Xiao Gang has already made considerable psychological preparations for uncle Ding Yu's departure!

Can't say that there is no sentimental, but also can not appear what crying tears situation? After Ding Yu's considerable education, he has already had quite independent understanding! Even have a certain world outlook! Values and consciousness! Such a thing is not enough to let him appear uncontrollable situation appears!

"Uncle, give my regards to my brother and sister! I hope you work well! I'm going to prepare the present

"Yes! Pay attention to your body and keep exercising. If you have time, I will come to see you with Xiaoyun and Xiaochang! But they are more likely to come alone! "

When leaving in the morning, Ding Yu and Xiao Gang said a word of comfort to each other! Wang Xiaogang went to school, and Ding Yu drove to the railway station, or did high-speed rail make it faster and safer! The speed of the car is a little slow, and relative to the high-speed rail, there are still some dangers!

Because it's not a holiday, there are not so many people on the high-speed rail, and there are still some empty seats. As for the security, it's not to say that Ding Yu's group is surrounded in the middle. If it is, it will be too low-level! It's the one that needs to be eliminated!

And Ding Yu is extremely unhappy about such a situation! Say a bad word, throw a stone down, there is no way to avoid, all around are blocked!

It was sitting in the seat in front of Ding Yu. From time to time, he stretched out a little fat hand at Ding Yu. It was not a bear child. The little guy was not very old, but it was very active. Ding Yu, who had been reading books, did not know where his interest came from. From time to time, he also played games with the little fat hand!

The strength of holding one's finger is enough, and if you grasp it, you don't mean to let go! It's very tender! It's really fun! After mixing with those soldiers for such a long time, he ran into such a little guy by chance, not to mention, it really made Ding Yu in a better mood! There are even some unexpected surprises!

But it's a pity that I got off on the way! Let Ding Yu quite have so many regrets, if only can stay for a period of time, good! But this is also very good, life is not satisfactory! nive out of ten! You can't do everything right, can you? Can accompany oneself to play for a period of time, oneself should feel satisfied is just!

When Ding Yu came back, the two children were not there. They went to school, not to mention the parents! They don't put all the center of gravity on the two children, but for Ding Yu? Basically, it's the kind of people who don't care and don't ask questions. Come back when you come back? It's not a big deal!

Ding Yu is helpless here, but the dogs in the house are very curious when they see the little one. The little guy is too small, and he walks so staggering that he even dares to stab him in front of them. You know, even the eldest one in the house will not be so bored, so he has two claws on one side!

Small four eyes for the new kid expressed considerable interest, such a scene for it, rare to see! When Qu he saw the big dog, he was not frightened. Good guy, he walked quietly. It seemed that it was not powerful, but it was a very different feeling to give Qu he!

"Director? How does this big guy feel a little different? "

It's not that Qu he talks too much, but he really makes himself feel a little bit of pressure. It's understandable to say that he doesn't look at himself with a straight eye. But when he looks at the director, he snorts, as if to say hello to the director, which is to give the director face! Such a situation, I really see for the first time, and I really opened my eyes!

"Just get used to it! At most, it gives face to two children at home. As for others? It's really not placed in the heart by it. It's the same for me to be more arrogant and arrogant. It's good to be used to it! "

Qu he is really knowledgeable! However, judging from the appearance of the little guy, he didn't have any advice. However, one of the dogs in the family is one by one. If you arch it casually, you need to turn several somersaults. It's not the opponent at all. Maybe when you grow up, there are still some possibilities, but are they there now? The Lord is still bullied!

If there are rooms in the hotel, you don't feel comfortable! You are free, but there may not be too much movement on my side. At most, I will go to the hospital to help you! "

"Director, I'd better go to the farm." Qu he didn't mean to stay, because there was not much security in the director's house. What's the meaning of staying here? Even if the relationship is close, it can not be like this!

Qu he has a very clear understanding of himself, and Ding Yu doesn't force him to do what he wants! However, I still need to prepare some food when I come back for the first day today! Call Mom and dad? They can come back to eat ready-made food in the evening! To be sure, they don't have the time!

