However, when Zhang Junhua was in a daze, there was a knock at the door. Then someone pushed the door and came in. Then Ding Yu saw his father waving to him. Ding Yu also stood up and walked out. It was obvious that his father had something to say to himself, otherwise he could speak directly in the room.

"Say something! Show me a film

Ding Yu is also quite puzzled, looking at his father, is just watching the film, as for this appearance? After a look at his father, it seems that he has no intention of entering the room. Ding Yu is also stunned. Since his father is not willing to enter the room, he is not forced to do so. But why does he feel so strange? I don't know.

Then Ding Yu also took over the film in his hand. Suddenly, he didn't really see it clearly. He could only see something like, "what's wrong with the kidney?"? Dad, the Department you are in charge of

"Don't bullshit me. I'll show you what the situation is!"

Ding Yu took the film and watched it for a period of time. "There's no way to be sure about this. You're always a big hand in this area and let me have an operation. There's no problem with this. But let me make a judgment in this respect. I can't do it now!"

"I can understand that you don't have experience in this area, but what I want you to judge is what will happen if you have surgery, and what kind of situation will your own operation look like?"

Ding Yu Leng for a moment, "kidney preservation surgery? Dad, I can't do this operation now. I don't have any problem with the resection. I believe you can do it too. So this question shouldn't ask me, what's the patient's condition? Has he started to have hematuria? " While talking, Ding Yu held up the film and watched it again.

"Yes, so I made a judgment in this respect." After that, he also shook his head, "give me some advice."

"It's already such a situation. It's a bit exaggerated to think about kidney preservation surgery. It's even joking about the patient's condition. Isn't it bullshit? This is not a simple cyst, Dad

Ding Lin also hesitated, looking at Ding Yu, "really can't do it?"

"Dad, if I can, I will definitely not refuse. This is not the same as the situation of the old lady. It's not a nature at all. Anyway, I don't have any confidence to perform such an operation. It's a joke. If you want to remove the whole kidney, or go to the capital city to have a look, it's basically excision! It's already like this. "

After that, Ding Yu also looked at his father, "who is it! Do you really care? " However, Ding Lin gave Ding Yu a white eye, "I'll do the work of family members. You can give me a number. Don't be careless about that number. If you say that now you have such an operation, how much will it cost in the capital?"

"The cost of the operation is about 30000 yuan! Plus other expenses, within 50000 yuan! But an appointment is required! But I'm not very optimistic that the capital will make such a choice. When I go to the capital city, it is basically cut off. In this case, it's the safest. "

Ding Lin took a look at his son and was obviously not satisfied with Ding Yu's reply, "you boy, please don't give me any trouble. I'll deal with this matter here. Don't worry about it!" After that, he turned around and left with the video data, which made Ding Yu different. What is this with!

Dad ran over for no reason and reprimanded himself. He really didn't know why, but he really couldn't say who it was! Even let his father still so cautious, but Ding Yu? I really didn't mean to explore this aspect of news.

Ding Yu didn't mean to ask, but what about Ding Lin? He took the film and went back to his office again. Looking at the lady sitting inside, he also gave a wry smile, "Mr. Chen, I have asked, what about this operation? If we say kidney resection, our hospital can do it, I personally do it, but if the kidney protection, then we can only go to the capital city! What's more, it depends on the situation whether the kidney is removed or preserved in the capital. "

"Director Ding, what do you mean?"

"The medical conditions here are limited. I can't give you any guarantee in this respect. If we can do kidney protection treatment, it will be a good placement for patients. Although there is another one to remove one kidney, there are other problems involved. This is not what I can do as a doctor!"

The lady sitting in front of Ding Lin is bitter. Ding Lin has already done it. The attitude of this aspect shows that people don't want to help, but they really can't help. There are no people in the city who can do this operation. Otherwise, they have to go to the capital to see their own choices.

Did you say they didn't help? Yes, and it seems that I have helped a lot. But is the world really helping? There is no confidence in my heart for this. What happened at that time appeared in front of my eyes again. Do you think this is retribution! I can't make myself clear.

At that time, Ding Yu was on one side, song Qiaoqiao and Ma Jian were on the other. On the one hand, they were the director of the hospital. On the other hand, what happened? It was the big head of the city. At that time, song Qiaoqiao had already found himself. Even song Qiaoqiao could do this. He was just pushing the boat along the river.However, after thirty years of Hedong and thirty years of Hexi, I have asked Ding Yu's father for help. My husband has such a problem. I am at a loss. I have found other relationships, but this relationship can't play any role. Finally, Ding Lin needs to speak!

