The more you look at Guo Kai, the more you feel that your hands are itchy. There is also his slightly immature face. You really want to add some color to it! It is true that my mother is not much older than him, but a big day is also big! He was so arrogant in front of my mother that he didn't even have to wait!

For the performance of small pepper, Guo Kai is very clear, the intention is too obvious!

"You must be on the list for the next training! I can be sure of that! Even believe in it Guo Kai was very calm and said, "but I say so, not because I have so much confidence in you, but because I believe in the director! I don't have much confidence in myself if I want to know the next selection of the group! But you are different! "

Su Yang is very impulsive, but it does not mean that Su Yang is really stupid! On the contrary, she is quite intelligent when she is not cutting corners, so she understands the meaning of the words at the first time!

The meaning is very clear, but also very simple! These students and seedlings will fight and fight for the list, even if they are their good friends! Also will not leave the hand absolutely, this also is one kind of respect to the friend!

What about yourself? There's no need to work hard at all! The direct one will be selected!

In comparison, on the one hand, they were selected through considerable competition, and on the other hand, they were selected? There is no requirement, you can enter the gate at any time! In this case, the pressure given is totally different! The so-called pressure is different, then personal performance, will be completely different!

Su Yang sipped his mouth! Eyes slowly become sharp up, "you don't worry, the next time I meet, I will definitely make you look different! As long as you don't hold me back. Maybe once or twice, I'm not as good as that, but I believe it won't take too long for me to let you know the power of it

"Ha ha! Drag your hind legs, although the list will be sent to my hand when it is said, but relatively speaking, I am in the military academy! I won't be responsible for the next thing! So you don't have to take it for granted! "

Things are already very obvious! So Guo Kai didn't mean to hide it! In other words, to tell Su Yang so frankly is to tell Su Yang clearly! The so-called competition, no one is afraid, even no one will shrink back! There will be no one who will make a fuss in it. These are not allowed!

But even so, you Su Yang still can't, say no is not! It's too far away!

Guo Kai has said so frankly! Su Yang can't understand, but it's because he understands! So Su Yang is very angry! This is already the case! Why is he so arrogant in front of himself!

I really need to let him see, my mother is not for nothing! I was able to occupy this quota! I don't have much to do with my family. My grades are excellent. That's not to say it's for nothing! Wait! There is no point in the so-called quarrel with children now!

"Kid, you wait for me, don't worry! I won't give you what? I know your heart is black, and very dirty. Don't worry, my mother will never be moved by it. I lost the last contest! To lose is to lose! But you're a tough guy. Do it again? "

"One more time?" Guo Kai took a look and shook his head, "there's no time. I'll have time later! I'm going to report some work later, and there are other things to deal with at the same time! "

"There is no time now, so let's go to the next training session! Don't worry, I will only let you know what is full face peach blossom! I won't kill you! I still have this sense of propriety! "

When I left the room, I looked at the orderly standing at the door and snorted. The orderly immediately saluted, no matter what? They are all officers. They are just soldiers! There's no need to worry about something like this? Who doesn't know, this little pepper is a big thorn?

But fortunately, this thorn will not stay for long! The order has come down! I came here to deliver a briefing to Guo Kai! Did not expect to encounter this situation!

But I can hear that little pepper has a lot of complaints about Guo Kai. Otherwise, when I leave, I will deliberately come here. I can't imagine what kind of contradiction there is between them. I can't say clearly!

"Report!" With a cry, Guo Kai stepped into the office and closed the door after the political commissar's signal. "Commissar, you want me?"

