"Leadership! Judging from the current situation, director Ding used a considerable force, not to mention that individuals can not get close to it, even if it is a considerable force, there is no way to approach! Fortunately, this is in China! Also pay attention to a little influence! What's more, my nephew! The speed of action is too fast! It's too late for other forces to respond! "

"I dare not say that! Wang an hasn't landed yet, even if it does! There is still a long way to go! Before seeing Ding Yu, even the so-called statement made by director Ding Yuding is not of any use. You can use other excuses to get rid of it! Therefore, director Ding didn't mention this matter either. They were all made by heart! Good luck to meet director Ding Yuding! If you can't see it, it's all over! "

The mood is a little bit depressed. I'm afraid the mood will not be too good for who it is! Now I'm just trying to keep my spirits up. Now things are very troublesome, but the next thing may be more difficult and difficult to deal with. I really can't exhaust all my energy now! Otherwise, there is no way to deal with it!

"Director, we still need quite a long time to get to the provincial capital. After all, there is still a considerable gap between the plane and the high-speed rail. Moreover, when I come to the provincial capital in my capacity, it will be OK! Going on? Maybe my nephew won't say anything now, but I promise, it will definitely inflame him

"You support the provincial capital! I'm alone in the past. As for Lao he's affairs, don't make too much noise for the time being! Don't move now, whether or not he made a fuss about it

"Leadership, it's not that I want to make trouble. I don't have the mind in this aspect, but all the people are very dissatisfied with this matter, and they can't hold it down! Everyone knows how it is! Now we can still take the overall situation into consideration, but if something happens to Wang An, or if Wang an arrives at Ding Yu's territory, things can't be controlled! "

"If you can't control it, you have to control it! There is no reason to speak! I don't care what you do! I don't care what kind of means you use, you must give me security. I'll go to see director Ding's situation first! I just said that! No matter what problems and situations arise, we must stabilize them. This is the task assigned to you! "

Zeng Guo's attitude is very serious, even a few cruel!

"Leader, I'm all out?"

"I don't care. If you can't hold on, I'll drive you! Say and do it At this time, there is not so much time to grind teeth! If you are in a hurry, it may be faster to fly! But the problem is that there are a little too many people! But also involves some other questions! So the EMU is the most convenient!

Ding Yu, sitting in the office, looks at the time on his watch and knows the news himself. It has been nearly three hours now! Tong Tong's side is almost here! From now on, the problem is not so big! Although it is said that some people PEEP on the road, it has been quite controlled! Wang An's plane will land soon!

No one dares to predict what will happen next. Ding Yu's side is also full of power. Fortunately, there is a considerable time difference between Europe and the United States and China. With his own judgment, he immediately made a decision. Judging from the time, he won a lot! But even so, I still feel the lingering fear!

Now although not get too much news, but does not mean that everything is smooth! Some see themselves as eyesore! Will a thorn in the flesh force give up such an opportunity? It is true that they can not take any large-scale action, but small-scale action seems to have no problem!

To put it bluntly, if possible, one bullet can solve all problems! This is not a particularly difficult thing! It depends on how to operate! After all, Ding Yu has done a lot of such things himself!

"Sir, Wang An's plane has landed! The transmission of video data has started! "

Ding Yu's headphones come from a very clear voice! This is a special report to Ding Yu! We do not pay attention to Wang an in general. Now everything is to ensure the safety of Wang an!

Qu he sat beside Wang An! Very good to cover Wang an in his back position, this is also a special consultation with the security after the decision! If it's Qu he himself, he's not as good as security!

If empty handed, hit a few security, for Qu he, may not be a problem! But if we talk about the security, these security can beat Qu he completely! It's not a joke that the so-called interlacing is like a mountain!

"Uncle Qu, you're in trouble!" Wang An is a separate car, which is also to protect Wang An. Wang an doesn't understand anything about this, but he has some accidents with Qu he. At least in his own impression, he hasn't seen uncle Qu, but he can be sent over. It can be seen that his position in the teacher's mind is not ordinary!

