We can't contact Ding Yu. Can we contact Guzhuang? Seems to play a role is not as big as imagined!

Why? Does this matter need to be explained? Although Ding Yu is also in charge in the war zone, it seems that he is not in charge of affairs at all. It seems that all the things are handled by Guzhuang! He's in charge!

But those who actually know it know it! Ding Yu is the one who really has the right to decide! Director Ding just doesn't need this reputation! So I gave this to Guzhuang ancient political commissar. Otherwise, even if the ancient political commissar could hold that position, he would never have such a reputation today. This is all set off by director Ding Yuding!

Therefore, Guzhuang ancient political commissar can make his own voice, but he will never leave director Ding aside. What a joke? Everyone knows that this is impossible! Since it is impossible, then there is no need to find yourself what so-called uncomfortable! It doesn't make any sense!

Since director Ding has no intention to care about this matter, let's deal with it by ourselves! Director Ding is really able to calm down and put it on other people's bodies. It's absolutely impossible to sit so smoothly now! Who can be so calm?

Every other week, there are still a lot of children coming to the farm. Everyone is in high spirits. Ding Yu leads the team in person. Don't let his father and mother lead the team! If you let them lead the team, I don't know what the situation is, but even if it is, I can't hold the interest of my parents!

Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are familiar with their grandson and granddaughter. Even some parents are still Zhao Shuying's students. They can see that their students have children! This feeling is really different!

Let them come here is not to work, but to let them have better understanding and observation, but also have considerable insight and understanding! There are even experts on the scene to do a considerable explanation! Let them realize that the current agriculture, is not completely manual operation, has entered a considerable modernization!

What these children did not expect is that agriculture can be operated in such a way. This attention makes them have a subversive cognition of traditional agriculture. In their impression, farmers should be earth bumpers, facing the Loess and facing the sky! But I thought that the high-tech industry is not inferior to other industries!

"Science changes the world!" Ding Yu was very patient to communicate with everyone and said, "the so-called science changes everything! It's not out of thin air! But how did science come from? It's not that you just think about it. How do you think about it? And how to achieve it? Systematic learning is the most convenient! That's why you should study hard. Don't you study? How to master the science

"Uncle Ding, is it easier to drive a car?"

"Is it easy to drive?" Ding Yu couldn't help laughing! "Well! Let's show you how the so-called driving is? Is it as simple as you think! "

Soon someone showed the kids the farm machinery and vehicles, not just the steering wheel! How could it be? If so simple, how can we still need professional assessment?

"There is no denying that there are some vehicles, with the evolution of technology, showing a fool like operation, but you need to carefully consider other issues. If you think like this, it means that other people will think like this! Maybe 20 years later, the people who fight for this position will be more exaggerated than the civil servant's examination. What advantage do you have then? "

"Of course, if you say you graduated from mechanical manufacturing, no matter what kind of experience you have, I think you will enter the next round. Why? It's not that you have this diploma, but because you have considerable theoretical experience. You only need to let you operate on the farm, and you will have practical experience. If you combine the two experiences, your future will be expected! "

Ding Yu explained the truth very easily! It's not a unilateral emphasis on what? This is totally ignoring the growth of children! It's not what Ding Yu expected!

At noon, we are dining in the canteen. Compared with the school canteen, it's really too good! After all, there is no comparison between the school canteen and here! The nature of each other is completely different!

In the afternoon, Ding Yu let these children start to operate! Pure manual operation, which is completely different from the previous mechanical operation, did not have a long time, we began to complain!

We should know that when we clean the school at ordinary times, we all try our best to escape. Now do these? It was fun to be curious at first, but now? It's another thing!

But take a look at Ding Yu, uncle Ding, and Ding Yun and Ding Chang. They don't even mean to be happy! This is really a few people can not understand! Is it really that fun? No feeling!Kedingyun and Dingchang can stick to it. If they throw the tools to one side now, will it be a little too embarrassing? What's more, there seems to be shooting nearby! It's really a shame, even a kind of home!

