Little pepper struggled to get up, but when she got up, she gave Guo Kai a turn. This time, it was not a sneak attack, it was a turn in Guo Kai's chest! But the problem is that Guo Kai didn't have any reaction at all. Although the lower abdomen still had a faint pain, it was not at the same level as the strength just now!

I took two pictures of my clothes. Obviously, I was dissatisfied with the contamination on the clothes, but that's it!

"Comrade Su Yang, do you want to find a stretcher for you? I believe many people would like to see your situation! But it's disrespectful to do so. I'm willing to help! "

"No! Thank you When he said this, he could clearly feel Su Yang gnashing his teeth! At this time to find their own magazine, is to let themselves turn around humiliating, it is better to let themselves die!

"Yes! I've transferred a lesbian to you to prevent you from having other problems or inconveniences! This is the request of the political commissar. It has nothing to do with me! " After saying this, he also glanced at the past with contempt, "after all, it's a lesbian, everyone can understand! You can refuse! "

This is obviously the meaning of provocation, after all, we still know what Su Yang did before! Directly to break into the director's office, tough to express their views and opinions!

You know, it's not a big problem to express your opinions and opinions. After all, there are 1000 hamlets for a thousand people. Everyone has different views and understandings on the same affairs. It's very normal for you to shout like this, or even ignore it? What do you want? god?

The female comrade who came to hold the pepper, Guo Kai is to continue to say! "I'll give you half an hour to go back to the confinement room after washing up. Your punishment decision has not come down yet! But I hope you are ready for this! It shouldn't be too hard for you! After all, you are a man of status, aren't you? "

"I want to rest and calm down!"

"Yes!" Guo Kai looked at the time on his watch and said, "when is it time to rest! Or if you have any request, you can let someone inform me. I will not be responsible for your affairs! Do what you want

"What?" Su Yang is stunned for a moment? Look up at Guo Kai! It's obvious that there are so many things that I don't understand!

"Yes, you heard me right! I will not take charge of your affairs separately, even other people will not take charge of your affairs separately, because we all have our own affairs to deal with, there is no free time at all! You are willing to be leisurely. It's your own business and no one else will interfere with it, but I hope you don't interfere with others! "

With that, Guo Kai and the three of them lined up in a neat line and turned away! There is no intention of staying at all! If the previous time, there are so many unwilling, then now is really lost! I'm not afraid that some people will find their own trouble, but I'm afraid that I will be abandoned, just like garbage, to the side of the position!

After washing, he returned to the closed place. Su Yang was lying on the bed alone. He didn't know what he was thinking about. But Su Yang was a little lonely!

The next morning, just after dinner, Guzhuang also came to the ward! Looking at Su Yang behind the railing, his mental state is very ordinary! When Su Yang saw the ancient village, he immediately stood up and saluted!

"Your punishment is down! There is no explicit report! BINGTUAN! Including your home to the director plead, I hope you can stay! At the same time, considering the situation of BINGTUAN, I also said hello to the director. I hope the director can leave you here! This is the general arrangement! "

The ancient village is not salty not light talk! "Any other requirements?"

Su Yang, who was standing in the confinement room, couldn't help being so stupid! Previously, I was extremely not calm, but now I have calmed down. After calming down, I naturally know what kind of mistakes I made before! It's the one that can't be forgiven!

In this case, without any punishment, without any preaching, let yourself stay!

"Report, commissar, I will review my own mistakes! I will review it in front of you and apologize to the director and political commissar! I failed to live up to everyone's expectations, but also failed to understand the pains of the superior! "

Gu Zhuang put his hands crossed on the table and looked at Su Yang!

"Yesterday, the Corps called me to learn about you. At the same time, your father also called me! Because under the circumstances at that time, the director must open you! Since the director has been teaching, there has never been such a situation as you! For the first time! What an eye opener

"Report, I failed to live up to everyone's hope, I promise here!"

