Su Quan did not express any opinions and views on this. In this situation, I just need to express my most authentic views! As for the subsequent judgment, this is not in the scope of their own consideration!

"Director Su, how likely is it that director Ding will react to this matter?"

"No more than 10%, this is even an exaggerated result. From my personal point of view, it will not even exceed 5%. Since he has said quite a lot, it shows that he has his own consideration on this matter, and it is very difficult to break the so-called rule! It's almost impossible. There are not too many people who can say anything to move him! "

However, just after su Quan's words were finished, some people expressed their opposition opinions and views on this!

"I think director Ding should not be so laissez faire. Even if he doesn't make any arrangements on the surface, there should be some actions in private. Really speaking, there are too few seeds left behind! Even the poor one, and some of the students who stayed in the end were appraised by director Ding! Is it because director Ding really doesn't care, or does director Ding really have nothing to do? "

Su Quan is still unmoved. When the students are training there, their nephews don't have much movement and situation, because there is no need at all. As for the judgment of those students, it doesn't mean that his nephew is really idle, but thinks that these students don't need to waste here!

This is the most important reason! But after leaving the training place, I still think that my nephew can care about it in the end, and even point his fingers and feet. This is impossible. My nephew will not be so stupid as that. This guy is always smart as a ghost!

If he doesn't want to, it doesn't work if other people force him. At least, the people in this room don't have the strength. They know quite a lot of people, but there are only a few of them! At least their own side want to let that person hand, than let Ding Yu hand more unrealistic!

The people in the room discuss Ding Yu. In Su Quan's opinion, it will not succeed at all. If you want to exert influence in this respect, there is only one way to go, that is to go to talk to Ding Yu! I've told you everything! At that time, things will not only be successful, but also have unexpected harvest!

But is this the case now, is not it going to the old road again? But this matter is really not oneself can make a decision now! Some things are even more troublesome than imagined! What's more, he or Ding Yu's uncle, this topic is the fundamental way to avoid!

So I just need to stand on the sidelines, and try not to express any opinions and opinions on this matter, and it is OK to express a considerable idea! But do not have any bias, this is the best!

I have contacted my nephew before! I believe he will also understand that he does not need to make any phone calls after the event, there is no need for this! If his nephew can't understand this, then he is a bit unworthy to continue sitting in that position!

"This time, we still need to let director Ding move. Only director Ding can move! Then things can be better solved. Otherwise, the information management department will have considerable constraints! What's your opinion? "

He didn't get any response. Su Quan looked at the note in front of him and didn't know what the record was? How attractive! Seeing that Su Quan doesn't mean to speak, some people also don't mean to speak. Other people don't have the meaning of this aspect. Let's stop fooling around!

I'm afraid no one knows Ding Yu better than Director Su. After all, Director Su is his uncle!

"Qu he, you go to find Luo Xuan and let him know!"

"Luo Dong?" Cui he couldn't help being stunned for a moment. Luo Xuan's name is still known, but knowing is knowing. This seems to be a little abnormal! However, after Qu he came back to God, he also straightened his body, "director! My own past! Do you need anything to bring? "

"What are you going to do?" Ding Yu took a glance, "you just call Luo Xuan! Ask him if the crab is delicious! What's more, I've also asked people to take some of the past with me. There's not much in it, but it's just that kind of intention! "

"I see! Director, I'll be there now! " I don't know what it means, but it's OK to know the situation! "Is there anything else to pay attention to? My mouth is clumsy, but it's OK! "

Ding Yu said with a smile, "if you have time, call the housekeeper there. He will eat and ask when the crabs of Tianjin Wei will come down? I remember that purple crab is very good. The two children in my family mentioned this to me earlier. Let the housekeeper pay attention to it a little bit! "

It's all about food. What's involved? Anyway, Qu he doesn't quite understand! But I don't understand, I don't understand, but the crabs are still very good to eat. I've got a lot of light with them. When I'm free these days, I eat them! Because the director has no requirements for himself!So besides practicing martial arts every day, I just eat! As for fun? They don't like them so much! One place, one way to eat! Although it may be a province, but things can obviously feel the difference!