Looking at a group of children, Ding Yu felt a little funny, this time can be regarded as a pit for them! When you run this way in the future, you must think about it carefully. Is it coming? Or not? If you come, when is the most appropriate time to come, and if you come, try to go to the paradise, not here!

Finally, at night, people are also a shock of sorrow, that is, when we take a bath, we are very happy! We are soaking in the hot spring, the temperature is not so high, but to the greatest extent, relieve the fatigue on the limbs!

There was a bit of sadness before, but now? The spirit of the head is up again! Even the equivalent of the child is also the performance of a little excited! However, the muscle on Ding Yu's body is the most touching! Let many children's eyes are not from light up!

It's not an imaginary muscle block! It's not the muscle man on TV. I feel the muscles on the body are horizontal, and the whole body has some deformation, which makes people feel very disgusting! It's totally the one that doesn't get in the eye!

Ding Yu uncle Ding's body muscles give people a feeling is very eye, not cable big chest muscle, just look slightly obvious! There are also abdominal muscles, which are obviously eight pieces! It's really not the general admiration!

"Uncle Ding, my father is a big belly?"

"It's good to practice more at ordinary times! And you can't be lazy! Under the present situation, the main reason is that there is not too much time! I need to work during the day and come back at night. I have a lot of things to do at home. Under such circumstances, it seems a bit unrealistic to still want to exercise! "

"Uncle Ding, can we be the same as you?" Other little guys are envious of Ding Yu's muscles!

"It's not recommended that you start exercising now! What if you've all done it? What shall I do? " Ding Yu made a joke, and then explained, "now you can run more and play basketball. It's better if you want to do more running and playing basketball. When you are in high school, you should keep a good physical fitness. If you want to exercise, my personal understanding is better when you are in college! You are exercising now. It's not good for your physical growth. What's more, it's very important. You can't hold on to it! "

Ding Yu said is the most practical situation, there is no exaggeration, there is no hiding! These children did not see is three minutes of blood, so their side do not talk nonsense! "It's a good thing to exercise, but we need to have a good plan. For example, I run 10000 meters today and two meters tomorrow. On average, I'm about one kilometer a day in a week! It seems that it is also very good! But it's not going to do anything! "

"Uncle Ding, do you exercise every day? I saw Ding Yun and Ding Chang earlier, and they are the same! "

"There is no need to learn from the two of them. They have such a habit, which is also different from person to person. Some children need to sleep at least eight to ten hours a day, because you are still in the development stage, but some children? Five or six hours a day is enough! It's not absolute! There is no need to be serious about it! "

"Ding Yun and Ding Chang are quite used to this! Now they don't even need to do any supervision, they can do very well! As for my personal advice to you? Go to bed at nine o'clock in the evening! If you can, you can get up from 5:30 to 6:00, and while there is still plenty of time, you can do a little exercise, do Taijiquan, or exercise your body a little. Pay special attention not to be violent! "

"Wow, uncle Ding, do Tai Chi? That's what my grandfather did

"It's fun, and it's fun! You are now! They are all relatively small. It's the most active time. It's no harm to have more activities, but it's like bows and arrows. When there's a time to release, there's a time to harvest. When you play, you'll have to play well. When you're stable, you'll learn! Restrain yourself! If you can do it freely, I believe that in the future, you will come out of your own way! "

However, there are serious problems, there are also some children's problems, it is slightly unreasonable! And Ding Yu there is no anger, at most is to coax, let a lot of children together up! There are so much fun! After washing the hot spring, Ding Yu joined the girls led by her daughter!

It's in the hall! We drink juice and eat snacks! Chat together, now will not go back to the rest of the place, the time is a little bit early! Ding Yu is also happy to chat with these children, but chatting seems to have no meaning, for example, let some people perform!

Not to mention, many children are really versatile! This makes Ding Yu quite envious. Is it really necessary to let Ding Yu take the stage? Singing and dancing? Come on! Not enough shame! He does not have the ability in this respect, for this, Ding Yu has quite self-knowledge!Since childhood, five tone is not complete. This is not to say that you can correct it if you want to! And how old is Ding Yu? How can we make this change! Don't be kidding, OK?

