On the evening of graduation, there are so many crying and Howling meanings in the whole university. Tomorrow, we will basically go to different places. Until the last moment, the university will issue the graduation certificate. The reason is very simple. I'm afraid these students can't control their emotions.

After all, social development is a little bit faster, which is a more euphemism. What about a more straightforward statement? Today's students are more or less impetuous. Tomorrow, these guys will not belong to the school. However, if you can control some problems and situations, it is better to control them.

What about school arrangements? Ding Yu is a little bit upset. The reason is very simple. It's already at night. Now it's time to get graduation certificate, degree certificate and dispatch certificate. It's really disturbing. But what about all the expenses? Ding Yu has already made up for it. Otherwise, this certificate will not be available.

What about these documents? All of them were sent by various majors. The director felt that Ding Yu was a little confused. I had never heard of such a person in the Department before, but take a look at the list! It's really on the list, and all the procedures are in line with, so there's no need to ask more about it. Anyway, it has too much to do with myself. I'm already a graduate student.

Now the instructor is more concerned about whether the students below will be more honest this evening? Don't have other problems, otherwise it will be really difficult.

After Ding Yu took his own documents and files, he was ready to leave. His things had been put away. There were still some things that were not finished, but it would be better for him to handle them. Even the rental room has already returned. It's OK to stay in the hotel tonight. Tomorrow's train may be home the day after tomorrow. As for Huang Kun, he doesn't mean to contact him at all.

Although the railway station is very large, it is the provincial capital city after all. In addition, at this stage, it is the time for students to have a holiday and graduates leave school, so there are so many personnel. Su He and Wang Lianjun did not deliberately send Ding Yu off. Now they really don't have the idea in this respect. They mainly come to see off their classmates.

After all, we have been together for several years, and there may be some stumbling and stumbling during this period. However, at the time of parting, everything has been left behind. When waiting for someone to leave, there are only eyes crying like peaches. However, the two people will not stay here for too long, and they will leave soon.

Although it is said that they studied here in University, it does not mean that graduate students are also here. On this issue, their autonomy is relatively small, and they are basically arranged at home. Fortunately, the two people are not as opposed to this as they think.

However, when two people were ready to leave, they saw a familiar figure in the station. But what they paid attention to was not Ding Yu himself, but the bag on his hand. For two people, the bag was really familiar. The camouflage bag was square and neat.

Although for the two girls, the bag is a little rustic, but I don't know why. It feels so appropriate to carry it on Ding Yu's hand. However, it's amazing that it's still in the back. I can see that the two cars are directly driving onto the platform. Many people's eyes are also looking at it at this time. Su He and Wang Lianjun felt a little surprised that all the officers were attached to the car. Because the family was the personnel of this profession, they could naturally distinguish each other. At least, they were a lieutenant. Soon everyone stood in front of Ding Yu, but there was not much talk between them.

Walking in front of Ding Yu, everyone gave a fist, and then hugged. That's all. Then he stood there neatly and saluted Ding Yu. Ding Yu nodded slightly. Then he took his bag and box and got on the train.

Not far away, Lei Ming and he Li were standing there. Of course, Huang Kun and others were not far away from them, but they didn't mean to step forward. After all, those officers were standing there, enough for everyone to avoid three feet. It seems that Ding Yu really doesn't have this meaning.

Otherwise, Ding Yu can definitely stay. It seems that no one has any power of governance over this issue. His personal freedom has left the army, and all aspects are beyond the jurisdiction of the army. Even under certain pressure, this is not enough to kill people.

"It seems that fresh meat is not easy! So many people have come to see you off! "

Wang Lianjun also pushed his big glasses with his hand. "It's a pity that I can't see it any more. Alas, I haven't started to ravage it. Some regrets!"

"You Sex girl, don't say I know you!"

Su he also said with a smile that for two people, it's a thing for them to be interested in Ding Yu, but it doesn't mean that they are real flower lovers. Enjoy it or even make friends, but do you have in-depth contact? Let's forget about it!

