On the way back, Ding Yu didn't speak. Instead, Ding Ding Ding had a better understanding of the army. They were of the same age, and they used to be a school. Everyone went to school together in high school, but the results of the army were not so good. What about this problem? There is really no way to force.

"Brother, what about the army? I don't want to stay at home, so I want to go out and have a good time! Just do me a favor

"I'm not a big man and I have a lot of heart. It shouldn't be a problem to let him enter the state-owned enterprises. If you can't, you can go to see brother Wang. He should give him face!" Ding Lin, sitting in the back seat, also patted his wife's thigh, which means to rest assured that there will be no problem with his nephew.

Do you understand your wife's mood? It's really inconvenient. After all, the army is not the same as Ding Ding Ding, and what about Xiaoyu and the army? It seems that the feelings of some light, after all, Xiaoyu is not at home for a long time! Not familiar with the army.

But when I went home at night, I found that someone was waiting at the door. What's the look like? It seems that she has been waiting for a long time. Ding Yu protects her mother and sister behind her, and even walks in front of her. After the voice control light is on, Ding Yu is stunned.

"Miss Chen?" After hearing this, the people behind him also changed slightly. After Ding Lin opened the door, he also asked Mr. Zhao to come in. Previously, there was no one in the house. It was not to say that there was no one in the house. Did you look at the visitors? Zhao Shuying is not very happy. She complains about the teacher Chen.

Although it is said that she is from the same family name, the problem is that at the beginning, the teacher Chen was so frustrated that she didn't expect to come to her house today. She really felt that she had some resentment. However, looking at her husband's good looks, Zhao Shuying also felt a little angry.

Looking at Dad's eyes, Ding Ding Ding is also pulling her mother into the room. At this time, texiloni should get up. The two little guys should also be online at this time. This is the best seduction for mom.

Ding Yu brought the fruit tray to me. It is certain that his father can't handle these things, so he has to do something about it. But what about Mr. Chen and his children? It seems that there is no meaning in this aspect. Even if there is such a meaning, I'm afraid it will not be eaten at this time.

"Director Ding, please!"

Ding Lin waved his hand, and then he also looked at his son. Ding Lin took the information and looked at it again. There was no word for a long time. Then he took his mobile phone.

"Mr. Chen, don't worry. I'll ask an expert in Beijing and ask him to explain it to you personally. We can see this problem intuitively! Is that all right with you? "

"Ding Yu, it's really troublesome for you. I'm..." Looking at her excited appearance, Ding Yu also comforted for a while, and then dialed the phone. The phone was connected after a while, "Hello, Hello!"

"Hello, is that director Cao? I'm Ding Yu! "

"Oh, Xiaoding, this phone call made me feel puzzled for a while. Hello, go home! How is everything at home? "

"Let the director worry about it. Everything is fine at home. Director, how about looking for you today? I just want to trouble you. I don't know if it's convenient for you now. I have a patient here. How about his wife? It's my high school teacher. What about the condition now? It's almost checked, but the family members don't feel at ease! "

"Isn't it? You are a high-quality student of St. George's College in England. We have heard about the capital before. I heard that the headmaster is very concerned about this matter. You are from our school. This honor needs to be reflected on the head of our school. "

"Director, you praise me too much. I will be proud of this one!" Ding Yu also joked with the director, but you can see that at this time, what about Ding Yu? It is still in a state of convergence. Whether Ding Yu is a big thick leg or not will not be mentioned at first, but this relationship needs to be established.

After all, now Ding Yu can be said to have asked for help, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

"What's the situation? Is there a film?" After chatting about personal affairs, the director also took the initiative to shift the topic to the patient's body. "I'm in the office right now. I've got an emergency in the evening. Maybe I need to wait for a while. Xiaoding, if it's convenient, pass the film to me!"

Mr. Chen just brought the case to me, but the film was not in the hand at all. After thinking about it, Ding Yu also called out, "Ding Ding Ding! Come out for a second Immediately saw Ding Ding face reluctant to go out, that small mouth toot with what like, "take the digital camera, and wait a moment to drive me to the hospital! Still have to take my notebook computer, father hospital computer, ha ha

Ah? Ding Ding is also a bitter face, the elder brother has already spoken, and then look at the father's appearance, also is to stand up one's own shoulder, but is that Zhao teacher and his son, is very grateful appearance, Ding Ding Ding quickly packed up their own things, and then ran downstairs, this action let Ding Lin and Ding Yu two father and son, look at each other.However, when she came downstairs and looked at the car parked there, Ding Yu also laughed. She suddenly understood why the little girl ran down so quickly. When Ding Lin saw the car, her eyes had to be widened. She was almost angry. She knew it would be like this.

Don't you know your daughter's laziness? This time, when I ran down in such pain, I knew that there must be something wrong with it, and what was the result? Also did not come out of their own expectations, looking at the car, Ding Lin is not easy to say what, and teacher Chen and her son? It seems that there are some. Don't be scared.