I don't know if it was intentional? So Ding Yu can only do his best! Of course there are nannies at home! But nanny to start, with their own is two things! If Ding Yu doesn't start here, there's no need to say about the two children! But my father and mother there really can't stand it!But before Ding Yu gets busy, his mobile phone rings!

"I said director Ding? You're running away like this? Is it a little too lax? "

For his uncle's ridicule, Ding Yu said, without arguing or joking. I just listen to what you say! This is not the first time! I don't have other thoughts at all, as for now? What I want to do is to arrange what is good at night!

"I'm busy here? And prepare food for the children for the evening! After all, I just came back! They've been living with their grandparents and nannies all the time. It's a little hard to do! "

Ding Yu's tone is very plain, that is to say the so-called ordinary things! As for the hidden meaning conveyed in this is also very simple! Something's OK. The training has been successful! As for how the rest of the matter will go, this matter depends on the development of the situation, now ask? It doesn't make any sense!

For his nephew's attitude, Su Quan really does not know how to describe, say angry! There are so many who can't make mistakes, but if you don't get angry, his statement really makes people have so much fire!

"Well! I said it straight! We do not understand and worry about the situation, but other aspects are not good. If I call you directly, I will be arrested. I can only make this call to you! By the way, I'd like to ask you something personal! But let's settle the business in front of you first! I always need an explanation

"I have made it very clear! Since you don't know, I'll explain it again! " Ding Yu didn't show any impatience! "In general, things have begun to move forward! The selection of students is also a preliminary conclusion. However, it will hinder their growth if they are confined in a closed environment. What's more, they have learned quite a lot of theoretical knowledge, but they need considerable practice! This is the general situation! "

The explanation is very clear and clear, and even makes people have some difficult to say right! That's already the case? What else do you want? But out of his nephew's understanding, Su Quan felt that there must be something hidden behind this matter! But what aspects are involved, I have not found too many clues now!

Because everything seems too clear, I am afraid it is precisely because of this aspect, so all aspects have so many not too much feeling! You know that person is Ding Yu! When was he so straightforward?

No one knows what Ding Yu is thinking about, or how he arranges it! Under such circumstances, we don't know how to deal with it! You know, it's not like this for the professors of echelons! The information we collected earlier is of little use!

In a very uneasy situation, we need to explore! But personally, this matter or forget it! Don't embarrass yourself! Everyone knows that director Ding Yuding is a very bad person to talk about! What's more, it's easy to arouse the antipathy of Ding Yu!

In this case, we need to find a person who is not so easy to cause dislike and disgust. Suquan is a very good object, but we all know that it is not possible to pit Suquan! Still need to pay a considerable price, but such a price is worth compared with offending director Ding!

But Su Quan didn't find out anything from his nephew's mouth. He was always in such a situation. If you want to say something, you don't need to talk too much. If you don't want to say something, even if you break the sky, it's useless! Fortunately, Suquan is not so concerned about this! It's better to find out. If you can't find out, it's not your own reason!

"Your mother called me earlier and asked about you! I don't know how you arranged it? "

"I'm going home. After all, two children go to school here. I haven't even met the teachers of the school. I don't know much about the children. Generally speaking, I have to stay at home for a period of time! What's more, I can have a rest just because I'm tired from my previous work! As for Xiaogang, I have a lot of arrangements! "

What Ding Yu said was very complicated, but it was also direct. He blocked Su Quan's mouth! Don't you want to know? OK! I'll let you know! It's not something that can't be seen. That's what I did!

Get it! After hearing this, Su Quan understood what his nephew meant! Also know the situation of their own inquiry, a little so many, lead to their nephew's disgust! But this is really not my own meaning!

"Yes! I won't tell you more! If you have anything, call me. You can contact me whenever you want! As for the situation at home, there is no problem! That's it

There is nothing else to say! Su Quan is also in a hurry to button up the phone! I really doubt that my nephew has such a heart of stone. If you want to know that you are engaged in this business, you feel that what you have done is enough, but compared with your nephew, it is too poor!Ding Yu didn't have any feelings at all. He put down the phone and concentrated on preparing dinner. Everything was in order. Until the two children came back, the calm atmosphere was broken, and the two children were shouting!