Now Ding Lin said such words, let his heart have no bottom, but what about her husband's condition? You can't delay. Now I don't know who to consult and who to consult. This is not a doctor! The doctor has made a decision in this respect. Now it depends on how he makes the decision. It is so simple.

Now I can only think of other ways, and then make the decision in this respect. However, the speed still needs to be faster. Time is not waiting for time. What is the condition of my husband? It's also not waiting for people.

After work, Ding Yu and his father prepared to go home together. Until then, Ding Lin said, "what about the film I showed you? It's Miss Zhao's wife. I have just checked it out. It has nothing to do with finding acquaintances. I'm just a doctor, and I won't abolish the public for personal gain, although I'm not satisfied with what happened then! "

"Oh, it's her!" What about Ding Yu's name? A little bit disrespectful, but think about what happened in those years? Ding Yu is also into a certain depression, "forget it, listen to the destiny, do the personnel!" What's more, Ding Yu has no meaning to say.

"I have told her the details, but the problem is that your teacher Chen doesn't seem to believe it, which makes me feel helpless!" Of course, Ding Lin also saw the hesitation of the teacher Chen, and he was helpless about it, because he had done his best, and the rest of the things had nothing to do with him.

"I wish I had a clear conscience!" Ding Yu also said in a soothing voice. What about Mr. Chen? At the beginning, I still respected him. Although I said that after the incident, I had other ideas and opinions, but some problems? Still need to consider from other aspects, do not let oneself too one-sided.

but when Ding Yu came home at night, someone was coming up with his feet and his hands were holding a big bubble box. The same was true of the people behind him. He saw dumb and Ding Yu two people terrified. "Ding, Dr. Ding, the situation of the old lady has stabilized. I am also taking time to get something. Dislike it

Give money not, this can be understood as your noble style, then we prepare something, this is not the scope of discipline, you always need to accept it! Otherwise, it would be really not to give this face, and Zhao Hongyang? He said a lot of thanks and didn't stay too much.

"Wow, old man, is that exaggeration?" Ding Ding also opened the foam box, which was filled with seafood. Besides, there was really nothing else. What about Zhao Shuying? It is no wonder that such things happen too much. What about the husband's acceptance of red envelopes? I really don't feel too much.

What about this? I'm also supportive. I'm a teacher, and I don't have the habit of receiving red envelopes. Of course, I can't ask everyone to be the same as myself. This is really not a realistic thing, but I can do it. As for other people? Each has his own purpose.

After a little cleaning up, the family also went to grandma's house. After Ding Yu and Ding Ding Ding came back, they had not been to grandma's house together, so Ding Ding Ding went back to deliver things. My uncle was very enthusiastic about Ding Yu and Ding Ding Ding, but what about grandma? For Ding Ding Ding, it is love to her bones, but what about Ding Yu? It's still not very loving.

But this gap is really too big, the old lady drags ding ding ding to sit in the Kang head position, warm! And Ding Yu? Stand on the ground! Is it a tandem seat? No, it's like this. If you don't want to, you can go. No one wants to force you. The old lady is so tough.

What about the house? It's not that there is no saying about this matter, but Ding Yu is a sensible child and has never said the so-called "one, two, three" in this matter. What about the old lady? After all, they are the elders in the family, so what about this? Just muddle along! Otherwise, what can happen?

Ding Yu is still a good child. From his feelings for his parents, we can see that it is really quite unusual, but what about other aspects? There are no problems and conditions, but the only thing that makes the family feel a little dissatisfied. Is Ding Yu's age? It looks like it's not too small.

In rural areas, this is all gossip. Although it is said that children in the city are getting married relatively late, they should consider this aspect. Ding Ding Ding looks at her elder brother's embarrassment and laughs, while Zhao Shuying slaps her daughter hard. How can she be so heartless?

The old lady took a look at her daughter and then pulled ding ding to her side. Looking at her mother's appearance, Zhao Shuying was helpless. After all, she was her mother, and she couldn't say anything. The girl was waiting for me, and then she would clean him up after returning home."Not drinking yet?" The second uncle also asked Ding Yu. Seeing that Ding Yu nodded, he did not mean to force him to do so. Then he also looked at his brother-in-law. His brother-in-law didn't seem to love the wine so much. He didn't drink too much, so he didn't have two Liang.