Ding Yu immediately opened the door of the car and asked the teacher and her son to get on first. As for Ding Lin? Is sitting in the co pilot's position, after coming up is also mercilessly glared at his daughter, as for this appearance? But now it's useless to say anything. The car has already come.

Although it was already dark, the car was still very concerned when it was walking on the road. It was too fierce and wild at the same time. What's more, the driving of this car makes people feel really magnificent. At least now, all the people who see it can't help but be attracted to the past.

The hospital is not very far from home. After Ding Ding Ding parked the car there, she locked the car with the key, and then she hopped along with her brother's side. That means clearly, I didn't have any credit or hard work. If dad really said that, brother, you should take the lead.

And the children who follow Mr. Chen are also envious. Looking at the girl in front of him, the previous car shocked him too much. It's not that he is heartless and doesn't care about his father's illness, but when sitting on the car, he really feels quite at a loss, and he is totally dizzy.

Even now, I still have no recollection, but when the doctor on duty in the hospital saw the director, he was at a loss, and the nurse on duty was quite surprised. Ding Lin also waved, opened the door of his office, and then let Mr. Chen and them come in.

What about the rest? Let his son deal with it. Ding Yu placed the CT film under the light, and then took pictures with a digital camera. After a look, it was very clear that the digital camera was not cheap. It was sent to the computer, and then it was transmitted to Ding Yu's professor through the network.

Soon Ding Yu's mobile phone rang, and Ding Yu also turned on the voice, "director Cao, how do you think this situation should be handled? What's the opinion of the family members? If you can protect the kidney, try to protect the kidney. You are an expert in this field. I think the family members can trust you! " When he was on the bus just now, Ding Yu had already introduced director Cao to Mr. Chen.

"I have seen the film just now. Even if I come to the capital, it is impossible to do kidney protection treatment. The situation has exceeded the imagination of overdue period. Even if the kidney protection treatment is done, it is extremely irresponsible to the patients. What should the patients do in the future? Waiting to die? Where on earth did the family members hear the news? In this case, we can still protect the kidney? "

Then director Cao carefully studied the film of the patient. This was also a small consultation. When the phone hung up, there were already some hot spots. "Mr. Chen, what's the specific situation? This is the case. I specially invited experts from Beijing. This should be the best choice in China. What do you think? "

Looking at Mr. Chen to open the bag in his hand, when he took out the envelope, Ding Lin waved his hand, "Mr. Chen, in this case, I'm not happy. I'm a doctor. How about treating the patient? It's my duty. It's someone else's business. I can't control it. But I need to abide by it. I hope you can understand it! "

It's settled. What about the rest? Wait till tomorrow! Then Ding Lin also turned off the light in the office, and at the same time, he declined Mr. Chen's offer, but the child stood in front of Ding Lin respectfully, "thank you! Thank you, director Ding. Thank you, brother Ding! Thank you very much

Ding Yu didn't say anything, but Ding Lin touched the guy's head. "Study hard, you will have all kinds of experiences in your life. This will become your experience. Look forward to it!"

After saying that, he also went downstairs to get on the bus, Ding Ding Ding whistled, and then the car moved slowly away. However, Mr. Zhao watched the car leave and stood there all the time, "son! Don't rush to make decisions about some things. In those years, my mother made a wrong decision. In the past 30 years, in Hedong and Hexi in 30 years, no one can go to the front to have a look at some things! "

Looking at her daughter's appearance, Ding Lin also laughed, Ding Ding Ding also muttered, "Dad, want me to say it! We shouldn't be so kind. At the beginning, how did Mr. Chen treat her elder brother? What's more, she has already explained the situation to her. It's something you don't believe. Let's follow! "

"How about asking for help? It's not a simple thing, especially for people like Mr. Chen. Everyone has self-esteem. No one will put down his self-esteem and let others trample on it. What's more, such a thing happened in those years. If it wasn't because it was too special, would she come to her door? Think about itDing Yu didn't mean to speak on one side. His father was transmitting the truth of Ding Ding Ding's life. This is not an old man, but a person should correctly understand the problem. We should know that people's world outlook, values and consciousness are the most prone to change. After all, this is like Ding Ding Ding's age, which is the starting point for life to face the society.

When I came back, my mother's mood seemed very happy. What about teacher Chen? It seems that I don't care so much. Obviously, what about the two children? Let mother is very happy, but unfortunately this time is still not weaned, otherwise Ding Yu will really bring back.

However, Zhao Shuying has plans in this respect. Although she said she was in the United States, if she had a chance, she would go to have a look. The old man couldn't leave, but if she and her daughter had nothing to do, she could go for a walk. Although Taixi didn't mean to marry Xiaoyu, their relationship was quite good.

Seeing the three of them coming back, he didn't blame anything. Then he pulled the old man to his laptop. Ding Lin was also very interested in looking at the photos. The child was really cute, pink and tender, which made people even feel like they wanted to take a bite.