Ding Yun is on his father's body, Ding Chang is not good there! That is to say, fortunately, Ding Yu's physical condition is very good, otherwise, I'm afraid it will be thrown to the ground at this time!

But calm down, looking at Ding Chang's hair, Ding Yu slightly twisted his mouth, "my God! What kind of head shape is this? Where did you get your hair cut? Have personality

"Hi!" Ding Chang couldn't help but fall on the sofa, with a helpless look on his face, "grandfather and grandma said that the boy should be raised in poverty, OK! Keep it up! Anyway, I don't have too much pickiness, but I was given ten yuan earlier to let me go out to have my hair cut. Otherwise, let the grannies on the farm be in charge! I don't know what to do

"You must have made a mistake!" Ding Yu will not be cheated by his own son! "I didn't have any conditions at that time, so I couldn't help it. But your grandfather and your grandmother won't be so ignorant! You forget that your grandmother is a teacher! I don't know what you're looking for

Hee hee! Ding Chang is also embarrassed to smile, originally thought this matter can cover up the past, but did not think or did not have such a chance, want to satisfy his father's eyes, is basically impossible thing! They also need to pay a considerable price to bribe Ding Yun. Why bother?

Ding Yun is also lying in Ding Yu's ear at this time, saying in a low voice what Ding Chang makes out! In fact, the reason is very simple. Although the little guy is not very old, he is very outstanding. In addition, his own conditions are also excellent. This situation has attracted many girls' minds!

And such behavior, also make a lot of boys dissatisfied! However, Ding Chang has never been a loser, and is still quite a Dark Lord. The things that make trouble are not big, but the impact is still relatively bad. Zhao Shuying is very angry, but beating and scolding can not solve any problems!

And the cause of this? Or because grandson is too good! So we have to think of a way from this point. It's really "anger turns into anger"! So I think of this hand, but this head shape is really not an ordinary embarrassment. Even if Ding Yu can endure any longer, there are still some people who can't see it!

"Dad, I've already apologized to my grandparents! But the responsibility is not mine! Yes! After it happened, some of my actions were too much! I've made a mistake! "

"So?" Ding Yu snorted, "let me tell your grandfather and grandmother, return the head shape?"

Have been waiting for Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying to come back! Ding Yu also did not promise this thing, but when Zhao Shuying saw her son, she also snorted, "ask your eldest son what he has done! Boy, I've been a teacher for decades, and I've really opened my eyes! "

"Asked!" Ding Yu solemnly nodded his head, "I think my mother's criticism is right! But mom, your way should be improved! It's a modern society! That's how you were when I was a kid! I don't know. I thought my head was bitten by a dog! Only when you know it, do you have the scissors? "

"Ah? Is there anything like that? " Zhao Shuying blinked her eyes. She didn't seem to think of it! Ding Yu is quite helpless about this. Mom, this is a deliberate default!

However, Ding Yun and Ding Chang showed considerable interest. Why? Did dad have this experience when he was a kid? In fact, both Ding Yun and Ding Chang are not so concerned about this matter, and even don't mean to put it in their hearts at all!

They've already passed that time! Not only is there no unhappiness, but also some fun! Now the reason to complain with Ding Yu is more of a coquettish psychology. Dad is back! You need to be close to your dad! And this way for them, is the best! It's also the easiest to accept!

"Look at you! Forget it again Ding Yu pretended to be dissatisfied and said, "if you don't believe it, you should ask Ding Ding Ding. Ding Ding Ding was always scared to cry at that time. She was always afraid that you would cut her braid! Every night when I go to bed, I hold my head with a towel! It's just a mental shadow! "

Everyone had dinner in the prank, and the nanny gave Ding Chang a new nod and cleaned it up! It's not a troublesome thing, and it's definitely better than the one outside! For nannies, this skill is an expert!

"Come back and stay?" The weather is a little cold, go out for a walk or need to do some special work! So Ding Lin also subconsciously asked, "look at your posture, quite like it!"

"The work in the provincial capital is over! I don't want to go abroad now, and I don't want to stay in the capital! It happens that the two children are also at home! So it may stay for a while, but it's hard to say what I'm going to do. If I make a promise today, I may change my mind tomorrow. I'm not sure! "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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