"It's Xue Guangming who mentioned it! It's all about him! Under such circumstances, why should we get involved? We must know that our own affairs are already very busy! There is not so much leisure and time to accompany him

"What attitude?" The old man hummed, "we should have a good view of the overall situation! You are already a senior leader! We can't make a fuss about this problem! What's more, you have a lot to do with your European Department! "

"Yes! I understand that I have a lot to do with my European division! That's why I don't understand! I'm in charge of the European division! Now what is this? I've done everything I have to do! Under such circumstances, do you think I really have nothing to do when I stay in it? " Su Quan expressed quite puzzled about this!

Clap your hands and spread them out! Su Quan was helpless, "how many years have we been dealing with our nephew? Who is not clear about some of these things? Is it nonsense to do this? Would you like something soft? There are still some possibilities, but do you want to make it hard? Hum

Now that they have reached such a point! Su Quan has nothing to worry about! What should be said? You're the leader? We need to take the overall situation into consideration and consider the issues comprehensively, but you can't be too biased, can you?

"You're one set? Emotional? Hold it for me

"Yes Su Quan looked a little unconvinced, "anyway, if you go on making trouble again, you still don't know what other things will come out of it? I'm really not optimistic about this! If something happens, it's not a small thing. Maybe it will make a big hole in the sky! in due course? Hum

Su Quan's words seem to have some vent, even inexplicable impulse, but for the leadership sitting there, it is a wake-up call? We should know that the operation of the Department of information management has its own rules. We can't make a fool of it. Even the operation of any profession has its own unique rules!

If we violate the track and law of this operation, we will make a lot of things! Even in the end, it may be the kind that can't be cleaned up! I understand this truth! Su Quan also knows, but the new comer is not as good as that!

What's more, what this person has done has also affected some relations and cooperation within the information management department! If it goes on like this, I really don't know what other problems will come out? We should know that the information management department is quite different from other departments! Even if you say a wrong sentence, it's easy to make other things come out!

And Ding Yu's side is still not any movement, what should be like is what? However, looking at the gifts his son and daughter brought back, Ding Yu slightly twisted his mouth, "my God! Whose work is this? " After looking at it for two times, Ding Yu nodded his head. "It's a bit ugly at first, but it still has some flavor. It's a little immature, but it's very attentive! Very good! "

"Let's think of a way to give dad your present! If you have money, you will have more. If you have no money, you will give less. Or you will run a leg. Everyone will contribute to your own strength. It can be said that all people have participated in it, hoping to give dad a surprise? What about? Is it OK? "

"Yes, it's worth praising! Very attentive Ding Yu is very optimistic about the children's performance! "Previously, quite a number of parents sent wechat to express their feelings, but it was very lively. I think it is enough! I didn't expect you little raspberry heads to have such thoughts! You've had a long day. But I really need to think about it, what kind of return gift to give! After all, this will not disappoint everyone! "

Through these two activities, let these students unite together very well, and at the same time give them life guidance. In this regard, Ding Yu played an encouraging role, while Ding Yun and Ding Chang played a leading and exemplary role? All reflected in the performance of these students!

And parents are the most sensitive to these! Fortunately! Ding Yun and Ding Chang are in different classes. If they are in the same class, there will be one less class! Students should be mutual progress, but the relationship between the two classes is also very hot! United to a considerable extent!

School, for these situations, are also seen in the eyes, students become cheerful! Lively, there is no resistance to learning, and become a good guide! To these two classes when the teacher in charge of the class, the heart does not know how happy it is!

No matter what way to win the position of head teacher at the beginning, but the performance of students makes all the efforts become worth it! If all the students are like this, I'm afraid the teacher will really be happy to die!

Other aspects do not know, but the school side of the teacher, there is a calculate a! The mouth has begun to pour acid water! I really envy you! And still envy that kind!