"No guarantee! I'm not finished! The director is due to the reasons of BINGTUAN, so he kept you. However, the director also said that you can stay here. If you want to learn, treat them equally. If you don't learn, you can do it as long as you don't affect other people! Come and go as you please! There are no other hard requirements. Do you understand me? ""Report! I understand! " After competing with Guo Kai for such a long time, Su Yang didn't shed tears, but now, Su Yang really has some uncontrollable emotions! I never thought that things would be so serious! I didn't expect that I would be so unbearable!

Stay is not to say no, OK! It doesn't matter. What you want to learn or don't want to learn is up to you! Who makes himself big? But Su Yang, who always boasted of relying on his own efforts to get to this stage, felt that his face had been completely thrown on the ground, and it was worthless!

I have been proud and extraordinary! So it is not worth mentioning! It is not because of ourselves, but because of the corps and family that we kept such compliments before! That's it!

all the bubbles are broken! The sky suddenly lost color and light!

"I don't think you understand! You think it's a shame, don't you? But I tell you, it's more than that! "

Guzhuang also sighed! "Is there any communication between BINGTUAN and the director? I don't know about this, but just because of you, the regiment owes the director a great deal of gratitude. The favor is not a blank check, it needs to be paid back, do you know? What's more, it's your father's side? That's really asking granddad to sue grandma! Although I don't know your father so well! But I've heard of it, and I know that he never talks soft! "

"But yesterday, he said soft words and small words. I hope the director can leave you here! I am very angry. He should not be like this. At least he left me with a different impression. It is because of you that he destroyed the image of your father in my mind. Do you know that

"Report!" Tears couldn't stop flowing on Su Yang's face, "I know!"

"You don't know! You don't know why you go to the director, and no one will stop you in the whole process. Do you know how much pressure the director has to bear because of your affairs! You also don't know, what's the mission of the whole team? Why they want to target you, not everyone else, you also don't know! "

"What's more, why we can accept the square and the yangjuan, and why we don't accept you? It's because you have extraordinary origins, so we think you are unattainable and bullshit. Yang Juan has a bigger origin than you, but why don't you dislike him? We don't exclude you, but you don't think about it clearly! You are not accepted, that is because you are not good enough, this is the main reason! Don't you think about it? "

"Report, my grades are better than Yang's and square's!" Su Yang said in an argument!

"Bullshit!" Gu Zhuang couldn't help scolding, "what you see is just some fragmentary things in front of you! Your so-called result is better than Yang Juan and square! What exactly does it mean? On the battlefield? Or something on paper?! What's the purpose of your coming here? Is it to fight on the battlefield? If so, wouldn't it be better for you to go to the special operations brigade? "

Gu Zhuang's face was full of resentment. "Your weakness is that you can't look at yourself from a certain height. This is also because you were in a very different environment before, and formed very bad habits and problems!"

"The report, I don't understand. As far as I know, Guo Kai and their time here are not longer than ours. Why do they have so many things! It is because of this that they are deliberately selected? "

"I'll give you an example! The director once told them a story, a very simple story, and then asked them to write a feeling in English! A week's time! "

Guzhuang drew his finger and said, "just a week! What's more, I once told them about a battle, and the homework assigned by the director was to express it with three-dimensional military map! There are original maps, but how to calculate and process them? How to find the direction and angle, how to draw lines? The framework of the three-dimensional model, and then the framework of the model needs to use the computer and the corresponding software and so on! No one is going to teach them. They all need to explore and learn by themselves. In the same period of a week, can you take out the things? "

Take a breath! Guzhuang went on to say, "this is a manifestation of ability. You need to squeeze your own time and energy to ensure that you can complete all this in the shortest time, but at the same time, you need to ensure your energy and physical strength, because you need to deal with other things! It's not like you're on the training ground, you forget yourself! When you are on the training ground, your energy and physical strength can't be compared with others. That's because they have spent a lot of energy and physical strength. It doesn't mean that people are really inferior to you! You don't even understand this? What have you been thinking about since you've been here for such a long time? Do you really don't want to understand, or do you mean to escape"Report! Director! I didn't think about it! "

After hearing these things, Su Yang finally understood how it happened.

