"Do you think I'm exaggerating? Even some deliberate nonsense? "

Guzhuang couldn't help laughing. "You think Guo Kai is what you saw. How could it be! What you see is too superficial! Even too personal! So say it! In order to fight for Guo Kai, the air force and the army almost fought with the Navy. Why? Because Guo Kai has this potential, the original one was trained by the director. In order to rob him, the military is going crazy! We will not give in to each other! "

"Let the director train more talents!" Su Yang said it was light!

"You look very simple! Cultivate more talents! But you also said the truth. The military certainly hopes that the director can cultivate more talents, but what? What about other aspects, such as foreign forces? They can be said to hate the director gnashing teeth, hate to be able to hate its flesh! How could they have allowed such a thing to happen! What's more, do you think there is no cost in training you people? If we say that we can cultivate them! "

"Report! It's my negligence

"In short! Sometimes your meals for a day are higher than those for a day! These are all on the head of the director! The director just doesn't want to worry about it! You think you have money and how much money you can have. You underestimate the director too much! "

Guzhuang's words are a little too much! This is also because of excitement, why? Su Yang is so enlightened! There is nothing like this to make yourself happy! Since happy, then say some so-called digressions, but also let Su Yang a little alert! Not as if it was the previous lengtouqing!

"If, if I'm involved in this matter, I don't need to pay attention to it!"

"Is that a silly question? Organize your words again After getting along with Ding Yu for quite some time, Gu Zhuang was deeply influenced by Ding Yu's style of dealing with people!

Yeah? Su Yang was also a little silly when the commissar came in! What is this? However, after playing a smart, the immediate reaction came over! "Report to the political commissar, if I am involved in this matter, will I still become the target of others? What's the impact on the whole team and even all the students? "

"It's a good question, and it's quite hierarchical! It's not all waste wood! How much is of some use! "

"Say so! You will be their target, because this time the incident has already caused considerable influence, even so great changes. Many eyes have been attracted. There is another reason, that is, you still lack a good understanding of our director, right? "

"Report to the political commissar! I haven't heard much about it. According to my personal investigation, it seems that he is a doctor. As for other information, there is basically no news! "

"The identity of the director is confidential, I mean family! If the director knows this situation, maybe you will tell me too much when you want to! It's not for you! Guo Kai, except them! But even Guo Kai, they only know a small part of it! "

Looking at the political commissar's eyes, Su Yang slightly nodded his head, how much he had heard of some of the problems and conditions inside! After all, my family is there, and the political commissar's suggestion is that if you don't understand what you're hearing, there are some deliberately pretending to be stupid. I'm sorry for the Commissar!

He can stay, the political commissar is absolutely the kind of strong, I still know this!

Before I stormed into the office, I didn't care about the consequences at all. Fortunately, the political commissar pulled me at that time, and then I didn't make any more follow-up things! What's more, during the period of their own confinement, although the corps and their families are busy, how can they know if there is no political commissar?

I don't know how much thought the political commissar put into it. But obviously, without the efforts of the political commissar, I can't stay here. I am very clear and understand this!

"I can tell you something else about the director! He is a doctor, and he is also a great doctor

"We have all seen about this! There are detailed information about this aspect on the Internet, but it seems that the director is not very famous in China. There are not too many reports on the network! Also can't see too many papers and lectures! It is the website over there in foreign countries, it seems to be very famous! But there are some things we do not understand very well! I don't know much about it! "

"Well! Director is not famous in China, that is because everyone can not line up, too many people expect director to be able to make a move! But what Speaking of this, Guzhuang also shook his head, "but another identity? It's the most excellent soldier, so to speak! ""Political commissar, the most excellent soldier, how to understand this matter?" Su Yang asked curiously!