Qu he went to call Luo Xuan, and at the same time called the housekeeper. He had already said what he should have said! It shouldn't be said! I didn't say anything, because I didn't know what was involved in it. Anyway, the director gave me an account. Just say it truthfully! This is how I am!

Luo Xuan and the housekeeper quickly got the news. When they got the news, they were all so surprised! Because the news is not from Mr. Chen, but from Qu he! That's kind of interesting!

Even if there are any problems and conditions here, it is absolutely not difficult to inform them, and it will not be known to the outside world. However, if Qu he calls, it is not difficult for the outside world to know! It's fun!

Both of them were very smart, and they understood the meaning Ding Yu wanted to convey at the first time! What should life be like or what? Just as usual! As for other aspects, there will be no problems and conditions!

As for crabs? It's delicious! The original time Luo Xuan really did not know his father even like such a mouth, relatively speaking, it is not so valuable! But his father never mentioned that, if it was not for the phone call two days ago, I would not have this impression!

After calling Luo Xuan and the housekeeper, Ding Yu disappeared! It seems that nothing has happened! Everything is so quiet, people really do not understand some! Materials and files have been sent to Ding Yu's side, but you still don't have any response. That's too much!

But the intelligence department doesn't have any way? How about giving Ding Yu? Is it to get it back? Or a lesson? Or do you just slap your head over? In that case, it may be more cathartic! But such a thing is just to think about it!

Don't talk about catching Ding Yu! Even if you go to Ding Yu's hometown, you need to think about it carefully. It's not that Ding Yu can't touch the tiger's buttocks, but Ding Yu hasn't committed anything. Why catch Ding Yu?

What's more! If you want to beat Ding Yu, this is even more nonsense. Who is Ding Yu? If you don't get a lesson from Ding Yu, you should burn high incense! Ding Yu, this guy, has not started for a long time! If you let Ding Yu move, who knows what will happen? No one dares to make this guarantee!

So what can't be done and what can't be grasped? As for sending someone over for a talk? Who's going?

But there is one thing, no matter who is sent, Su Quan doesn't have to think about such a beautiful thing! It's impossible. Even if Su Quan is Ding Yu's uncle, if Su Quan really steps into Ding Yu's hometown, it will violate director Ding's taboo to a certain extent! It will be a real turn for the better!

Sending others, even if there is a deep hatred with Ding Yu, there is no problem. Ding Yu will not have too many reactions, but if the Su family or Wang family stepped in! When the time comes, I will turn my face, and I will turn my face mercilessly. In this matter, there is absolutely no reason to say!

The matter has really formed a deadlock here! Why? The information management department hopes that Ding Yu can take action here, even if there is an attitude in this respect, it is also very good! Therefore, they sent the investigation to Ding Yu! But what happens when you're done with it? No response? Is that all right?

The situation is different! Very different! So we need to make some changes, but this person is not suitable except Ding Yu! Even if it is an ancient village, it is the same! But Ding Yu did not have any movement and movement, this lets the human have so some incomprehensible, even is thought out!

"Find someone to talk to director Ding Yuding."

Some people have made this proposal, but the proposal is still not received other people's response! Why? Does the reason need to be explained? The brand of the intelligence department works well in other places. There is no problem. But is this brand still working well in front of Ding Yu? It's another matter!

Ding Yu will give you this face if you don't see it! He just blocked you out. What can you do? Is it loud shouting? I'm from the intelligence department. Ding Yu, can you come out for me? Really want to make things boisterous!

What's more, we all heard the conversation between Su Quan and Ding Yu! Su Quan didn't mean to hide from others! Some of the problems and conditions inside have been said clearly and clearly! Under such circumstances, why does Ding Yu have to listen to you?

Ding Yu has cooperated with the intelligence department, but it doesn't mean everything!

Su Quan sat beside him, without any expression on his face. No one could send him to the past. This is a taboo. Everyone knows this. Of course, no one will pierce this point. But he does not have to show it intentionally because of this, let alone show it to whom? There's no harm in being calm!After taking a look at Su Quan, they quickly moved their eyes and wasted time on Su Quan. There was no need at all! Don't be too busy to watch! That would be troublesome!