"You said that everyone rejected you and did not accept you! So if you want to find it in the training ground, I can understand your mood, but I can also understand it as your personal stupidity! If the director wants to train soldiers, what do you want you to do? Is it difficult to choose one person from the special forces in the military area who is not better than you? "

"Report, commissar! They have never mentioned anything about it! "

Su Yang feels very aggrieved, because no one has ever told him these things! If you really tell yourself, it will never be like this!

"Ha ha! Your reason is really about to make me speechless! What's the matter? You're a three-year-old. Do you need to be fed when you eat? You're already an adult! Adults should know how to eat! It's not like I'll bring you the food and feed it into your mouth! "

With that, Guzhuang also patted the table heavily, which really made people angry! What should I say?

Su Yang is both aggrieved and indignant at this time! What is the use of your own eyes? Should I dig it out and change my eyes again? I can't even understand such a simple thing! can't see clearly!

The education here and the ordinary education are totally two kinds of nature! It won't be the cramming type at all. Tell you what to learn? What should I learn? It's not like that at all! Their previous time offset direction, but also more and more far that kind, even this remote also led to their never return to the head!

Think about it carefully. Did Guo Kainai and others wake up? It seems that there is really, and it is not once twice, but each time, he did not do a thing! Even I think they are defeated by themselves on the training ground! So I found other things for myself, so that I could use light hands on the training ground in the future!

Ha ha! Su Yang really wants to laugh at this time. He is really ridiculous! Why so stupid, so stupid! So stupid! Even such a simple truth can not see clearly, do not understand! I wonder how I've been through these years?

What's more, what kind of monsters are Guo Kai and them? What's more, how deep are their minds? You know, they need to deal with the director! Need to deal with political commissars, and then be able to take some energy to deal with other aspects of the matter, but even so, I can not give them how!

If they really put their energy into training, then what should they do then? Maybe you can kick yourself to one side!

Think about the previous response to Guo Kai, isn't he such a situation? The reason why he was ravaged by himself in the training ground before was that he didn't have so much thought and energy. Even if he was on the ground before, he finally relied on the sneak attack and was still in the unspeakable position of the sneak attack, which made him squat down. That's it!

No wonder he can become a pillar, but also the most stable link in the iron triangle! It's not because he was recruited by the director himself, nor is it because of the relationship behind him? It's because he can convince others! This is the basis of his foothold, but why can't he see it?

"Report! Commissar, I need to think about it carefully. It won't be long! "

"Before noon, I hope to see a new you! At the same time, I also need to tell you one thing, which I just mentioned! I'm sure you didn't forget it so soon, did you? "

"Commissar, you mean I went to the director's office?" Su Yang suddenly woke up!

"Not bad, not completely stupid! It's a rescue! You should be clear, the director's office, not to mention you! Even for me, it's not like I want to go. There are quite a number of guards in the middle! But why can you walk straight through it? Don't you think it's incredible to be qualified? "

"Report! I didn't think about it before! " Su Yang did not hide this, "now I want to come, things are a bit terrible!"

"It's a good thing to feel terrible, which means that you have already begun to be vigilant. This time, let Xie Yuan lead the team, which is related to the investigation, and you will also be among them. This has been arranged from the beginning, which is your business whether you are willing to go or not! This is your own right! I don't ask for it

"Report, when I wake up, I'll be there!"

"Some people have some insights about the matter I mentioned to you, but most of them don't know what the situation is. To remind you, it's because you are still too poor, too one-sided, not so comprehensive and easy to be used by others! It costs too much to save you. If you do it again, don't say it's the Corps, your father, even if it's more people coming, there's no way you can do it! ""Director, can I ask you? Why is this going to happen?! "

"I am not afraid to tell you! The director has trained some people, and was called echelon at the beginning! It is not military people, even if there are military people, they are very poor. They are very outstanding, and perform exceptionally well. Even one of the military people, Guo Kai, exaggerates in front of them, that is to say, shoes are used! "

"What? Political commissar, is that true? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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