"Director Ding! In that case, I'll get to the point! "

Xue Guangming is not polite at all, in front of Ding Yu's face, directly choked, since he has come! Then you can't just be scared by Ding Yu, and then you can walk away! In that case, it's not so simple as to be disgraceful. When I go back, I can't even explain it!

The thing is oneself frame up, if throw in son to admit defeat now, then why should oneself come over? Ding Yu is powerful, but what about that? I fear him if I don't see him?!

Obviously, Ding Yu did not expect this situation. What is the situation? This is so straightforward, really did not regard himself as an outsider! I didn't really encounter it in the past, but it's interesting today!

If he wants to, let's talk about it! So Ding Yu leaned back on his body! Made an invitation gesture! "Say it! I'm all ears

"This is the case. The previous students have been investigated clearly! But the relevant report in director Ding you, direct stagnation! We are slightly disappointed with this situation and hope that director Ding can cooperate with our investigation work! "

"Cooperate with the investigation?" Ding Yu is very strange. Does this guy have the courage to grow hair? "What are the specific aspects of the investigation and the situation of this trainee? In other aspects, does this matter have anything to do with me? "

"Director Ding, you are the director of the whole training, responsible for all the personnel and the corresponding situation!"

Ding Yu narrowed his eyes. "I can understand what you mean. They have all gone home! I still need to be responsible for their actions, does that mean? " The tone of speaking is very indifferent and does not have the meaning of questioning, but the meaning of the words really makes people unable to refute!

"Director Ding, these students have gathered our painstaking efforts. I think they have problems and problems. As a director, you should be the most distressed and the most difficult to accept! They are all your students! " Xue Guangming is sincere! It is also quite emotional, for the experience of the students, but also very sad!

But Ding Yu didn't seem to be moved at all. "I never said they were my students. It's just that they didn't have anything to do there before, so I just went to help! I used to be a soldier, and I still have some warm blood. Under such circumstances, it's OK to do something within my power! "

"Director Ding, as long as you give an order, you are also helping them!"

"Who gave it to me?" Ding Yu looked at Xue Guangming and said, "I used to be a soldier, but I'm not a soldier now. I'm just a doctor! But their students are not my students. Why should I give orders? What's the nature of this command if it's useful? "

Now that we've talked about everything! Ding Yu also did not have what so-called scruples, you want to face not to face, or in this behind drum some things, indifferent things, do not implicate me on the line! I don't care what kind of tricks you're going to play, but you're involved in me now! Things are different!

So Ding Yu did not give any good face at all! It's just a loud reprimand! What the hell! You can come in, I have given a considerable face, but you come up and talk to me about this? What's the matter? Who are you representing? What's more, who gives you confidence and makes you so arrogant here!

"Director Ding, is this too absolute?" Xue Guangming's painting style suddenly changed!

"What problems and situations have arisen among these cadets? It should not be my interference. Moreover, they have returned to their respective units. I think they can investigate and solve the problems themselves." Ding Yu is a little suspicious. Looking at Xue Guangming in front of him, this guy is very confident!

Have now this time, unexpectedly still can such talk! Is it possible that there are still some so-called cards in his hand that he can't see it. At least from his own understanding, he doesn't seem to have too many cards to negotiate with himself!

This time I met him, I have given the intelligence department considerable face! But it seems that the one in front of me didn't give me any face at all! Even to a certain extent, there are some threats to their own meaning! This lets Ding Yu have so some don't understand!

"It's not an absolute question, it's..."

Ding Yu suddenly looked at Xue Guangming in front of him and frowned slightly. "You have reached a considerable agreement with some aspects, so you are so confident?" Looking at the silent Xue Guangming, Ding Yu continued to say, "the cooperation between me and the intelligence management department is a matter of principle, and no one dares to start on this matter! You can't do it, even if you have considerable power behind you. In this case, there is only one problem. "

"Director Ding is joking Xue Guangming laughed two times, at the same time, sweat came out of his forehead! It's not hot. Although the temperature in the room is good, it's not summer now! But was frightened by Ding Yuding director's sudden reaction!"Do you know about Wang An?" Having said that, Ding Yu is staring at Xue Guangming's eyes, but Xue Guangming evades himself, which makes Ding Yu's heart also a cluttering, "it's not enough! There's more to failure than failure

