Xie Yuan has no attitude to Su Yang's rejoining! As for what happened before, it doesn't matter to Xie Yuan at all, as long as he doesn't do something to affect the team and the players, it's OK! This is your bottom line. Things beyond the bottom line can't be seen now!

As for Su Yang's position in the team, after Xie Yuan and Su Yang, it is small pepper, which is deliberately identified! No one is against it! We are happy to agree and accept!

But you can also see it here, xie Yuan! Roxie, including the square and the yangjuan, four of them have been tightly held together. They do not exclude other people to join in. But if you want to join in, it is absolutely not just for you to show an attitude. It is definitely not so simple!

In other words! It doesn't matter what your attitude is. The problem is whether you have the ability. If you have the ability, everything will be easy to say. If you don't have this ability, it will not be of any use to keep you. On the contrary, it will cause other influences. Why bother!

It's so simple and direct, even unreasonable! However, such behavior has been quite welcome, even by everyone's respect! People at this age should know! There is not so much confusion, and there is no such idea, respect for the strong, this has a quite universal!

Although Su Yang said that he couldn't join Xie Yuan, he also gathered some people, forming a state of relative balance. However, Su Yang didn't want to resist Xie Yuan and Roxie! There is no need to know that the thing that can finish this time is the most important thing. As for other things? should be regarded as a different matter!

However, after arriving at the place, Su Yang also felt that his scalp was numb! Because with the pace forward, I feel that things seem to be so wrong! This is not a place where everyone can come!

"Hello, Comrade Lei Mao!" Xie Yuan is very respectful salute! Since you let yourself deal with this time, all things need to be self-centered. "Please sit down. Why did I come here? I think you should be very clear. I don't like nonsense, and I don't have so many diplomatic courtesies! For me, there's no need! I have great respect for you, that is to say things according to things, and hope to communicate with each other! Please cooperate

"How wonderful! Director Ding still has a good eye. He has chosen all of them? " When talking, I looked around at the people nearby!

"I'll make you laugh! I am just a humble! Comrade Lei Mao, if I can, I hope to make a considerable inspection here. If you don't feel that this is a personal offence to you! Before conviction, I should show respect for your uniform, which is the most basic! I don't want to make things difficult! "

"I haven't said anything yet? You talk a little too much! You come to lead the team, but as far as I know, you are not Guo Kai! It's not Zhang Piao and Wu Dong! " He sighed slightly, "I don't know if it's right or wrong to do it like this, but since it's done, it's done! There is nothing to deny

"Thank you for your cooperation

Su Yang standing on the side is watching carefully. He is totally different from his own imagination. There is no severe reprimand in imagination and no loud voice in imagination. There is no such situation at all! Each other said two words to each other! Very polite! Things don't seem to go smoothly!

This makes Su Yang feel very surprised, even a little confused, how is it? Why is it like this! Is this still what I know? Of course, there is no problem with progress, but why does such progress give you the feeling that there is something wrong with it? It's even weird!

The conversation was a little long. In about two hours, xie Yuan summarized the relevant information into a report, and then submitted it to Roxie next to him, "Rosie, report the situation to the director and political commissar! Then please tell me how to deal with the next situation. We are waiting for the order

After Rosie left, xie Yuan also stood up, "Comrade Lei Mao, thank you for your cooperation. If there is nothing wrong, we can wait outside! Do as you please

"No need! Just be casual Then he looked at Su Yang beside him, "little girl's luck is good! I didn't choose the wrong person before, and I didn't expect that director Ding would be so generous. There are not many people who can do this. Director Ding really deserves his reputation, but it's a great pleasure to see your growth! "

"I'm flattered! We just did what we should do! "

Without saying a few words, Roxie came back and handed the report inside to Xie Yuan. She didn't want to mention it in public. She didn't even whisper. She was very cautious! Also very careful!

After Xie Yuan had seen it, he looked at Rosie again. Seeing Rosie nodding, xie Yuan nodded his head in response. He signed his name on it. After closing the report, he saluted Lei Mao!"Comrade Lei Mao, we have other things to investigate. If there is anything you want to add, please feel free to contact us and say sorry for the impact and inconvenience caused to you in our process. Please understand our work!"

