But what about Ding Yu? Did not leave the hospital, there are three days to celebrate the new year, their hands still have two operations, one is the vice president to find, the other? It's to help my father. It's teacher Chen's husband's operation. This time, the father and son have to cooperate with each other.

28 that day, Ding Yu first went to see the patient, before the operation? They all need to see the patients. Many people understand such behavior as receiving red packets. There is such a thing, and there is no need to deny it. However, Ding Yu's behavior will not be like this, mainly to observe the patient's condition.

Then Ding Yu also went to the floor where his father's Department was located. His father had already met Mr. Chen's husband in the morning and learned about the situation. Ding Yu just went to review. What about when you don't come? It seems that there are so many people in the room, which make the room full of people.

Ding Yu went in to have a look, many people are acquaintances! But Ding Yu did not have so much time and courtesy, did not have that time and leisure. "Ding Yu?" Some people in the room, looking at the people who came in, also widened their eyes. Although they said that they had not seen for many years, Ding Yu's appearance did not change much, and he became more and more handsome and upright.

Did Ding Yu see these old classmates? That is to say, nodding. Some people even didn't see each other for the first time after graduation. Then they took up the pathology and asked about the situation of Mr. Chen's wife. After understanding, they also took a look at their wrist watch. "There is still 20 minutes left. The nurse will come and arrange some later. Just follow the nurse!"

All the people standing in the room have already put their eyes on Ma Jian and song Qiaoqiao. The participants of the event were all in this room, but what do you mean by Ding Yu? There is no intention to pay attention to them at all, even the most basic greetings, just like strangers.

After looking at it, Ding Yu simply said hello to several old classmates who had a good relationship with each other. He left at random and said, "shit, is that too much? Is not when a county-level city hospital doctor? I don't know where I learned from. I thought he was the dean!

I don't think it's his father's way! I hear it's the director? " Although Qin Dong's voice was not loud, almost everyone in the room heard him.

The fat man standing on the side laughed and said sarcastically, "the old classmate you despise graduated from St. George's Medical College in England. Now he mainly works in England and the capital. The reason why he is here is because he comes to give a hand for the sake of his fellow countrymen. Otherwise, in Ding Yu's present status, he will not pay attention to it Yes

In a word, Qin Dong was blocked to one side. Although the fat man said that he had something to do with this place, the main reason was that he was involved with song Qiaoqiao's family. There was no way to avoid it. Otherwise, who would like to mingle with these guys? No one can do nothing but look down on others.

If Ding Yu is not involved, he is even too lazy to pay attention to them. Although he is said to be a classmate, his classmates are also classified. In his imagination, students like Qin Dong are better than others.

In the past two days, I also heard about some related things. I heard from my father that a doctor with excellent medical skills came to the municipal hospital. His hands-on ability was absolutely second to none. I heard that Zhao Hongyang's mother had performed the operation himself, and the operation was very successful.

Now I don't know how many people want to move about this relationship. Hearing Qin Dong beeping there, the fat people obviously have some problems. What's more, the teacher's husband is now under the hands of others. How can people think about this problem! Isn't this a typical two force?

So I scolded him in person. After that, I also took a look at Ma Jian and song Qiaoqiao over there. This is the person under your hand. Take good care of it and flatter me. What about Mr. Chen? I was watching at the same time. I didn't mean to speak.

What happened then? Let the whole class of students directly divided into two schools, this is rarely seen in their own class, polarization slightly more serious. There are most of their own reasons, but now I really do not have this aspect of the mind, the husband's illness? brook no delay.

Qin Dong takes a look at Ma Jian and song Qiaoqiao. It seems that both of them are not so concerned about this matter. In particular, Ma Jian seems not to have seen it. Out of his understanding of Ma Jian, he sees Ding Yu. He can't react at all. There should be some basic pride.

But now? It's as if I didn't see it. It's really abnormal. Therefore, Qin Dong also felt that there were problems and conditions in it. Although he was in front of him, he was not stupid. What about some things? You can do it. What about some things? It depends.

