Ding Yu, who drives a car, has already made it clear that someone has already started to attack Xi Mei, and it means that the battle has been started. Now what situation Fu Laoliu and Huang Kun are, it doesn't matter to Ding Yu. He needs to protect Xi Mei at this time.

However, the current protection is totally different from the previous protection. In the past, it was OK to protect Xi Mei as long as he was not disturbed by other people. But the problem is that it is not the same now. The meaning of that car crashing over is to kill them completely! The situation changed completely.

Although it is said that the situation is very urgent, for Ding Yu, it is really not as tense as before. Why is it like this? It is impossible to always use the so-called heavy-duty trucks. After all, it is within the scope of the urban area. It is reasonable that one or two vehicles occasionally appear. If there are too many, I am afraid they will lose control.

You can make a so-called time difference and find some loopholes, but you can't use the loopholes unscrupulously. If so, the problem will be too big. The government departments are not allowed to do so. What is the way to start? For this problem, Ding Yu does not care about it at all, because he does not want to go deep into it. For himself, it is OK to protect his younger sister.

Ding Yu didn't let himself stop. This is also related to the habit formed in his army. If he fixed himself in a certain position, he would only let himself wait for death. To know that he would not have too much support, and all the work would be done by himself, so now it's time to wander around!

But Ding Yu's car doesn't have any direction at all. It's like a fly without a head. It looks like it's really idle. And get the news Fu Laoliu and Huang Kun, at this time the heart has already mentioned the voice, although said that the little sister does not have any problem, but who dares to report to guarantee that there is no matter for a moment?

Ding Yu drives in the city, the speed is not very fast, but for Lei Ming and he Li, it is not a very simple thing to find Ding Yu. Now all aspects cover them up, or deliberately confuse their vision. In such a situation, it is strange to find talents!

The sky outside is also a little bit dark down, looking at the situation, Ding Yu is also called to wake up, has been sleeping there for a long time, her mind is really good, eat and sleep, except for some cases happened at the intersection before, other time has not been any test, so beautiful sleep for a while.

"Ready to go!" Ding Yu also parked the car on the side of the road. Big stalls have started to open stalls one after another. Ding Yu pulled a handful of money in his hand, and then with his sister in the other hand, he threw the money to the crowd behind him. He knew that there were people following him, so he stopped them at the first time.

Then Ding Yu's figure disappeared. Originally, you could follow Ding Yu's car to find Ding Yu's position. But now? Ding Yu directly got into the crowd. At this time, it is impossible to continue to look for Ding Yu. Who could have thought that Ding Yu had such a hand, created chaos and then fled.

Since we have already chosen to start, we can't have any hesitation, but the problem is who is the object of the operation at this time? The whole situation is also all of a sudden chaos, Ding Yu now this time is with a little sister sitting on the bus, seems to have so much leisure, not long tension.

There are not a few people in the bus, but the problem is that Ding Yu and Xi Mei sit at the back of the bus, and both of them have certain hats on their heads. In addition, they have other costumes. Now it is not easy to find out the two people.

Of course, this is just a matter of time. We should know that whether it is white or black, it can be said that all those who have a little relationship in the city should pay attention to the two of them. Now the two people can escape only by taking some cover. After all, the delay time is limited.

"Brother Ding Yu, where are we going Looking at the street view outside, Ximei also has some doubts, because for herself, how much is so familiar.

"Back to school!" Ding Yu does not have any nonsense, also does not have to explain the meaning, for himself, the school is absolutely a very safe place, because here is relatively closed, even if there is news, want to spread out is not so simple, let alone now is the SARS epidemic period.

What's more, even if the outside knows about this situation, it's very difficult to verify it. After all, the school is so big, and no one can enter here. I'm afraid that any one can afford to have any problems and conditions when they come to make trouble on campus.