Through the activities and fun together, we are reunited together! In this process, whether it is Ding Yun and Ding Chang, they don't have much meaning to be bold! At most, it's a guide! But the effect is very obvious!

And Ding Yu? Is nature the effect of being the best mentor for these children? There are so many inestimable!

Especially the next day, we received the video, it is really let people sigh! The video is basically divided into two parts! One part is personal, the other part is group!

After these video clips came out, all the parents who received the video were very happy! I didn't expect to let the children play in the past, and there was such a result! This gift is really a bit unexpected, but it is also quite a surprise!

As for someone who said that Ding Yu was paving the way for the children, or deliberately flaunting his wealth, there was no market at all, let alone that the parents did not agree, even the children were the same! Their feelings for them can be said to be the most profound, Ding Yu uncle Ding is not like this at all!

In this process, uncle Ding has always been kind to people, without any discrimination or criticism. What he gives them is encouragement, and he also guides us in a certain direction and way. If even this needs criticism, they will never agree!

Ding Yu didn't think of so much. Even though he knew quite a lot of news, he didn't care much about it! The mouth grows in other people's body above, oneself tube? It's impossible, so forget it! Ding Yu really doesn't care about this! In other words, such things will not let Ding Yu move!

However, Ding Yu accompanied the children to play with each other. This matter still spread to the capital. We still have some other ideas about this matter! Is director Ding Yuding a little bit too much!

I called you earlier, and you didn't have any response. Why? It's too busy to work, but what do you do now? Play with the children together, autumn harvest! drive a car! Hot springs and so on. It's too much! Of course, there are two children in it, but there is no such thing to do! isn't it?

"Director! Someone called me and said it was your uncle! I don't know how to deal with it! What's more, it seems that I have made it clear to all the eight generations of my ancestors! "

The expression on Qu he's face is helpless! I want to say that I think too much! But that doesn't seem to be the case!

Ding Yu is holding his chin, very helpless! "I said he was so anxious?" Looking at Cui he, who was slightly flustered, he also laughed, "there is nothing to worry about. He works for the military intelligence department! It's very simple to investigate this information! "

However, Qu he is still in a state of palpitation. To know that people like him are most taboo to contact with the official. It is true that he is now following Ding Yu's side, and has a considerable understanding, but the change of ideas is never a day or two!

"Director, can I not worry? Boy, I don't even know it's the same at home! "

"It's just a means of doing it intentionally! Nothing great! It's good to get used to it! " Ding Yu felt very funny, "my uncle still has quite a bad taste, and sometimes a little bad! But this time is also the right place, at least you were bluffing! And the other people around me are quite familiar with it! You are the best object, and when you get familiar with it, there will be no problem! "

After signaling to Qu he, Ding Yu answered the phone, "I'm Ding Yu!"

"Ouch, Dean Ding, it's kind to hear your voice." Su Quan is very surprised, but what does this heart think? I'm afraid only Su Quan himself is the most clear, he is on purpose!

"Is it? It seems that I am still very concerned about! It's not easy! Should I say now that I feel honored? "

"You're going to be quick." Su Quan was very disdainful about this. "If it wasn't for threatening Qu he, I really don't know what the situation would be! The relevant matter has been investigated clearly! You don't want to know? As far as I know, the political commissar of Guzhuang has not reported to you yet! "

"There is no interest in knowing how the process and result of things are. It's their own business. Why should I get involved in it?" Ding Yu's voice is very indifferent, a look of indifference!

"I say you are the chief director at least! Don't look like this. It's not easy to investigate the matter here! This is also paid a little price, you are a good chief! I don't care about it! If anyone else knows about this! Don't know how to be sad? Do you think so? ""Hehe? Sad Ding Yu still has that tone. After listening to it, he feels like he wants to hit people! "Sad or not sad, it has nothing to do with me. It's not that I let them do it like this, they can't pull out the excrement, and resent that the earth is not attractive. It's better to do less of such things, isn't it?"

"What you said is a little too much! This is not the case! "

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