"Information about the director? In any country with a little power in the world, they will file independently. It is no exaggeration to say that there are one intelligence department in the United States. If there is no director's information in their information management system, and it is the kind of database, then it is not a qualified information management department! How big is this database? What do you eat every day from the birth of the director to the present? What would you like to drink? When I go to the toilet, I hope it can be recorded clearly! "

Is it a little exaggerated to even record the fuckin 'going to the toilet? I even want to record things like shit and fart. Why is this? What level is it? To be able to enjoy such treatment?

"Report, commissar, I have never heard of such a situation?"

"You can know about this, but your father has no right to read the files about it! You know it's because you're selected! It's so simple! What's more, the director came down from the battlefield! Remember, the director came down from the battlefield! Full of gunpowder

Su Yang's eyes turned. He saw the director's age from the information. He was not as big as he thought, but if he only looked at his face, he looked very young! There are so many who can't tell their age!

I am a soldier. I know something about the internal situation of the army. When the director was a soldier at that time, it was a time of peace! At least on the surface, there is no war! Under such circumstances, the director is still walking down from the battlefield, and he is still a kind of gunpowder. The articles in this are worth exploring!

Looking at Su Yang's appearance, Guzhuang also snorted, "I remind you a little, you know these things can, but if you want to explore, I don't think anyone will reach for you! Your father can't, I can't, and even the regiment can't, because these are never declassified! "

"I will keep it in mind, political commissar! I use my uniform and my reputation as a guarantee

"We all know about this, but no one will mention it. They are all made up of their hearts. But the impact and lethality of the director is absolutely unmatched."

"Commissar, it's not right!" Su Yang seemed to think of something, "if it is really like this, even if the director is a big doctor, even if there is a considerable relationship behind him, but once he goes abroad, the outside people will not devour the director alive? In any case, if it was me, I would never allow such an opportunity! "

"This is the third identity I want to tell you about the director! I think you've heard about the farm group! That's the director's. it was made after the director Retired! Relatively speaking, it is just a relatively small structure under the director's command! It is equivalent to a company under the consortium! "

"My mother!" Su Yang can't help shouting, even the voice is out of shape!

"Call mom now, it's too far away! So say it! What the consortium has revealed is just the tip of the iceberg! The director has a considerable relationship with a considerable number of consortia. This is an important reason why the director runs smoothly abroad! I think my introduction is clear and clear enough? "

"Report to the political commissar, I really understand this time!"

"I hope you really understand! It's not a fake. I understand! I have already introduced the identity of the director! After having an intuitive understanding of the director, I think you should also have some feelings about some things! "

"Some people want me to be a dagger! It's a little too mean! "

"Is it despicable? This is not what you said, nor should I! In order to achieve the goal, this is the way of some people, but we need to be fully prepared, you did not do it, even poked a considerable basket out, the impact is huge! Even immeasurable! Do you understand? "

"Political commissar, director already so powerful? Why? "

"Why do you stay here? Is it? " Gu Zhuang gave a slight smile, "you all have a wrong understanding of the director, or you are not so familiar with the director as you imagine. Even I don't know the director so well! Director Guo Zhankai is similar, but this is only one thing! At least we can see a fairly good track! "

When it comes to Guo Kai, Su Yang's eyes are also showing a little murderous spirit, which was teased by Guo Kai earlier! Even seriously despised! For myself, it is a shame, an indescribable disgrace. I must find this place, and I will find it face to face!

"Political commissar, is Guo Kai a student of the director?"

"Hard to say!" For this problem, Guzhuang also revealed a little emotion, "as far as I know, the director has students, and there are also things like disciples! But not so many of them have been recognized! Judging from the current situation, you can only be regarded as students, but not as directors' students! ""Why?" Su Yang is very puzzled to ask a!

"Why? I think it's not up to the standard expected by the director? " There are so many ambiguities in this saying, but for Su Yang, it's just like thunder and lightning! What? This is already the case! Has not yet reached the standard expected by the director? So can you tell me what the standard is?

Don't be such a joke, OK? Su Yang felt his head a little buzzing!