"I heard pepper came to you? Does she still look like that? "

"It has changed a lot. If it had been earlier, it would not have been as simple as getting angry. I'm afraid it would have been a long time ago! But this time, she showed considerable restraint and made great progress. She could see the desire in her heart, which will become her driving force! This is not easy! For her, at least, that's it"Su Yang, this little pepper! She still has a good foundation, but she has never played it out. On the one hand, it is because of the environment she is in, and on the other hand, it is also because of her family that she can't go up and down now. She still needs to find someone to stimulate her a little bit! "

"I can see that I still have considerable ability! The future can be expected! "

It doesn't matter. Anyway, it won't kill you, right? What's more, these are the most practical situations, and they are not deliberate flattery! Pepper is not here! There is no need to continue to suppress themselves! What's more, his continuous suppression of her is not his own attention and ideas! It's the meaning of the political commissar!

I just said something else for the commissar! To a certain extent, he is a black pot!

After listening to Guo Kai's words, Guzhuang also laughed with a little emotion! "You! It's different from the director at this point! But I can understand your mind, pepper distance from you are quite poor, this does not need to have any denial, but also need to see the advantages of her body! You can't always see her faults! "

"There are some shortcomings, but we don't reject it too much. It's just a pity that we feel it!"

"Yes! It's a pity to want to come now! She has not been able to cherish, even quite a number of students have not been able to cherish, missed too many things, but after experiencing this event, I believe that they will have extraordinary insights, which will urge them to grow better. In this regard, you Guo Kai, have made a great contribution

"Commissar, you praise me too much! I just did what I should do, and even a lot more should be able to do better! However, due to other reasons, it has not been able to meet the standard! I hope that we can get some correction in the future work and study! " Guo Kai's answer is a little serious!

"Yes, no pride, no complacency, very excellent!"

Because the director is not interested in this aspect, so the conversation can only be Gu Zhuang himself! And it also needs to be arranged according to the time they leave! For them to put forward some encouragement and requirements, I hope they can persevere and so on! These all need water to grind Kung Fu, not to deal with the matter can!

As for the director, why didn't he personally operate this matter? There are so many feelings in the heart of Guzhuang! If the director talks to them, some people will be very dissatisfied! The director is deliberately avoiding! What's more, these students are too immature!

If the director really talks to them, these students have never been able to bear such a great pressure! Of course, the director will give them a lot of motivation, but I'm afraid that few people can bear the way the director gives motivation, so forget it! If you come by yourself, you may be more secure! In addition, the director is not so interested in this aspect of the matter!

The conversation in turn lasted for a long time, and after the conversation, there was basically no rest, that is to say, not so many people stayed for the night! Basically go back to each home! Go to your mother!

The way to leave is top secret! We will never let the relevant personnel know that these students, whether they are eliminated or left behind, may become seeds in the future! Now they are all good children! Never let them have any problems and situations! So we must protect them well!

The next day, Ding Yu and Guzhuang invited the leaders of the war zone to have a meal together. They were in the canteen! Ding Yu transferred some things and things from the farm. The food was very rich, but it was a big pot of vegetables, and there was no wine to speak of!

"Director Ding, it's not interesting enough! Although you can't say it's your mother's home, it's your backup! When is it necessary for you, director Ding! But good guy! Leave two places for our war zone, and then return six! I have no place to put my old face! Shame

Ding Yu has learned a lot about these guys' shameful behavior! "I can't help it! Comrade commander, do you think I'm not biased enough? Right?! Two places! Isn't that Guo Kai? "

"How can Guo Kai be regarded as ours? He's in the Navy, not in this line! Director Ding, can this joke be played casually? I'd like to bring Guo Kai in, but the Navy guys have to fight with me? "

"So say it! In the end, two places! How many people are left? Plus you have six backup ones, that's enough! You know, because of this, my mother's side called early. When I called, I didn't even have the strength to speak! "

"Anyway, I grew up there! They can be said to be my real mother's family. Now there are only one quota and two reserved ones. There are so many things that I can't explain! "

Ding Yu said so, but also let everyone is helpless! I didn't expect that director Ding's Kung Fu is also quite powerful, so to speak! There are only three people in the family department over there. Are you here? Anyway? There are eight people! No matter the quantity or the quality, there are so many speechless!"Yes! You director Ding is very good! But director Ding? During this period of time, there have been quite a number of problems in the war zone! On this point, I, the old guy, will not have any evasion. If there is a problem, there is a problem. I can't hide the problem and find the problem! solve the problem! This is a manifestation of progress

