"Commissar, how can things be restored? The Naval Academy is still waiting for news. "

"They're stupid, and you're stupid? They pretend to be stupid, do you follow them? I didn't want to understand before, but I still don't understand now! What's more, who are we? How to manage the students of naval academy? What qualifications do you have? What do you think? "

Guzhuang was very dissatisfied with a glance! Such a simple thing can not see clearly, how to make it? Why are the people below so stupid? Even such a simple thing did not understand! However, the Naval Academy is really a little cautious. There is no problem in paying attention to our own side, but if we interfere, we will touch the bottom line of the director!

Such a thing can't be joked about! Prone to big problems!

There is no response from the Naval Academy, but they also know what happened! Heart is also big set! For Guo Kai's performance is more and more satisfied, not to say, for his future, also has a considerable expectation! It's really a good seedling! In the future, I will certainly become an excellent ship commander!

Come to the college these days, the performance is particularly outstanding, and led to a considerable number of students! I'm not afraid that you are competing with each other, but I'm afraid that I haven't found the right direction, and Guo Kai is the best benchmark. I don't even need the teacher to point out something deliberately? Sometimes it's just a word, a look, and you'll understand it immediately!

There are not too many students like this, even if they want to have another group! Don't talk about late reporting. Even if it is a few days later, there will be no problem. Even if we give some so-called special treatment, it doesn't mean we can't do it! But look at Guo Kai's meaning, he seems to have a little antipathy to this! I'm strict with my own requirements!

It's not only Guo Kai, but also the performance of other seed students after they go back! It really makes people very happy, with the change of time, their performance will be divergent, and this divergence will bring some good effects, this for the overall progress, plays a particularly big role!

We all know that director Ding Yuding has two brushes when he comes out of the school. However, hearing is not enough and seeing is believing. This time, we are really seeing. It is quite different! Even extraordinary!

But when pepper goes back, it's not as easy as you can imagine! BINGTUAN for the performance of small pepper can be said to be particularly dissatisfied! How does Guo Kai compare with her? It's enough to make her drink a pot of it!

Previously, on the other side of the war zone, pepper was under tremendous pressure! Around Guo Kai and others, let small pepper even breathe, there are so some difficult to do, let alone mention other! As for the blow suffered at that time, let alone mention it! Now think of it, it is still a nightmare!

As for the punishment and education after coming back, little pepper didn't take it as a thing at all. In the process of introspection, she performed very well, reading books and computers! Access to information, familiar with notes, exercise and so on! I will get up at four or five o'clock in the morning, and I will sleep until more than ten o'clock in the evening!

The original time, small pepper still rely on the power of the family, there are so some wanton, but these things come back, although said that she was not locked up, but also ready to cold treatment of her for a period of time! But now, the situation is so different from what they know! Very different!

As for the other two? They're not as good as pepper! Not even much comparability! If we say that the pepper is a fake, but this is a little different! Two days a day may be too many problems, but how many days has this been back? She is still in such a state!

After chatting with two male comrades, they found the pepper!

"Comrade Su Yang, we have received the notice. This is a list for you! There are no requirements mentioned above, even a few very simple questions! But the other two of you have very different answers

"Report!" After Su Yang made a salute, he took over the list and looked at it carefully. After reading it, he also shook his head. "I still need to verify the contents involved in it. Now, it can't be fully verified! It's going to take a process! "

"It's just a few simple questions. Why are your answers different! We do not have any meaning of doubt, nor any meaning to explore! I'm very curious about this. If there is any problem involved, you can have a reservation The officer sitting there said it seriously!

"It's not about this! Everyone has his own different interpretation of the problems inside! Different interpretation means different entry points. If you want to control the entry point well, you need to have considerable knowledge and knowledge. These are backup things. No one will take the initiative to investigate for you. You need to verify it, learn from yourself, and even master it yourself! "

"Everything is up to you?" The officer asked in surprise!