Ding Yu didn't choose to come to the dormitory at the first time, because it was still early, and it was easy to expose some problems and conditions. Therefore, we must make preparations in this respect. As for the place to live? Ding Yu has been looking for a good job for a long time, which is not a very difficult thing. When he worked in the drugstore, he knew a lot of people.Anyway, the graduate student apartment is empty, and it's good to use the waste. What's more, Ding Yu is also a very generous person. After wandering in the University for a long time, Ding Yu sneaks into the postgraduate apartment at will, opens the door of the dormitory and lets the younger sister live in. The remaining problems will be solved.

She threw her mobile phone to her sister over there. She looked at Ding Yu suspiciously. But Ding Yu didn't mean to pay attention to it. She went to take a shower. The conditions of the graduate student apartment were good. She had a separate bathroom. Then she wanted to understand. Looking at Ding Yu who left, she waved her fist again, which was a sign of her authority! Or boxing might be more appropriate.

Fu Laoliu and Huang Kun are like the ants on the hot pot at this time. There are all kinds of news outside. Some say that Ding Yu and Xi Mei have been caught, and even some people have called. Anyway, the situation is very chaotic. More importantly, Ding Yu and Ximei have disappeared. Who knows what the situation is now?

When the little sister's voice rings, the hearts of Fu Laoliu and Huang Kun fall directly on the ground, which can be regarded as reassuring. It will be fine if the little sister is OK. When he learned that Xi Mei was in the graduate student's apartment, Huang Kun was also slightly stunned, and then he also laughed. This is a good place.

Now even if other people know where Ding Yu and Xi Mei are, can they break in? If you break into it, the consequences will be too serious. No one can bear such consequences. "Big dragon, second dragon, let brothers calm down. If anyone has any action, don't say I'm not polite!"

At the same time, Fang Laosan looked at Er Xiu and asked, "Er Xiu, where do you think Xi Mei will hide? Is Ding Yu's casual stroll these two days, is he just looking at the place?"

Er Xiu shook his head. "Third Master, I don't think that's the best way to hide. You know, at this time, people from all walks of life are looking for them. Ding Yu must choose the safest place. What about this place? Even if you know it, you can't do it. That's the safest and most suitable place! "

"What do you mean? Prison? " After all, Fang Laosan is a veteran. Of course, this has something to do with his environment.

"Third Master, you are so joking Er Xiu didn't want to deliberately make a pretence in front of the third master, "either it's the municipal district, but the possibility is not very great. I haven't heard that Ding Yu has this relationship, and even that position is not the safest. If I were him, I would choose the school!"

"School?" Fang Laosan was stunned for a moment, but also pondered for a while, "this is a good place!"

"It's a very good hiding place. Even if we know that Ding Yu and Xi Mei are hiding in the school, who dares to find it? And the school is so big, who knows where to go to look for Xiaomei and Dingyu? So this road is not going to work at all! Unless they can be accurately located, but who has the guarantee? "

"It's almost a mess out there!" Fang Laosan also sighed and said that he didn't have any idea for his sister, but what about the situation now? Let's forget it! On the one hand, Ding Yu is really not easy to deal with. On the other hand, as erxiu said, what can we do if we know the place?

Ximei has become the fuse of the whole thing, but at the same time, she disappeared. Now the fire has been ignited. How can you put out him? It depends on who can sit down and do it more calmly, but under the naked interests, who can sit?

Fang Laosan didn't say that he didn't have any idea about this aspect, and to some extent, it has been put into practice. What about Er Xiu? With your own consideration, it's not impossible to do it, but you must control it. Otherwise, you will definitely burn yourself. In that case, it will be too much to lose.

At the same time, Lei Ming and he Li are already busy, and some of them are inseparable. Although Xi Mei has not been found, the fire has already been on fire. If this situation is allowed to continue, there will certainly be some problems. However, some key tasks are missing at this time, such as Fu Laoliu, Huang Kun and Fang Laosan.

