Everyone had breakfast in the teahouse. It was finished until 10 o'clock at noon. Ximei had already packed this place. Other customers were embarrassed and could take it out. But if they came in, they would not talk about it.

Leiming and others have a meal here, and it's a special one. Although it's not hard for everyone to eat, since someone has invited to dinner, there's no need to be too polite. What's more, the food here is really very good. What's more, after Ding Yu and Xi Mei come here, they don't mean to move It's a good thing.

Thunder Ming is paying attention to observe Ding Yu. Ding Yu is holding his book. If no one else is looking at it, what about Xi Mei? On the contrary, Lei Ming and others have been watching the situation inside and outside all the time for fear that there will be other problems. After all, Ximei is an important target.

In fact, up to now, no one knows the identity of Xi Mei. No matter Ding Yu or Lei Ming, they know that Xi Mei is an important target. That's all.

Now, no matter Fu Laoliu, Huang Kun or Fang Laosan, they have no intention of appearing, that is to say, what is the obvious goal now? It's the little sister. I'm afraid she has become the thorn in the eye and flesh of all people. Now it's just the last fire that can make all the pots boil.

After lunch, Ding Yu also took his sister to the library. Then, in the afternoon, Ding Yu took care of where to read and select books. For Ximei, Ding Yu was totally in a state of free range. The thunder Ming and he Li were also frightened. In such a place, the population flow base was too large, which was not a good choice.

However, the whole afternoon was full of worries, and nothing happened at all. However, the atmosphere became more and more tense. Ding Yu didn't mean to go out in the evening, but let Lei Ming and others finally breathe a sigh of relief.

And the next day? Ding Yu even went to the school there, you know, now there is no exam, graduation project for Ding Yu such a thing is a mere formality, he is now this time to go to school exactly how many meaning? But Ding Yu just did it. What can you do?

"I don't like him very much, his character is hard to guess, too proud!" Lei Ming looks at Ding Yu not far away and says, word by word, what force? Also a Leng, with a very different look at the thunder.

Originally, I thought I was an enemy, but why does thunder say such a thing now? To know that there is no resentment and contact between each other! And thunder seems to have not been Ding Yu to take advantage of the so-called cheap? What on earth is this? Why are there so many people who can't understand?

"Like or not like him, this is a matter of feelings, and we are now working, our work is to exclude these personal feelings, absolutely can not be mixed in it!" He Li also has some consolation to say.

"Don't worry, I won't do it!" Lei Ming also narrowed his eyes and looked at Ding Yu. "Now I'm not sure what this guy will do, but there's nothing wrong with staring at him. Fu Laoliu and Huang Kun will never give Xi Mei to other people at will. There is absolutely something wrong with it. It depends on what agreement has been reached between them!"

He Li was also thoughtful. After a while, he said faintly, "what agreement have they reached? I'm afraid it's very difficult to understand this problem. I believe no one will take the initiative to be frank about this problem! "

"What if it's passive?" Thunder is also looking at He Li, he Li also can not help but inhale a cold air, is obviously also scared by thunder's madness, "don't think this is a good idea, especially at this time, from our point of view, the first thing to ensure is the safety of the younger sister, to ensure that there will be no other trouble!"

"But I want to try it!" After that, he Li didn't even hold on to the thunder. He Li didn't even know how to describe his mood.

"Ding Yu, I want to know what agreement you have reached with Fu Laoliu and Huang Kun?"

Ding Yu, who is reading a book, is slightly stunned, and then looks at Lei Ming with a slight suspicion. Because Ding Yu is sitting there, he is also leaning his head. Of course, he notices the domineering of thunder, and also sees that the fullness of his chest is well displayed in front of Ding Yu.

But this time Ding Yu didn't look at it for too long, and then he turned his eyes to the book in front of him, "Huang Kun owes me a favor!" It's just a simple sentence, but it's enough for thunder.

However, it is precisely because of this appearance that Lei Ming feels extremely oppressed and bent in his heart. Although he said that he was looking for Shen Lang, more definitely, he wanted to find Shen Lang's trouble, but he thought that Shen Lang's solution was so fierce. In a word, he gave himself a reply, which made Lei Ming want to vomit blood.

But the more like this? The more Lei Ming felt Ding Yu's contempt, even contempt. This guy is really too much. You should know that he should be a soldier who has been educated by the party and the army for many years. How can he be so self indulgent? What's more, who is his attitude?At this time, he Li also tugged at the thunder. By the way, he took a look at Ding Yu who was sitting there. Of course, he could feel the contempt in Ding Yu's eyes. It is not very clear what the reason is. However, he knows that this guy has the proud capital.