"Dad! We are going to the provincial capital next week. One is Xiaogang, who is a little lonely. What's more, we still need to buy some things! " Ding Yun leans by his father's side and talks about it!"Go and go?! But what to buy? Do you still need to purchase in person? " Ding Yu didn't know much about this, "don't you just finish shopping online? It's not a difficult thing! "

"Dad, some things can't be bought online! If I want to eat hot and dry noodles, I can also get people to pack and deliver them! And the fast food that comes over, do not have that kind of taste and feeling! Dad, didn't you say that? Food needs environment? "

"I see!" Ding Yu doesn't care about this. This is their activity. However, Ding Yu, who is just getting ready to get up, suddenly thinks of something, "ah! No

But Ding Yu's words just said, Ding Yun is direct, put snacks into Ding Yu's mouth, and then run away with Ding Chang! Ding Yu has no love for snacks! But after thinking about it, I still don't want to give it a try! If it eats this thing, it will definitely suffer!

Some people reported some news to themselves earlier. They didn't pay much attention to the two children's store. But just now, they said they would go to the provincial capital, and they also mentioned the food and drink. Suddenly, they rang up, but before they could speak out, the two children let themselves dumb!

This is their own business, with special responsible personnel, if they interfere with it, it seems to be quite inappropriate! Since choose to let go, then need thoroughly! It's not a bad thing to exercise them!

But the next day, Ding Yu just sent Ding Yun and Ding Chang to school, and received a call! The reason for sending Ding Yun and Ding Chang two people is not to say that Ding Yu's will, there is no way, his father and mother two people mandatory requirements!

It doesn't matter whether you drive or take the bus! But two people must be sent to the school gate! Ding Yu is quite helpless about this. At that time, he and Ding Ding Ding had no such treatment! Even when I was in primary school, I went home alone? There is such a saying?

It is true that the conditions are not the same now as they were then! But they are already in junior high school? Is this kind of treatment a little too much? But his father and mother so request, Ding Yu is not good to refute what? Fortunately, the bus crowd in the morning is not as many as you think!

Don't talk about the bus at home! Even if it is a plane, there is no problem, but Ding Yu will never be used to two children in this respect, and Ding Yun and Ding Chang are not so picky. They are all used to it! I even chatted with my classmates in the same car very soon. I was very happy!

Ding Yu scratched his head! Why? According to their own understanding, send them to the car! But I know that if I do it! After going back, it's not the so-called black face! What kind of violence may be used by your father and mother!

Don't look at your own son and daughter already have! But if father and mother start, they will not be too light!

But back on the road received a phone call, let Ding Yu slightly displeased! Take out his mobile phone to have a look, it is a strange phone! Ding Yu's telephone is not only one, but it is generally divided into two types: one is for general use at home, and the other is for official business!

Ding Yu seldom carries the mobile phone for official business. Basically, it is carried by his assistant. He is carrying the mobile phone at home today, but someone even calls this mobile phone! And still unknown phone, this lets Ding Yu slightly some not very happy!

So Ding Yu didn't mean to take it! After pressing the silencing, I threw it in my pocket!

People on the other side of the phone are a little surprised or even a little annoyed about not being able to get through the phone? what do you mean? I got quite a lot of news from my side. Ding Yu sent the children to school! I didn't make a phone call before. It's respect of Ding Yu! But Ding Yu doesn't answer the phone. What does this mean?

Look down on yourself? Have you come here in person? From the perspective of attitude, it has been very good! I called Ding Yu in person, but there was no response? This thing makes a good tempered person become a little angry now! Ding Yu did it on purpose!

But the one who came didn't want to call Ding Yu like this? Why does Ding Yu have to pick it up? To know that this call is absolutely not everyone can call in, there is no so-called harassment phone, it is impossible!

In other words, Ding Yu is also a temperamental person. You don't say hello to him, but you just rush in. What's the meaning of this? Do you want a face? Now that you're already like this! Why should I be polite to you?