Qu he didn't look back, but he was slightly touched by Wang An. "To tell you the truth, I haven't seen the director so nervous even though I haven't been with the director for a long time. I can feel one or two of them from the tone of his voice. But after seeing you, I can more or less understand it!""I have added a lot of implications to the master! Let the teacher and everyone suffer together

"It's nothing to be affected!" Qu he just finished speaking, he heard a ding. The bright window suddenly dimmed down, just like snowflakes floating down from the clear sky! And this snowflake is a little bit big. It looks about the size of your head!

It's not just the window next to you, but even the window of the driver's seat! It's a bit unrealistic to see the outside situation clearly through this! But fortunately, the driver did not have any panic, through the glass is not clear to see the outside situation, but their own internal video and video!

If there is no training in this area, then you may not know how to deal with it, but the driver has received the most strict training. For such a thing, it is totally Pediatrics, so it is not so simple! Just relax!

"Attacked! Attacked

Although it is such a cry, but there is not too much panic! Everything seems very normal. There is no rollover or traffic jam on the road. Everything is going as usual!

"Northeast and northwest cross fire! The distance is 300 to 600 meters! The windows are blurred, but the image is clear! Please pay attention to the reception! Please pay attention to the reception! " Security issued a warning the first time! And the first time to do the corresponding judgment!

The UAVs are rapidly converging in that direction! Launched the monitoring, a bus is also driving forward! There are several cars behind, mainly to improve the speed. After all, it is on the highway now. It is impossible to rush down directly. We need to find other exits! And pursue the enemy!

Qu he wiped the sweat from his forehead! I thought that I would encounter danger, but I didn't think that things would be so dangerous. Fortunately, this is bulletproof. If it is not bulletproof, what will happen is really unknown! Or in other words, unknowingly, their own small life on account of!

No reason, no reason!

"Uncle Qu, it's OK! It's not a bullet! So there's no need to worry about that! "

"Not bullets?" Qu he couldn't help being stunned for a moment. He looked at Wang An, a child of his age, even understood this? "How do you know this isn't a bullet?"

"One is the use of firearms, the problem is too big! Our country has a very strict control of firearms and ammunition, which is also a national characteristic. The safety of the people has been guaranteed. Both the upper authorities and the common people agree with this point with both hands and feet. Banning guns is an insurmountable red line in our country! What's more, the use of firearms is not so great, especially now! "

"What do you mean? If this is not a gun, what is it? What else is so powerful? Are you kidding? "

"Uncle Qu doesn't know much about guns at first sight." Wang an did not have too much tension, and even this leisure to pay attention to what happened in front of him! "At such a distance, even if it's to hit a fixed target, we need to have considerable consideration! What's more, we are not fixed targets! It's an irregular moving target! If you want to hit us, or even make us have problems, unless you use big guns, and they are fully automatic! "

Qu he thought, "heavy machine gun? Do you mean this? I know Gatling

"Yes! It's better to have that kind of gun, that is, the universal machine gun! That's the best! Rifles don't solve the problem completely! But with machine guns, especially in places like this? Ha ha

What kind of monsters are these?! Qu he can't help but look at Wang an! Where did the director come from? Looking at them one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one? Don't you feel dizzy?

"Xiao an? What do you think it is? "

"It should be a projectile or something like that, what we call a small steel ball!" Wang An is very sure about this! "If such things are handled well! Outside the specific environment, it is more dangerous than bullets. What's more, it can be handled well afterwards without causing too much attention and trouble! "

"It's true that a bullet left on the road will attract countless people's attention, but a small steel ball is still on the ground, and no one will notice it!"

"What's more, the launch equipment, no matter how disguised, the guns are too conspicuous! But if it's an electromagnetic launcher, it's better to hide it! And even if it is found, many people will ignore it, and if you add some other aspects of cover up, it is really difficult to find out! "

"Xiao an, are you not afraid at all?" Qu he looks at the window, and his heart is not so secure, but the child in front of him talks with himself!

"Afraid, but fear can not play any role, will only appear a little too weak, in front of all this is good! There is no such experience is always incomplete, and after the experience, also need to carefully taste, to be able to know more, this is the master gave me! I always remember it! "master worker?! It's no wonder that the director attaches great importance to the child Wang An. It's really extraordinary! Only a child like Wang An, I'm afraid, can inherit the mantle of the director?! For his performance now, I also need to vote for him!