"You can also ask! At this point, there is no problem! You want to ask what kind of questions you can, there will be a considerable number of people to answer! In the previous training, we had a lot of deficiencies in this aspect, and I learned about it later! ""Did you know that later? Is it because someone rejected you? I've read some information about you. In the process, I heard that Guo Kai had quite a few opinions on you. How do you evaluate Guo Kai? "

When hearing Guo Kai's name, little pepper is also angry, which makes some people in the other room not help brightening their eyes, "Lao Su, your girl can do it! That's a little bit of fun! "

"Report, I have a personal grudge with him, and there is no business problem! To let me evaluate him, I feel that I have so many not qualified, but really want to say, the genius! It's very powerful. I heard that he was specially selected by the director. They are not exclusive in that circle, but if you want to enter them, you must keep up with their progress! "

"You can't keep up?"

"Can't keep up with it!" Although some do not want to, but the small pepper's answer is still very positive!

"Even if it is forced to keep up! Also does not have any effect, the final result and the end will not be very good! If forced to follow, may be dragged to death! To be frank, you are tired to death! I've seen this situation, but I didn't understand it at that time. What other problems did they have? "

"Dragged to death? Or are you tired to death, didn't you hear that your training intensity is very high? " In this regard, some people expressed doubts!

"It's not for the sake of training. During the training, no one pays attention to the training. If you are willing to train, you can do whatever you want. If you don't want to train, no one cares about you! The so-called drag to death and tired to death, refers to other aspects, such as to tell you about the 50-60 semi-automatic rifle, and then let you design an automatic rifle! If it is faster, it will take three or five days to submit the report, and if it is slower, it will take a week! "


This report is forced to be handed in! No one to urge you, you hand in the report, there will be a detailed reply, give you considerable guidance and training, but this is also because the report has considerable weight or outstanding place! If it is perfunctory, no one will pay attention to you! This is just one of the courses. Sometimes there are five or six such classes a day

"You can't listen, you can go to the training ground, no one forces you! As for your forced stay, then the final result may be unable to bear, and finally be dragged to death! Tired to death! I can't keep up with this rhythm! "

Not only the people in the room, but also the people outside the room! Nima's, this one is for training. Some of them are too funny! It's just the wrong kind! It's too cruel!

"Comrade Su Yang, has Guo Kai finished it?"

"I don't know the specific situation. The people in their circle are more united! For those who can join them, they will be very welcome, but there are not too many people to join them! But I've been in touch with some of them, Rosie! She doesn't have it all! Some of them are mastered, but some are not enough! "

Hesitated for a moment, capsicum continued to say, "but although Roxie is one of them, she still belongs to the object who was escorted in the end. She didn't take part in the examination. I heard that there were not many people left to participate in the examination!"

"Old Sue! I found that we seem to have misunderstood the child! The three of them are still too young, although excellent, but not too much experience! Also do not have too much experience, such high pressure for them, if they can not find the valve in the first time, it will really explode! What's more, it's the kind that doesn't exist! "

"Or is she not good enough?" After all, she is my daughter. What can I say? The nature of the Corps is very different from that of other troops! My daughter, I can also be regarded as one who knows the root and the bottom. She is excellent enough, but her knowledge is poor! But this time she should have received a considerable education!

"You can't say that or look at it like this!"

"I've seen the situation of Su Yang these two days," said the man next to him! I've seen the other two children too! My God! I feel that my scalp has some numbness, this is not only to go to Beijing to take the exam so simple, involving considerable knowledge and knowledge, too complicated, important people have no one to force you, this is the most difficult! It's also the most frightening, even frightening

"Yes! No one is pressing you! Everything is up to you! "

"Everything depends on ourselves. It's easy to say, but it's really difficult to do it in practice! It's even hard for people! Especially for Su Yang and his young people, this is even more so! The process can not appear a little bit of problems and conditions, even if the veteran, there are not too many can bear to live! Too much mental pressure

"That's what it says, but why did anyone succeed? It has nothing to do with probability. We all know something about Guo Kai. It's just a child! And the one that hasn't entered the school yet! Under such circumstances, there is such a performance! " Finish words, heavy sigh a sigh!The so-called people than people to die, goods than goods still! It's true! Look at Guo Kai, and then look at Suyang and the three of them! Relatively speaking, after returning, Suyang's performance is still better than the other two goods to some! But whether the corps or Suyang's father, they have put on a lot of things!