From here, we can see that each other has such a little temper, it doesn't matter what is right or wrong! In such things, also can not say a so-called so-called, and once the misunderstanding deepened, then want to solve this misunderstanding, is not a simple thing! There may be many changes and situations in it!Back home, my parents have left! Ding Yu simply cleaned up here, but also went to the farm? On the road, Qu he turned his head and said, "director! Someone called earlier! It's not so clear! Would you like to have a look? "

Looking at the document in Qu he's hand, Ding Yu shook his head and rubbed his finger. "On the whole, you can guess who it is? But it's a little weird! Come to the door at this time? Isn't it too much? They can't know nothing about it! I'm not a good talker! What do they want? "

"The specific situation is not so clear!" For dealing with such a matter, it is totally difficult for Qu he, but he is now following the director's side, so such a matter can only be handed over to him! "Director, I'm not so clear about the way in which I can only follow the cat's advice! How sorry you are

"It's none of your business. Don't blame yourself? But I've been good at Kung Fu in the past two days. I've got some skills! "

"At last, I've learned a little bit about it! If it wasn't for the director, I'm afraid I couldn't find out the trick to death! " When talking, he also touched his head, "but director, there is no problem with you, but can I have a car alone?"

"A little restrained, isn't it?" Ding Yu didn't feel any displeasure about it, on the contrary, it was a little fun!

"Close up your mind! Too much wanton is not a good thing, the so-called heart of the horse! This is a difficult time. What about me? More powerful, but in this point, I also suffered losses! And still suffered a considerable loss, in the absence of experience, not too much feeling! It's only when you really experience it that you can feel the horror

"Director, whatever? Your position in my mind is irreplaceable

"All right! Don't flatter me! You flatter a little too hard! We'll have guests today! Have a good treat! I don't know what the situation will be! " Looking at the gate of the farm, Ding Yu frowned slightly!

I can be sure that they are definitely from the intelligence department. Only they will know their phone number, and only they will make this call! Other people or forces, even if they know their own phone call, will not rashly call!

People have come to their hometown side, it seems that is not the general urgency! But Ding Yu can be sure that he is not his uncle, nor is he his uncle's person! Why so sure? If it is one's uncle, or even his uncle's, then he will definitely discount their legs! There is no room for discussion!

In Ding Yu's side, just stepped into the farm side, has come! Come a little faster! Even a little bit hasty! It seems that the farm is a bit caught off guard!

It's true that Ding Yu works in the farm, but really speaking, Ding Yu doesn't have much practical relationship with the farm! The farm is not under the jurisdiction of Ding Yu! It's because the environment on the farm is quite good! The conditions are suitable, and the safety here can also be guaranteed! So Ding Yu chose to work here!

But Ding Yu's office and farm are the ones that are separated from each other and do not interfere with each other! No matter what problems and conditions happened to the farm, Ding Yu didn't say a word, or even paid no attention to it!

But the leaders on the farm also know that Ding Yu doesn't need to be careful! There is no such problem at all! If you are cautious and even servile, you will despise Dr. Ding. Why? Right?

It's not as good as a big square! In this way, everyone will be more comfortable!

"Sir, someone is calling on you!"

Ding Yu, who was sitting on the office chair, knocked on the table with his hand? I'm on the farm side? But it has nothing to do with the farm! If it's a visit to the farm, just go to the person in charge of the farm! "

"Sir, you are the one who wants to visit you! It has nothing to do with the farm! "

"I see! Invite them in! " Ding Yuming knows how to do something, but now he is pretending not to know! This is also to let the outside people have so some small indignation! It is said that director Ding is so bad! And still stuffy that kind, this time is finally felt!

Do you think director Ding didn't know they were coming? It's just bullshit. Other people don't know. Can director Ding not know? How can it be? This is director Ding's hometown, his territory! But the problem is that director Ding knows! But deliberately pretended not to know, and even gave them the so-called dragon's gate array, which is a little uncomfortable! What are you doing! Is this?

"Hello, director Ding! I'm Xue Guangming! "

"Hello!" For this guest, Ding Yu is a little polite! Each other shook hands, that's all! Then there was no other action! We can't see that Ding Yu has any other performance. However, someone has sent tea and snacks. However, Ding Yu just sat there with a little indifference and was not enthusiastic at all!The atmosphere in the room was slightly embarrassed, "director Ding, we came a little too abrupt! Excuse me

Ding Yu nodded, "what's the matter? I have a busy farm here! "

It's really quite rude! Even a little too straightforward, come on! It doesn't matter. If there is something, it's OK! If there's nothing to do, where are you going! It's so simple!

And my words are over! If you have any different understanding, just say it!

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