But after all, no suitable personnel have been selected. Why? Ordinary go, Ding Yu will not have any attention at all, to a certain extent, with Ding Yu's position is completely unequal that kind! Under such circumstances, find Ding Yu? What kind of a job? chat? Is it OK to challenge Ding Yu?

But after the person of the same position goes, won't suffer what so-called shut in door? The possibility is still very big. Even after su Quan goes, if Ding Yu really ignores it, there is no way. Don't think that Ding Yu has never done such a thing. It can be described by countless words! He is a recidivist at all!

What's more, Tong Tong's side? It is true that Ding Yu is very optimistic about it, but it does not mean that he is the same as Wang an! At least not to that extent, this matter is also to let the information management department have some difficulties!

Don't think Ding Yu can't do such a thing. We still know something about pepper! Ding Yu didn't open the pepper! But the small pepper out of what position above, we still have a number of hearts! To a certain extent, we can't afford to offend Ding Yu!

Plans come and go, but at this stage, you can't go on! What's this called? Right? We all feel a little upset about this, there is a considerable mood, it is difficult to further promote the matter!

"Old sue, I heard your nephew sent you a lot of crabs? Is it true? "

Low head of Su Quan ha ha smile, not too much to deal with! You didn't hear the situation at that time! But now, it's interesting to come here, crab? Tyrannical! There are two big clips, no one dares to provoke, but if you rashly stretch out your hand, when will it be? Get popular!

Think of it is also quite interesting, his nephew, is really quite abdominal black, even to a certain extent! But until now, some people aftertaste, do not know is really slow reaction, or deliberately! On this issue, it's not good to make any guesses!

So when asked, Su Quan is smiling, which is to deal with this matter in the past! But things have been picked so clearly? The room is not so big, how can other people not hear it? So we all have some Snickers in private! It can be seen that everyone knows this well!

But the new one? Obviously did not understand the problem! Food needs a mouthful of food, things need to be done one by one, can not be without any plan and overall planning! This is not appropriate!

But planning and co-ordination, also need to arrange quite, not to say so simple! All of a sudden, things fell into a deadlock! No one wants to be bold! Everyone knows that director Ding Yuding is definitely not a good role, especially at this time, he obviously does not want to appear!

The most suitable is Suquan! But director Ding Yuding is in his hometown! For such a reason, Su Quan was rejected! Su Quan can't go there, and even some people can't go to director Ding! After all, director Ding Yuding has a good excuse!

Don't think that director Ding will not do this, it is difficult to say that no one dares to do this guarantee! After all, there are too many criminal records about director Ding Yuding! It's just one of the countless! The final result may not be hurt by touching, or die when touching! But that kind of soft knife pulling meat, quite painful!

The meeting can't go on! Although we all know what the final result will be, the one who has been transferred here will not make a statement, and others will not be able to do so. Isn't there some intentional element in making a statement at this time? Deliberately targeting new comrades is not good, very bad!

"Director general Su, come here!" After the meeting, someone whispered to Su Quan! Su Quan touched his nose with his hand, slightly nodded his head, and left the conference room first!

After that, Su Quan knocked on the door and left an office. "Leader, do you want me?"

"Sit down! Don't be so polite The old man scratched his hair, "how do you see this time?"

"Leader, I don't think it's of any use to me." Su Quan, who sat down, spread out his hands and said, "I've made such a decision. Now it's on the shelf! Suddenly pull down, what about the people on the shelf? Fall straight? What do you think? We deliberately put people on the beam, and then after waiting for someone to go up, we went to the room to draw the ladder? I believe there will be quite a number of people will look at this! What's the explanation then? "

"Another way to talk about this problem is to talk about director Ding Yuding first."

"No way, anyway, I have no way. The person who can persuade him doesn't say no, but it's definitely not me! At least in his hometown, no matter our family or Wang's family, no one can set foot on it. When the time comes, no one can bear it. I'm old enough! It's not as simple as giving yourself a face! ""Trouble! I didn't expect things to go so far , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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