Ding Yu and Guzhuang two people look at each other joking, Guzhuang here to eat very fast, what stomach? You can't worry so much! After cleaning up the things by themselves, they returned to the previous position. The taste was still strong, but fortunately, the director was not so concerned about it! Oneself also muddle along!

"Director, these students? Previously, I was a little proud and even modest, but this time it taught them a great lesson. I think they will learn this lesson! Or

Talking Guzhuang, looking at Ding Yu with pleading eyes!

"No! My political commissar, what do you want? Is there anything else on my side? Let's get this thing over here! After all, it took such a long time to invite the people from the war zone to have a meal. They were quite reasonable. I asked the farm to arrange it, which was an explanation! Now if you're a good student! It's not easy to explain the future! "

"If you give them a place, they will be happy to stand you up!" For the director to change the topic, Guzhuang is not satisfied with this!

"What do you mean? Isn't this a typical curse for me? Stand up for me! " Ding Yu didn't really mean to be angry. "This is an impossible thing. Don't think I don't know. Yang Juan came out here! I didn't say anything. Now I still want a quota? What's the matter? Is our family a pig farm? If you want to pull one end of the way, do you

"That's it! I think this way is more acceptable for the theater side! "

"Can they accept it? What should I do? Don't make such a joke! This time the matter is over, I need to have a good rest for a period of time. Moreover, the follow-up problems have already made me have so much trouble! You still don't think there's enough of this job? Or what? " Ding Yu's voice is a little loud!

"If you don't think this job is busy enough, I can report to the CMC! Even if I don't have this qualification, can't I find someone else? You can relax! I'm sure you'll be satisfied then! What's more, it's the kind that you're satisfied with! "

"Director? I also have this aspect worry, they all gave to put back! Who knows what other problems will arise? After all, they come from all over the world

"Eat radish and pickle, have leisure!" Ding Yu snorted, "they must go back! And after I go back, I don't want them to be ancestors. I don't need a guy with eyes above the top! This is the test given to them. If I want nerds, I can find some from the school, isn't it better? Why use them? "

"But if you don't feel at ease, you can do as you please! But I think there should be a row in this area. After all, you are a political commissar. You need to do the work of co-ordination. Am I? Not so much thought! At most, I will send them a flyer! I don't know how much effect it can play?! It's hard to say

What does the so-called flyer mean! Guzhuang naturally understood it! But it is also because of understanding, so Guzhuang also has some worries! "Director! Is it too risky? You're not in town? There's no bottom in everyone's heart? "

"If you take risks, you can only settle them in this way. Are you sure you have to keep them in the greenhouse because of the risks. There are also students who always have to face them, sooner or later! No one can guarantee that there will be other aspects of the problem, you can't, and I can't! "

Maybe it is something that comes to mind. Ding Yu also told him, "in the old days, don't be presumptuous. There are some things that we should be villains before gentlemen. About them, you can't be like a nanny! I mean, after they go back, don't run around. They care about this and that. There's no need! It will also delay them. Don't be kind enough to do something wrong, otherwise the gain will be more than the loss! "

"Director, is this a warning?"

"Count!" Ding Yu's tone was very positive, "I don't worry about other people. It doesn't matter whether it's to attract people, or to suppress them, or to be strict with them, or to treat them with care."! These are what they need to face! It's also an assessment of them, but if you get involved, things will change completely! "

"I see! I'll hold on to it unless it's necessary! "

"Not seen?" Ding Yu couldn't deny humming, "I think it's a thing, but how to do it is another thing. What's more, I can bear the pressure, and no one can give me any more?! And I have always been my own way, but you are not the same! "

Obviously, Ding Yu is ready to give up again! This is also consistent with his consistent style! For the general above to do a control on the line! As for the details of the above questions, it can be said that they never want to ask!

After working with Ding Yu for such a long time, Gu Zhuang has the right to speak. Even in some so-called major events, the director does not have much to pay attention to! If anyone has this idea, go up! Make sure you have the chance to prove yourself, and there are many opportunities! The director has never been stingy about such an opportunity!To the director of such a leadership when the subordinate, is absolutely happy! Because when you take responsibility, there is nothing you need to do. When you only need to show your ability, you can stand and stand firm! There's no need to worry about the rest!

