Many students are listening to director Ding's speech with an open mind! Only their own hearts are most clear about the role they play! This is really not others can force!

"Maybe in your mind, you think I am partial because some of the students I selected have not been eliminated so far? Some people say that I am deliberately favoritism? " Ding Yu raised his hand slightly, "it doesn't matter, whether you have the expression in this respect, it doesn't matter! Let me first talk about eccentricity. "

Looking at the students sitting there, Ding Yu said calmly, "Guo Kai was selected by me, which is almost the beginning of you. If there is no Guo Kai, you will not be able to do it here! But to say what I deliberately explained to Guo Kai, or Guo Kai, they deliberately excluded you! I think we can take this matter out separately. It's not just a matter of explaining to you, because Guo Kai's doing so violates the principle and must be severely punished. "

Another knock on the table, Ding Yu's face is also a little serious, "who can put forward this opinion, I can make the decision, leave him to stay! I do what I say! If there is anyone, please stand up! "

However, after waiting for half a day, no one made a statement in this respect. Director Ding Yu gave many students considerable time to think about it, so that everyone could recall carefully. In the process, did Guo Kainai, Zhang Piao and Wudong have any problems in this respect? But think about it, also did not find this aspect of the problem!

Not only did not have this aspect question, even in this process, Guo Kai also took the initiative to take out some teaching plans and other things, and even took the initiative to help everyone analyze, but how come not many people would listen to Guo Kai's opinions!

Why is this? You can come here, to a certain extent, are the favored children of heaven! They all have their own pride. Under such circumstances, how can they be willing to lag behind others? In addition, Guo Kai was just admitted to the military academy! What's the big deal? So we are very despised!

And the consequences of contempt? It goes without saying! Guo Kai, the harder they work! We are also more improper to do a thing, from the fundamental above formed a bad cycle, until today was eliminated! We have so many regrets!

Guo Kai, they have been working hard! Has been insisting, all of us are also looking in the eyes! Now the director of the initiative to this matter to the surface, you are not satisfied with it? OK! What are you not satisfied with? See if you still have that face?

"The commissar asked me to tell you about it. In fact, I don't think there is anything to say! Failed? What else to say! The so-called hero is not judged by success or failure! It is impossible for me to pass. On the battlefield, do you want to tell your enemy that heroes are not judged by success or failure, just bullshit! Or die! Or live! There is no other choice! I came down from the battlefield! This is the principle to be followed! "

Eh? Sitting in the back of Guzhuang, after listening to director Ding's words, I felt that I couldn't laugh or cry. It was too absolute! In this way, for these students, the impact may be slightly so big!

"Good! It seems that everyone is listening! Then I ask, is what I said right or wrong? "

What? Originally, everyone was still quite depressed, but no one thought that director Ding suddenly came up with such a sentence at this time. Is he right or wrong? Are you kidding? Is the transition a little too big?

"It seems that you can't be flexible at all. As I said just now, under the battlefield, there are preconditions. This is not a game of words. It needs you to make a considerable change quickly. Don't stick to the rules. It's no harm to stick to your own opinions. But it's a bad thing if you can't get out of the corner of a bull's horn."

The topic changed, "so I'm going to ask you again. My earlier statement about not judging heroes by success or failure is not acceptable here. Do you think it's right? It's still wrong! "

Seeing that someone called out the report, Ding Yu made a sign. For the debate of the students, Ding Yu did not refute it, but listened attentively. At the same time, many of the students below were also involved in considerable thinking! Such a thing has not happened in the past, but as we all know, this is the last time! So cherish it especially!