Ding Yu shakes his head when he looks at his father and mother. As for Ding Ding Ding? She has already run into her own room. Obviously, she has some worries and fears, but it is obvious that her worries are not so much necessary, because now the two people's thoughts of father and mother are totally not on her body, and Ding Ding Ding also rarely goes to bed earlier.

But even if it was like this, the next morning, Ding Ding Ding still didn't mean to get up. Zhao Shuying had completely given up on this. She felt that the child had become so hopeless, so now she also gave up the requirement in this respect. Otherwise, how could it be?

After all, it's the meat that fell from your body! There are no other problems. Even if it's just sleeping in, everyone has this kind of time. Even the students under their hands also have hobbies in this aspect. Although they are younger, this situation is really regardless of their age.

Today's operation does not have Ding Yu, and it is not a difficult operation. If there are no special circumstances, ordinary people will not choose this time period for surgery. After all, the Chinese New Year is coming. Chinese families are still very concerned about the lunar new year. Families hope to be reunited rather than leave.

There is no big operation, but because Ding Yu's name has already broken out, there are still many people who come to the door. Is this an opportunity? It's not that Ding Yu can't stay in the hospital for a long time. After all, he has other things, so it depends on his personal plans and ideas.

Therefore, some people with ideas started to make an appointment directly. At this time, they also began to inquire about the information in this respect. When will Ding Yu leave? If there is an operation, can it be arranged? There is Ding Yu is not all the operation can be handled? This is a very important point.

But what about Ding Yu? There is really no such concern. What is the reason? He is not a person in the hospital. At most, he is a guest star. He has nothing to do in the morning. Ding Yu is also wandering in the inpatient department, making rounds, reading medical records and so on. These are the doctor's own work, and there is nothing wrong with it.

"Xiaoyu! Can you spare two days after the new year? There are three surgeries on my side. I can't refuse it! " The Dean also knows that it's too much to say. Ding Yu seems to have been immersed in the hospital since he came back. He didn't care about it at all. It's too unreasonable for him to ask for it now.

"The specific situation is not very clear. Before the third day of junior high school? I need to go to relatives. I have been back for some time. I haven't been to see the elders at home. This is not very good. I may get together in the afternoon of the fourth day of junior high school. I will leave at the seventh day of junior high school. There is no way to delay it! It's a long time to come back. "

There are some words that Ding Yu needs to say in front of him. There is no problem in helping the leader himself, but it does not mean that he is really a slave in the hospital. It is totally two things.

For Ding Yu's words, of course, the president knows how to deal with it for himself? There is still free time. Since there is free time, it is easy to do. However, from the current contact situation, it seems that some of them exceed the standard. It seems that Ding Yu alone can not solve too many problems! I have a headache.

"Aunt Su, how are you feeling?" Ding Yu controlled the speed of the drip. From the recovery effect, there was no problem. From Ding Yu's point of view, he could basically go home to raise. The results of the review have come out, which can be said to be very good, "after this! To drink more water, usually exercise a little, not too much on the line! There is also a need to pay attention to diet, light based, basically there will be no problem! "

"Big nephew, this time thanks to you, let me avoid two sins, otherwise too painful!" Aunt Su said this because she saw the most real situation. It was this situation in the hospital bed next to her. At that time, Ding Yu had not come back, so she could only endure it. Otherwise, what would happen?"My duty is within the scope, OK, auntie, you have a good rest, I will go to other wards to have a look!"

The reason why Ding Yu came to the ward round was that the Chinese new year was coming soon. Did he need to take care of his patients? Go around and make sure they don't have any problems when they're young. Soon Ding Yu came to Zhao Hongyang's mother. When she knew this, Ding Yu suddenly felt something. She had the same surname as her mother! I really neglect something.

The operation of the old lady is relatively large, and the follow-up recovery is a more difficult problem. However, judging from the current situation, the old lady has also stabilized, "the situation is basically stable!" Ding Yu is in charge of the operation. What about the follow-up examination? He has no relationship with Ding Yu.

Zhao Hongyang's in laws are the president of this place, so it is inevitable that someone will take the initiative to do something within his or her ability. Other people's reports need to be taken by the family members, but what about the old lady's report? People will take the initiative to send it up, and personally explain to the family members, what is the result of this inspection.

Zhao Hongyang can be said to have the most intuitive understanding, the mother's situation is really good too much, the follow-up problem is to recuperate, this is the most critical place, this is really thanks to Ding Yu, think more thoughtful, really need special care, ordinary people? I really can't do these things.

There is no lack of money in the family to keep the old lady alive, which is more important than anything. When Ding Yu came, Zhao Hongyang happened to be there. Seeing Ding Yu, he also stood up in a hurry, and took the initiative to shake hands with Ding Yu. "Well, now mother's spirit is much better. As long as she is good, we can rest assured."

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