What if it was two years ago? Fat people really won't say that, but now? The situation is not the same, let alone the relationship between each other? It's not as good as expected. Just when the atmosphere was slightly embarrassed, the nurse came in and started to let the patient lie on the push bed, and then he was sent into the elevator.As for the others? If they either leave or follow the stairs to the floor where the operation is carried out, they will not be able to take the elevator. After all, the number of people is slightly larger. Ma Jian didn't mean to go upstairs with him. He had already given face to him. As for going upstairs? That's not what you should do.

What about yourself? I heard that, after all, I met Ding Yu in the hotel earlier, and I lost face on that day. You should know that the city is so big that some things can't be kept secret. I lost a little bit too much. What can I do to Ding Yu? Hate some root itch.

But hate can't solve any problem. You should know that your father is also a vassal. Although the place of control is a little small, but in this acre of land, it can be regarded as a person who can say everything. But now my father has been soft. What about yourself? It's better not to give dad this trouble.

At the beginning, Xia Yang and Wang Jianguo went to the airport to meet Ding Yu in person. For Ma Jian, such a scene is still in the goal, and he will never forget it. Therefore, he has a sense of inexplicable fear of Ding Yu. How long will this fear last for him? It is hard to say.

I would like to use it secretly, but if I think about the terrible consequences, I'd better forget it! Ding Yu doesn't come to find his own trouble now. He has already burned high incense, and there is no lack of string in his head.

They came out of the hospital, but when they were ready to go out, they saw a steel monster driving over from the outside, and then stopped on the parking space outside the inpatient department, "I wipe it!" When Qin Dong and Wang Junyi saw the car, they called directly.

When song Qiaoqiao saw the car, he was a little stunned, and then he frowned. He had seen the car himself. Although he said he didn't see the specific number clearly, he thought it was right. Then he saw a girl walking down from the car with something in her hand. She couldn't see it clearly.

"I wipe, whose girl? I haven't heard of it! Is our city too competitive? Such cars are not common in big cities? " After all, this kind of car is too luxurious, and it is driven by a little girl. This car with such white and rich beauty is really attracting everyone's attention.

When Ding Ding came, she was stunned to see all the people in front of her, "sister Qiao Qiao!" It was just a simple greeting. Song Qiaoqiao also reluctantly gave a smile. They nodded their heads to each other. Then Ding Ding entered the inpatient department.

"Joe, do you know?"

Song Qiaoqiao said, "Ding Yu's sister!" In a word, everyone stopped. They were in the mood, but suddenly a ladle of cold water poured down, which made everyone feel cold from inside to outside. However, we also had some doubts at this time. How could Qiao Qiao know Ding Yu's sister? It seems strange!

However, soon we focused on the car. When it came, someone drove by. But what about the car in this small county-level city? It may be good, but if compared with the giant beast in front of you, the gap is really too big. It can even be described as big and boundless.

Ding Ding is very familiar with this side of the hospital, but it seems that there are some bad opportunities for her to come, because her father and elder brother have already entered the operating room. Ding Yu puffed her mouth, and then walked to the operation floor, where she was free, to have a look.

"Well, fat man! Why are you here? "

Yeah? Looking at the girl who was talking to him, the fat man was stunned slightly, and then a person came out of his mind, and then his face sank, "what do you say? You call fat man, brother! I'll buy you sugar later

"Well, if you talk about Haagen Dazs, you can think about it!"

"You girl film, the grade is still very high, you even want to eat Haagen Dazs, you see the meat on my body is more valuable, you chop down two pieces, go to exchange for Haagen Dazs, I just don't have a chance to taste what it is, let me try it too!"

"Forget it! Absolutely not as expensive as pork The two also joked with each other, "where's my brother? My mother just made some delicious food to see if my brother has this free time. I want to talk about it! It's eccentricity! "

The fat man looked up and down, "how do I feel that you are like a leader, just playing the name, in fact? Are you bored with your own leisure? " Ding Ding also snorted, this is also to expose their original intention, they really don't want to stay at home, too many people come, their heads are about to explode.

So let me receive you! Want to know oneself just just graduate student, the distance so-called graduation is still early? Not to mention anything else. What about this person? It's a job and a marriage. I'm quite surprised. Why isn't my brother at home! I also have a shield!So I also found an excuse to come to my brother. As for whether I can see my brother, this matter is not so important. The important thing is to get rid of the environment at home. This is the most important thing.