At the end of the summary, Ding Yu knocked on the table with his hand, which attracted everyone's attention. "This class was won by the political commissar for you. From my personal point of view, I am not willing to give you this class, because it can be three minutes of blood, and it will not play such a big role! If so, why should I waste this saliva and energy? I can do more meaningful things with this thing

"But the commissar has come forward! I need to give this face to the political commissar. It doesn't matter whether you will use waste or not. At least I don't have too much expectation for you, so I can't talk about any so-called disappointment! Last but not least, you are not three-year-old. Don't think that others will feed you on your own initiative. I'm not your father and mother. Even my son, I don't need to do this when I'm three years old! "Clap the table, the class is over! Waving, Ding Yu left without any nostalgia! But Gu Zhuang looked at Ding Yu who left, blinked his eyes and closed the notebook in his hand! The director is spanking his ass and leaving! But the "mess" left behind still needs to be solved! Otherwise it will be troublesome!

Even Gu Zhuang understood very well that the director's doing so was to give himself a considerable step. He had to follow the trend as long as he was on his side! It is not only able to close the minds of these students so simple, but also to get a lot of praise? It's hard enough, chief?

All the bad names are basically borne by the director himself! As for the so-called good reputation are given to their own, this EQ is also absolutely! The same gift is also to let their own feelings! It's really a blessing to be able to work with the director. With the director, I have learned a lot of things!

It is true that the director is very young, and sometimes quite willful! But in the overall control of the above, even in some details, do too well! This is their own clap! Putting the director in such a position is definitely a brilliant skill, but it is a pity that the time is too short!

In a short period of time, Guzhuang can be said to be thoughtful, but soon also took his diary book to the podium, gently knocked on the table, so that everyone can quickly close the spirit, the director can so to tell, but he can not take the same way! This is not allowed!

Standing on the platform, Guzhuang coughed slightly!

"What do you hear from the director's words? Satire? Ridicule? There is even some humiliation above to some extent! Is it? " Guzhuang didn't have too many taboos. He said things frankly, "but do you know? What did I hear? I heard the director hate you! I hate that iron is not steel

When he said that, Guzhuang slapped the table heavily, and the notebook on the table also jumped. We didn't really see how the political commissar lost his temper, so all of a sudden they all straightened up their backs? But after straightening up, I feel embarrassed. After all, this is not a glorious thing!

"Do you know what all the war zones, all the troops and even the whole military paid for this selection? It's very simple to know how many better officers and men in the army can't get such a chance. It's even a reason you never thought about, age

"How many commanders and soldiers can only look at and sigh, because of the seemingly simple reason of age, they are abandoned! You know what it means to give up? Even I, an old fellow, are weeping with tears in their eyes, because they have missed an opportunity to prove themselves and show themselves! "

"But when such an opportunity is naked in front of you, you give up so easily! In the eyes of many commanders and fighters, you give up the chance that you can't even have in your whole life! You don't care, because you think you are young! But I tell you! It is because you are young that you should seize this opportunity rather than give up so much! "

The more Guzhuang said, the more excited he was! Even if they can't do it by themselves, these students are carefully selected. During the whole process, through innumerable hints, they even want to explain things directly! But they still do not have any action, not even a little attitude above the highlight!

Their performance is really too disappointing! Even in the face of the final failure, they did not reflect on their own problems. Instead, they attributed the responsibility to the director, and some looked for problems from other aspects! How did you pick them out? What's more, their own political and ideological education work has made them feed dogs?

So now Guzhuang also said that the more you feel the atmosphere, even worse, it's just rude!

Ding Yu doesn't have so much time to pay attention to it! I've already set up this stage, and I'm waiting for Guzhuang to sing on the stage! As for myself, there is no need to stay to see how the play of the ancient political commissar is going on? It doesn't mean much!

If there is such a time, I will not look back to see how the rest of Guo Kai and the rest of them are doing? And Xie Yuan and his side? Hope they can have better performance, this is what I hope to see! But unfortunately, both sides did not give Ding Yu a good feedback, a little disappointed!

But when Guzhuang comes back, the time is really a little late! The canteen is already closed! Fortunately, Ding Yu still has this considerable stock here, so as not to make Guzhuang hungry! But Guzhuang is just angry! After giving the lecture to these students, I went to sort out the materials! There's no time to go to the canteen!