After sighing, Ding Yu picked up his mobile phone for the first time, "I'm Ding Yu! Inform the security department to improve the security level of Wang'an, and bring Wang'an and his brother and sister to me! Wang An is my apprentice, this matter has not been announced, but now someone knows! It's another thing! Can't let Wang An and they have a little problem! First bring them to me safely. As for the problems in the process, let's talk about it later! "

He did not pay attention to Xue Guangming sitting in front of him. Ding Yu picked up the plane and said, "get me the housekeeper, let him take the boy away! Send it to me! I don't need any other explanation. What's more, all security personnel should pay attention to the safety of Wang An and Tong Tong Tong. No one is allowed to approach for any reason. In case of other situations, attack is allowed! "

After buttoning down the landline, Ding Yu took the tablet computer and painted on it for a while! The busy time is a little long, and Xue Guangming over there has been so many can not sit still!

After Ding Yu was busy, he looked at Xue Guangming sitting in front of him. "I don't ask you how to know about Wang'an, but I revealed Wang'an. No matter what aspect you disclosed, you should know that the nature of the matter is very serious."

"Director Ding, it's a bit too much! It seems that the matter is not so serious, the so-called fat water does not flow into the field! Anyway, the meat is rotten in the pot, no matter who ate it, it's the same! "

"Ha ha!" Ding Yupi snorted with a smile, "that's very nice! forget it! It's no use explaining this to you! It doesn't make any sense. I have other things to deal with, just like this! Qu he, see off the guests

He thought of countless possibilities, but only did not think that Xue Guangming would dare to sell Wang an! This NIMA! If let him continue to stay, Ding Yu is worried that some of his hands can not control, peach blossom all over his face, this is probably light! It's possible to kill this guy directly!

Has always been hiding Wang An's news? Why? I was worried that it would cause a considerable impact on him. For this reason, I even put Tong Tong on the surface and made considerable preparations! But did not think, Xue Guangming should give himself such a hand, really let himself have no defense!

It's not that Wang An can't see people, at least now it's a little bit hasty! Some related procedures, he has not finished, so Ding Yu hit his head with his hand! Big trouble, go! Live to break their own arrangements! Let your side can only be passive to arrange!

Qu he didn't know all the things about it, but when he looked at the security, he had already put the bulletproof vest on his body, as well as the weapons and other equipment, which were obviously taken out!

Although it's not so clear because of the coat and windbreaker, it doesn't mean that things haven't happened. Qu he really hasn't encountered such a situation, so it's also an honest position to stay aside! Now this time, I still regard myself as a little transparent, don't look for trouble!

If the director needs himself, there is nothing to say. He will do his best! Otherwise, I'm sorry for the director's kindness, but if the director doesn't speak, he doesn't need to stand up. Who knows if it will hinder the director and say something bad!

"Qu he, don't pretend to be a little honest! You go to the airport now, go to the airport of our superior city. When the plane lands, you will stay by Wang'an's side and take charge of protecting Wang'an! Even if you die! You need to send him back to me safely before you die! Do you understand what I mean? I don't care what happens, and I don't care how you do it. "

"Director, I know how to do it!"

"Security, equip him with our best equipment!" When Qu he was ready to leave, Ding Yu patted Qu he on the shoulder and said, "I don't know what will happen next? But I don't want anything to happen, whether it's you or Wang An, but I'm not afraid of 10000, just in case, the security will tell you the details! You don't know how to use a gun. I won't give you this one! But what about clothes? It's the best in the house! A certain distance above can be bulletproof! It's a little bit painful at best! "

"Director, even if I lose my life, I will absolutely guarantee the safety of Wang an!"

"Try to protect yourself! If something happens and you lose your life, I know you're not married, but I promise you, this one is not extinct Ding Yu seldom talks like this, but today the situation is different!

Since Qu he followed Ding Yu's side, he has never seen Ding Yu's impulse, even some tension! Soon, the security department is ready! Leave with Qu he!