"Will they come again?"

"Don't know?" Wang an shook his head. "I really don't know. Maybe there will be some action, maybe there is no action! Now everything is not clear, may be a little crazy, also may disappear! After all, people are coming and going here. There are a lot of cars on the road! It's not so convenient! "

"I didn't notice there were a lot of cars! Come and go! But it seems easier to make a car crash! " Qu he put forward different views and opinions!

This is not Wang An's turn to say, sitting in front of the security is the first time to do quite a description! "Our vehicles have been arranged at a considerable distance. Even if there is an accident in front of us, we can get off at the corresponding intersection, and there will be no congestion here. Besides, all exits are unblocked, and we will not have any obstruction! All the way! This can be done! "

"But in this case, if we get off the high speed, the speed will slow down, and then there will be more opportunities?"

"They may have some opportunities on the highway, but they don't have any opportunities on the national highway!"

As for the attack, it is already clear! It's a steel ball, but it's not a small steel ball, but a steel ball the size of a little finger. It's not much smaller than a bullet, but it's quite hidden. It's even more difficult to query than bullets and guns!

"It's really steel balls! I didn't expect that the small steel ball would be so powerful! Originally, it was rarely used as a concealed weapon. If it was a little bigger, it would require considerable strength, such as locust stone. But with such a small steel ball, it was rare! It's not even useful. It's not controlled! "

Qu he was originally born in this profession. He knows a little more about it! "Especially in modern times, there are fewer people who have mastered these concealed weapons! One is to practice this? It takes time and energy. Besides, it's not so convenient. The pistol is much better than this one! Whether it is power or concealment and so on! As for whether it is a work of inferiority, it has nothing to do with it! "

"Uncle Qu, there is such a saying, but there was not much contact before!"

"They are all so-called ways of the world, but in modern society, there is no place for them to be used! At most, it's just some so-called talks. After all, modern society is ruled by law! The control of some things is also very strict, from the above situation, or played a considerable role and effect! "

The two chatted happily, which not only eased Qu he, but also gave Wang an considerable psychological comfort. He gave his younger sister a video, and they had a good chat!

And Ding Yu in the office looked at the arrival of the children, hum and smile, "to pour is very fast! What about? Is there anything wrong with the road? "

Tong Tong is very confused, because he doesn't know what happened. The whole person is a little confused! "Hello, teacher!" Although a little confused, but the title is still very interesting!

"Well! Although there is still a considerable distance from my expectation, it is also quite good. I didn't want to be so fast, but the plan did not change fast! It's just like coming to me for a vacation. It doesn't take a few days! "

"It seems that I came in a little hurry! Yes? Are you afraid? "

"I'm not afraid, or I didn't expect to come to the teacher's side!" Tong Tong is a little bit of a man, but this is just his appearance. Ding Yu didn't say anything!

"Go and wash, and then change your clothes!" Ding Yu gave an order! Tong Tong is very quick to leave, time is not long to come back! A new wash, small face red! Just look at this look is still very good!

"Teacher, change it!"

Ding Yu held his chin and sat down on the chair, looking at the boy standing in front of him! Not bad. I'll introduce a senior brother to you later! "

"Elder martial brother?" Tong Tong was stunned! Obviously, what the teacher said is definitely not Ding Yun! Ding Chang or Wang Xiaogang!

"Teacher, I didn't hear you talk about it!"

"Well! It's still on the road now! It was not intended to expose him! But now the situation is special, so we can only take both of you here! Originally, you two are one bright and one dark, you are in the light, he is in the dark, but now? Both of them are in the light! In this case, let's show it all! Don't wait on your side! Give it to me! "

The boy is a little silly. When he came, he thought about a lot of possibilities, but he didn't think of it! Even without any preparation! If I don't know if I have a senior brother, I can even learn from him now! Do you know that you have always been in the scope of investigation?"Teacher, oh! No, master, is there something serious? "

"Something has happened, but how it has progressed and developed is still unknown. It depends on the situation."

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