Can play their own! You can prove yourself! There is even a chance to go up! Who doesn't want it! But there needs to be a certain premise, that is, you need to show your ability, but on such a point, there are not too many people can get into the director's eye, it is really a very difficult thing!

"Let them leave together tomorrow? But Xie Yuan and their affairs are not over yet? "

"It's not so important to finish or not to finish. It's just a cover! It's really just a matter of time! " Ding Yu snorted slightly, not to say that there is no so-called beginning and end to Ding Yu's doing things. It is just a cover to let Xie Yuan and them to investigate something quite! One is to select the appropriate personnel to prevent other problems! On the other hand? It's also a deliberate opening!

As long as the goal is achieved! As for the joint ones? You don't need to put it in your heart. Everyone knows how it works! So when hearing Ding Yu say so, Guzhuang also nodded his head! "I don't know if it will stop tonight. I'm afraid it will be very difficult."

"Don't listen to your dallying! If nothing happens, I'll go back and have a rest! See you tomorrow Ding Yu is also a little afraid of his political commissar! I don't know what he will mention if he continues to stay. I really can't bear this. Since he can't bear it, then run quickly!

Looking at the director who left, he was a little embarrassed, but Gu Zhuang clearly knew that the truth was not what he had seen. The director just didn't have a common sense with himself! All the things to say have been finished! What should be reminded is also reminded! The remaining problem is how to do it yourself!

In the handling of the details, they do not need to let more! Even if it is the director to come forward, there is not too much truth to say, but if it is the overall situation, on this issue, I really can't compare! The truth is very clear! If you say you are still stubborn, it is intentional!

The next morning, Ding Yu still got up very early, but there were not so many students running morning exercises! A large part of them left last night! The rest will leave today! After less staff, we are also slightly nervous!

After all, the elimination is not complete, that is to say, there are not so many people left behind! Look at this meaning, it must be all the water in the towel to wring out, just willing to stop!

But for Ding Yu, it's not difficult! Because yesterday is just time, there are so some not suitable just! Otherwise, the equivalent work will be finished yesterday! There will never be any left over!

"I said," Kaizi, there are not many people left. Look at this posture, the number of hands is so exaggerated! "

"The number of hands? That's it Guo Kai and others, who have passed the trial, are also standing on one side of the table, talking about something in a low voice, "Lao Huang, what do you say? I haven't heard you all the time! "

"I'll just listen! I can't see anything for the time being! But this time the elimination of some too strict! I think there will be quite a lot of people left, but I didn't expect that they would not talk about love at all! All of them are open! "

"If you don't see it, it's real!" Guo Kaixin vowed, "we should know what kind of young we are! Under such a cruel hand? Will cause considerable influence, this certainly needs to consider! So there must be a lot of assessment behind this. If you don't believe it, you can see it! "

The others are looking at each other! "I hear the order has been given! Whether it is passed or not, all will leave tomorrow! Go home! Every mother? Good guy, I finally got together. Now I have to leave immediately. I feel this assessment is very interesting

"Lao Wu, you talk a lot! But you're good. You're on the same team as Zhang Piao! Two people are always a companion, and can check each other's deficiencies, brothers can have so many miserable! Alone! Think about it, there are so many who want to cry Come on! Also wiped the corner of his eyes!

"Stop talking nonsense! How reluctant you seem to say it! I don't think you don't give up your daughter-in-law, do you? "

This is also a kind of low voice laughter, after all, the mood is relatively relaxed, but the number of people is really so small! "Kaizi? Do you think our director is so relieved that we can go back? You are the primary school student of our director. You must know the news in this respect. Let us know a little bit about it? "

"The director didn't admit it, but I would like to!" Guo Kai sighed, in the face of these big brothers, he did not have too many ways, can he stop their mouth, impossible things!"But this time? I have a feeling that we have learned some things, and they are basically self-taught. To a certain extent, it is completely theoretical knowledge, but it is still difficult to say what role it can play? You all have a place to practice, I have to be more depressed! "

Ha ha! People are laughing again, why? Everyone will go back to the army! But is Guo Kai the only one? He needs to go back to school! It's a good thing, and it's not a good thing. It needs to be treated separately! But it's definitely a very interesting thing. We all practice it. He is good! Also need considerable theoretical knowledge!

