However, there is no need to worry about little spicy guys, but the students here are a little bit bad!

Why? Now Guzhuang has understood why director Ding didn't pay attention to the meaning of these students! I've told you quite a lot! As for whether you know it or not? This depends on your own understanding ability? If you don't understand it yourself, you're sorry!

As for the so-called obstacles! Cross country, individual tactics and so on, these are basically not in the assessment! There is no need, because this is the most basic quality as a soldier. If you can't even pass this accomplishment! Then it's your disrespect for this uniform. It's meaningless to stay here!

But what makes these students wail is that those things in the exam are just mentioned, but they are not required to master them! Isn't this intentional? I just want to eliminate them, so I can do something like this!

But Ding Yu has no meaning to explain at all. It's your business and has nothing to do with me! How do you think? That's your personal idea. I saw the process and the result. You did not perform well in the whole process. As for the so-called result, I don't need to mention it!

Gu Zhuang, sitting by Ding Yu's side, sighed slightly about this, but it is certain that the director will never move any so-called hands and feet in it. There is no such need at all! And the possibility is not so big!

As for the situation, Guzhuang has some understanding of it! Let's make an analogy! The director gave us quite a list, and then listed some problems, and it was over! There is no so-called examination, there is no so-called verification? There is nothing. If you want to, take a look. If you don't want to, no one will go back to persecute you!

But it is because of this, quite a lot of people have so many neglected! Why? There are so many books involved! In addition, there are many aspects, even many of which are not related to military affairs at all. Under such circumstances, many people have ignored it!

But many people ignore it! It doesn't mean everyone has ignored it! And there is also a situation, that is, Guo Kai and their people, they not only use themselves to prove this point, but also take the initiative to mention this aspect of the matter, but obviously, it did not attract everyone's attention!

And now the consequences are coming! Can you prove your ability? If you can, there is no problem. You can't go if you want to. But if you can't prove your ability, I'm sorry, pack up your luggage! Get ready to go! It's so simple. You should know that the director is never a good talker!

In a day, more than 20 students were eliminated! Direct elimination, there is no resurrection game so said, there is no face to talk about! But I need to make it clear that none of the staff here was selected by the director!

Guzhuang participated in the whole process, and everything was seen in the eyes. The people selected by the director were really not ordinary spirituality, and the personnel selected from their own side did not mean that they had not accepted the approval, but they passed through it very reluctantly. It was heartbreaking to see them!

These guys! Did not cherish such an opportunity at all?! You know, it's not that there's no hint, there's quite a hint, but they ignore it! And the cost of neglect is serious. Guzhuang really can't have any interposition on this issue. If we do that, it will be really illegal!

"Director, just let them go! From the psychological point of view, I have so many in the heart can not bear! But I know that it is right to let them leave. But since they can stay for such a long time, I think it is only a little lacking. I hope the director can give them the last lesson and leave them some thoughts! They didn't come here in vain

"Don't you tell me? You are a political commissar. You are a political and ideological work. This is your own job! "

"I'll forget it! Now the mood has so some excitement, they have so much too much pity! And this is not a problem of ideological education, but also involves some other aspects of the situation! What I said is not so appropriate! "

Ding Yu moved his finger for a moment. "I really don't like to talk about it because I don't like meetings very much. When I was in England, I made a speech. In retrospect, I'm very stupid. But since it's the director's request, I'll try, but what will happen? I won't make any guarantee about this matter!"

"Give them a chance and hope they can make a considerable impact! Even if it is spread one by one, I think it will have an impact in the future. The so-called small spark can start a prairie fire. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this word! "

"Yes! Your political commissar has spoken! So I'll just say a few words. It's just a digression. There's no need to be so solemn. It's not a glorious thing. It's too showy. Who knows what kind of influence it will have. But I heard that things on Xie Yuan's side are progressing smoothly? ""Well! Lei Mao that side of the situation is very clear, basically no concealment! Really, if we talk about it, his problem is not so big, it should be the one that has been dragged down. As for the follow-up treatment, it is not easy to say now, but the matter should be gradually investigated and clarified! It's not difficult! "

"Shouldn't you?" Ding Yu said suspiciously, "Xie Yuan, if they go out, there is no one to move other aspects of the mind? Always feel a little incredible to come! What do you say? Or do my senses degenerate? " When he said this, Ding Yu gently knocked his head with his hand, "I didn't feel there was any problem!"

"My senior director, you may not pay much attention to this, but I have heard quite a lot of news?"

Ding Yu's eyes lit up. "It's not easy to act so quickly! I'm really curious. What kind of excuse would it be? What's more, who will start from? Rosie? I'm really looking forward to it At this moment, Ding Yu is very curious!

Seeing the director's appearance, Guzhuang shook his head slightly. "It's hard to say what the situation will be like now. After all, in the broad daylight, some things are still slightly in a hurry, which is not so good. On the side of the military area command, so many eyes are watching. Everyone needs to pay attention to it, right?"

"Have they not been opened quite enough?" Ding Yu was a little dissatisfied with this. "According to my idea, we should open the hole a little bit wider for them. In this way, the situation will be better."

"Director, my chief, you can spare my little heart! I can't stand it! "

Even now, Guzhuang has been greatly stimulated! It is not so simple to say that the actual situation is placed in front of their own position, so that they have no way to adapt to it! We should know that these students are too young. What kind of performance will they have when facing temptation?

Don't talk about them young people! Even some of the tested old soldiers in the face of temptation, there are also rollovers! This thing has to be on guard! But the director should continue to let go of this gap? My mother! Let's spare these young students! Let them have less pressure in this respect!