"It has nothing to do with me! I have felt ashamed of nagging for such a long time! What's more, I'm not an active soldier anymore! If you are involved in this matter, what other problems will arise? I've been out for a long time. I want to go home! "

Ding Yu's painting style changes very fast! It's a bit of a surprise! However, it is not easy for people to ask for anything. Director Ding does not like lively occasions. He is leaving today! We were treated to a banquet, which is quite related to each other. This is quite an exception for director Ding!

"Director?! Although I haven't worked together for a long time, I've been taught a lot! "

After dinner, Ding Yu and Guzhuang walked together alone!

"Don't say that, if it's heard by the outside world! Don't know how to arrange me? Although I am not so concerned about this, but also not willing to listen! We can only say that we have learned from each other and made progress. I don't think I can understand some things about the military. It would be very difficult to do without an old political commissar like you! "

"Let's not flatter each other in business! I don't know when I'm going to meet again after this separation? " In this regard, Guzhuang very sigh! Working with Ding Yu, I am really energetic! It's not just because the training of these students is so simple!

"I'm a lazy person, at least on this issue. It's not good to interfere with anything, but I can't do nothing!" Ding Yu said a few words from his heart and said, "after all, the military affairs are not the same. We need to control the yardstick and discretion. Don't make things happen. It's the kind of big trouble that can't be ended!"

"I believe that the CMC will make correct decisions, and I also believe that things will gradually get better, but in the process, you may be wronged by director Ding!"

"Aggrieved or not wronged, I did not put in the heart of the above, can do their own contribution! As for the others? Don't have to put in the heart above, at least life or not too many problems! Do you think so? "

"Ha ha, director, you are more like a joke!"

"You may have to work harder in the future." At the time of separation, Ding Yu took the lead in extending his own hand, and Guzhuang also stretched out his own hand. Two people shook each other for a while, both of them were very heavy! There are so many exclamations! The cooperation between each other is very good!

But these students have left! There's no point in staying! Ding Yu takes the lead in evacuating. The office is clean and tidy. Along with the security, all the staff leave. Ding Yu leaves quietly, that is, he leaves with Qu he! There's no noise coming out!

Back to the farm side, Ding Yu did not feel that there were too many inappropriate! "Qu he! What's your plan? Do you want to stay here for a while or follow me? I may have to go back to my hometown. After all, the two children have been thrown to my parents. It's a bit too much! So maybe go back and stay for quite a while! And I'm not sure how long this period will last

"Director, you gave me a mouthful of food to eat, even gave me a continuation of this vein. If you don't drive me away, I will follow you!"

"Then you should stay for a while. After all, your Kung Fu is not home yet, but you can't always stay with me. If you stay with me, you will lose your spirit. At the same time, you also need to consider some of your own problems! There's nothing difficult to do here. It's human nature! "

What Ding Yu said is very practical, and there is no implication or cover up. It is better to speak out some problems and situations in advance than to hide them! In the future, there will be some problems and problems in this area. I will regret it later!

"Pick up Xiao Gang in the evening! Although I mentioned it to him earlier, I have to go back! After all, it's still a child. Qu he, you said that I was a little too cruel and merciless when I was an elder and uncle! Such a small child is still here alone! "

"Director, I don't have many books to read, and I can't say any great truth. Anyway, when my mother was a child, she was very strict. What she pursued was to produce filial children under the stick. There was not so much nonsense and no so many great principles. She couldn't tell her the so-called great truth! But that kind of mind, I just understand some now

Ding Yu nodded, "I understand what you want to say and what you mean! Children? Should let him eat more bitter, can not let him too enjoy, should let him have pursuit, have yearning! Set up a correct concept, so that you can become a talent! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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