Ding Yu didn't accompany his parents out for a walk. This is their habit. It's not really their habit. It has nothing to do with whether they are tired or not! It's a matter of personal habits! There is no need to too much to force!

As for the two primary schools, Ding Yu didn't mean to disturb them. They had their own business to deal with, not academic, but Ding Yu didn't mean to interfere too much! However, the little guy ran to Ding Yu's footstep position and lay down there honestly. Obviously, it has not been familiar with the environment here!

Or just came here, was educated! Let it know that this is not a place where you can do whatever you want! I was one of my own before. It's no big deal. But obviously I'm back here. I'm not myself!

Ding Yu left here! Back home, but the problem is that the outside world really has different views and opinions on this matter! It was very noisy at the beginning, but then it disappeared! It is in line with Ding Yu's style, but is this thing too playful?!

We should know that these guys will be seeds in the future. We should put them back now, even the one we ignore. In this case, we are not afraid that these seeds will grow crooked? If it is really such a problem, Ding Yu will not be afraid to bear the so-called responsibility?

To know that these seeds can not be placed in the greenhouse, then in the future, it can only be Liu Adou! But put out, without any protection, on their own, can withstand the so-called wind and rain? Such things really make people have so some can not understand, even make it unclear!

However, no one can go to Ding Yu's heart to have a look. It's not to say that no one can see the form clearly. However, there are few people who can see this form clearly, even a handful of them. The more people can understand the situation, the more silent they will be and will not make any more judgments on this matter!

Director Ding Yuding, how to do it, of course, has his own reason. Now he speculates that director Ding doesn't care at all, but what about these seeds? It's hard to say what kind of influence it will cause!

You know, these seeds are thrown out directly? It is true that they are in the army, but the temptation they are facing will not be as little as imagined, or even more! And this kind of temptation may come from all directions, even from all over the world! Not only external, but also internal!

Who doesn't want to be able to put these seeds in their arms, are you kidding? Who said he came from your army? Can't we move to other units? Where has such a regulation? Take it out and have a look?!

As for the so-called conditions? That's better! What kind of conditions do you want? Just mention it! It doesn't matter! This is only internal, but also the most basic one!

As for external conditions? There are so many people can't imagine? What money! Beauty or other aspects, can these students be able to withstand corrosion? No one dares to make such a guarantee! If there is any problem with these seeds, it will not be described by a hundred dead words at that time!

And will the outside world allow such opportunities? Absolutely not! To put it in a bad way, even if it is to pay a big price, they will do so. If we let these seeds grow up, their impact will be too destructive!

Rapid growth of competitors? And they are just walking, it is true that there is a considerable gap between each other in the original time, but this gap will be closer and closer, which is absolutely unacceptable!

So the outside world's hand is bound to be!

What's more, they are not Ding Yu's students now. At least they don't have this mark on their bodies. If they start to do it when they have the engraving on their bodies, the nature of the matter will be totally different! Really can't bear the pressure of Ding Yu!

Now Ding Yu has no news here, but the forces behind these seeds are more anxious than others! Why? Sure, they're all back! But what should be done next? As if nothing had happened? Or wait carefully? Seems to have quite improper!

The meaning of director Ding's letting them back is not to let them become flowers in the greenhouse, but to make them absorb nutrition again and grow fully! And need to let them face the wind and rain! It is true that this is a great risk, but if you can really grow up, the future is really not as simple as can be expected!

And whether it is eliminated, or not eliminated!

After I came back, I also showed you what I learned there. It's not that they can run and jump now! What kind of improvement in physical fitness? These are basically not much change, at most can keep it, but in other aspects of the performance is really eye opening!

The improvement of the quality of knowledge, it is a kind of rapid change, what kind of level they were before, we really can't be more clear! They're soldiers under their own hands, aren't they? If you don't understand it at all, it's a bit outrageous!But how long has this been out? How can we master so many things? Of course, the situation of reciting things like this doesn't appear. That's too exaggerated, but in-depth understanding can still be achieved! Basically speaking out!