In the face of Guzhuang's business demands, Ding Yu pulled his ear and said, "go ahead. After this assessment, everyone will pack up and go back to their respective homes! Go to your mother! The next training will be placed in the position after the new year. Generally, the arrangement is like this. In case of special circumstances, the training will be placed in the summer vacation! "

"Call now?" Guzhuang suddenly stood up, because the speed of standing up was too fast! Almost flashed his old waist, the director made this decision is really so some, too terrible! Let Guzhuang not even be able to own! If you really let this news out, it will be a disaster!

"Director, don't think about it any more? Is it too hasty to do things like this? " Guzhuang didn't know if his consolation would work, but it still needed to have a try! The director's opening and closing, really let oneself have so some unbearable, feel together with the director, at least three years less life!

"That's the decision!" Ding Yu's attitude is very firm. After soaking in mushrooms for such a long time, Ding Yu has already been impatient with this! If you can't go to the operating room, it's a kind of torture for Ding Yu. You'd better go to the operating room and be more quiet and calm! "Let the news out now!"

To know that Ding Yu is the chief director, Gu Zhuang really has no way to make this decision! Therefore, we have to report this matter to a certain extent. In the process of waiting for instructions, Guzhuang has made considerable arrangements for the eliminated personnel and has already promised to hold a small meeting for them!

From Guzhuang's point of view, it is quite risky for the director to do so, and the risk is great! But the above for this matter did not see will refuse! Because the matter is mentioned by director Ding, his opinions and ideas must be paid attention to! After all, the leader of this time is director Ding!

What's more, if we put them together, we can achieve considerable results, but this effect will not be so obvious. What's more, is director Ding's side? After all, director Ding still has a lot of things to deal with, which is not as idle as he imagined!

You can't just look at the surface of anything, can you? Director Ding needs to maintain a consortium of Nuo da. How can it be as relaxed as imagined? If director Ding really indulges, it is because the whole consortium will have other problems and conditions. This is absolutely unacceptable!

Time is not very long, Guzhuang got inspiration, his guess without any mistakes, the above agreed with director Ding's idea! After this examination, all the students will return! The school of the school, the work of the job, do not need to have any two kinds, look at their development in the next!Didn't director Ding say that? It's a mule or a horse. You'll know if it's a horse or a mule! In the future, these students will still return to the army! At that time, it will be one side of learning theory, while participating in the operation of practice, so the effect may be better!

The news was released at the first time, and the people or forces who got the news were not as calm as they thought. Even some people started to jump at this time. NIMA, only Ding Yu, could think of such insidious attention. Was this not intentional?

Before the small pepper thing, has leaked! Even now, some people have begun to investigate this aspect, and it is basically impossible to strangle them! However, it is not a bad thing to be able to restrain director Ding!

But how can director Ding make such a scene now! If we had known this, we would not go to make trouble about the little pepper. After the students like chili come out, we can think about it! Maybe you can catch one or two people in your own hands! Isn't that more beautiful?

Although we all look down upon director Ding and even hate him, we can't deny that director Ding still has considerable ability, especially in terms of the problems of the training personnel, no one has any influence on him!

What's important is that Ding Yu's tricks have basically failed us! Why do you say that? Director Ding sent these students back. After they went back, they basically couldn't make any so-called contact with director Ding. In this case, even if it was provocation, the effect was not so great!

What's more, when he was here earlier, director Ding's care and care for them was very loose. It was totally a kind of stocking. But after these guys went back, would it still be this way? It's impossible! When you think about it, you need to adjust it!

The so-called training, seems to be two words, but the actual operation, it is too much trouble! Even quite tedious, not to say a word or two can do it! What's more, Lei Mao has gone in! It can be said that it was thrown in! Even if it's a big family, it's not like this, is it?

What's more, Lei Mao still belongs to the kind of joint and several. He does not bear any major responsibility, that is, he is dragged down! In this case, Lei Mao's relatives and friends and so on, what kind of opinions and views will be on this matter, even without Ding Yu's help, they can already drink a pot!

Therefore, director Ding is a kind of damned bad, and also a kind of bad, immoral and smoking one! I will never beat you to death! It's not really that it's the kind of pain that makes your heart ache, but this heart is really not the taste! You didn't do that, director! A soft knife kills people, but that's all!

The meeting is held in a classroom, all the eliminated colleges are sitting in a serious position, but the mental state of everyone is not as good as imagined! Just kidding! Have come to this step today, see on the poor linmen a foot, is now eliminated! It's not a taste in my heart!

Previously, there were quite a lot of complaints, but we all know what happened in our hearts! Some of you can't accept your feelings, so you are a little excited. But this is not a debate? In other words, leaving sincere tears can solve all the problems, which is impossible at all!

"Stand up!"

Ding Yu looked at the many students standing there, but also made a salute. After sweeping the eyes of the people, he nodded his head slightly! "From the point of view of the truth, I'm a bit of an outsider. I'm a little envious when I see the logo on your body! I used to be proud to be able to wear these uniforms, but I also know that I didn't do my best

"Report!" After obtaining the consent of Ding Yu, the students stood up and said, "report director, what is the best standard?"

"A little bit more involved! I would like to focus on what the so-called best is here! Take you as an example. On the blackboard in your classroom, every two days, I will tell someone to hang different things. Some are battle sketches, some are war theories, some are military theories, and so on! "

After a look at the many students sitting below, "the assessment is almost all of these, you need to show it in the confrontation! You ask yourself, what have you done? Don't you see it? I saw it? Why didn't you write it down? And then do some extension? "

"This is the same as eating! I will never feed food into your mouth, you want to eat, that is your own problem! Because only you know if you are hungry! Excellent talents do not need supervision, because they will work hard and will not stop their own pace

The more intelligent the students are, the slower they are willing to play with their hands, I hope you are smart, but I don't want you to be too smart! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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