"A little confused?" Guzhuang said with a smile, "generally speaking, this is the case, but Guo Kai's situation is really different! There are also Zhang Piao and Wu Dong. They have been brought into the attention of the director from a very early time. Looking at their performance, are they outstanding? Excellent? Not exactly! Can only say very calm! There is quite a view of the overall situation! Don't be arrogant or impetuous

Looking at the political commissar's eyes and looking at himself, pepper pressed her heart. It seems that she really can't do this, at least not in the previous time! As for whether we can do this in the future, it's hard to say. It's not that I don't want to do it or not, but I haven't been able to do it!

But the commissar told himself so many things, absolutely not to appease himself! For one of the problems and the situation, small pepper is to see more clearly and understand!

Director there is not to give up their own meaning, but does not mean that the director's heart really has no opinion and ideas! Impossible things, just because of other aspects of the situation, not very easy to do this aspect of the expression! If it is my own, I will do the same!

This is already quite open-minded! If you're really small, I'll give you two pairs of so-called small shoes. What can you do? No, or need to suffer? Even with a smile on your face! And still guilty! Words of suffering!

"Report, commissar! I will do a good job. Please rest assured

"It's really a little uneasy! So we need to tell you two more words, so that you will not be angry at the time, so that there will be other problems and conditions! Say two more words with you, also let your heart have a judgment! Know how things should work and be handled! Don't insist on your own way in the future! Do you understand? "

And Ding Yu here is not so many ideas and concerns, three small together back! Look at their appearance, the holiday was very substantial, but Wang Xiaogang slightly wilted! This is definitely not as simple as being cleaned up! Obviously, there are other aspects of the problem and situation, Ding Yu is a little bit curious about this!

"What? What's the problem? " In his spare time, Ding Yu seems to immediately ask a question!

"Uncle, there are a lot of relatives there! After I went back, I called a lot. Although I was very young, I felt goose bumps all over my body! My God! It's hard, it's hard to bend! " Wang Xiaogang gave a strange cry!

It turns out that this is the reason. Ding Yu feels that things are so funny! "It's normal. Don't talk about your home! Even Xiaoyun and Xiaochang have also encountered this aspect of the matter! It's no big deal! There is a saying how to say, rich in the mountains have distant relatives! Poor in downtown, no one asked! If from the literal point of view, the description is really too correct! If we go deep into it, we will find that there are three wrong views! "

Wang Xiaogang pointed his finger at his uncle. "Uncle, do I have to deal with it in the future? Feeling a little bit unbearable in the heart, and there are so many ridiculous to, why don't they work hard by themselves! On the contrary, it is necessary to attribute the responsibility and problems to other aspects? "

"All sorts of reasons! There are many ways to explain, but there are not many ways to explain them clearly! Find an excuse too simple! Even effortless, but want to make progress, pay too much! If you can get something for nothing, that's the best! "

"How could it be?" Wang Xiaogang is very resistant to this performance!

"You can recognize this problem, but it doesn't mean that other people can realize it too!" Ding Yu is talking to Wang Xiaogang from the perspective of his peers! Not to say that he is a child! "I've given it to you. Control your desires, pay attention to your mouth, and correct your laziness! But it's hard for other people to do this thing! "

"Uncle, you've been through this kind of thing, haven't you?"

"A lot! Countless, although it can not be said that every day will encounter, but sometimes affected by such things, it is quite helpless and emotional! Take care of it? We don't care about it, but if we ignore it, we will face many other problems! Want to achieve the so-called one size fits all, not very realistic! Just calm your mind

"It's a matter of scale, isn't it? Uncle It is obvious that Wang Xiaogang is not generally smart, and soon understands the problem! "Uncle, I heard a lot of people say bad things about my father and mother. It's really annoying. There are all kinds of things to say!"Ding Yu said with a smile, "it's a little serious, even some unforgivable! It's not a gentleman to mutter about this behind you! But it's hard enough for you, but if you think about it carefully, what's the starting point for them to mention such things in front of you? "

"My mind has been broken already?"

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