With the Zhao teacher over there to say hello, and then Ding Ding is also a little bit idle, now this time his classmates? Basically all in the home honest crawling, this is about to celebrate the new year, not likely to accompany themselves out shopping, so they are really lonely ah!

Unfortunately, I don't have the key to my father's office. Otherwise, it's OK to take a nap in my father's office. After staying here for a while, Ding Ding Ding also said hello to Mr. Chen and was ready to leave. Anyway, she has nothing to do. I'll go out for a stroll, and then I'll have a look at the new commercial city.

The fat man also said hello to Mr. Chen. If he had other things, he would not be here with him. If there was anything wrong with Mr. Chen, although he called, whether it was true or not, this said otherwise, it was OK to have this intention. Mr. Chen asked her son to send him off, and he was still waiting outside.

"I'm going shopping. What about you, Pang?"

"Do you want to go shopping? I'll be with you. I have other things to go back to! Don't say hello to your brother, by the way, if you have time, have a meal together! Just me and your brother, although you take it out, there is no difference. "

"How to get back? I'll see you off! " Ding Ding is also drum up his mouth, fat man Leng for a moment, and then nodded, "save me a taxi." However, when I saw the Mercedes Benz, my eyes were staring like a light bulb. I didn't pull Ding Ding Ding down from the driving position. It's NIMA's.

As soon as he got on the bus, the fat man was surprised because something was blowing in his ear. Then he saw a big dog's head stretching out from behind, "I'll go. I said Ding Ding Ding, you're going to scare people to death! What are you doing with the dog in the car? Although I'm fat, I'm not brave enough! "

Ding Ding also touched two hands with her hand, and then said, "little lazy, how about saying hello to fat brother? Our family's little lazy, in addition to my father and mother, it belongs to the highest status, give priority to my brother and me! "

The fat man looked back and saw that the big dog was really beautiful. He had a big tongue and looked like a smile. When he saw the fat man, he also tilted his head. He was very pleased, "what kind of dog! It looks good, it's big, and it's very beautiful! "

"Samoye dog, originally I raised in the capital, but my brother went abroad to study, and I didn't have much time, so I brought it back to my father and mother. Both of us are not at home, so lazy has become their treasure and one of the important members of our family. OK, don't say, where are you going?"

"Ding Ding, is this car too aggressive? Your car? "

"My brother, my brother saved someone's life. Who sent a car to my brother? What about my brother? It's quite low-key. I don't really love this car, so it's cheaper for me! "

The fat man also sighed for a long time, and then he blinked his eyes, "Ding Ding Ding, what about your brother and me? The one who is more intimate than the brother is also a good relationship between you and us. Hi, hi

Ding Ding also looked up and down, "are you sure?" The fat man is also flattering. Looking at Ding Ding Ding, Ding Ding Ding thinks for a moment and nods. Anyway, the car is put in the garage when it comes back home. There is no need to think about driving it out at all. If something goes wrong, don't blame me. I'm the owner

"Just look at it. You don't believe in your fat brother's behavior!"

"Everything is in this box, but there is something wrong with the oil filling. My brother has changed the fuel tank deliberately. There are some places for us to refuel, but there are not many places. We should pay special attention to this point. There is an oil card in it. Just fill it up when you use it. There are no other problems with it."

Then Ding Ding Ding also called Xiao lazy, and then got off the bus in front of the square. Xiao lazy was shaking his big head, some of whom did not know why. The fat man was also quite surprised. Ding Ding Ding was so happy that he felt that he could not accept it.

However, when he went to greet him again, Ding Ding had already gone far away. However, the big white dog seemed a little excited. The fat man also swallowed his saliva, reached for two steering wheels, deeply inhaled, and then slowly started the car. However, the powerful power still made the fat man feel extremely uncomfortable.

Fat man is an old driver. What about the cars he drove? It seems that there are many, but such luxury cars have never been touched. After all, they are not seen in the world. Even if they want to touch them, they have no chance. But now? I didn't just touch it, I even drove by myself. I felt so different.

Ding Yu is an old classmate of his own. What he didn't say was that Ding Ding Ding looked at his brother's face, otherwise he knew who he was! This little fat man's heart is still very clear, but clear at the same time, there are so some moved! Ding Yu is indeed an old classmate, not for nothing.www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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