However, we still envy Guo Kai to stay in school. Why? It's true that when we are in school, we all work hard, but if we want to say that we are really hardworking, there are some that are not counted! At least at that time, we missed quite a chance, and we didn't like this now!

It's like someone's holding a gun to his head, if you can't remember it! If you can't learn, maybe the next moment, the gun will be fired! That kind of feeling is really too seeping! But the effect is really good!

After going back, I still want to be able to maintain such a state, after all, the long march is just the first step! Just at the beginning, now I'm complacent! Waiting to be eliminated! You know, behind them, there are quite a lot of people looking forward to it! After all, no one is a pepper, is it?

As for the chili peppers? She seems to be a little different from before! We all see the relevant things in our eyes. She has made quite a change. Although it has not reached the standard in our mind, it is only the standard in our mind. If it is placed in the ordinary soldiers, it is not an excellent description!

As for the assessment side, there will still be eliminated personnel, and the number is also quite a lot!

As for the last remaining ones, it's just like what Guo Kai said! The one with less than two hands seems a little miserable! Even let people have a little sigh! Too poor! Just a few people!

The director held a meeting for those who lost the election! As for those who stayed? At most, it gave a list, let Guo Kai be responsible for conveying it! And then that's it! No explanation! This is quite surprising! But think carefully, it seems that it is really the director's style!

As for Xie Yuan, they are back! For them, they have experienced quite a lot of things, but they have also avoided quite a lot of things. But what are they thinking about in their hearts, I'm afraid only they themselves are most clear about it!

But the small pepper is to take advantage of packing things, directly found Guo Kai! This behavior really has the meaning of some shocking eyeballs! Of course, this is for the guards. For these cadets, they really didn't take it as a thing. At most, when they saw Guo Kai, they would just tease each other!

Guo Kai's things are not so many. They have been tidied up and packed! When I heard the knock on the door, I looked back. When I saw the pepper, I didn't have any other unexpected expression. I said, please come in!

When pepper looks at Guo Kai, his eyes are still very sharp. Maybe in Guo Kai's opinion, it is no big deal, but for pepper, the trauma left in the heart has not been solved! Even always firmly engraved there, let oneself unforgettable! When I see Guo Kai, it is especially strong!

"Hello, comrade Su Yang." Guo Kai didn't panic because of the arrival of pepper, and there was no dancing with hands and feet. For himself, xiaochili is just a lesbian, eh! From the selling appearance, it's good, but that's it! At least now, I didn't put it in my eyes!

"Hello, Guo Kai!" This appellation still has quite difference!

Guo Kai didn't seem to hear it! He just looked at him and said, "if you can, go to the military academy to further your studies! It has considerable advantages, which is the most accurate if it is not seen, but at least it can play a considerable role if you want to continue to develop in the army! Of course, if you don't want to, when I don't say it

"I can understand it as a challenge to me?"

"Provocation?" Guo Kai looked back, I really don't know where the pepper comes from! She was able to say such a thing, but Guo Kai didn't mean to argue with her. She didn't have much interest. So after taking a look at the pepper, she began to organize her own things!

Ever since, has been living here, now want to leave, how much so some reluctant to give up!

"What do you mean? intended? Or what? It won't be a guilty heart

After sighing for a while, Guo Kai again faced the pepper head-on, "I understand what you mean! From the current situation, there is not too much bad, and other seems to be of little use, I treat all students equally! You are no exception! ""I'm not seen in your eyes, right?" In the past, when I was talking about the capital, I didn't have my own way! Go some biased, but I will catch up later! I'll definitely show you when I get there. I'll remember you! "

"Well! I remember it

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