"But old Sue! Anyway? It all played a pretty good part! But if it is true, it is not suitable for the army? The quality and quality of the individual is too high! Even the high one, there are not many people who can apply to such a way! For them, it's not progress, it's destruction! "

Su Chen thought for a while, also slightly nodded, obviously for this statement, also agree!

The whole selection and allocation is not to say how cruel and unbearable, and there is no relationship with this, even the whole selection and dial is very harmonious, very easy, and even the same process of continuation! The difficulty is the process! No results can be seen even for a long time! This kind of blow? The mental pressure on the individual is too great!

"But from another perspective, the effect is still very obvious, and it can have a considerable driving effect! And this kind of driving effect may be no more! Because all of this is in front of you, you can see! In the barracks, they are young and vigorous, and no one is willing to fall behind! "

"It's also a good thing, but it also requires considerable guidance!"

"But old Su, Suyang still has a good performance! There's no need to criticize! If it is you, can you bear such a great pressure at this age? It's hard to say! The spirit is not broken! It's worth praising! You know that's director Ding, not anyone else! "

Suyang's father blinked his eyes. "I and director Ding have passed the phone, feeling very modest! I have no pride in speaking, even a little bit of straightforward. Anyway, I am an old man in front of others, which should be a kind of white gift. As for the director Ding, I can not remember it in my heart, it is hard to say! "

"That's a bit too modest! Don't say that first! It's good to do Suyang's work well! I hope she can take on this responsibility! The ancient political committee also called deliberately before, and praised Suyang's toughness! "

This matter old Su really knows, also has done quite a communication between each other! Because this is related to some subsequent training of Suyang, Guzhuang can not personally appear, so it can only give you some reserved opinions. After all, director Ding doesn't mean to stand out at all on this issue!

Since Dean didn't mean to stand out, then things would only come and take over by himself, but it was not that no one else wanted to take over, but after thinking about it, he gave up!

Because who also does not know Dean's heart is exactly how to think? Moreover, it is very good for Guzhuang and Dingyu to cooperate with each other, which needs to be considered too! Can not ignore! If the ancient village is replaced, the following people can not follow the steps of director Ding Yu Ding! It's not easy to step on thunder then!

Then, no need to dingyuding director hands on, behind these forces will give you tear apart!

Anyone can squeeze the location of the ancient villa! As long as you have this ability, you can live in town! Everything else is easy to say! But if you don't have this ability and can't live in town, then I'm sorry! Not only you, with your forces behind the same bad luck! Even those students will have problems!

This also leads to considerable consequences, not to say that no one wants to replace, but basically is a bottle of water less than half a bottle of water Bang role, even other people can not pass, more than Dingyu this side!

Don't see Dingyu is now nest on the side of his hometown, the door is not out of two doors, but does not mean that Dingyu really has no sound! You know that all of these students are brought out by Dingyu! Even the strength of them is Dingyu to choose out! Except Ding Yu, no one else came up to be useful!

So now the ancient village is very stable in this position, and everyone also gives the same cooperation with the old villa. Because the ancient village does not occupy this position, it means that it is not at all! At most, it is to count some aspects of the news, or to understand the situation!

And this kind of understanding, to a certain extent, is not the kind of face-to-face understanding! There are some obscurities! There must be a director Ding in this, but the ancient political committee of Guzhuang must have his own ideas!

"The work of the ancient political committee is not good, how many eyes are staring at it! But these things are all good to say, they must be well cared for, can not let them appear other problems, this problem is very serious! "

"Hard!" Old sue is not so optimistic about it! "We can't circle them, we can't even let them develop. In such a case, there will be quite a mistake! And this is something that Dean and the ancient political commissar think about. ""Isn't it too cruel to train like this? They are all young plants

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