For her brother-in-law, Zhao Qing is heartfelt admiration. The first thing is to be kind to the old man. Her son doesn't have much ability. Although the old lady said that she followed her, her brother-in-law's family paid money and worked hard. She never said anything else. However, whenever there was something good to eat, she always thought about the old man.

There is also the issue of children's education, which is really enviable. Ding Yu may be a little bit bitter, but now he has admitted his career. Ding Ding Ding, a national key university, is now a graduate student with both children and family. There is no happier one than this one.

"Brother in law, I respect you!" Zhao Qingnian didn't have many books. This was mainly because he was fond of playing when he was a child. On the way to school, he directly threw his schoolbag into the sorghum field. There was no way to compare with his sister. At that time, he was very happy. Now he really regretted it. But what is the use of regret?

"Drink less. By the way, is the army going to graduate and there will be half a year left. Do you have any ideas?" Ding Lin just took a sip. It's not important to eat and drink. What's important is the work of the next generation. Now it's not easy to find a better job.

In fact, my daughter-in-law mentioned this problem to herself two days ago. The one who has more ability in the family is her brother-in-law. She is very clear about her meaning. I hope her brother-in-law can help with this. What about her? After all, it's still one level short. It may be better for me to say something.

I didn't expect that today's brother-in-law should take the initiative to talk about this matter. Zhao Qing thought for a while and then said, "brother-in-law, if you don't say this, I really can't mention it. I want to find a serious job here at home. At most, we can pay some substitute price for the children. But the problem is that he is a little bit weak Too obedient, it seems that the mind is also very big, I also have some doubts about it! "

"Is this going to be in Bincheng? Or are you going to a big city? " Ding Lin also laughed, "it can't be said that children have big minds. After all, there are still some small ones in our city. It's not a bad thing to go out and see the world. Does he want to find a job like this? This is crucial! "

"I don't know what he is thinking about. He wants to be a civil servant, and he thinks that the salary of civil servants is too low!"

Ding Lin nodded, and now the children are almost like this, and then Ding Lin also looked at his son, "Xiaoyu, the army is your cousin, what do you think? You've seen a lot outside! "

"Have you joined the party? Do you have a certificate of four or six? "

"There is a four level certificate, but the six level certificate seems to be a problem. As for joining the party, I'm not sure, but I'm afraid it's too much!" What about the second uncle? I don't think much of my son.

You know, it's almost Chinese new year, but what about this cousin? Unexpectedly, he hasn't come back, saying that he has gone to the job fair, but in fact, how can Ding Yu really not ask in detail about the relationship between each other after all? It can only be said that it is ordinary, at the age of his growth! I went to work as a soldier, and later I was outside. I didn't have much contact with him.

"Brother, I know about the army. When he went to the capital, he contacted me. He wanted to develop in the capital and see if there would be a chance. What he did was your original way!"

Ding Yu was stunned for a moment, and then nodded, "Oh, so it is. Do you have any idea, what kind of enterprise to go to?"

Hearing her son say so, Zhao Shuying is also direct to her sister-in-law to make a color, hurry to follow the trend! Don't miss this opportunity. You should know that your son is not in charge of this aspect. If your husband doesn't open his mouth today, he will not be able to talk about it in the future.

"The meaning of the army is to find a good unit! Anything else? Let him wander slowly, and he can't look at the sky one step at a time Looking at her aunt's appearance, Ding Yu also smiles.

"I used to work in the electricity industry for a period of time. My old leader is still in the position, and I have classmates in it. It is not very difficult to find a position for him!" After saying that, he also looked at his father, "but how much this needs a little professional knowledge, this should not be difficult!"

"Let him try?" Second uncle is also a tentative said, want to know to enter such a state-owned enterprise unit, and listen to this meaning is still in the capital, I'm afraid this is not a general difficult thing! The important thing is that this place of life is not familiar, can not touch any brain at all! Then the old lady over there also said, "I think this is feasible!"

The old lady didn't speak all the time, but when she spoke, she directly gave the matter down. Ding Lin also laughed, "OK, the army is back. Let him come home at night. The new year is coming soon. The hospital is quite busy. Xiaoyu and I have no time. It's OK at night." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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