What's more, these knowledge is not only related to military affairs, but also involved in other aspects, and even some of them are seriously over class! So much knowledge, if placed on the body of an ordinary soldier, three years may be exaggerated, but one year has not been able to have much effect, but how long have these talents gone?

Knowledge of military theory! The mastery of high-tech knowledge and so on, is definitely not to say that it is on paper for military use! But in order to be able to better in the actual use of considerable! This is probably the main reason why Ding Yu put them back!

An excellent officer, let alone the rest! But we must have rich knowledge and accomplishment! In particular, modern officers need to master more things! Because the modern war is not only limited to the land! And the ocean! The sky, even outer space and so on!

You don't know, you don't know, then you can't understand! That is to say, you can't be an excellent officer. You should know that a unit is composed of soldiers, but these soldiers are made up of officers! They are a good connection between the commander and the soldiers! It is an important framework that cannot be lacked!

But such excellent officers can not be trained in a day or two, nor can they be baptized after going to military academies! If that would have solved the problem, it would have been the world's number one! Why wait until now?

"Guo Kai?" Guo Kai was also called to attention, and then made a salute! "This is your learning list?"

The list is placed on the desktop. After reading these things, it really makes people feel numb. You should know that they are also teachers. It is very clear that learning is a step-by-step process, rather than filling in the blanks can solve the problem! Do you know the most taboo of learning? It's duck stuffing!

"Report! This is the learning list in the process of training! But there are quite a few things are not written! I've noted some below! " Guo Kai is very calm to return to say! "Because learning time is very short, so we need to extract its essence in the shortest time to get rid of its dross. It takes a lot of judgment! If you can't master these contents in the shortest time, you will be left behind by other students! "

"What does the so-called" pull down "mean? I didn't see your assessment results!"

"The so-called assessment is almost Elimination! There's no written assessment! The director said that those things are formalism, which is very good to deal with! " Guo Kai didn't mean to scare people with Ding Yu's name. It was just a plain expression! "For example! We are taught to add, subtract, multiply and divide. The simplest thing to examine us is the four mixed operations. If it is a little bit more difficult, it is a few yuan several times equation! That's what it looks like on the whole! No one is going to teach you! What is the process like? You need to learn by yourself! Ask! Even discussion! If you can't keep up, you will be eliminated! There is no face to talk about, and there is no reason to speak! "

After hearing this, the two officers had a lot of swearing in their hearts! Why do you say that? Are you kidding me? After teaching subtraction, addition, multiplication and division, we started four mixed element calculations? Why don't you do calculus?

And it doesn't give any time and space to think! Too much pressure on the students! Such a way for ordinary students, is simply impossible! It's not a real thing at all!

"Guo Kai, can other students adapt to this?"

"There are still some who can adapt to it! And there are other aspects of different performance, I can be a little better, because I just finished the college entrance examination, things have not been thrown down, so it took a considerable advantage, but there are many places very difficult, I have not read too many military textbooks and books! It's been pulled down a lot! "

"But what I have mastered is theoretical knowledge, without any practice! Therefore, the understanding of them is not so profound, and other colleges are excellent at this point! "

This is the most practical situation! Guo Kai's theoretical knowledge is very fast, but fast learning does not mean that he has mastered this knowledge. On the contrary, the fastest group of people in the front-line army are absolutely the ones who have rich experience in this field! In other words, they may be a little bit worse in theory, but their practical experience is incomparable!

In turn, learning theory can speed up their integration! So when the final results, on the contrary, they may be better! But even so, Guo Kai also performed very well. This is not only his talent, but also many other reasons!