What's more, Ding Yu is a little mysterious. What happened in school? Just a little bit lonely, and how about contact with the outside world? It seems that there are some differences.The time of taking the train is a little longer, and it also needs to back up in the capital. After getting off the train, Ding Yu went to the bus station again. It's a change of train! My hometown is a small city in the north, the place is not big, but it is also close to the coast!

After getting off the bus, I felt that the weather was so cool. After all, I spent so much time in the south.

Looking at the changes in the city outside, Ding Yu also slightly narrowed his eyes. Suddenly, the change between them really made him feel a little uncomfortable. After all, what about the city in the dream? How many years later will it be in the future?

but what about the city you see now? It's now, it's real. When we got to the station, there were not many buses, but there were buses. However, Ding Yu took a taxi. There were a lot of things. It was convenient. When he came back, he happened to meet his parents in the community below. It looked like he was waiting for himself. He walked back and forth, raised his hands and looked up from time to time. Even he was so impatient.

The little girl saw herself, but also all of a sudden rushed over. Fortunately, Ding Yu's injury has been cured, otherwise it will be easy to have problems, "brother, really handsome!" Ding Yu also used his own hands to ravage Ding Ding Ding's hair, and then stood in front of his parents, "Dad, mom, I'm back!"

Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are not Ding Yu's biological parents. What about this problem? Two people also did not have any intention to hide, but who did not take this as a thing, nurturing this will never be forgotten, as for their own biological parents? Let's put this problem aside!

Maybe better. "Brother, is this true or not?" Ding Ding is not insinuate at all. She directly turns over Ding Yu's things. Of course, what interests her most is her graduation certificate. You should know that she has not even got the admission notice, and even her scores have not come down.

After that, her father would give her a chance to get her diploma, so she would have no chance to get her diploma

"Good!" Ding Lin is very satisfied with Ding Yu's ability to take out such things. Originally, he planned to arrange his son to a public institution after his son's career change. Even if he can't do an office, it won't be too bad. Although there is no big future in the future, he will not worry about food and clothing.

But didn't you think of your son? Unexpectedly, he gave himself such a big surprise, completely beyond his own expectations, "good boy, grow up!"

Then Ding Yu also took a look at Ding Ding, and then took out a bank card, "Mom and Dad, I had good luck during my study and bought two lottery tickets!" Ding Yu really didn't dare to take out the big head. What he took out was only two second-class lottery tickets, even including some proof of his own acceptance of the prize. Ding Lin felt so stupid when he looked at it. He had to know that he had earned so much in his life, but now his son put the money in front of him.

But what about these things? It's not as anxious as I imagined. Then the whole family also ate. The more traditional food was, the dumplings got on the bus and got off the bus. The laughter and laughter rang through the whole room. Originally, Ding Lin was ready to have a drink with Ding Yu. Anyway, he was at home, and met with such a happy thing, but Ding Yu shook his head to his father.

Ding Lin is a relatively introverted person, can also be said to be a more traditional person, although the feelings are very delicate, but more often do not like to express, at home? Belong to a strict father, outside? How many have so many good feelings, anyway, not many people will say bad things about him, whether it is family or work, the relationship is very good, one word is enough to describe everything.

Ding Lin is the director and deputy chief physician of the hospital, and Zhao Shuying is a primary school teacher. Although Ding Yu is not small now, the problem is that Ding Yu is not the biological son of two people. We should know that Zhao Shuying is still a few years away from retirement. Their work is good and other conditions are good, so there are not too many problems in supporting a family.

But even in this way, I was shocked to see what Ding Yu had taken out. Fortunately, their psychological quality was very good. At least now, they can still suppress the shock.