Ding Yu, sitting in his office, squints his eyes and looks at the message from the tablet computer. He tries his best to calm himself down. Wang an places his hopes and expectations on him. He can never find any problems. Although he says that things have an impact on Wang An, the impact is not so big! So it's ok now!But it has to be said that Ding Yu's action is a little bit big! What is it that Zhang Qigu has always wanted?

Especially in the capital, the housekeeper directly rushed to the school. Without saying a word, he directly took the children away! You should know that the school where the children are in is also unusual. The housekeeper's recklessness is not the style of the housekeeper at all! What's more, Tong Tong was taken away! What does this mean? And even if Ding Yu and Xue Guangming talk about is not so smooth, will not take such a way? Right?

"Chief, something's wrong!"

Even when Su Quan was in a hurry, he even sent a document to his subordinates when he was in a hurry! Seeing Su Quan's eyes, the visitors can't care about those! "Chief, something's wrong! My wife just called and Tong Tong was picked up! I was picked up by the housekeeper! Has it been delivered to the airport? "

"What?" Su Quan looked up at his subordinates and said, "what are you talking about?"

"Tong Tong has been taken away! The housekeeper went to the school in person and took the children away! What is it? I don't know. My wife is the teacher of that school, you know! Just called me, I don't know how it happened

"Bad food! Bad food! Bad food When he spoke, Su Quan knocked the table with his fist! Maybe it's not enough. Su Quan knocked twice again, "don't disclose this matter, don't make any other impact! Ma De, this is to break the sky

"Director? What is this? The housekeeper's own robbery! And sent the children to the airport? Things are wrong! What's more, I asked people to inquire about it. All the security guards are armed. I don't know what director Ding is doing there? It's a little scary! "

If you want to know that the security guards are armed, only director Ding dares to give this order! No one else will do this, and even if it is, there is no effect!

"This is the rhythm of great events." Su Quan murmured to himself, "Xiaohe, what do you think will make the housekeeper so forgetful that he can even do things to rob children? This is not to say that tearing a face is so simple, it is totally reckless. This is not in line with common sense

After thinking about it for a long time, Su Quan's eyes are about to be narrowed into a line! "I'm afraid there is only one thing that director Ding can do like this? I hope it's not such a thing. If it's true, it's not as simple as poking through the sky. This hole is too big! No one can stop it

Then he picked up the phone, motioned to his subordinates and asked him to take the door. After the phone was connected, Su Quan whispered, "leader, I'm Su Quan. Something's wrong! It could be a big event in the sky! "

"What's the matter? Do you still have such a nervous time? Not many! "

"I was told just now that the housekeeper rushed into the school and took the boy away! Now go straight to the airport, and all the security over there are loaded. The housekeeper is absolutely not bold enough to act recklessly! If the boss talks, even if he breaks the sky, he won't do it! Things are in trouble

There was also a silence on the other side of the phone, "do you mean Su Quan said, although Wang an didn't say the name, I'm afraid they already know how to deal with each other's heart! "Wait a minute, I'll have someone investigate the specific situation, you don't put the phone off!"

Although Su Quan is not an ant on the hot pot, he can still see the sweat on his forehead!

Two minutes is like two hours for Suquan! I hope things are not what I think, but who knows? I can't say that!

"Something's going on over there!"

Hearing the chief's words, Su Quan couldn't help holding his fist. The expression on his face was difficult to describe with words, "leader, can I ask, how serious is the matter?"

"It's very serious. That has already sent Wang An to the plane, including his sister, the nanny and the security, etc., and the most strict protection is used. The treatment is the same as that of the children in the capital. They are all loaded with bullets! Why does Ding Yu do this? This is not in line with common sense! Unless something special happens

"Yes! It's not reasonable at all! Even if there is any accident, Ding Yu will not be like this! But now why does he do it like this? I think there is only one reason in this! " What is the reason Su Quan didn't say? Because this has no need to explain!

"Yes! I'm afraid there is only one reason for this! Wang An was exposed! Only in this way can we explain why director Ding Yuding would do this. He is totally reckless. At this time, it is really hard to say who is in front of him and what will happen! "Su Quan also let out his breath and sat on the chair. "Leader, the day has been pierced! I know this nephew more or less, he is impossible to expose Wang an actively! "

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