"I heard that the conditions there are not so strict! Even easy? "

"Yes! Management is not very strict! Even the kind of indulgence, completely depends on whether you are willing to! No one will stop you, and no one will go back to force you! If you want to train, they have the best combat personnel to accompany you! One of the best troops in the world! If you want to consult, you can even connect with the best professors and scholars in the world! But all the premise is, you want to! Instead of thinking for youYou think? Instead of thinking for you? The problem itself is so big!

What's more, the actual combat is accompanied by people, and they are also the most excellent troops in the world. They are definitely the best on the battlefield! Being able to survive is absolutely God like existence! If it is not God like existence, basically can not walk down the battlefield!

As for the most excellent professors and scholars in the world, what they teach is totally touching on the fundamental things. There is not so much hiding and not so much concealment!

Such resources, even on the school side, there is no way to meet! It's not that I don't want to, but I really have no way! Lack of this force! This from the essence, already reflected quite difference!

"Guo Kai, do you have any requirements for the next study and life?"

"Report! No! " Guo Kai answered fluently and happily, "I'm just a member of the school! Come here is to learn, not to enjoy! I will strictly obey orders and organizational arrangements! "

A very pleasant answer, but also a very correct answer! The school is particularly satisfied with Guo Kai's answer! If Guo Kai is really a thorn in the head, they are really not easy to do? Why? Guo Kai came straight to the Navy at the beginning! You know, the army and the air force have not yet let go!

If Guo Kai has been wronged here, or there are other situations, the school will feel very big! But after quite contacting with Guo Kai, I found that the situation was very different from what they imagined! Now Guo Kai is an excellent soldier and even a sapling of an excellent officer!

The only one of his outstanding students is that he is bigger than all the other students in four aspects! To be able to stand in these seed students, it is not enough to describe with the pride of heaven! Is there really no pride in his heart?

If he really shows his pride, what should the school do? And what about his classmates? These are all problems that need to be faced! But now we find that we think a little bit more!

Fortunately, I had a good communication with Guo Kai before this, otherwise I would be embarrassed at that time! In that case, the joke is really a little big! It's not embarrassing, but it's hard to be seen!

The influence of Guo Kai's return to school is not so great. It is true that the Navy attaches great importance to Guo Kai, but it does not mean that we need to take care of Guo Kai like a child! It's not like that!

However, among the students, Guo Kai's return has caused considerable discussion and influence!

Because from the beginning of school, we all know that they have such a classmate named Guo Kai! However, I have never come to report. It seems that I have participated in some special training, but what is it? No one knows!

And this is not known, but also particularly attractive, even let people feel that there are some mysterious!

But today Guo Kai came! We really need to have a good look at this male classmate, who is sacred? But it's a pity that everyone knew that this classmate was coming! But it's hard to see real people now!

After all, military academies must be different from ordinary colleges and universities! Everything is the standard of the army! There are not too many two!

However, in just two days, Guo Kai was integrated into the team. The speed of the team was so fast that the students didn't think of it, and even the school didn't think of it! Why not feel a little strange? What's more, the students in the school didn't show any sense of exclusion? This is not the case!

We should know that for any stranger, we can't just meet each other with heart and stomach! Will certainly maintain a considerable distance, mutual exploration, and then slowly contact! distinguish! In the Military Academy side, this will be particularly obvious!

But Guo Kai is a good guy! Came to the school side, that is, three days time, to be exact, less than three days time, good guy, directly came a thorough! But the problem is that Guo Kai is not an extrovert! Under such circumstances, he even has such a performance, it really makes people have so some can not understand!

"Commissar, this is a report from the Naval Academy. They are very puzzled about the situation. They have known about the situation with some students. They can't tell why! But he was afraid that Guo Kai would be affected, and there was no in-depth investigation! "

Looking at the report, Guzhuang snorted, "what's so rare? You think that behavioral psychology, and behavioral analysis! Micro expression! Micro motion and other things, he is learning for nothing! For him, it can't be simpler! It may be worse to deal with other people, but there is no problem in dealing with these new students! "

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