Fight with your nephew! There has never been a good result! This is even a doomed thing! But Su Quan is always happy, his nephew will never want to be with the role! A very interesting thing!

However, there is no need to share this joy with others!

"The course and result of the matter have been investigated! But I'm afraid some of the inside information is still unknown to Guzhuang ancient political commissar. Although he is a little enthusiastic, this matter involves other aspects, and now it still needs to be pressed down, which is the right way! We can't lose a lot because of small things! "

"Well! So what? " Ding Yu also followed his uncle to continue to say, "can't you want me to do something?"?! I don't have so much leisure and time recently. I'm a little busy with things here. In addition, my two children need a lot of care. If there's nothing else, I'll hang up first! "

"Wait a minute. Why is it so boring? Too old-fashioned! People who don't know think you're 70 years old? It's not good. It's very bad. I don't know if Ding Yun and Ding Chang's two children will be old-fashioned now? I'm really worried about being an uncle! "

"Thank you for your concern. They are doing well! It's fine now! "

"If not, let them come back! Whether it's affiliated high school or affiliated school, or other schools, I don't think there's any problem! They will be very welcome

"No more!" Ding Yu is very concerned about this, "they no longer need to use this to maintain, for them, happiness is the most important thing, as for learning, do a considerable guide can! There's no need for them to be at the top of the list, or take this test to get something! "

Get it! This statement directly blocked Su Quan! What's more, there is no refutation. What the education at home knows is not a very comprehensive one, but it still knows more or less. After all, Wang Xiaogang is also there! And to a certain extent, his nephew, is also the education of everyone!

This so-called education is not to say how many talents his nephew has educated, or what articles or documents he has published, which has nothing to do with this! Look at the people he educated to know what a situation!

Not everyone can be seen by him. If Wang Xiaogang is not related by blood, can he be under his nephew at that time, it is very difficult to say!

But even so, his nephew said to take out! I'll take it out! I don't mean to stay in the capital! This is a kind of self-confidence in their own education. In addition to being reluctant to give up, they really don't feel that there will be any problems in this aspect of education!

Extended view, placed in other families, they will do this, dare to do so? Don't make such a joke! Nobody dares to do this!

His nephew has a considerable foundation, but also has a strong force behind, so there is no need to worry about this aspect, but other parents there have nephew's confidence, so they can't make such a joke!

To put it more bluntly, if the three children come back to the capital in the future, all schools will be scrambling for the one. But the question is how to choose the three children? Is this the problem? It's really something to be discussed! At that time, it will depend on the means of other schools!

Do you feel that there are so many unreasonable, it is always the school to pick the children, when is it the children's turn to pick the school? And this kind of thing still happens in Beijing? But the reality is so cruel! We should know that if their three children come back, the children of the whole school may be brought along! This is absolutely not enough money or other aspects to measure!

Under such circumstances, how can we not compete or rush? At that time, it will definitely be a kind of target! But the question is, what kind of opportunities will my nephew give them? Anyway, on their own understanding, their nephew often do the so-called amazing move!

"I'm kind-hearted!" But Su Quan soon told the truth, "come on, I'll tell you the truth! Some people gave me preventive vaccination in advance. If the children come back in the future, if they can, the attached middle school will be the worst. What do you think? "

"By their will, I will not interfere in such matters!" Ding Yu quickly showed his attitude! "As for other people's opinions and opinions, they belong to others and have nothing to do with me!"

Ding Yu didn't give any compromise on such matters. If they were willing to go to the north pole, it didn't matter. If they didn't want to, even if it was forced by themselves, the final result would not be too friendly! It's true that they don't have much performance on the surface, but can their own children not know?

Su Quan sighed heavily, good guy, it's really not the general confidence! But Su Quan also knows that people have such confidence. How can you live? Other people's children are good at education! And this also led to other aspects in advance to start fighting and booking!There is no reason, this is not really you complain! Can play what role!

What's more, whether people will stay in China at that time is still two things to talk about. After all, the way of education they bear is different!

"Well, it's me who have so many cheap bones!" Su Quan is also intentional, this way is not the best way to use, but at least can create a considerable psychological gap, isn't it? I do this for the sake of children! It's not a dead well with a baby in your arms!

Hearing his uncle say so, Ding Yu hummed, and then directly hung up his phone, such a way for himself has no effect! There are even so many lazy to pay attention to!

Since you don't want to pay attention to it, hang up the phone directly! As for whether there are some impoliteness or other problems, it is not in Ding Yu's consideration at all! If you are willing to accept it, just like this. If you don't want to accept it, it doesn't matter. I don't mean to force you!

Hearing the busy tone in the phone, Su Quan is a little angry. Are you kidding? Hang up your phone directly. What do you want? There are no problems and situations in your own behavior. Isn't it for the sake of children? If it's not for the sake of children, I'm free? Right?

It is true that the truth behind is like this, but the words can not be very said!

But Su Quan thought for a while and decided to forget it! Why? There is no need to break up with my nephew in this respect! He has always been like this. How would you like to say that is your business, but I can't listen to it. This is my business. I have such right!

Under such circumstances, Su Quan could only call Ding Yu again, "boss! The phone dropped off just now! How's your situation? Everything's ok? "

"Well! Accidentally pressed on the hang up button

This explanation really makes Suquan have so many teeth root itching, what is called accidentally pressing on the hang up button, is it intentional? But my nephew said so, what's the matter? Can you tear them apart? That would be worse!

So now it's time to be wrong! As if nothing had happened before!

"We have made a clear investigation on the trainees here! With a detailed process and results, there are not so many people who know about this matter now. I think you, as a director, should know something about it, at least in your heart! "

Since his uncle is serious, Ding Yu is also serious here!