"The work is excellent!" A very simple comment!

This is to be fair, not what is called scene talk! Xie Yuan came to his side, need to be so polite with himself? You should know his back, but Guzhuang! And Ding Yu, who still hasn't shown up, even the people from the other side of the capital!

However, xie Yuan's performance is quite reasonable and well founded. There is nothing superior or servile. He is very calm and natural. You should know that he is still a young man who can handle things like this. He is really a rare talent! It's really hard for director Ding Yuding to find out? There is a general's wind!

On the driving car, xie Yuan looked at Su Yang sitting beside him and asked casually!

"What do you see? What did you think of the previous process? "

Su Yang, who was thinking about things, was stunned for a little time, and then he also responded. When he got on the bus, he had no seat for himself, so he could only sit by Xie Yuan's side. Now it seems that he is the intentional one! I don't know when these guys have reached a tacit agreement!

"It's extraordinary. It's incredible. I thought it would be a very serious process! And it will be a very difficult process! I didn't expect to be so relaxed! "

"The process is very serious!" Xie Yuan slightly frowned his brow, it is obvious that Su Yang's answer makes him very dissatisfied! Even for Su Yang, the whole person also has some other views and opinions!

"I'm sorry, my explanation is a little too vain! I didn't expect that the whole process would be like this, and things could be handled like this! The conversation between each other was full of opportunities, but no one showed it on the surface. It was very powerful

"Everyone is different! Before exploring, it is better to have an understanding of people and things! This is very important! " If it was not for the political commissar who had said hello, xie Yuan would not have worked so hard! You should know that this is the most basic, but the problem is that Su Yang did not even master such a basic thing!

"What's more, everything has an entry point. We should look at the problem from the overall situation. We should not only look at the problem from one point, nor do we make the so-called judgment by relying on our own heart's likes and dislikes. This is very important! As far as possible stand in a neutral point of view of the problem, but also as far as possible to let themselves stand a little higher to look at the problem! "

"The higher you stand, the more painful it won't be?"

Xie Yuan also responded with a smile to Su Yang's remark, but he did not make any explanation for it. No matter whether Su Yang deliberately pretended to be stupid or said that she was joking with herself, it doesn't matter if she is willing or not. Things need to be explained. This is not to give Su Yang face, but to the political commissar!

As for Xie Yuan's silence, Su Yang just wanted to say something, but Xie Yuan took out his notebook and recorded something on his notebook. However, he didn't avoid Su Yang's meaning, but Su Yang couldn't understand the content above. It was a kind of ghost symbol!

Su Yang is very clear about this. This is a way of their internal. He has heard of some of them, which is a kind of shorthand. It's just that there are some other changes in it. He also heard about them at the beginning, but he didn't pay much attention to it. But what about these animals?

They are not only interested in such a simple, even can be taken out directly, fluent writing! No one to force them, I read the document delivered by the director, the above is just mentioned!

From this also can see, the gap between each other seems to be really not general big! Now Xie Yuan records some things in front of his own face. He doesn't mean to hide it at all. But the problem is that he is in front of himself, just like the illiterate and the blind! My eyes are black and I can't see anything! Are you angry about this?

I didn't mean to thank yuan before, as for such a careful eye? After thinking about it, Su Yang asked with his own cheek, "Xie Yuan, are these all shorthand? It looks very fast

"Yes, it involves some knowledge of shorthand, but it's good to record it! As for other aspects of the application is not so much! We're just making fun of it! From time to time, we will make quite a mistake! "

Pointing out Su Yang is one thing, but paying attention to Su Yang is another. How do you feel about Su Yang? It's not bad, but it's not as good as she imagined. Earlier, she choked her own words, which really made people feel not so comfortable. Maybe in Su Yang's opinion, this may be something that is very used to!