They have been named and marked. This time, they have plans for them. But what do you mean now? The actions on both sides are not as much as imagined. Although the losses are not small, the people who are envious of the interests in ordinary times now seem to regard interests as nothing. The difference is a little bit big.

It's cool at night, but it's also hot. If you don't do it again, the whole situation will be out of control. There's no way out. So the city council has begun to take concrete actions. It's really panic stricken for a moment. It can be said that all forces have been mixed in.

"You can do it!"

"You can do it!"

Huang Kun and Fu Laosan said the same thing almost at the same time. Then they took out their mobile phones. The line was busy for the first time. After a while, they were connected. "Third, talk about it!" At this time, Huang Kun is very calm, calm people feel so terrible."I want three floors. I can't control how much you keep, but I want three floors. Everyone's well water doesn't offend the river."

Huang Kun didn't mean to discuss at all. He even told Fang Laosan what the outcome of the discussion was. However, by dawn, the matter had been basically solved. Therefore, Huang Kun and Fang Laosan also found a suitable place to drink morning tea in the morning.

Lei Ming and he Li, who got the news, also rushed over. There was no reason or reason for that. They just asked two people to help investigate some things. Sitting on the back of the car, Lei Ming's mood was a little bit low, "is there any news from Ding Yu? What is his condition now? "

In the morning, Ding Yu and his younger sister went back to the residence. The people outside had already left. As before, they practiced boxing. Then they went out to have morning tea. When Lei Ming came, Ding Yu didn't even want to raise his head. His attention was still on the books.

"Classmate Ding Yu When speaking, there were two people outside. After seeing the situation, they were also slightly stunned. Obviously, they didn't expect thunder to appear here.

Huang Kun also took a look, "Mr. Ding!" Until this time, Ding Yu stood up and ravaged her hair with her hands. Then she stood up and said, "go first!" There is no intention of staying at all. It is obvious that the matter has been settled and the rest of the matter has nothing to do with myself.

I really don't mean to be involved in it. I don't have much interest. My life may be a little bit confused, but it doesn't mean that I want to join in this business. I'm not as suitable as I imagined. So Ding Yu left at the first time.

I believe Huang Kun will understand what he means. He doesn't mean to ask for money. Even if the car keys and pocket money he gave him before were placed in the backpack on the table, he completely showed his attitude.

However, Lei Ming is very interested in the backpack on the table. Under Huang Kun's sign, Lei Zi over there opens the backpack. Inside are the car keys and a stack of bills. Lei Ming's eyes are also narrowed. He has understood Ding Yu's meaning more or less. He does this not only for Huang Kun, but also for himself.

Although Ding Yu has expressed his attitude in this respect, Lei Ming still doesn't want to let Ding Yu go. He still lets people watch him. But what makes people very uncomfortable is that Ding Yu doesn't have any action at all. What about this period of time? There is no intention of contacting Huang Kun and others. The scope of his activities is just school and residence, that's all.

Originally, Lei Ming had contacted the military through other relations, and wanted the military personnel to give Ding Yu a warning. After all, this man was trained by you, but he didn't mean to go deep into it. Things seemed to be stuck. What's more, some people were not satisfied with this, and the police were too broad-minded Yes.

But in the evening, Ding Yu still met Gao Jie in his own residence. Ding Yu also threw a bottle of water to him. They sat at the table together, "how is the recovery of the injury?"

Ding Yu nodded and then shook his head

"Well, it's not a problem that can't be avoided. If people's relationship is perfect, we need to give some face in this respect."

"I see. The relationship on the school side has been dealt with, and all the preparations are ready. I will leave here by then! I'll contact you later when you have time! "

As soon as he said this, he had already given an account. Ding Yu did not mean to stay here at all. Whatever had happened before, whether it was right or wrong, had been erased.

When he left, Gao Jie also patted Ding Yu on the shoulder, and he didn't want to come. But there was no way. Society is like this. Some things have to be faced. I hope Ding Yu can understand.

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