I have already investigated what happened at the station before, and I have done relevant experiments myself, not to mention myself. Even if all the people in the bureau are included, I am afraid no one can say that they can easily do it. Especially under the circumstances at that time, it was particularly difficult.

But this should not be the reason why Ding Yu despises them. It may be that Ding Yu saw something from them. It may also be that when he looked for Ding Yu earlier, they were not as harmonious as they thought. Therefore, the relationship between them has been deadlocked and has not been improved.

And what do you mean? It's getting worse and worse. At first, I thought that something would happen to two people. But now the situation is even more beyond everyone's imagination than drama, and even has reached the point of no additional.

Take a look at the time on the watch. There are no numbers in the resco dial. The numbers are engraved on the titanium alloy outside. But look at the watch? Time is a thing that most people know and can be seen at a glance.

Then Ding Yu also cleaned up the books on his hands, and it seemed inappropriate to continue to stay. He gathered all the selected books together. When he got up, Ding Yu also twitched his nose.

Ding Yu of course also noticed the watch on Lei Ming's hand. He didn't know what brand it was, and there was no need for him. Anyway, he didn't want to be a gentleman, but it should be a very high-quality product. He could distinguish this point. When he got out of here, Ding Yu also stopped for a moment, stepped a little slower and walked slowly Towards the car.

However, Lei Ming and he Li didn't find anything wrong. After thinking about it, although Lei Ming and he Li had been trained, their training was only higher than that of ordinary people. In other words, they were dealing with ordinary criminals, so they didn't find out. This is a common thing.

For such a feeling, Ding Yu how much is so some miss, true dream of their own and hate, but now their own? It is because he just walked out of the camp, the inscriptions on his body have never been reduced, so the contradiction formed makes Ding Yu feel extremely unnatural.

Ding Yu has been restraining his emotions, trying to make himself calm down, and how much he has done this, but sudden things? Let yourself have so many no way to control, do you care about paying Laoliu and Huang Kun? Don't care at all. What Ding Yu wants is to turn around.

He does not allow his mind to always be silent in his dream of confusion, and he absolutely does not allow himself to be silent in the traces of the army. It is true that both of them have brought him changes beyond imagination, but Ding Yu still wants to make changes in this respect.

When getting on the car, Ding Yu didn't let Xi Mei sit in the co driver's position, but directly pressed her in the back of the driver's seat. She also directly lay down there, looking like she was a little tired, but actually it was a very intelligent performance. It was really not a child of ordinary families.

However, the thunder and he Li behind them still have no idea about it,. At least he didn't feel the smell of danger. When the car just reached the intersection, Ding Yu also looked at it and twisted his mouth slightly, "little sister, catch it!" At the moment when the traffic lights turn green, Ding Yu has already started the car.

However, they did not move immediately. Thunder and he Li's car were behind. When they saw this, thunder and he Li were also stunned. When he hesitated, Ding Yu directly shifted to third gear and stepped on the gas pedal. Then he saw Audi scurrying out. The thunder on the back wanted to follow closely, but made two sudden noises, which directly put out the fire.

The gap between cars is reflected in an instant. At this time, he Li's mouth suddenly grows up. On the other side of the intersection, a heavy-duty truck rushes past like a runaway wild horse. Look, this means that he Li goes straight to the Audi. He Li grows up his mouth, and thunder is also so stupid.

But it's a pity that Audi's speed is really too fast. Although the heavy-duty truck said it had hit it, the difference in speed was too big, and even Audi's fur didn't touch it. However, it was impossible for the truck to stop at this time, so it directly rushed out and hit several cars to stop. The situation is also human Turn up.

"Control the scene!" Thunder called out, and then also started the car, to chase forward, but just after a short time, the rear end of the car deliberately brake, and the car behind this time is also hit, there is a direct rear end thunder their car, directly put the thunder car in the middle of the position, can not move at all.

Although it is obvious that the pursuit of responsibility is caused by other aspects, it is obvious that there is no accountability for this situation? It's not a big deal. What's more, even if it is finally verified, there are not too many problems. It's just taking money to do things. Even if it's locked in, it's only a few days. It's good after the event.Lei Ming can't see the Audi that Ding Yu drives at this time. He is very clear that this is a trouble, but what can I do? It is in the process of thinking about this thing. Ding Yu is almost no different from them. But Ding Yu got rid of it at the first time. Under such circumstances, can he reflect it?

Another question is how did Ding Yu realize the danger at that time? Why don't you feel at all about this? Everyone is the same person!

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