "what's the matter?" Ding Yu's attitude is slightly indifferent.

Looking at Ding Yu at a close distance, the two old people are so excited. Although they have seen the relevant photos, they still feel that they can't stop their tears after this close contact! Ding Yu is quite surprised, what is this and what it is! How about not giving the two old people?

"Hello, what can I do for you?"

"You are Ding Yu!" The old man also patted his wife, "go in and say it! I'm afraid some things can't be explained for a moment and a half! " What about this attitude? It seems that there are so some tough, Ding Yu also has some sense of consternation, this is what with what!

Looking at the old man's tough posture? Ding Yu also laughed. What about the people standing outside? Ding Yu really didn't pay attention to it. What if there were guards? Where are the guards? For Ding Yu, it is not in his eyes. Of course, if you want to be a security guard from another perspective, you are not qualified in their eyes.

After all, their positions are not the same. Ding Yu came down from the battlefield to kill the enemy or kill me. But as a bodyguard? Their primary task is to ensure the safety of their goals. What about their own safety? I don't pay special attention to it. These are two problems.

The siheyuan is well renovated. Looking at the old man and the old lady walking in front of him, it seems as if he is in his own home. Ding Yu shakes his head too. He is not really a serious person. If they want to, they can do whatever they want.

The old man also went into the study. After all, the light was on there. Looking at the layout of the study, the old man nodded. Sheng Hai was right. The old man also sat on the chair that Ding Yu had previously sat on. There were some wanton meanings. The old lady also frowned.The old man of his own family is really. When has it been, he still puts forward such an attitude, "boy! You may not know who we are, we may have other identities, but one thing? I think it's better to clarify something. I'm your grandmother, and he's your grandfather! "

Ding Yu looks at the two old people in front of him. Is this something wrong with them or with himself? What's good for you to say? Two old people came. Without saying a word, they rushed into their houses and told them they were grandparents. What kind of thing is this!

"Two old people, I don't quite understand what you mean!" After saying that, he also picked up the kettle next to him, poured two cups of water and placed them in front of the two old people's bodies, "speak slowly if you have something to say!"

"You don't seem to believe it?" The old man frowned as he looked at Ding Yu.

Ding Yu didn't react much, but he was still calm. However, the old lady helped her wife, "what about this matter, son? It's true. It's not the first time I saw you. When you were in a taxi, I had a daze and looked for it for many years. Until I went to the hospital to see Lao ou, I saw you again! "

Ding Yu nodded, "Oh, I remember. You are Granny Wang. Hello!"

"Son, we have done the DNA comparison, and the results of you and your father have come out. This is the most scientific proof, and we are not doing the comparison in one institution. You have suffered a lot over the years! Child

"Not bad!" In other words, what about Ding Yu's attitude? But there is no change. Do you believe it or not? This is another saying, mainly because such things happen to you. If it is a previous life, you may be excited or even forget yourself. You can see from the guards outside that your life experience must be extraordinary.

But now? Ding Yu's heartbeat has not even changed. How to understand this? Biological parents have the pain of childbirth, but the adoptive father and mother have nurturing grace. What about all these things? It is also necessary to make a certain judgment. This has nothing to do with right and wrong. It is mainly psychological.

"I don't know the news at home except for your grandfather and me!"

Ding Yu was slightly stunned for a moment, but this expression did not stagnate for too long, that is, nodded, and did not make any comments and ideas on this matter. If placed in the past, he may not have too much knowledge about such problems, but after contacting more things and people, he will see more of this aspect.

"I see!" The meaning of Ding Yu's words is also very clear. Since you are not willing to disclose this information, then I will not go up to the top. The matter is like this. There is no right or wrong to say so. You can do as you like, and it has nothing to do with me.

What about the old man and the old lady? He has experienced too many things. Looking at Ding Yu's expression, he seems not excited at all about this matter, even the most basic reaction. How did he know this for a long time? This seems a little unlikely, but if I don't know, how can he look like this?

"Would you like to meet your parents?" The old man thought about it and said it aloud.

Ding Yu was slightly distracted. Looking at Ding Yu's appearance, the old man knew that Ding Yu did not know about the problems and conditions in this respect. If he knew, he would not have such an expression, "it's OK to see you. After all, he's a biological parent!" This is a little indifferent.

The old man took a look at his wife. From the information above, the child is not cold and heartless! But why is the attitude towards this matter so indifferent? The old lady thought for a period of time, and then she said slowly, "at that time, the family was struggling, but there was no news from you!"

Ding Yu still nods. What's the attitude towards this matter? It's not cold or hot. To be sure, there is no attitude to show. This is a little troublesome. When the old man and the old lady came, they really thought about this issue. Both of them even thought about the way and method of appeasement.

But when they saw Ding Yu, they suddenly felt that things were totally out of their expectation, even beyond their imagination. This grandson seems to be so different from ordinary people! Even the two old people who had experienced the wind and rain felt so unprepared.

What if it's something else? The two old people may not be like this, but after all, this is a family affair, and what about the grandson? Since childhood, I have left the warmth and embrace of the family, and now? It's also good to be out and out, so if you really use any means, the two old people's heart is also unable to pass.

But the more like this? The more you don't know how to deal with it, what about Ding Yu? From the attitude, there is no emotion at all. Suddenly someone stands in front of you and says it's your own grandfather and grandmother. What kind of feeling do you think you are!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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