But such things in their own view, there are so some are not the same! In other words, there is a problem with EQ! If such a person had been involved in official career, I'm afraid he would have been knocked out of the dust! But even in the military, she's not the one with superior ability! So there is not much need!For Xie Yuan's attitude change, Su Yang of course has a feeling, and also knows that his words first made him feel uncomfortable! But on the top of the car, let himself apologize, Su Yang really can't pull down his face!

After getting off the bus, when there are no people, let's talk about it!

However, the square and Yang Juan, who were sitting behind them, looked at each other and shook their heads slightly. For Su Yang's emotional intelligence, it was really worrying! I wonder how she got here? Do you think you can win the world with one face?

But this matter, two people are not ready to reach out! Why, on the one hand, the relationship with Su Yang is not so close, on the other hand, it is Su Yang's EQ! It's really a big problem!

Xie Yuan pointed her out, why? The reason is really clear! It's easy for anyone with a clear mind to understand this problem! Even if the brain is not so smart, it is easy to understand!

She made such a big thing, came out so quickly, even there was no movement in all aspects! And the director? The previous time has left! This thing is that the political commissar is busy, so after you come out now, to a certain extent, it also represents the face of the political commissar!

But even with the support of the political commissar, you can't be so hard on Xie Yuan! Don't say he's still the leader of this team! What's more, if Xie Yuan is really offended or rude, this is understandable, isn't it? Don't say hard! Even if it's hands-on, it's OK!

But people are kind, you suddenly come to such a hand! What does that mean? A good heart doesn't know a donkey's liver and lung, does it? In this case, who will continue to instruct you! Are you full? Don't you feel happy for yourself?

Now the most correct way is to quickly admit mistakes! This is the most appropriate. After all, it's a minibus. Everyone can listen clearly. At least a little bit of attitude in this respect can be expressed. Then other people will never allow this matter to be embarrassed! Things will be solved naturally!

But you don't say anything, or you want to wait for no one to apologize to Xie Yuan!

It's just two things, OK? What do you mean by embarrassing Xie Yuan in public and apologizing privately? Take others Xie Yuan as raft, others Xie Yuan can be regarded as indifferent! But everyone is in this car! It's all in the eyes!

But there are people around her! Don't wake up Su Yang directly at this time. I'm sure I'll do this after the event. But will Xie Yuan give such an opportunity to deal with this matter afterwards? Even if Xie Yuan gave such a chance, is it really the past?

The atmosphere inside the car suddenly became dreary, and Su Yang naturally felt it! But before she had any indication, the car had stopped! After coming back, we all walked down from the top of the car! Xie Yuan simply held a small meeting and summarized it!

After all, it's not over! They need further investigation, but they also need to wait for orders, not to say that they can do what they want? How could it be!

At this time, Su Yang was also reminded. Before the team was disbanded, Su Yang called out a report, so he apologized to Xie Yuan in public. When he was in the car, he was a bit carried away! For the small pepper's apology, xie Yuan didn't say anything, just a joke, no one took it seriously!

And Ding Yu didn't say much about Xie Yuan's return! Now I am thinking about confrontation. After all, there are so many people left! If they all stay, there are so many people! Need to consider eliminating a considerable number of people! This is already planned!

What I need to make sure now is that the plan goes smoothly, and at the same time, let these students not have other emotions. The same is true for Guzhuang. He is a political commissar, and he needs to be responsible for this! So it's a little bit busy!

As for Xie Yuan's affairs, Ding Yu didn't pay any attention to it. After mentioning a sentence here in Guzhuang, he just let them go! After all, the director told us earlier, let them have a free hand!

As for whether the team members can withstand the test, it depends on their own performance! At least on this issue, I am really powerless now! Because I need more busy things!

As for the performance of pepper? I heard it! There are good and bad places! But it's a good thing to see obvious progress! To be able to correct their own problems and determine, for small pepper, has been quite difficult! Can't imagine that she can complete the turn in an instant!

This is not a thing that is impossible at all, but also something that is not realistic at all! The road needs to walk step by step, the meal needs a mouthful of food! Step by step, I believe that there will be a very good result in the end. For this point, I still firmly believe that, at most, it is a little difficult to walk along this road!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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