After dinner, the family also sat in the living room, "how do you plan this money? Now the interest rate of the bank is not so high? But we didn't mean to ask for it. What about the money? It's all your own, and you're old enough to plan for yourself. "

"Mom and Dad, I think if you don't put your money in the bank, don't invest it in stocks and funds. It's a little far away from us. In my opinion, it's better to wait for the house to appreciate than to put it in the bank even if Ding Ding Ding doesn't come back in the future."Zhao Shuying was very interested in hearing this, but Ding Lin didn't have many words. He just gave a word. What about some things? Or do you have other considerations? Although he said that he regarded Ding Yu as his son and Ding Yu regarded himself as his father, there were some things? Still need to think about it.

If Dingyu is only a child, it's OK. But after all, there is still a little baby in the family. This problem still needs to be carefully considered. Now, we can't make a decision in this respect immediately. Don't be like your wife. She doesn't treat Ding Yu as an outsider, but there are still some things that need to be considered.

When she got up the next morning, Ding Lin, who went out for exercise, took a look at her son who had already got up. Her eyes were also bright. Then the father and the son went out together. Zhao Shuying also got up to prepare breakfast. As for Ding Ding Ding? She's still sleeping like a lazy pig. She doesn't mean to wake up.

What about Ding Lin's exercise? It's just ordinary walking, and the speed may be a little faster. "Dad, I think it's better to buy a house for Ding Ding Ding. I want to go out and make a living. If I can't, I'll come back to take care of you and mom. I don't think the problem is very big. Ding Ding Ding is a girl after all! "

listening to his son's words, Ding Lin also sighs that he has understood his son's meaning. Ding Ding Ding is a girl. If she wants to get married in the future, if she says nothing, it is easy to have problems and conditions. Although this matter may be a little far away, some things need long-term planning!

"By the way, Dad, if you can, buy a school district house." After listening to Ding Yu's words, Ding Lin also had a rare smile, "you!" What about this problem? I have discussed with my wife. After all, my wife is an education system. Over the years, most families have paid attention to education. What about Ding Yu? In the past, I didn't really care.

After he talked about it today, he thought about it for a while. This investment will never be too bad, especially the words mentioned by Ding Yu, but then Ding Lin remembered another thing.

"What's wrong with your body?" Ding Lin himself is a doctor, so naturally know that there must be something wrong with not being able to drink, but whether the problem is big or small is not easy to say.

"Hurt!" Seeing that his father still wanted to ask, Ding Lin shook his head, "military secrets, those who have signed a confidentiality agreement, have almost recovered now. Otherwise, they may still be able to stay in the army for several years, but they are not fit enough, so I also made a report on career change."

Ding Lin slightly frowned his brow, "today, I went to the hospital to check, I have nothing to do in the afternoon!"

There's no doubt about it. What about the time of strolling? Also met a lot of acquaintances, Ding Lin is to introduce some, and this introduction? There's a little bit of flaunting. Of course, while showing off? There are also some meaning to fight for breath. What happened at that time happened to Ding Yu, which made him very angry and regretful. But now? Ding Yu himself walked out of a bright road. Although he said that he had suffered setbacks in that year, there were some setbacks in his life, and what he did not see was a bad thing.

You should know that at that time, you could plan to let Ding Yuzi inherit his father's career. According to Ding Yu's results at that time, it should not be a problem to get a fourth military doctor, because the teaching mode of the fourth military doctor was very good. I had gone to observe it, but I thought that the last accident happened. There were some people sitting at home, and the disaster came from heaven.

Ding Yu's life has been changed all of a sudden, and he is also quite upset about this. It can be said that he is quite angry and angry. Even now, this tone has not come over. Although Ding Yu has achieved good results now, the results do not represent everything. Some things are not said to be in the past.

"If it hadn't been for other things, you might still be in uniform now!" For his father's military complex, Ding Yu didn't say anything, but just laughed, "Dad, things have passed. At the beginning, the road may have been a little difficult, but we have at least come here. Now, if we didn't have the hardship at the beginning, we might not have been able to make this step today!"

"After all, it's a place to train people!" Ding Lin is also a burst of sigh, his son, more from the less, his work nature is more special, he can vaguely guess some, but since he did not say, there must be a reason, but he really grew up.