"Good fellow! Commissar! Even if you are playing in autumn, you will not be so cruel! Besides, it is not so good to eat at this time! "For Ding Yu's concern, ancient villa did not take a matter! After covering the instant noodles, they sat opposite Ding Yu. "They are really bad! They are all very young! But I don't know how to cherish it! Now I know I regret! Crying, but what is the use? "

"No?! Political commissar, they cry and cry. You don't have to run to me so far! Even if I want to be kind, it is not of any use! Things have been made quite a decision! " Ding Yu said a word with fun!

"You can't see this?" Guzhuang also laughed, although a bit embarrassed, but at this time also can not take care of the problem of face! It is necessary to say what to say! Don't give yourself, nor leave behind any so-called regret for these students, really give up! I will regret my life!

"You're all so obvious? And what else would you like me to say? " Dingyu said nothing about it, "but the political commissar, you do this, but serious violations! We all said it? You are a little bit of a rascal, but you are a little bit of a remorse! "

"It is not a rogue, I hope that the director can give them some so-called instructions, and if you can't give them a direct shot, you will kill them! Right? Or they'll really be ruined all their lives? The blow is a little bit big now! It's easy to stand up! After all, they are all young! This is a disadvantage, but it is also the advantage! "

Dingyu looked back at his body. "My old chief, your instant noodles are a little over fire! Eat it now! If not, I can't eat it in a while! " Ding Yu is considering the problem that Gu Zhuang said, it really takes some time, not to say that he will make this decision arbitrarily!

After a period of time, Ding Yu ordered his head at the ancient village. "Most of them are not suitable, even those who stay here are quite inappropriate! At least they don't fit my way! But all of them squeeze out, left to do some, it seems not so appropriate! Do you make dishes? I still need some soup! "

"Call them back again?"

"You can spare me!" Dingyu stared back, "what are you calling back? Make yourself angry, not so much need, OK? Personally, I think it is the opportunity to give them good performers to come to visit and learn how much. That is their own business. I don't interfere. Anyway, Suyang has this chili, isn't it

Well? Guzhuang's expression was slightly disappointed, and it was not suitable to consider it from the perspective of himself and even the military. However, it was quite open to the mouth to consider from the perspective of director Ding!

Anything is too much! Now director Ding has made quite a concession, and what else can I do? And director Ding has already given the words very clear! He didn't squeeze all the water out, it was for the face! What's going on? Must director Ding squeeze out all the water?

You know the people in that team? But the rest of the people, except shevchene and Rosie? That is, square and Yang Juan? But if they both participated in the assessment, can they stay? This matter really needs to see luck, at the same time need to see the director's mood! I'm in a bad mood. I'll kick you out and you don't have any reasonable place!

They stayed and believed they would make considerable progress!

But what about the rest of the team? Don't they say they're catching up with shevchuan and Rosie? Even if it is square and Yang roll two people, there are so many incomparable! This is the water director Ding said, but director Ding does not require too strict, in other words, can not always let Dean water!

Today, let Dean put some water, and let him put some water tomorrow. What will be the situation at the end of the day. Reach out for a while. All of them are water. That is really too sad! Even there are so many people can not accept it!

"OK! They will leave tonight, but there are other big plays today, as it looks? "

"Who knows? I hope to see one or two big plays. After all, this training is almost the same! At least now it should be a paragraph! At the end of this, if not a little special, always feel so some not too attentive! "What do you say?" the ancient political commissar

"You can pull it!" "The old villa did not mean to say," director, I found that you really see the excitement is not big, isn't it? It's all this! You expect to see something special! I wonder if you are really long hearted? I want to know that my heart is almost jumping out now! There is no control! "

"It seems that you lack considerable exercise in the political commissar. I don't feel much about this problem. It feels very good! Don't make a little noise, which means we waste a lot of opportunities! Beat the children in rainy days, and they are idle, aren't they? It is always necessary to find something for yourself to do! Otherwise, it feels a little empty! "

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