"I have talked about this with political commissar Guzhuang, since all the students have left! Then these things should be the responsibility of parents, can not say that the students left school, there are things, or need the teacher to come forward, unlike words, and this hand is a little too long! No one will like it! What's more, it's not good for children's education and growth! "

Ding Yu's expression is very direct! Also very happy!

"It's a thing to know their progress, but how they study and live, and other aspects of the problem! I'm not their parents. Why should I care? What's more, we are not their nannies. What's more, we need to find our heads for everything? Who will be, who will go, and no one will stop them! "

"Boss, it can be understood that you did it on purpose! In the end, the students will be so cold hearted. At least they are quite convinced of you, the director! "

"So? If you don't come here to be the director, I'm very happy to leave. In this position, I'm just a bit tired of being a thankless one! "

Get it! Have not said two words, there are so some to turn over the meaning! For his nephew's performance, Su Quan can be said to be very difficult, can you speak well? Is it really interesting to talk like this?

But what about Su Quan's inability to give his nephew? Someone else to be the director? There are many people who are interested in this aspect, but really speaking, they would rather be a deputy director, or a deputy political commissar, or kick down Guzhuang! I will never rob my nephew of the position of director.

It's not as simple as moving the cheese. It's definitely overturning the whole stall!

What is the result of leaving others without food? It's absolutely not one meal that can solve all the problems! It's impossible. Even if you want to make compensation at that time, I'm afraid no one will accept it!

"All right! Don't be kidding! I asked you to send the file to you. You can understand it alone. As for whether you are involved or not, I don't have any opinions and ideas. At most, I was just joking at the beginning! But I personally think that this matter still needs to arouse your attention! "

"Well! I see! " Ding Yu slightly hummed, "previously, I sent some river crabs to my home. Did you eat them? How does it taste? Is it OK? ""The taste is good. It's quite different from that of Tianjin Wei, but boss? Is it a little late? Two days later, it will be almost the same as that of Tianjin Wei! As far as I know, it has been on the market for a long time! "

"Now is the most appropriate time. As for the first one, it's just to taste the taste. There is no meat, and there won't be any fat and yellow cream! If you want to eat good food, you still need the season. It's not seasonal. It's not good for your health. It's a waste! And precocious thing, ha ha

"I don't believe it! But it really looks like you said it! But it's what you send and what other people send. No one dares to take it from me or from your home! "

This is also the truth. Really speaking, these crabs are not particularly valuable, but they are really used as gifts. The nature of things is totally different! But Ding Yu took these things and gave them away. No one else could say anything? Su Quan is Ding Yu's uncle!

Even to their own uncle to send some food, you need to be careful and guard against, that is really too much! What's more, between two people, really want to say that the feelings are very good? That's what happened! Anyway, people who know the news basically say so! Did two people do it on purpose? Who knows?

"If it's a king crab! Tiger crab and so on. I really need to think about it. Maybe when you retire, you will have a chance to taste it. As for now? Don't try to get it from me! It's good for you to have some crab! You will be content! No one else wants to eat! "

Ding Yu's words are so ironic, "but speaking of it, what do you do with your salary? I don't see how useful you are? Do you have any other hobbies? "

For his nephew's teasing, Su Quan snorted, "you can't control, what's your salary? I don't see what use you have. If you have spare money, you can support it! "

"No!" Ding Yu was very positive and said, "ensure your health! Hang up

Say hang up, there is no ambiguity! Very happy, and Su Quan is a little smile up, his nephew is really not the general slip do not leave hands! Talk to him. It's not like wasting brain cells! Every word! Every word needs to be filtered repeatedly in your mind!

It seems simple, even some boring conversations, which contain quite a lot of meaning! If you don't understand it in depth, you can't understand it at all! This is my nephew!

But Su Quan's heart is very clear, if not because he is engaged in this work, his nephew and the relationship between the relationship and dialogue, is absolutely not like this! But what? So we can only do what we can to do!

There's nothing good or bad about it! Nothing to do with this!

After Ding Yu put down the phone, he also said hello to Qu he! Let him send the document to me at that time. Since my uncle mentioned it, I think it will be very fast and won't take too long! As for what kind of way to take, Ding Yu has no interest! I just need to know that the speed will be very fast!

Before lunch, the documents were sent to Ding Yu's office. There were quite a lot of reports and processes in it. However, the words "burn after reading" on the cover let me have some patience, but my uncle still has some funny things. I can think of such things! I little interesting!

After reading the file, Ding Yu scratched his eyebrow with his hand. The process of the matter turned out to be like this. After reading it, he was also quite surprised, even with a little bit of shock!

But Ding Yu didn't mean to keep a file. He directly sent it to the shredder and incinerator, and directly destroyed it! If things leak out, it won't happen too much. This should be sent by the intelligence department on purpose! Otherwise, his uncle will never violate the discipline!

However, this thing is not able to get above the surface, if we really get the surface above, the nature of the matter is completely different! For the light and light relief, Ding Yu can still distinguish clearly! So it was destroyed directly! That's all it takes! It's good for everyone!

"Old Su, our director of dingda, your nephew must have read the document now. What do you think of it?"

"What else? I can guarantee that after he has read the files, he will never say anything. He will even think that nothing has happened. Do you want to make a bet? "

"It is quite possible! Our director Ding? It has always been taboo! It's hard for people to understand, but most of the time, he's a little plain and can float there. Director Ding never makes any big moves! "

This word is mixed, but we did not really as a thing! Not everyone likes Ding Yu. There is nothing to argue about! Ding Yu is not a kind of RMB, is it?What's more, even if it is RMB, some people have quite opinions and ideas about it! You can't force everyone's will! In that case, it's over! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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