At more than 10 o'clock in the morning, Ding Ding woke up. She walked into the living room and looked at her elder brother with her eyelids. She threw a pillow directly. Because the look in her eyes made people feel so hateful. She chatted with her classmates on the Internet a little late last night. After all, she had just been liberated, So there are some unscrupulous.

Ding Yu didn't mean to be crazy with her. After all, she was a big girl, and her age was not small. Although Ding Ding sometimes showed a little mischievous behavior, she was still a more elegant girl because of the family education. She might be a little bit presumptuous at home. The problem is not big.Ding Ding has some bad intentions. The reason is very simple. At the beginning, her elder brother was not at home, but she kept a good image in front of her brother. But now? All the images are destroyed. Ding Ding Ding is a little angry. What's more? It's also about hitting your brother.

I'm already at home. Do I need to be so formal? However, his brother can't say that his clothes are very formal. Relatively speaking, he is very casual. Looking at it, he is not so fashionable. But he gives people the feeling that his clothes are very expensive?

At noon, Zhao Shuying came back first, and then Ding Lin also came back. There was a canteen in the hospital, but there were two treasures in the house. What's more, in the afternoon, she had to take her son for a physical examination. Ding Ding Ding had a little bit of playing tricks at home. Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying were used to it, but Ding Yu felt quite surprised.

I didn't expect that my sister would be so lively. It seems that such a thing rarely happens in my dream. It may also have a lot to do with my own injury. After all, under the circumstances at that time, the family environment was relatively depressed, forcing the girl in love to be able to only suppress her own emotions, which led to the subsequent tragedy.

Ding Ding ran away after lunch. In the afternoon, she had already asked her classmates to go shopping. Zhao Shuying also rushed back to school. Then Ding Lin took her son to the hospital. Ding Lin drove a Bora, which was an old model in Ding Yu's impression.

This car doesn't seem to have been bought in full. In my impression, my father seemed to have mentioned that at the beginning, a sick man's son actively helped to contact him. It was just some human relations! Ten years later, the car doesn't seem to be out of date. If it's in my dream, it looks like it was sold by my father at the end of the next year.

Because Ding Lin is the director of the Department, it's very convenient for Ding Yu. However, Ding Lin doesn't mean to take advantage of his family. It's just a so-called examination. It doesn't cost much money. There are no problems with the so-called blood routine and urine routine, and even color Doppler ultrasound.

However, when Ding Yu took off his clothes, Ding Lin also bit his back teeth. For a long time, Ding Lin personally delivered the clothes to Ding Yu. Then Ding Lin closed his eyes and held his forehead position with his hand. However, he did not expect it. It was similar to his imagination.

"Smoking?" Ding Lin also took out a box of cigarettes from the drawer of his desk. The grade of the cigarettes was not low. Ding Yu hesitated for a moment, and then he took one and took it over. "He can smoke. There is not much addiction. After all, the situation there is more special. The taste of smoke and wine is more exciting and obvious! There may be problems in the execution of the task. "

Ding Lin slightly nodded his head, his addiction is not as big as imagined, sometimes a few days do not smoke also have too much influence, at least he is not habitual that kind, fortunately his psychological quality is very good, at least not too excited, otherwise the blood vessels would have collapsed.

"So you're still lucky!"

Ding Yu, who put on his clothes, also stood up on his shoulder, "OK! Don't ask about Dad. It's not convenient for me to say

Although it is said to be his father, it is military secret involved after all. What about such a thing? Don't add any trouble to your family. It's not good. This is the second time that Ding Yu has mentioned this to his father. Ding Lin is not an old-fashioned thing. He is also some people who have seen the world a little. His son is in the army? It's definitely not a big head soldier. There will be no gunshot wound or knife wound on the soldier's body.

But what about things like this? It's good if you know it yourself, "don't tell your mother about things. Although she is careless and sometimes a little careless, it's better to stop things a little bit!"

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